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October 18, 2009

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Cartoon by Gary Varvel

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284 Entries


...I would need Hubble to get to the bottom of this!?


Now this is REALLY scary.


So much for the public option.


I'm missing America's Funniest Videos for this?


Whoa! I got the TRICK, It's ballon boy! and he ate my TREAT!!!


Not even a bone!


Corporate greed again....Nothing for the little guys!


Hey, all i got were thrown out Chicago '16 pins. Beats me, i just got old, "support iraq" stickers.


Collect now, in a few years all those taxes will be coming to us.


Collect now, in a few years all those taxes will coming to us.


Hey Joe, maybe if we dress up, they'll give us the "tax" money. That way we won't have to take it.


...if Oboe is afraid of silly foxes then maybe everyone is afraid of us ~ you think!?


...and I got Jack's squat!?


I told you! This is where all the left-wingers live. We should have dressed as illegals.


More promisory notes.


Social Security checks arrive on the 3rd. They gotta change the date for trick or treating.


Come on Lance. Your parents voted for CHANGE, but can't come up with two nickles for my UNICEF box??


Just like the Stimulus Plan


He says he can't afford to give me candy so he's giving me dollar bills instead!


I got TARP, you got Cap and Trade, lets toilet paper the house!


We must be making over $250,000.


Our masks are passe. Benladen and Madeoff masks are in vogue today.


I told you - ring bell - say BOO - not BUSH


Don't they realize the DOW is over 10,000?


More empty water bottles???


And to think that this neighborhood used to be called "Candyland".


It looks like Bernie Madeoff with the candy too


Sigh, that's the last time I Trick-or-Treat Pelosi's house...Now I know how my parent's feel every April 15th!


Yet another IOU and an Obama for change bumber sticker


Is it "half full" or "half empty"?

Don't be sad - the economy is on an upswing - recycle your bag for next year.


Another stinkin IOU and an expired Cash for Clunkers rebate... what did you get?..


I'll have to put my sweet tooth on hold.


I got an I.O.U. payable when the economy is better.


That's the problem with a recession. Everyone starts hoarding.


I told you we should have worn our Benladen and Madoff masks today


Okay, we've been tricked enough. When do we start getting the treats we were promised?


Hey! You got more than me..you have to give me some of yours. Obama says we have to share the wealth.


...Nooo ~ yuckie old banana chips!? Dad's right, we're now a Banana Republic!? Gee thanks Oboe!?

I told you not to let Max go in his yard!


They should extend Halloween benefits for another 7 weeks.


That isn't an autograph from the Governator! It's an IOU!!


This really is frightening!


Cash or Clunker this time?


Wow, It's so transparent, it's invisible.


I don't think the recession is quite over yet !

Looks like our massive debt is already beginning to fall on our shoulders!


I see you received the same from the "stimulus package" as I did!!


recession equals more trick less treats


She took my candy and told me it was a new health tax.


They said they were doing take-backs this year. We better go home and get more candy or we will run out!


He called me a Socialist and told me to get a job. I think we're in the wrong part of town.


The candy bars are getting smaller & smaller


It's half full. I have to bring it home so my dad can recycle it.


It's a Conservative neighborhood; all you hear is "NO".


It's a Conservative neighborhood; all you hear is "NO".


I'll be frank with you. I didn't get anything and you don't have a ghost of a chance


it should be the other way around, we should be scaring them. This change they voted for is a nightmare.


Get use to it - our pockets are already empty!


OK, Barack, you got more than me...hand some over !


Hey...Mr. Madoff didn't give us any candy...he TOOK our candy !


"the triumph
of capitalism!"


He says he gave at the office!


This isn't even enough to provoke my dentist.


One apple and three hard candies. Let's expand our collection area.


No job, no health insurance, bills, town taxes, state taxes, federal taxes and not a single penny left to buy a candy bar? I'd hate to be an adult!


They didn't get bailout money either!


This sucks! Let's go play LEGOS!


Where is my AIG bonus?


