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Thursday 23 July 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Ed West

Ed West is a journalist and social commentator who specialises in politics, religion and low culture. Embarrassingly, he once wrote a book entitled How To Pull Women.

Immigration is causing shortage of school places. But the BBC doesn't want to know


There have been at least two features on Radio 4 in the past 36 hours dealing with the shortage of primary school places in London, which they attribute to parents pulling out of the private sector. Only at the very end of the segment this morning did their correspondent mutter about “other factors”, coughing “immigration” right at the end.

How strange, because in fact immigration is overwhelmingly the biggest cause of the increase, as this newspaper reports today. In the last eight years the number of births to foreign mothers has increased by 64 per cent; at the same time birth rates among British-born mothers rose by 6 per cent. That’s nationwide - you can double that first figure in London, and while in Richmond and Kingston the sudden unaffordability of private education may be a factor, it’s quite clear none of the new arrivals in the schools in my part of town are called Tarquin or Arabella.

Christopher Caldwell, in his earth-shattering book Reflections on the Revolution in Europe (yes, I’m still banging on about that), analyses the capitalist argument for mass immigration which, he says, “runs counter to classical economic theory and is being challenged with increasing rigor by economists.” He quotes Philippe Legrain’s pro-immigration book Your Country Needs Them which states that if rich countries allowed their workforce to swell by a mere 3 per cent by letting in 14 millions workers the rich countries would be $139 billion a year better off.

This, Caldwell says, smacks of either naivete or mystification. “In context, $139 billion is simply not that much money: It is 0.0035, or roughly one three-hundreth, of the advanced countries’ output. It is about a sixth of the US government’s 2009 stimulus plan.”

As Caldwell says: “The social, spiritual, and political effects of immigration are huge and enduring, while the economic effects are puny and transitory. If, like certain Europeans, you are infuriated by polygot markets and street signs written in Polish, Urdu, and Arabic, sacrificing 0.0035 of your economy would be a pittance to pay for starting to get your country back. If, like other Europeans, you view immigration as a lifeline of excitement, worldliness, and palatable cuisine thrown to your drab and provincial country, then immigration would be a bargain even if it imposed a significant economic cost.”

So what about the costs? He quotes Oxford demographer David Coleman, who says in tallying up the economics of immigration we must factor in:

“The total costs of the integration process, and of the associated immigration and race relations business, the costs of meeting the special education, health, and housing needs of immigrants, the net effects upon the education of ordinary children in immigrant areas, the permanent needs to ‘regenerate’ urban areas of immigrant settlement instead of demolishing them, issues of crime and public order, [and] the multiplier effect on future immigrantion.”

Which brings us back to the effect on schools. Unlike the Government and the BBC, the Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration said the figures suggested that the pressure on primary schools was intimately connected to lack of border controls.

Frank Field, the Labour MP, and Nicholas Soames, a Conservative, who co-chair the group, said that in 25 local authorities the majority of births were now to foreign-born women. This compares with 10 in 2001, they said.

“The need to increase funding for primary schools is a direct result of mass immigration feeding into our population,” they said in a statement.

“The number of births to foreign mothers has risen by 65 per cent since 2001 while the number of births to UK born mothers has only risen by 6.4 per cent. This is a major reason for the pressure on our primary schools but the Government remain in denial about the consequences of their losing control of our borders. Instead they refer to ‘local circumstances’. This is deliberately misleading.”

So why, you might ask, is the BBC parroting the official government line?


  • So why, you might ask, is the BBC parroting the official government line?
    - you are kidding of course- leftie luvvies- overpaid- unaccountable-

    unsuprised on Jul 15th, 2009 at 12:15 pm
  • Well you figured out what the problem is Ed. So what do you do about it?

    Mitch on Jul 15th, 2009 at 12:27 pm
  • So let me follow your logic. If you have an influx of law abiding, tax paying people, regardless of their race, it is their fault that the schools cannot cope and not that of the local authorities !!

    Or am I missing something much more sinister in your piece ??

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 12:38 pm
  • Dr. Dee,

    So let me follow your logic. If you have an influx of law abiding, tax paying people, regardless of their race, it is their fault that the schools cannot cope and not that of the local authorities !!

    Err … you’re suggesting that EW’s piece confused immediate cause with responsibility. On re-reading it, I failed to see that confusion. I’m now left wondering whether you accusation was the result of mendacity or stupidity. It’s a moot point, given the frequency of both accross your comments.

    Ian on Jul 15th, 2009 at 12:43 pm
  • Ed is doing something about it. He is publishing, to the best of his ability, concrete facts and figures which contradict the fuzzy generalities of those in power who say the net effect of immigration is good and causes no problems in communities (unless the communities are racist, of course.) Someone has to publicly speak up, and speak up again and again, to oppose and break down the propaganda that is out there. Mumbling and grumbling in one’s kitchen won’t shift the weight of public opinion.

    Bu on U on Jul 15th, 2009 at 12:44 pm
  • Ian, you are, of course, quite welcome to your view.
    Just two points: You are assuming that you are correct, you are also assuming that Ed ‘my mother is Irish’ West’s piece has had as much consideration as you seem to credit it with (Are you new to Ed ‘My mother is Irish’ West’s blogs ?).

    I would contend that they are both very, very sugary pegs to hang any argument on !!

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 12:57 pm
  • David Dee, I think you overlook the fact that before “an influx” of any sort is permitted by the government, it would be as well if the Home Secretary, Health Secretary, Education Secretary and others checked to ensure that the schools, hospitals, prisons and so on were ready to cope BEFORE allowing the influx. The local authorities you seem to blame are caught between a rock and a hard place.

    Sheona on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:00 pm
  • Buonu, an influx of any sort could cause temporary problems but I am assuming that Morrisons,Tesco and Sainsburys coped with this so why not Local Authorities !!

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:02 pm
  • Oh David Dee/Pele/whatever

    As Ian says, I wasnt aportioning blame to the immigrants, just stating that unless each family is paying taxes of at least £5000 per year per child, plus the tax to pay for other services, then they are not an economic advantage to their host country. If you want to provide a New Labour pro-immigration argument, I’d avoid the economic one, because it’s not true.

    Btw Morrisons, tesco etc are private companies. If they were state-run companies and the taxpayers had to pay for them to give immigrants their state-funded food, I’m sure they would be less happy about the influx and less capable of dealing with it. Or are you suggesting all immigrants should have to use private education? Besides which you’re talking different industries, school places, while not finite, require a greater outlay for increased supply - we need to build new schools, for instance. Didnt you use to work for the Treasury? I would assume this was basic stuff.

    Ed West on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:13 pm
  • Sheona, your idea of a police state would have obvious appeal to many contributers (and perhaps bloggers) to the DT !

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:27 pm
  • Ed, I do notice that you are not altogether stupid and that you do manager to stop short of any show of overt racism !

    Whilst Morrisons, Tescos etc are private companies they are also organisations that learn to see the opportunities in any influx and treat it as an organisational issue as opposed to a racist one !

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:31 pm
  • David Dee, sums up this country to a tee ( is this poetry?) . State a few facts and get accused of racism.

    Scotspape on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:41 pm
  • Scotspape, Know your blogger !

    I refer to Ed ‘My mother is Irish’ West in such a manner because he has, as they say, got ‘previous’.

    He offered the argument that his mother was Irish in a previous blog as a very feeble attempt to counter comments that his blog might just have been construed as being racist !

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:51 pm
  • Now that the middle classes, as well as the working class, are experiencing the blessings of immigration and enrichment, perhaps common sense will prevail and we’ll close our borders.

    On the blessings of immigration, try this ever so slightly tongue-in-cheek piece:

    Of course we are very concerned about the unending flood of asylum seekers, immigrants and refugees, so much so we hope in the future to house new immigrants in rural England. We hope to put to right disadvantaged towns such as Tring, Aylesbury and Tunbridge who have so far missed out on the joys of cultural enrichment and vibrant ethnic diversity.

    There are some beautiful villages in Bucks and Hampshire, and rural sleepy backwaters like Virginia Water, Windsor, Hadlow and Paddock Wood where we will also consider building vast new public housing estates and eventually opening up some of our National Trust properties for travellers and Gypsies and hopefully alleviate the overspill of African, Asian and Jamaican refugees in central London.

    Promises of shared enrichment should not be seen as a token promise which rings with empty words, we must be seen to bring multiculturalism to ALL people of the UK, not to just a small cross section of the poor white population.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:53 pm
  • For the record David Dee, then writing as Pele suggested it was right for a 14-year-old girl to be arrested on “racism” charges for refusing to sit with three girls who were speaking Urdu. When I suggested this was “Liberal fascism” he said

    “You and your ilk are just people who, if you could, would willingly go back to making fun of the Irish like in the good old days without even realising that they were politically motivated.”

