Jim Leavitt has had to address the death of a player twice in his time as South Florida's coach, but he has never had to do so during a season, a situation UConn coach Randy Edsall faces.

"That's what's going to be an incredible challenge for Randy and that team," Leavitt said Monday, a day after UConn cornerback Jasper Howard was stabbed to death outside the Student Union. "There's nothing worse. There just isn't. It does put things in perspective. When you lose a football game, it's very difficult, but it's nothing, nothing like losing a player. It's very difficult."

Leavitt had completed his fourth season in Tampa in June 2001, when defensive back Patrick Payton, at home in Miami, died after colliding with a bicyclist and hitting a parked car while riding a motorcycle.

Running back Keeley Dorsey collapsed while lifting weights and died in January 2007. It was later discovered that he had a genetic heart disorder.

Dorsey would have been a senior this season, and the Bulls are paying tribute by having a different senior wear No.10 each week.

"When I heard about [Howard's death] on Sunday, I broke [down], because it brought back all the memories somewhat of what I had to go through with our football team and with Keeley's family," Leavitt said.

Edsall told the Huskies Sunday that each player would likely grieve in his own way. Leavitt said taking that approach leads to the greatest understanding.

"There were a lot of different things that have happened, and there's no way you can describe the pain that you go through," Leavitt said. "We just reached out, our team and our staff and myself personally to Randy. It's the only thing you can do. You have faith in the Lord and each other."

Howard's death resonated throughout the Big East Monday.

Louisville coach Steve Kragthorpe, whose Cardinals lost to UConn 38-25 hours before Howard's stabbing, expressed his condolences as well.

"He played a great football game against us and we had a lot of respect for him going into the game — and even more coming out of the game," Kragthorpe said.

Said Rutgers coach Greg Schiano: "It's a terrible tragedy, and it's times like these where a close conference like the Big East can make you come together."