I'm beginning to have a feeling of emptiness!


Nothing again! I told you handing out our resumes wasn't such a good idea.


We went from Cash for Clunkers to clunkers for candy


I could have done without the lecture on not taking candy from strangers.


Looks like my Dad's stock portfolio!


Hope and Change are scary!


If we put all of our treats together, we can't even make one candy bar.


This is the scariest Halloween ever!


Of course it's empty. It's the economy STUPID!




OH, so this is what hope and change looks like!


The economy is so bad that they gave us candy from last Halloween.


Yikes, if this bag was any lighter, we wouldn't need the moon.


I know the economy's bad, but, a lump of coal!


"I can't believe they just gave us IOU'S." "I hope the next house doesn't give us a cash for clunkers voucher."


Are these people just cheap or are we in the middle of a recession or something?


What happened to redistribution of wealth?


Is it my mask, my breath or the recession


...Sue, is this what grandma meant by a hope chest, or is that something Oboe said!?


Momma said there'd would be days like this; there'd be days like this, momma said.


Gee, I can see all the way down to China.


If we don't get a FULL bag of candy, the terrorists have won.


Gee, these look like milk bones!


They gave us two aspirin with a note to come back in the morning.


Not one piece of candy -- but the air is free.


An IOU?? Damn this recession!


Now you know the economy is really bad when you get an IOU in your treat bag!!!


Wow! This is going to make our flu shots on Tuesday seem like a good time!


Someone needs to tell Bernanke... The recesssion is not over!


"This recession is really scaring me!"


No candy. Is this part of the new healthcare bill?


Costume $29, goody bag $4. people who care, priceless!


I think we will do better if we wait for the government handout.


Does going trick-or-treating qualify us for a tax credit?


You got a bailout, too?


I know you're getting tired of standing up on your hind legs, Max, but stop barking when the door bell rings!


"Is your bonus in the bag?"


It's easy to see that grandma didn't recognize us.


Wait'll next year. Things should improve in the candy deptment, right?


Don't say "fill 'er up" or "just top it off" anymore!


Mom said that it's better to give than to receive. They should listen to her.


The Great Pumpkin did not deliver!


No, no holes in my bag, how about you?


Hmmmm...more worthless tickets to the Chicago Olympics!


Why did they have to tell parents that candy is fattening!?!


If we go to the homeless shelter we may get a free candy bar.


Are we too young to file for bankruptcy?


I'm sure when I mature to adulthood this will cause me to go into therapy!


Looks like a Charlie Brown Halloween!


We must keep stopping at homes that are in foreclosure?!?!


oh no the recession is treating us the Charlie Brown way getting rocks instead of candy what a way to be trick instead of treat.


Do you think there's any brains in there?


Aw crap again


It's just a Nobel Peace Prize. How about you?


This is a recession, so let's switch masks and go up there again.


My parents told me there would be recessions like this.


So this is what they mean by recession.


I never thought the recession would affect us, too.


I told you to use the Obama mask.


I guess recessions hit everyone, even us.


Now this is real scarey.


I think recessions are hardest on the little people.


We still have two weeks. Let's come back when the social security checks arrive.


After tax share!

Applications for a credit card and a mortgage! This is the last time I go to Bernanke's house!


...Wow, got a coupon for Suckers Candy ~ a Slo Poke or a Blow Pop and they're outta Chicago!? That figures!?


...a toilet bowl flush with air!?


Recession's suck.


Whoever said, "Ask and you shall receive," never trick or treated in this neighborhood.


...Mom likes to say, 'it's a no~brainer ~ it's in the bag' ~ yeh right!?


I said I was really a pirate, so he asked me where were my buccaneers? So I told him they were under my buccan hat.......


Open the Cracker Jack real carefully. There may be a Nobel Prize in it.

....maybe, just maybe....we can get a stimulus package at the White House...along with some (promisory) candy...

...TRICK OR TREAT?!?!?!?......bah humbug....


Wow. Is it my imagination or do these bags have deeper recessions than last years?