    I merely pointed out it would be unusual considering my own mother is an Irish immigrant. I wouldnt suggest Irishness as proof of non-racism, only someone brainwashed in the left’s politics of anti-racism would suggest that being a member of a once downtrodden race meant one cant be a racist. Plenty of Irish people are also quite hostile to mass immigration, as they are right to be.

    Ed West on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:57 pm
  • Ed
    Do not waste you time replying to DD.
    he is a NULIE troll and delights in calling everyone stupid but himself. Also, everyone who does not toe the NULIE line is a racist, so you can’t win.

    LADYMONEYPENNY on Jul 15th, 2009 at 1:59 pm
  • LadyMP - I know I know, but its so easy…

    Ed West on Jul 15th, 2009 at 2:03 pm
  • Ed ‘my mother is Irish’ West, thank you for your self-contradictory abbreviated version of history. For the record I do not accuse you of overt racism. Whether by design or accident you somehow manger to know where to draw the line.

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 2:06 pm
  • Ladymoaningjenny, don’t be sooo stupid I have not called anyone stupid who was not sooo.

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 2:08 pm
  • I thought he had gone for good, why is he back?

    Valerie on Jul 15th, 2009 at 2:25 pm
  • Ed ‘my mother is Irish’ West:
    “Plenty of Irish people are also quite hostile to mass immigration, as they are right to be.”

    Why didn’t you say that you were hostile to mass immigration ? Now we know exactly where you are coming from !

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 2:28 pm
  • I openly am, Dave, as are the majority of your party’s (ex-) supporters. If you tried listening to them rather than patronising them you might get more than 16 per cent of the vote.

    Ed West on Jul 15th, 2009 at 2:44 pm
  • Ed ‘My mother is Irish’ West: “I openly am,”

    Not sooo open as to say it in your piece above. This would, of course, have,openly, given it the meaning that I saw in it from the onset. You see what I mean about your being covert !

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 2:58 pm
  • Sorry Dave, it is rather obvious from the tone, and from the titles of the previous blogs on the right hand side. I could make it more obvious with a preamble saying “I oppose mass immigration” but I tend to think most people with an IQ above 80 can work that out anyway.

    Ed West on Jul 15th, 2009 at 3:04 pm
  • I thought he (Dee) had gone for good, why is he back?

    It can’t be anything to do with Winston’s recent disappearence can it? No, that would be too weird.

    James (1) on Jul 15th, 2009 at 3:05 pm
  • @ James (1)—With any luck, Winston really will be lying in the sunshine somewhere. He needs a long break.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 15th, 2009 at 3:19 pm
  • Ed wrote, paraphrasing David Coleman…in tallying up the economics of immigration we must factor in:

    “The total costs of
    the integration process
    associated immigration and race relations business, special education, health, and housing needs
    net effects upon the education of ordinary children permanent needs to ‘regenerate’ urban areas
    crime and public order
    multiplier effect on future immigrantion.”

    If you ‘follow the money’,
    you see how the British govt and the EU
    work together to both obscure these costs,
    and to remove from the British voters
    any possibility to reduce these costs
    or alter these programs.

    In general, it works like this:
    The British taxpayers hand over
    gazillions of pounds to the EU.
    The EU funds a gazillion ‘programs and quangos’
    for immigrants/refugees.
    All programs and quangos are defacto replicated,
    even though they’re all doing
    basically the same thing,
    so that even if one is unappealing,
    the process continues.
    Everyone within the loop is paid well
    to incentivise the status quo.
    Then, EU-NuLabour ties all the programs together
    with a political alliance
    that they pass off as a ’social org’.
    That political alliance is called Common Purpose.

    I call this tentaclisation, as in
    the sort of monster
    whose tentacles just grow and grow
    and twist around more and more things
    until he’s everywhere and part of everything
    at all times.
    Others call it Gramscian hegemony.

    For a clue to the omnipotence of the tentaclisation, just follow the money.
    Here’s a ‘middle’ point in the money flow:

    Linked: EU Funding Opportunities for Migration

    Sammie Hall

    sammiehall on Jul 15th, 2009 at 4:20 pm
  • Well the ‘little Brownie Stooge is back’ I wonder who is paying him now? He use to say he was paid in Euros. Probably still is as he is aware that Brown’s. AKA, ‘Gorgon’ I.O.U are not worth the paper they are printed on …. O I forgot Gorgon uses a felt pen.

    horseman on Jul 15th, 2009 at 4:31 pm
  • The government like most of the media are in the sort of denial about mass immigration, that Michael Jackson was in about his out of control drug addiction.

    Some of us have been saying these things for years, decades. We’ve been laughed at, called every name under the sun, treated as pariahs. All for being nothing other than truthful and right. Well the chickens are now home, and are roosting in our schools. Few of them even speak english. Bye Bye UK. One more generation and it will be a fully fledged third world nation.

    It’s amazing only that at this late stage, when we are only about a decade and a half away from total anarchy that this debate is even barely making it’s first tentative overtures in the mainstream media. It’s a bit too late for polite niceties don’t you think? When this ship of state is all but sunk.

    Even that smaller figure of 6.4% of children being born to British mothers. Even that increase you can be sure is due to second generation immigrant mothers, not British ones are they might be commonly thought of.

    It’s all over bar the shouting.

    debunker on Jul 15th, 2009 at 4:40 pm
  • You’re all worrying about Islamic immigration when the biggest threat (at the moment) is the EU. The EU has created 120,000 laws. Britain is only amnistrating 10% of them but once it does administer them all it willmean pretty much hell on earth. You won’t be able to sneeze without breaking some legislation and worse still, when you’re arrested you may be locked up for 6 months before you’re charged. When the EU takes full control next year in January they can enforce the whole lot.

    Now the fact that “how is an alien culture growing like bacteria in the West” is a whole debate within itself, but the fundamental questions are why was it allowed a foothold in the West in the first place, who allowed them the foothold in the West and what can we do to stop this from getting progressively worse (and it will) throughout the whole of Europe?

    I urge that all of you have a listen to the interview with David Noakes here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9J6jycRfvA&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fthedestructionofbritain.blogspot.com%2F&feature=player_embedded

    Our politicians and our Queen have committed treason since Heath took us into Europe in the early 70’s.

    So what can we do about it? Well, there are a couple of things you can do about it, firstly you can write to your local MP and tell him/her that when the EU comes into full power (very soon) they will be out of a job. The reason being that with one Parliament in Europe, they won’t need parties in the UK, only masters to run the countries. Secondly, what David Noakes suggests and I have for a long time is a total National strike. Everyone walks out of work and Britain is brought to a standstill. How long depends on NuLabour listening to the people for once but think about it - once the EU comes into full effect there will be no strikes. Those who do strike will be arrested and most probably disappear for good, while they put immigrants into the positions of the ‘recently deceased.’ Thirdly, voting for a political party/independent politician that will take us out of Europe for good. There are a few parties already in the UK, who in their manifesto will remove us from the EU and there are those that will not - NuLabour, Liberal Democrats and Conservative. Yes, the conservatives will merely stall the British public, promising them a referendum. They will ratify the final treaty and become a full member of the EUCCP. Yes the EU is the USSR mark 2 or should I say Nazi Germany part 2.

    I really don’t think many people in the UK understand just what the significance is of being part of the EU. It means complete brainwashing of our children via common purpose and other organisations. It means no freedom as the minorities(ethnics, feminists, gays and lesbians) will completely take control, meaning any bad feeling towards any minority group will mean arrest and imprisonment. Yes, your child calling a gay boy (fully promoted in schools while heterosexuality is demonised taking the place of homosexuality pre 20 years ago) a ‘poofter’ will mean he’ll be removed from school, arrested and imprisoned for medical reprogramming. It won’t matter how young because the EU will also have complete control of your children. Also, the worst factor of all will mean that foreign armies will legally be allowed entry into the UK to crush any resistance. Yes, it will mean Britain taking on the might of all European Nations, with many agent provacateurs within stirring hatred. Also, the most obvious thing as well will be that the USA will also become involved and attack Britain also. America is going down the same road as the EU and will sign agreements to defend the EU as well. All one has to do is look under Obama to see almost identical legislation as the EU’s he’s trying to enforce in the USA.

    So while you discuss about the growth of Islam in Europe, it won’t solve the underlying problem of Europe. Remove the UK from the EU and this will enable us control of our borders. When we gain control of our borders then can we decide what to do with our inhabitants. This then draws me to the OP and yes, these measures of flooding the UK with immigrants which will inevitably mean British school children don’t get places is all part of the plan of the School of Frankfurt: http://au.christiantoday.com/article/the-frankfurt-school-and-the-war-on-the-west/6233.htm
    From the article:

    “They devised strategies by which the destruction of the West could quickly and effectively take place: “To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution - but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future - the School recommended (among other things):

    “1. The creation of racism offences.
    2. Continual change to create confusion.
    3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
    4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
    5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
    6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
    7. Emptying of churches.
    8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
    9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
    10. Control and dumbing down of media.
    11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

    If anyone is wondering why the West is embarked upon sexual suicide, much of the answer can be found in the Frankfurt School: “One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pansexualism’ - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

    “• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
    • abolish differences in the education of boys and girls.
    • abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces .
    • declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors’.
    Munzenberg summed up the Frankfurt School’s long-term operation thus: ‘We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks’.”

