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Sunday 4 October 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Ed West

Ed West is a journalist and social commentator who specialises in politics, religion and low culture.

No wonder teenagers love the Taliban


This is the new face of al-Qaeda: out go the beards, Arab robes and backdrops from Luke Skywalker’s home planet, Tatooine; in come dark suits and sixth-former curtains that look like they’re covered in a layer of grease.

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The man making threats to his compatriots is Bekkay Harrach, better known to his Islamist buddies as Abu Talha al-Almania, “the German” (like the French, Spanish, Turkish and Persians, and the Welsh for some reason, the Arabs call the Germans after the Alamanni tribe). He’s all of 32, although with his youthful looks he’d struggle to get served (admittedly that’s not going to an issue in Taliban-controlled Waziristan).

Harrach is originally Moroccan, but his video warning came as the Pakistanis found a village apparently full of white German Taliban. From the Telegraph report it sounds like it even has its own estate agents:

A recruitment video presents life in the village as a desirable lifestyle choice with schools, hospitals, pharmacies and day care centres, all at a safe distance from the front.

It sounds better than Haringey.

In the video, the presenter, “Abu Adam”, the public face of the group in Germany, points his finger and asks: “Doesn’t it appeal to you? We warmly invite you to join us!”

According to German foreign ministry officials a growing number of German families, many of North African descent, have taken up the offer and travelled to Waziristan where supporters say converts make up some of the insurgents’ most dedicated fighters.

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which has a foothold in several German cities, has capitalised on growing concern over the rising profile of German forces in Afghanistan. Their role has become increasingly controversial in Germany in recent weeks after dozens of civilians were killed in an air strike ordered by German officers.

Last night a foreign ministry spokesman told The Daily Telegraph they were now negotiating with Pakistani authorities for the release of six Germans, including “Adrian M”, a white Muslim convert, his Eritrean wife and their four year old daughter, who were arrested as they were making their way to the “German village”. They are particularly concerned about the welfare of the child.

A couple of years back there was a surge of Germans converting to Islam, and among these there seem to be many young people attracted to the most extreme form. And while the self-hating Germans may be especially vulnerable, it’s easy to see why teenagers immersed in modern youth culture are attracted to radical Islam.

There is, firstly, the political currents. Among the youth of western Europe anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism is the norm, so that unless a 17-year-old happens to pick up a copy of the Spectator or read Theodore Dalrymple in City Journal, he or she will not know any different from the mainstream opinion that America is a war-monger destroying the planet, Israel is causing conflict between the Muslim world and Europe, and white racism stops Africa progressing. And with Communism dead and socialism weakened, global Islamism is the number one international opponent to American capitalism. To those who see no moral difference between the US and the gangster states of Asia and Africa, and their proxies, the Taliban might even be seen as the underdogs.

Then one has to look at the influence of youth culture. Most British terrorists have first been immersed in certain strands of hip hop music before turning to hardline Islam – it means the violence, misogyny, homophobia and hatred of the West in general, and sometimes of Jews in particular, is there long before anyone even mentions “Allah”. Though Harrach has more of an emo look, the fusion of African-American hip hop culture, radical Islam and a wider, vaguer Third World anger has spread to every western European classroom.

Then there is the nihilism – if a white non-Muslim teenager wants to fulfill his internal death wish and lust for fame and revenge he has to find a gun and take it out on his classmates. That might put him on the 10 o’clock news, but so much better to do it for a wider cause, and reap the benefits after one’s death by finally having sex (if you so wish to believe).

But the biggest attraction, for teenage boys at least, is Wahhabism’s puritanical view of sex. Teenage boys are obsessed by sex. But the pursuit of sex often makes them unhappy, angry and frustrated, and this is aggravated in a culture where sex is everywhere and where, it seems, everyone else is at it. In a world where sex has become cheap and meaningless, and where women are encouraged to see themselves as fit only to be some gangster’s bitch or this month’s Katie Price, some of the more thoughtful men yearn to idolise and idealise them as wife material (there have been puritanical youth culture movements in the past, such as the Straight Edge scene that emerged in the early 80s in California). As youth culture has become raunchier, the danger of this reaction has strengthened.

