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Alun Cairns’ Thoughts on the Day

Daily Musings from Alun Cairns AM - Member for South Wales West

Plaid. Not so mainstream

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 18:03 on 25th October 2007

Earlier this evening I took part in an interview for ITV’s excellent political programme, Waterfront (hope they invite me back!) with Plaid AM, Leanne Wood.

Not many expect Leanne and me to agree and believe it or not, we disagreed more today than ever today. Leanne is taking part in a conference in London calling for Wales to become a Republic and for HRH Prince of Wales and Her Majesty the Queen to sent to the Tower (not literally, of course!).

I only wish that Leanne had shouted louder about this before the last Assembly elections. Still, there is hope for the General!

I agree… but no

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 17:52 on 25th October 2007

Earlier this week Lynne Neagle rightly highlighted concerns relating to women’s in Wales being trafficked into the sex industry. I wholly applaud the cause that she is seeking to expose.The basis of her recent comments relate to adverts that have appeared in some newspapers promoting Massage Parlours after they have written articles condemning their activities.

Lynne Neagle’s response was to call for the Assembly and the Assembly Government to stop advertising in the newspapers, unless they stop advertising the Massage Parlours etc. This is where we differ.

I think we would tread a very dangerous path to use the £3M that the Assembly spends on advertising to influence the content and legal advertising of newspapers. After all, the newspapers have acted legally.

Where would such influence stop? Would such a ’screening’ policy ever be extended to political criticism and influence? Surely, that would be the risk.

Dore Programme

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 18:11 on 16th October 2007

Some of you may recall that last March, I hosted a meeting with Scott Quinnell relating to the Dore Programme, to overcome dyslexia, ADHD amongst a range of other Special Educational Needs. 

The debate has developed somewhat since then with the WAG and the Enterprise and Education committee holding a review into such support, amongst a range of other interventions. 

In view that I (and others) are seeking to prompt a positive discussion on the various methods, I am amazed at the criticism I receive from individuals and organisations who want to undermine Dore (specifically) at every opportunity. 

Having spoken to individuals that have been through the programme, there is no doubt on an anecdotal level, that the outcomes are remarkable.  Obviously this needs to be researched. 

Surely, therefore, any review should be seen positively, shouldn’t it?  I hope one of the recommendations of the investigation is propose a ‘test’ of the various methods, so that we can silence whoever makes inaccurate claims. 

Lib Dem Blues

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 17:59 on 16th October 2007

This is the first chance I have had the opportunity to respond to the departure of Ming Campbell as leader of the Lib Dems. I feel sorry for him personally but believe that whoever is leader when the Conservatives are getting their act together is likely to be squeezed.

Basically, the Lib Dems (or their precursors) prospered in the 80’s when the Labour Party was unpopular. That momentum remained throughout the 90’s when the Conservative Party became less popular. So in spite of Labour’s recovery, their support switched from disillusioned Labour voters to disillusioned Conservatives. Now that we are in an environment where the Conservative Party is recovering and Labour are not yet in free-fall, it is inevitable that they will be squeezed.

Their best hope is that Labour shift to the left and that some centrist Labour supporters can’t switch to the Conservatives, for whatever reason.

When we add this to the mix of members, who often believe in different things (because they are usually protestors from each main Party), it will be difficult to recover.

Multi tasking

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 12:15 on 10th October 2007

As I sit in the chamber, Kirsty Williams, David Melding and I have just caught Brian Gibbons buying a new suit on-line. 

 Apparently, the suits are available on the BMA website - so it was work, after all. 

 Melding suggested cuttingly (pardon the pun) that he also order one for the First Minister!

 Update: He’s now lookking at Radio 4’s The Archer’s website. Agricultural policy, do you think?

Clearing the air

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 23:05 on 9th October 2007

In response to my earlier blog sympathising with some Labour support staff who have recently been sacked, Bethan Jenkins criticised me because of my role in highlighting a former Plaid member of support staff being appointed as the Deputy First Minister’s diary secretary. Bethan would have made a fair point if her version was true.  This is an ideal opportunity for me to put the record straight because I have been somewhat uncomfortable about some points.   