    Already, everyone of these ‘plans’ have been inputted into society, which is why many people are utterly amazed as to what’s going on. Many people cannot believe just how their society has changed over the last 20 years but moreso over the last 12. Everyone of the 11 points is in full effect within our society and this then leads us to the underlying cause of who and what is changing our society. There is no doubt about it that Marxism is the engine driving the utter obliteration of the Western Civilisation, but who’s driving the engine? That of course has many faces.

    It is safe to assume that the main three parties will only go to leading us into Europe and under its full control. Cameron, Clegg and Brown and whoever replaces them are europhiles. It’s entirely up to you regarding who you vote for and I will put forward no parties to vote for, for the simple reason that any party other than the main 3 is the only choice.

    To finish off regarding Islam though, I will say a few things:

    1. There is no doubt about what Islam is. All one has to do is read Islam to know its intentions and plans for the West. One only has to understand what kind of a man Muhammad was and what Muslims have done throughout the last 14 centuries to fulfill his wishes. However, one has to also look at what Islam is compared to what we now are. There was a time, in fact 30/40 years ago when our society was very much a patriarchal one as Islam was. We have to realise that at one time people clearly knew the difference between a man and a woman. There was no equality and what I mean trying to make men and women equal when they simply are not physically. Mentally a woman is able to be on a par with a man, but feminism has given women control and upset nature terribly. Islam’s family unit is unbreakable as ours used to be. The respect for the mother and the father within Islam is second to none as ours also used to be. Take away the Sharia Law and the worship of Muhammad and Islamic is what Western society was - very conservative.

    2. Common purpose in the UK is trying to destroy that, by giving power to women and gays within Islam. We have already see the ‘gay’ character in East Enders as the BBC continues to brainwash our society. It is killing family by the promotion of gay, lesbian and feminism. Karl Marx has given all three groups the inspiration to continue his nihilistic teachings. In fact, Karl Marx’s teachings should lead to an anarchy, but they won’t. They will instead lead to a totalitarian society where the minority has full control over the majority and eventually feminism and homosexuality will rule. Heterosexuality will be frowned upon and may even be outlawed as homosexuality was.

    3. Those who are controlling our society are using Islam (and immigration) as the weapon to utterly destroy European culture and then once done, they will also start the indoctrination and destruction of Islamic culture as well via indoctrination, brainwashing and neuro linguistic programming. Yes people, I truly believe that Islam is being set up to destroy the west and then will be destroyed itself. Once the EU has control of the Europe, it will use Britain and France’s nuclear weapons with which to launch strikes on the Islamic world, which of course America and Israel will join in.

    What is happening is truly a despicable act and sadly is not a pie in the sky scenario. All one has to do is look at the UK now and the constant pandering to Islam. Why? It wasn’t that long ago that they were our enemies and the UK and the USA was setting off to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. Why are we now cuddling up to Islam? Why are we deporting coptic christians but allowing the growth of Hizb ut Tahrir with open marches by them and freedom to promote Sharia law and takeover?

    Sadly people, the West has been manipulated. 9/11 was no terror plot by Muslims it was in fact no different to what happened in the UK and Madrid. These were terror plots all right and their perpetrators were none other that your very own governments, who many people are now beginning to realise hate them and their countries and are part of something many people know nothing about. You are all being set up to be completely caged in as sheep. It will not be long before full control is handed to the EU and your lives will be worthless, as any attack on the attack on our freedoms will mean many will simply disappear. George Orwell was not an author. He was a psychic and saw the future crystal clear. From Animal Farm to 1984, he envisioned a hell emerging, that we would allow, because we simply couldn’t possibly imagine our own government and politicians to sell us out. Our society has become far too trusting, far to tolerant and we have allowed ourselves to be utterly fooled in every sense of the west. We have strayed from nature’s path. There is no animal that is trusting, for it knows that should it remove the element of fear (as we are doing in schools) their lives will come to an abrupt end. It’s time to start educating yourselves seriously on just what’s going on and that means to avoid the TV and newspapers as they are nothing more than brainwashing techniques.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 15th, 2009 at 4:45 pm
  • Sorry this isn’t directly related to the topic but thought you might be interested:


    P.S. Welcome back to the beard.

    Grace on Jul 15th, 2009 at 4:49 pm
  • @Grace. Thanks.
    Those stories from Malaysia are fairly common. The Malaysia Catholic Herald has even been taken to court for using the word Allah because Christians are not supposed to use the word God.

    Ed West on Jul 15th, 2009 at 4:54 pm
  • Ed ‘my mother is Irish’ West: “I oppose mass immigration”

    See, there you go again. Retreating. You did not just say that you opposed immigration. You said that you are hostile to immigration.

    Now even a person with my IQ can’t fail to see not only the difference in the wording but the significience of that difference in terms of race relationships. Covert again, are we !

    David Dee on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:01 pm
  • David Dee,

    Immigration is not bad, but it depends upon where it’s coming from and more importantly at what number.

    Immigration to the West from cultures non Western is suicide. However, those immigrants from non western societies can be brought, in small numbers and assimilated into the western culture. If there are too many then it’s cultural suicide.

    Non western civilisation into the western civilisation will destroy it for the reason that non western civilisations are not only exceptionally backward in many ways but they are tribal and cultural people, that in a mass will fight to protect and instil their culture on the dominant one.

    In the case of Ed West, immigration from Ireland into the UK is a world away from Nigerians or Afghans into the UK. The western civilisation is predominately celtic. Britain is a celtic nation, therefore celts coming from Ireland into England/Scotland/Wales is like adding a spoonful of sugar into a pot of sugar.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:08 pm
  • Changing demographics in developed countries (lower birth rate) means immigration will continue in most of these countries with the exception of Japan. But, the immigrants moving to the US from Mexico and Central America, both legally and illegally, are far more in line with Western values than many of those coming to Europe. Frankly, I like our immigrants.

    kelsorogers on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:12 pm
  • Japan, and their heroic efforts in robotics, with their ASIMO developments, is the only hope of salvation.

    Japan alone it seems, grasps that the only way for their shrinking demographic to maintain it’s unique cultural identity is to replace an aging workforce with robots and not immigrants.

    I thank the Japanese daily for their common sense, their intelligence, and the possibility that they will save the western world with their technology.

    debunker on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:24 pm
  • Excerp from a complaint letter to Hazel Blears from a person angry about the current school situation:

    (letter clipped)
    A large portion of a school’s funding comes from what is known as a ‘Dedicated Schools Grant’ from the DCSF, which goes to local authorities and is then distributed to schools as they see fit.

    Although this might not sound controversial, the differences between what local authorities receive is largely due to differences in ‘Additional Educational Needs’ (AEN) within their authority, which is where it gets very controversial because AEN is based on the number of children speaking English as an additional language.

    So immediately, before a single child has been taught, you hand over extra millions to local authorities just because they have fewer children with white skin.

    Furthermore, local authorities decide how they split up their funding between schools - meaning that they are perfectly entitled to exacerbate this diversion of funds away from white children.

    In addition to the Dedicated Schools Grant, there is the ‘Schools Standards Grant’ and the ‘Standards Fund’.

    The former is worth about £1.2 billion and is paid directly to schools while the latter is the perfect vehicle for Labour to punish the white working class.

    Unknown to almost every voter, the ‘Standards Fund’ contains a huge sum of money that is given to local authorities through the ’Ethnic Minority Achievement’ grant. Notice that it is not called the ‘Underachievement’ grant or the ‘Supporting weaker pupils ‘grant - it’s labelled the ‘Ethnic Minority Achievement’ grant because not a single British child with white skin gets a penny from it.
    This grant is ring-fenced so that every local authority is forced to use it on non-white children, even if they have very high percentages of white children in their schools. It is used to cover some of the costs of “meeting the specific needs of bilingual learners and underachieving pupils” from ethnic minorities instead of supporting any underperforming child in English (which is the national language in this country, last time I checked) regardless of their skin colour.

    We’re not talking about small sums of money here either - in September 2008, the Ethnic Minority Achievement grant was £185 million and it will rise to £194 million in September 2009 and to £204 million in 2010. To give that a little context, if this money was used every year to support underachieving pupils from any background with any skin colour it could pay for 10,000 new teachers, 12,900 new teaching assistants, 14,000 new support staff, six brand new state-of-the-art secondary schools, 16.2 million new text books, 130,000,000 school meals or just over 1 billion new exercise books. But no. Sure, extra staff will be employed and more resources will be bought, but only for children who have the correct skin colour.