Most of all teenagers yearn for idealism. To people growing up in Germany radical Islam is both sufficiently non-European (indeed, anti-European) while also having the manly and moral qualities of strength and brotherhood that attract drifting young men, who in the past might have opted for Nazism and Communism.

And, most of all, it’s the ultimate rebellion.

H/T: Laban


  • I find this story highly unlikely, Ed. Since when have young Germans ever been drawn to militaristic, fascist death cults inspired by racism and an urge for world domination?

    James Delingpole on Sep 29th, 2009 at 12:18 pm
  • Ha Ha – nice one James! :-)

    More importantly why do we keep importing people from this medieval (or should that be bloody evil) death-cult into Europe – History tell us quite clearly that Islam and democracy do not mix. Our liberal elite are commiting cultural suicide on our behalf, we need to revolt to take back power and ensure our future.

    Steve Lee London on Sep 29th, 2009 at 2:03 pm
  • Well it said they found a village full of germans. So how many, 50? There are 80 million people living in Germany, hardly a mass movement as you suggest.

    Germany, in the main, is a wonderful, safe, decent christian country, unlike Britain, which is a cess pit of filth.

    debunker on Sep 29th, 2009 at 2:40 pm
  • Imagine a secular organization that threatened to kill those who refused to join it (and then threatened death against anyone wishing to leave), that condoned the used of violence to further its interests, that ordered men to use violence against women, that insisted its rules were superior to the law of the land, that closed down freedom of speech, and equated non-members with animals. The organization would be shut down and those who ran it would be imprisoned.

    So why don’t we shut down Islam?

    Johnny Rottenborough on Sep 29th, 2009 at 3:11 pm
  • He looks like a very young version of Tony Blair e.g. http://www.franceinlondon.com/images/editor/young_blair.jpg.jpg. Can they possibly be related?

    Clothilde Simon on Sep 29th, 2009 at 3:47 pm
  • There is no problem with shutting it down. The problem is getting political leaders with a brain. Why do they not have a brain? It is a puzzle to me.
    I mean, does it not seem strange that large numbers of people in a country, do understand what needs to be done, yet elected leaders are zoned out?

    1bonnie on Sep 29th, 2009 at 4:06 pm
  • Johnny, That organization would be shut down in this country, in America it’s called scientology!
    I agree with shutting down Islam but woulsd add all the other religious fairy tails to it.

    spingalo on Sep 29th, 2009 at 4:08 pm
  • “Harrach is originally Moroccan

    So he’s not a German then Ed.
    How many of the other 49 are not indigenous Germans?

    How can that be overlooked?

    I really can’t see indigenous European males flocking to Islam. I don’t think they’ll have to worry too much about being bored and aimless for very much longer.

    Meanwhile, the dozy British are still asleep as we literally lose our country at an increasingly alarming rate. Must be something they’re putting in the water, and we’re immune.

    James (1) on Sep 29th, 2009 at 4:15 pm
  • Oh by the way Ed, I think you’d be quite impressed with the calibre of some of the people now turning up at ‘the party’. Top drawer. That snob Hannan would be dumbstruck.

    James (1) on Sep 29th, 2009 at 4:21 pm
  • Hello springalo,

    I would say to you honestly, that fairy tale stuff?, is what alway comes out of those who are still asleep.

    No offense meant. We were all asleep at one point. Try to take the word of those who are awake.

    1bonnie on Sep 29th, 2009 at 5:07 pm
  • Think the Jury’s still out on who (if anyone) are really behind the English Defence League, but I sure hope Shahid Malik reads this.. priceless.


    James (1) on Sep 29th, 2009 at 5:09 pm
  • James1. It’s not Mike Smith the DJ is it?

    This is just what we need – an English proto-UVF

    Ed West on Sep 29th, 2009 at 5:19 pm
  • Mike Smith? (do you mean ‘Read’?)

    Anyway, don’t know.. why? has he been ‘outed’ as sympathetic to saving the bloody country or something?

