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Donald Brown's Uncle Speaks...

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Here's a letter Donald Brown's uncle, Glen Feldman, asked be displayed here. It's a good one folks.

Thanks Glen...

To the Uconn Football Family:

February 2, 2005 I became part of the Uconn football family when my nephew Donald signed his letter of intent to play for the University of Connecticut. 

While I knew it was going to be a great experience for Donald and our entire family, I had no idea just how great a feeling it would be to become part of a new, enormous family.  When you are together every weekend throughout the fall for 4 seasons you grow very close.

Coach Edsall preaches family and he practices what he preaches.  It is a big family for not only the players but for their families as well.  Like all families you have your ups and downs but he always makes sure these kids bounce back from anything they face.

Uconn football  faced a tragedy this week when Jasper Howard's life was taken leaving a team and a family devastated.  My heart goes out to Jasper's parents, sisters, girlfriend and unborn daughter.

Coach Edsall refers to his players as his sons and I can tell you he treats them that way.  When my nephew Donald arrived in Storrs he acquired 105 new brothers which means in a way I acquired 105 additional nephews.  While I didn't meet all of them I knew they were his brothers.  And while I only had the opportunity to shake Jasper's hand after games and tell him that he played a good game, I remember he always had a huge smile on his face.

So to Andre, Scott, Brad, Kashif and the rest of you, good luck always.  Coach Edsall  taught you how to win on and off the field and your brother Jasper would want nothing more than for you all to play your best throughout this season and always.

Glen Feldman
Point Pleasant, NJ



As a long time fan of Uconn athletics it is sad but at the same time a good feeling to feel a part of this enormous family in one way or another. The respect, caring, love among many other words could be spoken about the handling of this horrible nightmarish tragedy. Every morning I tear up reading, hoping to find peace in this nightmare. I wish for peace for Jazz's family and his extended family as they and we continue to grow and move on with life.

I have gotten to know Glen over the last few years. Great guy. I am sure his kind words will go a long way with Jazz's family and friends.

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Dez came to Connecticut in 1991 and began covering high schools, then UConn football, the NFL, UConn basketball, Big East football, Big East basketball, national college football, national college basketball, the NBA. He has been a beat writer ... read more

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