    End of letter

    If you look up these ringfenced funds, you’ll see that the person who wrote that letter is correct.

    Sammie Hall

    sammiehall on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:26 pm
  • kelsorogers,

    Those immigrants coming into America from Mexico are also creating problems. While they are Christian which is a plus, it can also be claimed that Mexico is part of the Western Civilisation, although I will say that Mexican immigration into the USA is doing exactly the same thing as what the immigrants into Europe are doing and that is not allowing the minimum wage to rise. Many are also quite happy to work for under that as the markup in Mexico of the American dollar is the exact opposite to Mexican Peso in America.

    Something you may also be very interested in is that were Britain not giving 1/3rd of its GDP to Europe as well as continuing immigration, the minimum wage here would be far higher than £5.80 and some people estimate it to be around £20 an hour. Thus immigration not only destroys cultures, but also keeps the minimum wage from rising - thus keeps business owners raking in more profit year after year and subduing the workers who keep it alive.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:28 pm
  • Ed West on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:35 pm
  • sammiehall

    What is this letter going to prove? Hazel Blears is part of the problem, therefore this, like many will merely go in the bin and the usual “Thank you for writing and your letter has been considered…” bollox?

    Many of us know what’s going on but what’s being done about it in order to change the situation? People are still going to vote Conservative after Nulabour aren’t they?

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:41 pm
  • This all just means Britain is not a democracy. Virtually all white people are against more than a very limited amount of controlled immigration especially from where most immigrants come. Whatever anyone thinks of those opinions; that is the truth.

    The fact that the wishes of the British people have been systematically abused and overruled for generations is absolute proof that Britain is not a democracy.

    Prominent politicians even revel in the idea that we ordinary folk are stupid and our opinions worthless.

    The consequence for me is that this country is not worth fighting for, especially by those whose opinions are abused and vilified. In other words white people.

    Yet who are doing all the fighting and dying in Afghanistan. Young white people. They are dying to keep Britain undemocratic and to make Britain a better place for black and Asian people to live in.

    What we need is a campaign to bring our troops home, at least until we have a democracy worth fighting for. In the meantime if there is any fighting and dying to be done let the blacks and the Asians do for a change. This will soon be their country.

    Old Man on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:41 pm
  • Oldman, I agree. What really is the point of writing to politicians to complain? They are after all part of the same system. It’s like writing a letter to a thief who’s been robbing the neighbourhood to tell him that there’s a thief robbing the neighbourhood and will he do something about it?

    It’s just utterly pointless. If people truly think that they’re going to take back the UK democratically and by using good, old British fair play they’re sadly mistaken. The only thing that’s going to have a remote chance of winning back Britain from Marxist control and being swallowed up by the EU is full on revolution and bloody civil war. However, as you know people are not prepared to do that. They still think that by voting for Conservative they’ll save Britain as “that’s what the Conservatives do, after all, look at the mess Britain was in under Wilson’s/Callaghan’s Labour?” - so they believe.

    It’s going round and round in circles, nothing’s changing and it’s getting worse and worse. A campaign to bring our troops home will not work I’m afraid. All they will say is that it will endanger the Afghans from the Taliban, allowing the Taliban to win back ground already won as well as put American soldiers at risk (I know that people will say we don’t care but it’s not the point) and the soldiers will stay. We do not live in a democracy. People know that. We may vote for parties but all they do is lie, cheat and steal as well as follow their own agenda. There’s only one thing that will win Britain back for the people, as has been done so many times before in so many countries and that’s full on bloody revolution, but people have mortgages to consider and don’t want to lose their jobs. Their lives and future careers are far more important than stopping the UK from turning into a Hell Hole.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 15th, 2009 at 5:58 pm
  • youarebeingliedtoo

    Hi Winston, hope you’re feeling better.

    James (1) on Jul 15th, 2009 at 6:40 pm
  • From the Mail on Sunday:

    Home Secretary Alan Johnson last night refused point blank to cap the number of immigrants coming to Britain.

    Speaking at the Home Affairs Select Committee, Mr Johnson said he would not bring in a cap because it would harm the economy, claiming the argument that immigration had made a contribution to the economy was ‘irrefutable’.

    ‘I do not lie awake at night worrying about a population of 70 million,’ he told the cross-party group of MPs.

    ‘I’m happy to live in a multi-cultural society. I’m happy to live in a society where we not only welcome those coming to live and work in this country, but also where we can go and live and work in other countries.’

    So, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Always assuming, of course, that it will get better…

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 15th, 2009 at 7:15 pm
  • Johnny, ‘hate to say it’ but I am really starting to feel the same way as Old Man.

    If the British people don’t want to save themselves (the BNP’s vote was down) then what else can we do? Just wait for the inevitable anarchy and stop worrying about it I guess.

    James (1) on Jul 15th, 2009 at 7:25 pm
  • James (1)—Oh, dear. Looks like I’ll have to search out some more inspiring videos to cheer you up. In the meantime, go to my magnificent blog and thrill to the sight and sound of steam.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 15th, 2009 at 7:32 pm
  • James there are only 2 things you can do in order to stop the inevitable from happening in the UK and it really depends on what you want to define as inevitable.

    1. Go the peaceful route - Vote for a political party you know will address the problems that you have with living in 21st C Britain.

    2. Go the non peaceful route - Start a revolution, organise a movement to wage a war against the reasons behind the problems you have of living in the UK in the 21st Century.

    As you know point one will determine whether or not the majority of people in the UK agree with you in order to form a democratic voice that will utterly obliterate the attack on the UK over the last 50+ years and those culpable for it.

    However point two will also only work if you have enough people to wage the revolution with you, prepared to sacrifice their lives as many will certainly either end up with a bullet in their head, captured and thrown in prison for the rest of their lives for treason and sedition.

    So really the choice is yours peaceful or non peaceful.

    There are of course other options but they won’t help the situation in the UK and they are:

    1. Don’t vote and wait for the full joining of the EU
    2. Pack your bags and leave the UK for a non European country, hopefully being able to warn many people in your new country not to go down the same route as the UK.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 15th, 2009 at 7:52 pm
  • @ James (1)—I’ve added another video to my blog to cheer you up (well, it’ll cheer you up if you like Supergrass). In honour of you, I’ll also be adding ‘Sit Down’ by James.

    As for the serious matter of Britain’s future, and whether she will actually have a future worth speaking about, I’m going to quote pondy from Ed’s last blog on immigration:

    For all of those posters like Johnny R who love their country take heart. By overstretching and overplaying their hand, the Federalists will slap our faces once too often. As each day passes another Brit gets ‘it’. Another person becomes implacably opposed to our Traitor-leaders and to the tools they use against us.

    While there is a demographic timebomb ticking against us, there is one ticking for us: the more streets and communities that are stolen the more angry people become and the more intensely they will feel it. The more crime they suffer personally and amongst family and friends the more they will despise our leaders and their invasion force.

    I agree with much of what Old Man says but I disagree with his advice to give up. I’m no quitter. Are you?

    Johnny Rottenborough

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 15th, 2009 at 9:32 pm
  • Johnny

    No, I can’t quit. Just as long as I know there are others that feel the same way as me.

    James (1) on Jul 15th, 2009 at 9:50 pm
  • Johnny, It’s got nothing at all to do with giving up. It does have a lot to do with fate and fate exists.
    If I can make an analogy, imagine being in a tug-of-war, you can be pulling the rope with all your strength, but it’s really a team effort. If the people in your team are not pulling, or even if there are not enough people in your team pulling then the inevitable will always be a loss.

    This is the state of affairs in Britain. We’re having a huge game of tug-of-war and yet not everyone’s pulling, in fact, many people don’t actually know OF a tug-of-war in order to join in and help our team to victory. Sadly the opposite team continues to grow.

    When pondy said: “While there is a demographic timebomb ticking against us, there is one ticking for us: the more streets and communities that are stolen the more angry people become and the more intensely they will feel it. The more crime they suffer personally and amongst family and friends the more they will despise our leaders and their invasion force.” I disagree in his analysis. All that has to happen is Britain become fully under EU control and then non of this will matter. Any dissent will be crushed by a foreign force. The very factor of Islam will be no more as they too will be crushed as well. I believe they are merely a tool with which to utterly obliterate English traditional culture, albeit they are growing at a humongous rate. Think about this for a minute. When Britain has no longer control of any of its troops or police as they are controlled by bureaucrats in Brussels, any dissent, regardless by whom will be utterly destroyed, therefore any Islamisation by Islamists will be met with deadly force. Yes, we will see death squads comprising of British and EU troops given the use of deadly force with NO trial or apprehension of the troops and no ‘law suits/human rights court lawyers’ in order to bring their murderers to trial. As part of the EU, it will be controlled by an Elite with a Stasi, where Islam will be removed, or should I say totally subdued.