The lady kept crying so I gave her my last 2 bucks.


I said trick or treat. He said trick and slammed the door!


All I got was an IOU.


At this rate last years leftover Holiday ribbon candy would be a treat!


I don’t know, can we buy candy with food stamps?


I don't know about yours but my package is not very stimulating!


They took everything I had and said our generation better get used to it.


They must not have heard that the recession is over!


I gotta note that says, "get a job"!!! Don't they know there are no jobs?


I know where the stables are but I am not allowed to use matches.


One candy corn!?!?!?!?


8 months later and we're still haunted by Bush!


Are you kidding me? ONE m&m;, who can eat just ONE m&m;?


We should have gone to the party at Peter’s house. His dad still has a job


It's another IOU for next year, signed "Broke Victim of Irresponsible Politicians".


We should have played a trick cause we got no treat!


Hmmmm...No stimulus package here!


Mom said the economy is hurting...my candy collection is hurting too.


What did she mean? Ugly and invisible just like the health care plan.


Candy wrappers?


Another rotten apple!


Who said the economy is making a comeback!!!


Now this is getting scary, another 401K.


Don’t worry, next year we can stay home and the President will just mail us the candy.


Allergy free, sugar free, gluten free, fat free. My mom must have sent out a flyer.


Hay! It was only supposed to hurt the very rich


Call the ACLU. I think they just violated our rights!


She must have been a teacher. All I got was more homework.


I got a health plan and swine flu vaccine!


That's soooooo sad.....


I'm starting to doubt our cuteness.


I don't care what that guy said. It's NOT the thought that counts.


This is the change mom voted for! Celery carrots and apples?


What a way to ruin our childhood! Next thing you know, someone will tell us Santa isn't real.


Isn't that the orthodontist's house. They gave us lot's of taffy and caramels.


Guess they didn't like my John Kerry costume!


The Candyman said the recession was over.


I know its tiny! But, what the heck is a "Budget Crunch"?


I know its tiny! But, what the heck is a "Budget Crunch"?

Fenway Park World Series tickets?!


Times must be tough!I never got an IOU before!


I know hindsight is 20-20, but I should've gone as M. Jodi, and you should've been M. Lisa. They spook a lot more people.


My dad said to go to the "White House" and they would bail us out.....Oh well!


I told you a dentist lived there!


Coupons for free dental care. This must be an election year!!


Maybe next time I will be something scary, Dick Cheney?


Gosh, they emptied my bag....mine too!


Hey, I got state polling documents!!


Empty again. I guess it's a trick!


I guess my dad was right, Ralphie. On Main Street, there is no such thing as a free lunch.


Seriously what with all the garlic cloves, Do i look like a vampire, do you see me holding a bottle of true blood, type o neg, come on man!


I got a piece of coal. I thought the economy was bad not me...


Another I.O.U. ???? I thought they said the recession was over !!!


Just keep movin', Mikey. They said they're gang members, but I never heard of The Tightwads.


I got an advanced copy of Sarah Palin's new book, a coupon for an H1N1 shot, and 3 "I-Owe-You's" for snickers bars...


Last house on the left, maybe they will have an empathy for us here.


Dad said "only the White Houses were giving stuff away."


I know we missed the years of free love, Lennie, but missing the years of free candy is more than I can bear.


"Two surgical masks, 4 pairs of sterile gloves, 10 bottles of hand sanitizer and what I believe to be the Swine Flu Virus innoculation... what did you get?"


They say we have hit the bottom. Looks like it from my bag.


look casper, lindsay lohan, half in the bag again.


More dental floss. Why do strangers care so much about our teeth?


...it's rough ~ not even a bag of tricks!?

Hey, I thought the recession was over?


How am I going to explain this to my big brother and his friends?


He says he's still waiting for the cinnamin cookies you sold him last year!


When did candy become a controlled substance?


Two scoops of chocolate with jimmy's

Mom said all this candy is OUR "stimulus" package!


