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HMS Daring

May 22, 2009 by suetaylor2008

If you pop over to the Pier Head this weekend, you’ll be met with quite a spectacular, futuristic sight.  It’s HMS Daring, the world’s most advanced Type 45 Destroyer.  She’s having a break from sea trials to visit Liverpool before entering service with the Royal Navy in December.  She is open to the public on Saturday & Sunday between 1pm-5pm and she’ll be leaving Liverpool on Monday morning.

Peninsula Dining Room

May 21, 2009 by suetaylor2008

It looks like New Brighton’s newest restaurant will be opening next week!  Owner, Ross Gray and the team are hopeful that all will be ready for the 28th May-ish!  The Peninsula Dining Room is just off Victoria Rd on Grosvenor Road.  Check out all the details on www.peninsula-dining-room.co.uk and download a copy of  the fabulous, mouthwatering menu.  Looks like it’s about 7 sleeps…

New Committee Appointments

May 21, 2009 by suetaylor2008

For the new municipal year,  have been appointed onto the following committees, Chair of the Licensing, Health & Safety & General Purposes Committee and the Sustainable Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee.  I also sit on the Vale House Joint Management Committee and the Anti-Social Behaviour Partnership Body.

Chris Grayling Visits Wirral

May 21, 2009 by suetaylor2008

Yesterday, Shadow Home Secretary, Chris Grayling visited Wirral.  He was particularly interested in the plight of the residents of  Hillcroft Rd who had been told by the Council they were to pay for the extensive damage caused by a couple of scrotes on the rampage.  Thankfully the Council did a u-turn and have said they will pay.  Later he attended a party fund-raiser held at Sheldrakes .  The food was great and it was a lovely evening apart from the lack of fresh air.  The temperature inside the restaurant was extremely uncomfortable due to closed windows, a roaring fire and the radiators on.

How I Laughed..

May 19, 2009 by suetaylor2008

Once we get the warmer weather and your bins are infested with maggots and flies, just remember that according to Gill Gardiner, Cabinet Member for the Environment, here on Wirral, we have one of the best bin services in the world…  May be she meant third world.

Lib Dems Crumbling

May 19, 2009 by suetaylor2008

If the excitement of a defection last night wasn’t enough, the appalling treatment of two former Mayors by the Lib Dem Leader, Simon Holbrook was also a bit of a shocker.  Cllr Pat Williams and Cllr Phil Gilchrist were punished in a vindictive fashion for abstaining in a vote and voting with their conscience.  Both respected members were removed from the Committees and memberships of outside bodies they represented. Cracks in the current administration are becoming more apparent.  I feel there’s more to come…

Blue Knowles

May 18, 2009 by suetaylor2008

denis knowlesWhat a night it was at Full Council!  Cllr Denis Knowles, former Labour Councillor for Seacombe ‘crossed the floor’ to the Conservatives after being unable to continue under the current Labour regime.  Denis could no longer support the Labour party line on closing libraries and amenities.  Denis is a good man and a good Councillor and we welcome him on to the Conservative Group.  A man of principle whose first concern,  whatever the party political circumstances, has always been to honestly represent his ward residents.  The Labour/Lib administration is now clearly in disarray.  Well done Denis, are there more to follow?

The Walk….

May 17, 2009 by suetaylor2008

eve-appeal-teamToday, the intrepid Eve Appeal Team set off to raise money by doing the Wirral Coastal Walk.  When we set off from Seacombe it was ideal walking conditions.  By the time we got on Harrison Drive it was like a monsoon and it poured down for the next hour with some hailstones thrown in for good measure.  We were soaked to the skin with squelchy trainers and soggy butties.  It really was horrendous.  We trudged on along with thousands of other die-hards for our chosen charities.  I think that’s my last one, apart from my West Kirby to New Brighton midnight walk on 6th June!  The pic shows a few of us just before we set off,  my mum, me, Ali and sister Jude and niece Hannah in the front.


May 16, 2009 by suetaylor2008

If there was ever a reason why we should distance ourselves from our neighbours across the Channel, this is it…!  I can’t believe anyone still watches it.

Boot On The Other Foot?

May 14, 2009 by suetaylor2008

It wasn’t too long ago that local Labour Party claimed in their literature that the local Tories were in ‘civil war’, ‘torn’ and ’split’.  It was utter nonsense.   However, the boot seems to now be on the other foot as Seacombe Labour Councillor Denis Knowles publicly questions whether he can continue to support the policies of his group. I have no doubt that Denis is ‘old Labour’ and is quite rightly concerned about the closure of amenities in his ward.  We have a meeting of Full Council on Monday evening, will Denis resign the Whip?  We’ll see…..