    Islam has been allowed to grow rapidly in the West in order to totally destroy the culture of the West under School of Frankfurt theory.

    The biggest problem we face is removing ourselves from the EU asap. If we do not, then we go back to the type of society under Stalin and Hitler with secret police, room 101’s and the deaths and disappearances of millions of people. This time is drawing near. I would forget about Islamisation as it’s not going to happen. It’s one big ploy against Western Civilisation in order for the Marxist nihilists to create their nihilist society.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 15th, 2009 at 9:58 pm
  • @ youarebeingliedtoo—The very factor of Islam will be no more as they too will be crushed as well…I would forget about Islamisation as it’s not going to happen.

    How is the EU going to crush Islam and prevent Islamization from happening? That would involve deporting tens of millions of Muslims, or making Islam illegal in Europe. Either course of action would enrage the Muslim world, not least because of the Euro-Arab Dialogue that alexei mentioned on another thread:

    Agreement was reached between the then member states of the EEC (EU) and major Arab nations. A deal, by which the latter would continue to supply us continuously with oil AND provide a market for our exports, in exchange for Europe promoting and disseminating Islamic culture (especially in the media and universities) and leaving a virtual open door to continuous Muslim immigration into Europe.

    I couldn’t agree more about leaving the EU, so at least we won’t come to blows there.

    @ James (1)—Fate has handed me another cheery video: Nick Griffin making his maiden speech in the European Parliament.

    Johnny Rottenborough

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 15th, 2009 at 10:39 pm
  • @ Ed West (Jul 13th, 2009 at 10:25 am)—its not the BNP’s policies that consign them to the fringe, in blind testing their policies are the most popular with the people, its their personnel.

    Ed, I’ve just seen this picture of the BNP’s personnel in Bromsgrove. Terrifying.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 15th, 2009 at 10:53 pm
  • Johnny, it’s actually quite simple to see what will happen. With the creation of the EU, it will create pretty much loss of jobs throughout Europe and many Muslims will simply pack up and return home - no jobs + no benefits in a situation where hatred will continue to grow against Islam. The other factor as well is that the EU will have control of Britain’s and France’s Nuclear arsenal. America has already surrounded Iran in Iraq and Afghanistan and they will be a target of possible Nuclear War and then there’s Saudi Arabia as well. The EU along with America will simply attack Saudi Arabia and take its oil. This who thing has been under plan for a while now.

    The creation of the EU is the creation of the monster that will bring Nuclear War - WW3. Already American using its creation - Al Qaeda is growing in Africa. China is in Africa taking resources. Already we’ve see the uprising in China with the Uighars and Al Qaeda have just threatened China with attacks in Africa and around the world. The game is to kick China out of Africa via Al Qaeda, who we’re still told are enemies of the West. They still work for America, those really running America and Europe. Obama was elected in order to be a ‘friendly’ face in Africa. America is going to move into Africa and take the resources. It will then ally with the new EUCCP and they will surround Russia and China. This is about world domination and the creation of an American/EUCCP Empire. Sure, a hell of a lot of conspiracy there but the people of the USA and the UK are being played. 9/11 and 7/7/05 were creations of the American and British governments. There were no Muslim terrorists. It’s all one big lie. 9/11 was created in order to go into the Middle East, Afghansitan and Iraq for Oil and 7/7/05 was created in order to heap more terrorist laws in order to remove our civil liberties and oppress us even more as well as increase our hatred for Muslims.

    And of course we’re fed the total bull that Islam is on the rise again. Well it is I suppose, that’s what the Islamists think, but they were let into the West for one reason to destroy our culture, traditions and society. Every war over the last couple of hundred of years possibly more has been carefully planned beforehand to reach the position we’re in today. They are nearing the end of their creation. Time is almost up.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 15th, 2009 at 10:54 pm
  • @ youarebeingliedtoo—With the creation of the EU, it will create pretty much loss of jobs throughout Europe and many Muslims will simply pack up and return home

    For tens of millions of Muslims, Europe is their home. They’re going to stay here and breed the rest of us out. That’s Islamization. See this article by Richard Ehrman:

    In terms of numbers the West still held the upper hand compared to the Middle East until well after the Second World War. In 1950 all the Arab countries together had a combined population of only 60 million, compared with nearly 160 million in the US and a combined total of 120 million for Britain, France, and Spain — the three European powers that then still ruled territory in the Arab world.

    By 2000 the demographic balance had changed dramatically. The Arab world had increased fourfold to just over 240 million, not far short of America’s 284 million. Over the same period the population of Iraq increased even faster, from under 6 million in 1950 to 25 million in 2000 — and 30 million today. In Afghanistan (which is not an Arab country) it went up at a similar pace, from 8 million to 20 million by 2000, and approaching 30 million today.

    Thanks to their high fertility, these countries are also now much younger than the West. Between 1950 and 2000, the average age in America rose from 30 to 35, and in Europe from 30 to nearly 38 — the oldest of any continent. In Iraq and Afghanistan the average age fell over the same period; in Iraq it was only 18 in 2000 and 16 in Afghanistan. The result, as America and Britain have discovered to their cost, is that both have disproportionately large reserves of fighting-age men.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 15th, 2009 at 11:18 pm
  • Johnny,

    All good and well, but once the EU gains full control of the European countries, expect a huge change within European societies regarding Islam. Islam will be removed from Muslims or else Muslims will be removed from Europe.

    Time will tell….

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 15th, 2009 at 11:32 pm
  • Johnny, like I said to you earlier regarding the planning of the destruction of the West has been going on for a while. Notice the part on your reply to me from Richard Ehrman’s article : “In terms of numbers the West still held the upper hand compared to the Middle East until well after the Second World War…..By 2000 the demographic balance had changed dramatically…..”
    Don’t you notice anything here? There are two overwhelming factors to take into consideration here. Firstly, what did the Second world war kill off? Well it killed millions of the Western Civilisation’s males, thus drastically reducing the numbers of men who would have reproduced the next generations. Secondly look at the time frame as well. 50 years of indoctrination of Marxist Liberal-Nihilism, rapid increase in feminism and of course minority rights, led to the Western civilisation literally stopping mating with one another, or should I say, having more than one child. My mother was one of 8 children and I am one of 5. What’s the average size of the family in the UK now? I remember a sitcom called 2.4 children which has now drastically dropped to 1.4 children.

    It’s got nothing to do with the Arab world increasing, but all to do with the desruction of: western civilisation, Christianity, large families and the rise of the factors that attributed to that Liberalism and Feminism both dirven by Marxism. Had the West not been under attack after the 2nd world war, we’d still be having large families, keeping up with the Muslim world. Thus we wouldn’t be having immigration as we’d have more than enough for our own workforce. Have you never asked yourself the question “What’s the biggest thing that could decimate a civilisation before?” You must know that wars not only kill the males but seriously impede the future generations with less men to reproduce.

    The whole thing has been planned like I said, going back to the French revolution and before. All wars since then have been planned by powerful families, money lenders & arms dealers. It is well known that the Rothschild’s were both. One side of the family would fund one side and the other the other, thus making the family exceptionally wealthy. What people in the West fail to see is that Western Civilisation has got to where it is now because of a few, hellishly wealthy and powerful people. They have created wars, sculpted policy and brought the west to its knees as it is now. It’s all been planned Johnny and do you really think that these powerful people are going to let Islam, a 7th Century stone age cult become the new masters of their baby? If you do then you’re really naive, I’m afraid. All the books that are currently being written by people warning of Islamisation are partly right. We are being geared to think that Islamisation is on its way as Islam grows here in the West. From continuing appeasement to Islam, stating that the police will ‘turn a blind eye’ to Muslim extremists, more pandering to Islam with police putting shoes on dogs feet when they go into Muslim homes to catch their drug dealing children…don’t you think this all a bit too far fetched? Do you truly honestly think they’re just going to hand the UK and Europe and the greatest civilisation of the West to Muslims, who were it not for the west wouldn’t even know how to boil an egg?

    The Muslim in Europe are being led to believe that they are going to conquer the West and they are so blatantly ignorant to not see that they are setting themselves up for utter obliteration. The deaths will be humoungous I’m afraid to say. I just don’t think that people seem to realise that an EUCCP will be one huge country, with the power of countries, masters in the art of war. They will have access to their people, their armies and of course France and Britain’s Nuclear arsenal, not that they’re making more. We are seeing the soon-to-be-finished super nation of a conglomeration of countries that are going to rule over the people with an Iron fist. They’ll utterly smash dissent, people will disappear and when I say a new Hitleresque/Stalinist state I mean every word. Think of a combination of the Stasi and the KGB that will simple shoot people to death on the street legally, like they did with Jean Charles de Menenez? This regime is Communist/Nazi all rolled into one. There will be no freedom, no democracy, no liberty. We have the birth of Orwell’s Big Brother police state that will be power hungry like it’s sister state also being controlled - the USA.

