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Notional 2005 Results:
Labour: 17514 (42%)
Conservative: 9498 (22.8%)
Liberal Democrat: 8583 (20.6%)
Other: 6063 (14.6%)
Majority: 8016 (19.2%)

Actual 2005 result
Conservative: 9553 (22.9%)
Labour: 17562 (42%)
Liberal Democrat: 8608 (20.6%)
BNP: 2263 (5.4%)
Green: 783 (1.9%)
UKIP: 954 (2.3%)
Other: 2082 (5%)
Majority: 8009 (19.2%)

2001 Result
Conservative: 12559 (31%)
Labour: 21808 (53.9%)
Liberal Democrat: 3264 (8.1%)
UKIP: 1185 (2.9%)
Other: 1668 (4.1%)
Majority: 9249 (22.8%)

1997 Result
Conservative: 11690 (24.6%)
Labour: 26141 (55%)
Liberal Democrat: 4990 (10.5%)
Referendum: 1892 (4%)
Other: 2784 (5.9%)
Majority: 14451 (30.4%)

Boundary changes: minor changes, Blackburn loses around 1,000 voters in some split rural wards to Rossendale and Darwen

Profile: a former centre of the textile industry now fallen on harder times. Blackburn is a mix of deprived inner-city wards dominated by Muslim voters, white working class areas and Conservative voting suburbs. According to the 2001 census around a quarter of the population is Muslim. Several far-right candidates from the BNP and splinter group the English First Party have won seats on Blackburn and Darwen Council in the past. In 2005 the BNP got just over 5% of the vote, just beating the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, who was standing as an independent against Jack Straw, the then Foreign Secretary.

portraitCurrent MP: Jack Straw(Labour) born 1946, Essex. Educated at Brentwood School and the University of Leeds. Elected President of the NHS in 1969. Prior to his election he was a barrister specialising in criminal law, a researcher for ITV and, from 1974 to 1976 a special advisor to Barbara Castle. First elected in Blackburn in 1977. Served as Shadow Education Secretary under Neil Kinnock, Shadow Environment Secretary under John Smith and Shadow Home Secretary under Tony Blair. After Labour`s victory in 1997 Straw became Home Secretary. He subsequently served as Foreign Secretary between 2001 and 2006 when he was demoted to Leader of the House of Commons. He served a Gordon Brown`s campaign manager in the 2007 Labour leadership election and was subsequently appointed Secretary of State for Justice. In October 2006 he controversially criticised Muslim women wearing the veil (more information at They work for you)


2001 Census Demographics

Total 2001 Population: 99905
Male: 48.9%
Female: 51.1%
Under 18: 29.5%
Over 60: 17.4%
Born outside UK: 13.7%
White: 70.9%
Black: 0.3%
Asian: 27.5%
Mixed: 1%
Other: 0.3%
Christian: 57.4%
Muslim: 25.9%
Full time students: 3.7%
Graduates 16-74: 12.9%
No Qualifications 16-74: 39.7%
Owner-Occupied: 67.1%
Social Housing: 22.2% (Council: 11.5%, Housing Ass.: 10.7%)
Privately Rented: 6.8%
Homes without central heating and/or private bathroom: 15.5%

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57 Responses to “Blackburn”

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  1. Candidates list on the Conservative Party website shows their candidate here to be Michael Law-Riding.

  2. He is a Blackburn councillor for Roe Lee ward.

  3. Perhaps Paul Ince should stand here, not sure for which party though.

  4. As a “Gissa Job” independent perhaps?

  5. ……..and does anyone remember why Katie Price stood in Stretford & Urmston in 2001?

  6. Was that Miss Whiplash, sorry Jordan?
    I believe she wanted to offer all the candidates plastic surgery and got 700 votes.

  7. I’m not sure what Paul Ince’s political views are.

  8. ……….she stood there because the constituency includes Old Trafford & she was going out with Manchester United’s Dwight Yorke at the time.

  9. Thats just sad

  10. Michael Law-Riding is a strong local candidate for the Tories and may surprise a few. However, still expect a labour win but with a much smaller majority.

  11. Jack Straw actually did quite well to win by 3055 (more than the notional 1979 majority) in this seat which had gained so much of the old safe Conservative Darwen constituency.

  12. Straw would have built up some incumbancy bonus by 1983 and there was probably a bigger than usual Labour drop in 1979 as a result of Barbara Castle not standing.

    What would have probably helped Labour in 1983 would have been the recession which had hit textile areas particularly hard.

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