Attorney General Richard Blumenthal on Wednesday defended his attempt to join a Machinists union lawsuit that seeks to bar Pratt & Whitney from moving more than 1,000 jobs out of Connecticut.

Blumenthal sought permission on Oct. 8 to file a friend-of-the-court brief in support of the union, arguing that it is in the state's interest to avoid harm to the local economy and economic hardship for individuals and families. Less than a week later, Pratt's lawyers formally questioned the appropriateness and usefulness of Blumenthal's participation.

The attorney general responded Wednesday, writing to the court that "none of Pratt's arguments overcome the state's substantial and direct interest in participating as amicus [friend] in this matter, a matter affecting both the financial well-being of hundreds of Connecticut families and the state's overall economy."

The Machinists claim that Pratt violated a contractual promise to take all reasonable steps to keep the jobs in the state. The company plans to shut down its engine repair plant in Cheshire and a smaller repair unit in East Hartford and move more than 1,000 jobs to Columbus, Ga., and Asia.

Pratt did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A trial in the Machinists' suit is scheduled to begin Dec. 12.