    Islam are being set up in the West and then they will be destroyed. I expect that Iran will be wiped off the face of this earth before 2015. It’s just going to take the eventual full control of the EU to make this happen.


    There’s always a plus side. That is of course if the British and European people wake up and see what’s happening around them. That is if they vote for parties that will destroy the concept of the EUCCP and remove them from it and a single currency. That is also if they question the reason to how and who was behind the creation of the EUCCP. That means bringing some very powerful people into a court of law, finding them guilty and executing them. These people are hugely powerful people. These are people who have been responsible in the creation of wars all over this world and mass movements of people as well as stock Market crashes and mass unemployment of people in this world. These are people who are involved in organisations horrifically powerful that have been orchestrated histories greatest disasters and world wars.
    This all however takes knowledge and where will that knowledge come from if not from the MSM? It’s a very tough nut to crack and it’s not that people have nut crackers, the majority don’t not just know what a nut cracker is, but what nut to crack!

    I think this is all fate and meant to be. It means dropping back the progression of man by several centuries another dark age and then a period where a man/woman will be born who will lead the people out of the Dark Age hell hole. I think this has already happened many times in the past and we are merely repeating history, because we haven’t learned from it and are destined to make the same mistake over and over again.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 12:46 am
  • Johnny

    Nice photo. Just ordinary British people who are trying to save their country.

    James (1) on Jul 16th, 2009 at 7:36 am
  • youarebeingliedtoo
    Phew! You don’t half talk a lot. If all the Islamists have to worry about is a bunch of plonkers and you NF leftovers, then they can relax and wait. Always banging on about plots in smoke filled rooms - which “Carry-on” film are you from?
    Gordon Bennet

    gordonbennet on Jul 16th, 2009 at 11:08 am
  • @ youarebeingliedtoo (12:46 am)—The Muslim in Europe are being led to believe that they are going to conquer the West and they are so blatantly ignorant to not see that they are setting themselves up for utter obliteration.

    That’s music to my ears. I sincerely hope you’re right. Try as I might, I can’t see anything remotely good about Mohammedanism.

    @ James (1) (7:36 am)—Yes, it is a nice photo, isn’t it? I hope Ed saw it, too. It might help to soften his prejudices.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 16th, 2009 at 11:37 am
  • I sure did, and Im sure they’re lovely people, but look at the quality of the party’s leadership, and its councillors. Apart from Griffin they are very poor quality, bad media performers, very shady political pasts, and repulsive to most voters. Brons? Was an 18-year-old Nazi and he looks like a creep. Lee Barnes? oddball and crank. Colllett? Complete liability. Bennett? The half-Jewish Hitler fan.
    You certainly wouldnt want to have a drink with any of them. Barnbrook is unspectacular but is number 2 or 3 just for seeming normalish.
    I know you guys dont want to hear this but most middle class, educated people are never going to touch a party run by this lot, and no party can become a major party without cross-class support; the fact that so many voted for them despite their repulsiveness says a lot about the desperate situation Britain is in.

    Ed West on Jul 16th, 2009 at 11:49 am
  • Johnny R

    Good to see you are keeping up moral. I certainly think things look very gloomy, but then I do think that we haven’t quite got to the next leg down of the financial crisis. This part of the crisis will, I believe, affect banks and insurance companies especially so will hammer the UK. Much of our tax receipts are gleaned from this sector.

    If banks take more write-downs then I think that it’s game over for the present chumps and there will be massive and instant rammifications for our nation’s status with regard to debt: our interest rates would in this situation rocket…unless the BoE take radical action and devalue our currency with more QE (Quantitative Easing has never worked and is like pushing on a string so this may not even be a way out).

    This is a credit crisis in a ‘credit based’ financial system, which means that until the junk is purged from the system then the credit markets will be broken. One way or another the market finds out who is holding the junk paper.

    This is all a rather longwinded way of saying that our government’s attempt to stimulate the economy with low-skilled, low paid immigrants, some of whom work in the black economy, will definitely fail. Like any large company, UKplc needs to let go of workers in a dowturn. They are taking on worker (liabilities) at an alarming rate.

    If anything will ensure the doom of our economy it is this crazy mass immigration project.

    PS: The real reason for the ‘baby boom’ post WW2 was simpy that there was growth and a need for more people. The last thing the UK needs just now is more people. There is a housing shortage and very shortly in the world there will be food shortages. China and India are going to compete for everything we have.

    This Winter will be the last hurrah of any faux rally before the nosedive. Then the middle class, who will really start to feel massive painful losses of buying power and savings, will be full of rage at our government.

    Then the game begins.

    ‘It’s the economy, stupid,’ as they say. It will be money that finally wakes everyone up to our present madness.

    Keep the faith.


    pondy on Jul 16th, 2009 at 12:12 pm
  • @ Ed (11:49 am)—Oops. Looks like I just reinforced your prejudices. That wasn’t supposed to happen. I could remind you of James (1)’s comment about your grandchildren and Friday prayers but I can see that your mind is made up.

    @ pondy—Thanks; doing my best. Pondy, it’s fascinating to read your posts on the financial aspects of our present and future predicament. Do you have your own blog? It would be really useful to have all your posts in one place; much easier for me to crib the occasional thought! Another question: do you post on any other blogs or just the Telegraph ones?

    Johnny Rottenborough

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 16th, 2009 at 1:55 pm
  • @Johnny R. Alternatively I can tell my grandchildren that the campaign against what happened to their country lost because it was tainted by its association with fascism?

    Ed West on Jul 16th, 2009 at 2:05 pm
  • @ Ed—As long as people are aware and campaigning, I don’t mind one bit whether they support the BNP or not. I agree that some of the leadership could have behaved better in years past. Having admitted that, I hope you’ll meet me half way and say that criticizing Andrew Brons for his looks isn’t fair. Thank goodness we didn’t judge by looks 70 years ago—Churchill would never have become Prime Minister. And before you jump down my throat, I’m not comparing Brons to Churchill!

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 16th, 2009 at 2:40 pm
  • Gordon Bennet (patronising moniker) you take the normal stance of those unable to debate and move into instant deny mode with attacks, sullies and lambastes.

    “Phew! You don’t half talk a lot. If all the Islamists have to worry about is a bunch of plonkers and you NF leftovers, then they can relax and wait. Always banging on about plots in smoke filled rooms - which “Carry-on” film are you from?”

    If you do feel you can debate then please do, but I think you are unable to debate. Your main intention is to push people away from any possible thought on a subject by trying to make them look stupid by what they say with - wait for it - CONSPIRACY THEORIES!

    Believe it or not, most of what’s actually happening within the UK is a conspiracy theory, that is theorists are meeting in dark, now smokeless rooms (thanks to another attack on our civil liberties and freedoms - the smoking ban) and conspiring with one another in just how many more ways they can destroy western culture and civilisation. For example, here’s one for you, very much a conspiracy:

    politician no 1: “How can we control the people even more than we are?”

    politician no 2: “Well, we can stop them associating with one another.”

    politician no 1: “How do we do that, that’s practically an impossibility, any action will be looked as draconian?”

    politician no 2: “We close down places where they meet such as pubs.”

    politician no 1: “Brilliant, but we can’t just close down pubs can we?”

    politician no 2: “Of course not, but what we do do is hike the rates and of course our tax on alcohol up so much, mixed in with giving more and more licenses to mini markets to sell alcohol and that will pretty much kill of the ‘local boozer’ as alcohol in pubs will be too expensive. And of course we can make things even harder for them after that. Those pubs that then bring in bands to attract the customers in, we then enforce music licenses on them, which of course cost a hell of a lot. Mix that also in with health campaigns, reducing the drink drive limit of alcohol and smoking bans and it will be a final nail in the coffin of pubs.”

    politician no 1: “Brilliant! And no one can ever blame the government, because it will be blamed on so many other factors in life.”

    politician no 2: “Exactly!”

    So you see there’s one conspiracy theory right there for you Mr Bennet. The attack on one of the pillars of our foundation of society but more importantly the meeting place of many from all classes, in order to stop the swapping of information that the government cannot monitor al subtly disguised as ‘economic hardship’. That was very much a conspiracy and the smoking ban was the first weapon they effectively used against the pub.

    If you really want to go through life with your head in the sand which is apparent to all here, then that’s your choice. However don’t try to influence others with your ignorance because it won’t really work.