    Or is Hannan a big fan of his? (highly implausible)

    James (1) on Sep 29th, 2009 at 5:43 pm
  • Sorry, sh1t joke. It says “contact Mike Smith” at the end of that link
    Dont you remember Mike Smith? Married to Sarah Kennedy I think. In a helicopter crash.

    Ed West on Sep 29th, 2009 at 5:57 pm
  • I was wrong again, thought afterwards you meant they’re putting Mike Smith in the water!

    Could be, who knows!

    James (1) on Sep 29th, 2009 at 6:21 pm
  • Brilliant point about teenagers and sex.

    By the way I remember chatting to a Muslim taxi driver a while back who said he hated Britain, Brits, the yobs etc, and preferred his time in Germany but his daughter wanted to learn English here so he stayed.

    Andrew M Brown on Sep 29th, 2009 at 6:48 pm
  • Who wouldn’t for 72 virgins? You wont find that many in Bradford! In the restricted world of muslim boy meets girl, the allure of this sexual prize and the glorification of death is a particularly strong cocktail desparately sought by poor young men. Perhaps we should be teaching that after all this jihad there just aren’e enough virgins to a round any more.

    kaypea on Sep 29th, 2009 at 8:09 pm
  • Nearly three years ago I bumped into a taxi driver near London. He was a recent Christian convert from Islam, of the Shia branch he was from Iran. He told me there is a whole community of convert Shia where he lives. He actually told me that when he was in Iran to be Muslim was natural, when he came here he was passionate about his religion.

    But since his conversion he regards Islam as a form of brainwashing. He had nothing but withering contempt for secular atheists.

    The boot boys and yobs of the English Defence League if they are looking at this, first lads learn to read properly. Brush up on how the Catholic Church rebuilt Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire, founded the Universities, and warned in Humane Vitae 1968 what would happen if people fell for the culture of Death, Abortion and Contraception. The ultimate end of the Culture of Death is that the country does not produce enough native babies….therefore we have to import people from where there are plenty to spare. Or the economic conditions are so bad that even living amongst English Defence Morons will seem like very heaven.

    That is, in a nutshell how nut cases come to the aid of Olde England. Throw the bovver boots away lads, burn the condoms and father LEGITIMATE…… babies….before it really is too late

    Crouchback on Sep 29th, 2009 at 9:13 pm
  • Good advice Crouchback. It’s not too late. Whenever there is an empty space, something else will come in to fill it up.
    Like empty pews. Church is part of the heritage of England. Once, part of one’s heritage is given the toss, you can be sure it will be replaced.
    Me? I’d rather sit on a church pew, than kneel on a prayer mat.

    1bonnie on Sep 29th, 2009 at 9:37 pm
  • With you all the way Bonnie…..meanwhile here is one for the bovver boys. The Churches that have mostly failed are the “Liberal Protestants” who failed miserably to come to the aid of Western Civilisation and the Catholic Church and defend life..If we want to survive as a nation and a civilisation then the first thing is to breed a generation to survive and take our values into the future….we cant go there because we will be dead. But our younger generation will bear the brunt, they will have to take up arms to defend themselves ….if we dont act now…!!!!


    Crouchback on Sep 29th, 2009 at 11:19 pm
  • Sometimes common sense is hard to come by. When people reject christian babies, or make them expendable, once again, the empty space will be filled with muslim babies. Like 2 x 2 = 4. It is not so hard to fiqure out.
    Maybe it is time to re-think our priorities?

