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Rural Fylde Conservatives

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cheshire Show

I was at the Cheshire Country Show today with work. It was a long day, but it was enjoyable. It's good to see that, despite Labours best efforts, the countryside is still fighting on and keeping to some of the old traditions that make it what it is. The Young Farmer's Club certainly got into the spirit with their themed floats. I also enjoyed watching the cow judging and was particularly impressed with the winning one. A great big bull.

There was also plenty of local foods on sale and I came away with 1/4 pound of traditional old fashioned Cheshire Cheese. Providing an outlet for local and farm produce is really important. It adds variety to the stacked shelves of supermarkets. I've always been proud to support Fylde's Farmers Market and under the Conservatives stewardship that is long to continue.

Several farmers did complain to me about the Government Rural Payment Agency and their inability to pay farmers on time. It is also interesting to note that in 5 years a load of bread has risen from 58p to £1.15 on average. It appears to me that the Government is fiddling somewhere. Produce has never been more expensive and the agreed subsidy payments are not getting to the farms. Yet more and more farmers are unable to make ends meet and giving up on their families traditions. So who's making all the money?? It appears not to be farmers.......

New Pavements

There have been some complaints about the new pavements. I was sorry to hear of these and have promised those who have complained to look into them and get them sorted. I think the County Council needs to ensure a better job is done. I'll report back once I've resolved all the outstanding issues.

If outside your house needs looking at, please e-mail me on simon@wesham.com

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Alley Cleaned Up


I said I would take action over the alley between Catherine Street and Market Street and I have. The council have litter picked and trimmed it. It's not perfect now, but it is a 100 times better than before. I'll be working to get something long term and more pleasing put in.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Paving success


The promised pavement works have finally started. Long months of e-mailing and writing has paid off and Wesham's patch work pavements are no more. I think this is a tremendous boost to the condition and visual aspects of Wesham. It may have been a long time coming, but I'm glad it has.

Let me know if there are any problems.



Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sign of the times


Forgive the bad pun with this story! While checking out the danger branch, these two traffic signs were laying about. I've reported them for collection, picked up two cans and a bottle, reported the over flowing litter and noticed that still the contractors had not started the skateboard park! And that was just driving home from work.

Dangerous Tree


Driving home tonight my attention was drawn to this tree. I've reported it to get made safe and hopefully something will be done tomorrow about it. If not I'll get a bit cross with the council as the branch is directly over a bus stop.



Sunday, May 25, 2008

Alley Way


This alley way has been causing some concern since I can remember and no one seems able to do anything about it. I've got to the end of my tether on this issue and am going to demand that it's taken account of. It needs putting into the general maintenance contract and cut regularly.
This is a Skateboard Park that is being built in Lytham by the same contractors as the one due (sometime soon) to be built in Wesham. They are renowned for their quality and innovative building of skate ramps and the like.

I'm pushing for a start date on this and I hope it will be in the next few days, we've been promised it for some time now and it's about time it got sorted. I'm in constant talks with the borough engineer. I'll keep people informed of the progress.

Crewe Election Success


It's been a while since I've posted on this site, mainly due to the heavy work load with what's going on at the Town Hall and also due to the sad death of Gweneth Dunnwoody, the popular MP for Crewe and Nantwich. Being a loyal party Worker I've been putting a few spare days into that campaign, along with 1000's of my colleagues around the country. It was good to see that all our hard work paid off and what a result. A 17% swing that if repeated at a general election would see Labour with only 101 MP's.

Some may question why a councillor from Rural Fylde should be so excited by this result and surely he should be working in Wesham instead of running around other people's streets delivering newsletters. And that would be a good question to ask. However, the answer is, firstly Wesham was not neglected, I've still be doing casework, I've still attended the meetings I needed to go to and I've still been working for Wesham and Fylde's interests.

And secondly, only by speaking to other people around the country can I gauge the level of betrayal of the British people by Gordon Brown. The 10p tax fiasco for one. A tax rate introduced to help people on low incomes, taken away which has left 5.3 million people worse off.

By getting a Conservative Government elected many of the problems we face locally can be challenged and changed. A Conservative Government for instance would have allowed us to have a local agenda when setting council tax levels, meaning local priorities can be funded. This could have taken all uncertainty away over Kirkham Baths.

Although I am a local politician, nation politics affects local decision more so than some care to admit. I am a committed Conservatives, and I am also committed to the local people, the two are compatible and the two will help delivery better public services and facilities.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

War Memorial Flower Pots


I've just been informed that the War Memorial is planted with summer flowers as part of the contract, just not winter bedding flowers. I still feel this is poor, the War Memorial is at the centre of the village and defines to village. I'll make enquiries to see if I can contribute to have some winter bedding put in next year.

However, as a result of my whinge to FBC, they are at least going to weed the pots, which I suppose is something!


simon@wesham.com 682582