    As for ‘NF leftover’, never been in the NF or any right wing movement, so I suppose you’ve got that one wrong as well. Then again, it’s just the way people like you work, no counter-arguments whatsoever, just personal attacks. There are so many like you in society - pig ignoramuses, who shouldn’t get involved in things they haven’t got a clue about.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 2:43 pm
  • @ Johnny. He also has a repulsive past, which makes attacking his looks acceptable.
    Not like this handsome devil


    Ed West on Jul 16th, 2009 at 2:46 pm
  • @Ed, You say “Alternatively I can tell my grandchildren that the campaign against what happened to their country lost because it was tainted by its association with fascism?”

    I am presuming that you are speaking of the BNP? I for the life of me can’t see any other campaign that’s trying to stop the destruction of Britain’s culture, tradition and society other than the BNP.

    Do you know something we don’t know? I really hate to burst your bubble, but the Conservatives, NuLabour and the Limp Dims are all one and the same, all eager to continue with Britain’s membership within the EU and signing the last treaties that will give the EU full control over the UK - early next year.

    Mr West, I truly do not think you understand the full gravity of the situation we are facing here. We are looking at two leaders Cameron and Clegg who are both working with Demos, the organisation behind Tony Blair’s campaign to become leader of the UK. Now why would they be working with the same organisation as one another and worse still Tony Blair who’s reaped so much destruction against the UK?

    Once the final EU treaty is ratified then goodbye politicians in the UK. They will not be needed. There will be no democracy within the UK whatsoever as regardless what people may want and regardless what laws they may wish, they will have no say whatsoever as Brussels will make all the laws that will be passed here. We are looking at effectively one huge borderless state - Europe.

    Fascism is what’s destroying the UK with NuLabour leading the charge and Conservative and Limp Dims ready to continue it when they leave.

    Honestly, the ignorance is overwhelming. The attack on the BNP - THE BRITISH NATIONAL PARTY - do you see that, a party that is interested in Britain and its people before anything else, is growing at a rapid pace while the British public are continually being lied to, being told that the BNP are going to be like the Nazis and the Communists were to them?

    Ed, the Nazis and the Communists are the ones calling the BNP, Nazis and Communists. It is these people who we have to worry about, not the BNP. What I’ve noticed with good meaning journalists like yourself is that you’ve bought the rhetoric being thrown at you by your liberal elite. You simply cannot see that you’re being told the main three are fighting for a better future, when they’re selling you mind, body and soul to Beelzebub.

    Just imagine what this country will become when even more people are pouring into the UK than there are already? Just imagine what this country will be like when minorities have even more rights that they currently do and ethnic morons are being given jobs because of their ethnicity, pig ignorant to what they’re supposed to be doing, but because they’re Somalian or Nigerian from a third world country then they have to be given preference?

    Imagine when they start removing the amount of years and lowering exam results for the ethnic minorities in doctor/surgeon exams because it’s too hard for them to understand, but must be done in order to attain a pass rate?

    We have fascism in the UK Ed. Those fascists are the three main parties and they’re all the same. They’re lying to the public on a daily basis and the public buys it. How on earth can a country that is predominately 90% white or whatever not vote for a party that’s for white people’s survival IN THEIR OWN BLOODY HOMELAND??? I can guarantee that were the situation to happen in Africa or Asia, those indigenous people would say “screw the ethnic minorities, this is our land, they have their own.”

    I’m sure if there was a party in America at the time of colonisation that spoke up for the native Americans like the BNP is for the British, the Native Americans would have voted for them lock stock and barrel. It seems that the white race, is the only race on this planet that is quite happy to commit suicide, because you’re all so bloody wrapped up in being nice to people and of course liberalism.

    I do hate to say it Ed, but you really are far more liberal than you are conservative. I don’t actually think there are any more conservative journalists out there, well, not in the UK that is.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 3:17 pm
  • Ed, sorry.. I like you on a personal level, but I’m really beginning to wonder about you, and the point of your blog.

    You agree with BNP supporters on just about everything, but like Littlejohn and all the rest, when it comes to the crunch to scurry back into the mainstream.

    Is this really more about you making a living out of the sick status quo?

    Make your mind up or stop moaning Ed, because Cameron, Clegg etc are going to change NOTHING, and you know that full well.

    James (1) on Jul 16th, 2009 at 3:28 pm
  • @ED, In your other blog someone posted a link to Alan Johnson’s saying that he doesn’t lie awake at night thinking about the population hitting 70million people because he doesn’t care.

    Do you really not see what’s happening here? For each prime minister who signs an EU treaty they’re rewarded with something like £10million. Now I don’t know whether they share it out to the cabinet ministers, but I think the cabinet ministers are making huge amounts anyway. The thing is Ed, what we are seeing is a situation where the greedy politicians are doing their jobs for cash incentive not helping people incentive.

    Ironically however, all politicians in the UK willbe jobless when we eventually go into Europe. The main politicians are all going to make so much money that they and their families won’t have to worry about money ever again. The money they’re making from the EU is sorting them all out. Do you really think Daniel Hannan is wanting to leave the EU on an income of over £200k a year? I read in a newspaper article that said of the £400/500k an MEP gets, if they aren’t taking home £200k a year, they aren’t even trying.

    There is no longer any integrity in British politics anymore. Everyone’s in it for themselves. I really would not be surprised to see most NuLabour elite flee the UK when the EUCCP eventually comes into play and emigrate to the USA or Canada. They will simply buy a luxury house, put their money in the bank and live handsomely off the interest, while they leave the UK to rip itself apart in race war, sex war, class war and any other war you can think of.

    If you truly think Cameron and the Cons are going to save the day, you are truly naive. The very face that Cameron is cuddling up to the Gays and Lesbians, not forgetting the Ethnic minority should speak volumes. He’s supposed to be a Conservative - someone who wants to conserve. What really is British about conserving Pink Parades and the cultures of ethnic immigrant minorities?

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 3:52 pm
  • James1. I think “making a living” is a bit of an exaggeration. Do you think i’d be living in Haringey if I was making a living?

    Im trying to change things my way, and as far as I can see right now that can only happen from within the Conservative movement. I’m trying to get the point across to anyone who matters and who doesn’t that this bold experiment we’re still conducting is not working, and that continued mass immigration is making people’s lives miserable.

    This is a view shared by a majority of Conservative voters, and a large minority of (ex) Labour ones, and by people up and down the country (including black and Asian people, though they’re fearful of where the debate might lead).

    It’s also a view shared by many Tory party officials in private, but they, and the Tory party hiearchy, are afraid of saying it. But if enough people like me say it openly the taboo will break down and some Tories will start to openly express these views too. I’m not just moaning away for the sake of it.

    Ed West on Jul 16th, 2009 at 3:56 pm
  • @Ed, if you truly are British and want to see British culture survive then it means speaking out and defending it. It means lifting up many rocks you don’t want to and exposing the hideous creatures underneath. This will very possibly turn you into a pariah, but then at least you’ll have the satisfaction that you knew you were right instead of following in line with all the rest of the sheep as they’re led into the abattoir, to be slaughtered.

    I have to agree with James in that you are behaving like a Littlejohn, a Phillips and a Hitchens. What truly takes courage in life is making a stand and speaking out against the chaos being thrust upon this land. To quote a couple of lines from Crosby Stills and Nash’s Long Time Gone:

    Turn, turn any corner.
    Hear, you must hear what the people say.
    You know there’s something that’s goin’ on around here,
    the surely, surely, surely won’t stand the light of day.

    And it appears to be a long,
    appears to be a long,
    appears to be a long
    time, yes, a long, long, long ,long time before the dawn.

    Speak out, you got to speak out against the madness,
    you got to speak your mind,
    if you dare

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 4:03 pm
  • @youarebeingliedto

    How many identities have you had now?

    @Lying in the sun

    @Number6 was also you, right? I assume that’s a ref to the Prisoner, not Battlestar Gallactica

    Ed West on Jul 16th, 2009 at 4:10 pm
  • @Ed, I am lyinginthesunshine but not Winston Smith, I’ve already made that clear in an earlier reply. As for no6 who is that?

    But anyway why not have a crack at answering the questions, instead of sitting behind your very easy liberal stance of pretend conservative thinking that they’ll come in (the fake conservatives) and save the day.

    What really makes me wonder about you Ed, is, if you’re supposed to be quite an intelligent chap you wouldn’t have seen through this whole charade in the first place.

    The only party in the UK that will actually stop the destruction of it is the BNP, but then it doesn’t stand asnowflake’s chance in hell of being elected until the media gets on its side and you could do this, here, on this blog.

    Instead of attacking me, why not pull your head out of your arse and answer some of the questions and problems I pose instead of being a sap journalist and sitting on the fence painted blue over the undercoat of red?

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 4:17 pm
  • @Ed, the simple fact is that you are unable to offer any counter argument to mine that will not be blown out of the water. There are no counter arguments to what I throw at you.