Basically, the former assistant to the DFM has been appointed diary secretary, which is a Civil Service post.  Politicians are not allowed to have any role in appointing their staff and I found it difficult to believe that this had occurred by sheer chance.  Furthermore, the DFM is on record of criticising vehemently Edwina Hart for such a practice in the past.   Their excuse was that it was a temporary post and that the individual was merely filling in for up to a year, when the post would be advertised and permanently filled.   

Subsequently, I have received reports from a Civil Servant highlighting that with the merger of the Quango’s etc, there are numerous numbers of civil servants looking for jobs.  This suggests that the post could have been filled permanently from those resources.  It is even suggested that it may have interfered with the career development and progression of some.   The individual appointed should not be blamed.  Fault falls to the DFM for facilitating the appointment and to the Permanent Secretary for permitting it.  On no occasion have I mentioned the name of the individual, nor do I think it should have become public.  For that, I am very sorry and apologise.

Contradiction in the camp

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 22:46 on 9th October 2007

Earlier today at the Assembly, David Melding hosted a presentation of the Pride of Barry at the  Assembly Building. It was an excellent presentation by Paul Haley highlighting some of the changes that have been achieved and the way ahead. 

Naturally, funding is critical and it was proposed that £20M would be made over 10 years to complete the projects.   It is also worth noting that large parcels of land have been sold off for development and according to Pride of Barry’s estimates leave WAG with a large windfall exceeding £27M – it is only part of this Barry needs over 10 years to complete the project.    Ieuan Wyn Jones responded as Deputy first Minister, recognising the need for public funding to kick start the process to lever in private money.    However, when Chris Franks raised the matter within an hour in the chamber the First Minister was very cool on funding and suggested that private money was the only option. Watch this space to see who wins.  If the FM does, I will ensure that everyone in Barry gets to hear about it. 

Cameron leads and the Brownies follow

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 22:36 on 9th October 2007

Brown and Darling’s pre budget statement really shows of the desperation felt within the Labour Party.  The Inheritance Tax Changes are just another con. Before today’s announcement, a couple could have registered their property as tenants in common.  This would, in effect have given them £600K of IHT allowance.  The chancellor’s statement merely restates this. 

Moreover, the PM will hope that people will be so happy with the perceived changes that he will get similar positive support as Osborne and the Conservatives did last week.  There are two flaws in this.  First, when they realise that for most there is no additional allowance, they will note that they have been Spun to again; and secondly, it is the Conservative Party that is making the running and dictating the agenda.   

In other words Cameron and Osborne are leading and that the Brownies are following. If this continues, it will be very damaging come the election.  I think that Brown has completely misjudged the mood.

Just the right note

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 15:41 on 8th October 2007

I didn’t see the PM’s statement in the Commons a short time ago but have just read the BBC reports of it here. From this report, it appears that Cameron got it absolutely right. It sounds as though he kept up the pressure but without being vitriolic.The news of troops returning home should have been very popular (although it is still obviously very welcome), but the PM’s SPIN last week on such a sensitive matter and against previous commitments, turned the event sour.

It will take a long time for people to forget - and rightly so.

I wish some people would just chill

Posted In: News from the Bay by Alun Cairns at 21:55 on 7th October 2007

Bethan Jenkins and Matt Withers are reporting on the departure of Marcus Warner, (also known as Clear Red Water and Keir Hardly). I am really sorry that he has left the employment of Irene James. 

I got know him as part of the Assembly football team and thought that he was a pretty fair guy.  Naturally, I disagreed with almost all he has to say politically and I have been criticised regularly on his blog and in my comments section – but isn’t that supposed to be a large part of blogging. 

During my blogging abstinence, David Collins also left Anne Jones’ employment.  Clearly he made a mistake in what he said but I do think that the whole thing was overdone and I am sorry he had to leave.   

I wish that some of the powers that be (and I don’t mean Anne Jones and Irene James) took a reality check from time to time. 

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