I think it's a rain check


I hope this Purell tastes good.


I guess being cute won't get us much this year.


Did you get Purell too?


...cool, it's an Olympic t~shirt with the DittoHead brand!?


Let's hope the next house has liberals. My dad says they give away everything.


It must be against the law to give chocolate to a minor.


Walmart costume, Walmart bag, Walmart candy. I love Walmart.


That's right, Timmy! We should listen to the advise of former President George W. Bush and "stay the course."


The last person whose door we knocked didn't have any candy -- spent an extra $1.00 on cigarettes.


...it's a long note trying to explain their 5 different proposals to purchase candy!?


...Scrooge is way jumping the gun here....


Eggs Check, Toilet Paper Check, Silly String Check.


An empty soda can is worth how much?


...this is an on~the~scene report from local Fox radio ~ our candy count indicates that the economy has a long way to go before 'fulfilling' White House projections!?


Instead of candy corn. I got an ear of corn.


Okay now we go back to your house.


This is the last time I'm Trick-or-Treating on Wall Street. They took my candy, too.


It serves us right for "going rogue."


Don't worry. The governor said if we poll all the houses, she'll give us candy when we hand her the results.


What?! No candy?! Now that's r-e-a-l-l-y scary!


Someone call the candy police. I want to report a crime!


Quit bustin' my chops, Jeffy. We don't have to pay tax on this stuff!


At the next house, let me do all the talking.


I don't think we're going to make our quota before bedtime.


So he threw this real heavy apple in the bag and broke all my cookies!


This must be George Costanza's house. The certificate says "A donation to The Human Fund has been made in your name."


Looks like everyone is handing out ACORNS this Halloween.


The next grownup to give me an apple is going to have it shoved down their underwear.


Look on the bright side, we can sell this bag o' crappy candy on eBay!


What am I supposed to do with THIS?! It's a clunker!


I got 2 peeps. Hey this is leftover Easter candy.


Okay, remember, when we get to the first house, we say "We're the death panel."


...we got more stuff at the Tea Party!?


Bernie Madoff started his Ponzi scheme the same way.


I want Good & Plenty,
not Bad & Empty.


I was tricked again I got no treat.


...we're on a roll ~ another stale fortune cookie!?


You're suppose to redistribute the wealth!


The envelope says Social Security increase!

Looks like we're gonna have to work overtime tonight!


...food stamps ~ are they Democrats!?


...a stuffed olive, a sugar cube, and a mayo packet.... You!?


I knew we weren't getting anything when they asked "Paper or plastic?"


If this is any indication of what to expect for Christmas, just shoot me now.


But, we're too LITTLE to fail!


Not a good costume,Rush


Does your mother know that carrots aren't candy?


So, is the bag half full or half empty?


They said they were helping us fight tooth decay.


Well, Kenny, beggars can't be choosers.


Holy massive dental bill, Batman!


I don't know about you, Billy, but I'm goin' lookin' for new parents!


I think it's time for him to smell our feet


I got nahthin


I wonder if it's too late to ask for the public option.


Honey, let's hope the kids brought in more than we did.


I thought Americans are cutting back on Christmas presents, not Halloween candy!


Times are so tough, we can't even get the good candy.


I told you. We should have dressed up as AIG and GMC. These bags would have been full of bail-out-bucks by now!


What kind of person gives out an IOU on Halloween?


Whaddya get? I got the H1N1 vaccine.


I think this guy works for the IRS!


They asked if we were really Norma J. Franklin and Susan Breitman!


I'll show you mine, if you show me yours...


What's a resume?


My Dad said not to come home till my bag was full!


Hey I got half of a Kit Kat and a Hersheys wrapper.


These are their bills!


I lost 3 pieces of candy at that house.


Let's see, I got a Nobel Prize, the Heisman Trophy and two MVP's. What've you got so far?

About This Contest

Welcome to The Courant's caption contest. Every week we post a cartoon and invite you to write a caption. If you leave your phone number, you'll be eligible for a prize.


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