    1bonnie on Sep 30th, 2009 at 12:44 am
  • Re appeal of radical Islam to non-Muslim youth, some points consistent with Ed’s, but a little different emphasis”

    The left in all Western countries have systematically been tearing down anything people could have an allegiance to or feel part of:
    1) in Europe/Britain love of country and patriotism are laughed at as something the silly Americans still do; and besides all the countries are racist, imperialists who oppressed people when they had colonies and did nothing good;
    2) the family as the building block of society is being downgraded; schools taking over indoctrination on issues that used to be the purview of parents, single unwed teenage mothers (children themselves), rampant divorce, working mothers who are not home when the kids get home from school, gay marriage taught in the schools as just as normal as heterosexual marriage, etc.
    3) religion – Europe prides itself on being post-Christian
    4) the indigenous culture – it’s racist, based on “dead white men” and definitely not “hip” – that’s the message coming from all pop culture.
    5) any set of standards or value or truth. Deconstructionism means there is no truth. Don’t be judgmental and we must be tolerant means there are no values we all agree on.
    6) Sex at ever younger ages and ever more libertine pushed on kids as how they should behave, whether they are comfortable with it or not. (This is a restatement of one of Ed’s point.)

    I see a spiritual vacuum everywhere in the West. How could there not be? What has been left to identify with? Islam is everything Johnny R describes it as – but it isn’t a vacuum. It gives structure and identity. I have thought that is the appeal to ethnically European or white American youth.

    msher1 on Sep 30th, 2009 at 3:55 am
  • I suppose it makes a change from the Hari Krishnas.

    Or the Orange people….

    Catweazle on Sep 30th, 2009 at 4:47 am
  • Catweazle

    I have clearly missed an important part of life: Who are the Orange people?

    There doesn’t seem to be a Kieranmac here. He hung out through 2 of James D’s threads arguing his side. But he had to have known after the first few replies, that he was dealing with a group he wasn’t going to convert. What do you think he was trying to achieve?

    msher1 on Sep 30th, 2009 at 6:13 am
  • Crouchback/1bonnie

    The type of responsible people we need to have more kids cannot afford to do so, as they’re being forced to subsidise the third worlder’s large families.

    Besides, the optimum population for Britain is about 30 million, so if mass immigration hadn’t happened we’d have been heading in the right direction to create a self sustainable (and happy) country.

    All too late now of course.

    James (1) on Sep 30th, 2009 at 7:44 am
  • James (1)

    You’re not doing your meditation. Remember your secret mantra and say it a dozen times.

    msher1 on Sep 30th, 2009 at 8:00 am
  • Ommm, wilders, ommmmmmmm

    No, it’s NOT too late, we WILL be saved!

    James (1) on Sep 30th, 2009 at 8:30 am
  • Hi Bonie,
    Thanks for the message but I belive I was in the dark when I called myself a christian. I have now seen the light and firmly belive that all religions are leading to the destruction of this world. All this “my god is the one true god and anyone else is going to hell” nonsense is infantile to say the least, it reminds me of being in the playground. Unfortunately the earth is not a school yard and major damage is being done right now from the extremists of all relgions. It’s time we stopped fearing death (there’s nothing anyone can do about it anyway) and realise that the big questions don’t have to have answers. You’re obviously happy in your belifes, good for you. I am also happy in mine.

    spingalo on Sep 30th, 2009 at 10:09 am
  • janabraham on Sep 30th, 2009 at 11:43 am
  • Hello Springalo,

    It is a difficult time right now. Many people don’t know where to look or what to do.
    Many are still in the early belief stage. We do choose what we will believe and then ‘we get it’.
    It not religion that is leading to world destruction. Try to see people without any belief and it is not a good thing for them. When the foot slips, evil is attracted, to work it’s nasty stuff.
    Many are in the knowing stage. This gives an overview not to be had in the believing stage.
    The world is a school yard and the children do learn. It is HOW they choose to learn that becomes important to them. Nothing can out do the Bible. Nothing.

    1bonnie on Sep 30th, 2009 at 12:02 pm
  • There is something I’m wondering about. If there really are only 50 people living there, how do they have all that? I mean, just a hospital is expensive, let alone a school and all the rest?

    If they have it all, why not anyone else in the country? Any thoughts?

    1bonnie on Sep 30th, 2009 at 5:49 pm
  • 1bonnie

    Saudi money?

    alhamilton18 on Oct 1st, 2009 at 9:43 pm
  • I can’t honestly say that i’d fined being a women hating pederast(common amongst Pashtuns) all that exciting myself.

    Cheeky Boy on Oct 3rd, 2009 at 4:01 pm


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