    As my moniker suggests you are being lied to and the continuing lack of realisation by the public is only going to imprison their future generations in a society where there will be no freedom whatsoever. Then again, like I already said a donkey who’s lived in a shed all of its life won’t know what freedom is because its never had it and that’s the society your children and children’s children have to look forward to.

    So, are you going to break the mould of today’s crop of journalists? Are you actually going to start questioning authority? Nope, you’ll continue to sit on the fence, getting your pay packet and hoping that someone else comes along, puts him/herself up as a pariah and gets the ball rolling to making change. I just wonder what will happen if everyone acts as you do and waits for someone else?

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 4:24 pm
  • @ Johnny R

    Sorry I don’t have a politics website. And I don’t write on any other papers. I can’t take any credit for my outlook since it is really just gleaned from a variety of sources, including a few economists, hedge fund managers and excellent books that I’ve come across…along with I suppose a liking for Austrian economics.

    Unfortunately my PC is on the blink at the moment, which means I can’t get access to the addresses of a few excellent sites. But if you’re interested I could give you the names of a few books that I think may be of interest.

    I am no financial expert but I am pretty convinced that what has happened in recent times - massive debt and massive immigration and massive commodity bubbles - is really just the end result of central banks monkeying.

    You see, as I said earlier, after WW2 there was genuine growth and genuine expansion. Today, the whole growth is artificially stimulated through the growth of credti, or leverage if you prefer.

    In 2001 the deflation and mild depression was set to take place. There was too much garbage in the system and it was time to be purged. Unfortunatley we had the genius, Greenspan, decide we didn’t need to do ‘bust’ any more and instead would have eternal ‘boom’ with more and more leverage. That is, more and more debt. Gordon Brown and others were the happy recipients and dully took the praise for this happy turn of events.

    However…there was no genuine growth and all of the new projections by government were based on false assumptions and outright lies. This current debt level was not sustainable and the commodity and house prices were really just an outcome of excessive liquidity/leverage looking for somewhere to go. Banks were put in the situation were they felt it was necessary to take what would before have been seen as crazy risks, and this was because interest rates were artificially low and not reflecting the true amount of credit/debt in the system.

    Normally banks before this were using the 10:1 ratio of lending against reserves. With Norhtern Rock and others it got to 30, 40 or more to 1.

    To make matters even crazier there was no oversight. Governments like Gordon Brown’s simply turned a blind eye. And criminals homegrown and foreign looked at the City as a playground for crooked enterprise.


    With this artificial boom Gordon and others could pretend there was a need for mass immigration. You’ve never had it so good, well, you’ve never had such a party on borrowed money, money borrowed from the next generation.

    There is no need for more workers. Brown believes he can restart the debt binge party and go back to the good times. The truth of course is that there will be one almighty BANG|! when the game is up and the market gets to really VALUE the banks’ paper. A lot of what they and insurers own is JUNK that they will never receive anything on because companies and individuals will go bankrupt in the next leg down. Mortgages will continiue to default at a faster pace.

    The long and short of this is that we should:

    a) Pay as many individuals Gordon has invited to the debt party to go home. It will be a one-off hit but is the smartest solution - just ask the Japanese.

    b) There must be drastic cuts in government expenditure in order to get our spiralling debt (worst since WW2) under control. It is becoming increasingly difficult to service this debt. There may be an attack by bond vigilanties…something the Tories and Mrs Thatcher will remember well.

    Everything that we are now told about green shoots is meant to blindside the chumps and keep them in the market so that the wiseguys can get out. Only the longterm decent, honest investers get burned. Just look at what happened in the crash of the late 20s and early 30s in the US.


    It all reminds me of the old Chinese admonition to not monkey with the nature of things too much. Recently the Chinese built a lot of dams and then they had earthquakes in places that never had them before. They monkeyed with the natural order.

    In much the same way Nu Labour and their EU master have been doing the same. Transplanting foreign people for no good reason artificially when there is NO REAL DEMAND. The demand was artificial and the people are incongrous and out of place there. It is completely un-natural. Everyone instinctively knows at some point there will be an earthquake.

    If we want to return to a sustainable way of life we must help people return to where they belong, until there is a natural and real change that causes a desirable and benevolent evolution. There is no evolution but simpy a clumsy, designed monkeying by financial peabrains, who happen to have a loyalty bypass when it comes to their country.

    The lie that we hear all the time is that Europe needs more people therefore we must bring in foreigners. This is simply untrue. Unemployment in Spain is one in five or more. The real figures in the UK are well over four million when taking into account those claiming incapacity benefits and the like.

    The benefits system discourages the market sorting itself out. And it encourages Labour’s real desire: a scorched earth policy towards our nation and a wholesale invasion. The immigrants of course are not the enemy; they are simply looking for a better life, in most cases. There are of course loads of carreer criminals and gangs amongst them but again, what would you expect of a government who cares not about the wellfare of its citizens.

    Gloabalisation doesn’t work because it doesn’t work. We will see the hellish results very shortly, no matter how hard centrla banks and governments try to cover it all up and keep the party going.

    pondy on Jul 16th, 2009 at 5:09 pm
  • The people coming up with this alarmist rubbish should stop and think. Yes, the current levels of immigration are undesirable and yes, they should be sharply and expeditiously reduced. Another Amen to all those who point out the double standard foisted upon European culture generally, by a far left which holds it responsible for every evil under the sun. However, simply because the left has pursued a crazy and inhumane policy of mass immigration does not for one moment justify the right in cultivating extreme or uncivilised reactions. The most that can be done is to tie up the various loop holes, clarify the differences between different categories of migrant and according to these clear guidelines, properly police our borders. The repatriation of illegal immigrants should also be undertaken, but this can be carried out sensitively and over time once the borders are secure. Those who imagine that this problem is a simple matter of importing or exporting people are either dunderheads or dangers to the public. A person is an end in him or herself, utterly sacred and never to be treated as a mere parcel of goods. Ties are established, expectations raised, homes built - once someone has been dwelling in any given place for a period of years. It all comes down in the end to Time’s arrow - what goes forward in time cannot necessarily be reversed. The shattered glass is irreparable. As in the Irish joke, we have to go forward from here, although it may not be the ideal place to start. Not towards the unlovely, multicultural Utopia of Labour; not to the ugly reality of increasing ethnic conflict which it would involve, but towards a new compromise or settlement which can confer stability upon something like the status quo. This is as much as can be achieved and the Conservatives are doing no less than their duty as the old party of the British state in saying so. Look yourselves in the eye, all those of you who advise the rough and ready way - could you live with yourselves as the sponsors or agents of mass deportation? The riots, the anguish, the inevitable deaths, the truly dirty - no, filthy “work” of tearing people out of their chosen lives and hurling them onto a plane to goodness knows where? Stop the panic; stand up to your fears and pursue the agenda which the left fears most - that of a firm, humane and judicious conservatism. We have to slow the changes down; slamming on the brakes will involve skids and deaths and an unforeseeable outcome.

    Simon Denis on Jul 16th, 2009 at 5:17 pm
  • @pondy. When you say “The immigrants of course are not the enemy; they are simply looking for a better life, in most cases. There are of course loads of carreer criminals and gangs amongst them but again, what would you expect of a government who cares not about the wellfare of its citizens.” really? When I look around cities in England I see the drugs, the gangs, the violence, the rapes and the overall changing of our culture by immigrants. How on earth do you propose that multiculturalism is promoted if not with other immigrants?

    Are you unable to see that those immigrants who attain positions of power are those who are promoting their own culture first over ours. So I hate to burst your bubble but immigrants are very much the problem and as they continue to come in so to will our country change from what it is.

    So to say that the immigrants are not the problem is madness. Our country has changed irrevocably because of immigration. How else can you even begin to blame the drastic changes to our society? If it weren’t for ethnic minorities (immigrants) our country would be overall white, white ruled, white culture dominated and there would be no pandering to minority desires.

    So I’m afraid to say pondy that you really are talking rubbish if you think the immigrants are not the problem. The BNP have changed their stance of “the immigrants are the problem” to just what you say in order to be politically correct in order to become elected. They have also changed their stance on discussing Jewry in order to make themselves electable.

    So come on pondy, we all know that immigrants are very much the reason our society is changing drastically regardless of whether they come here economically or not. It’s a pointless argument trying to pad down why they come. They’re here and that’s the biggest problem of all, not forgetting they are multiplying faster than bacteria especially Islam.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 5:30 pm
  • @ Ed

    I’ve no doubt you are sincere, but what about Boris Johnson for example, and his ‘amnesty’ proposal?

    In a sane world he would of been locked up for even suggesting it, and this bullington boy is supposed to represent the non pc, right wing of the ‘conservative’ party!?

    I used to read his ridiculous column, and to all his true blue fans out in the suburbs he was the messiah. If you tried pointing out that he’d gone native, they didn’t care, as he was lovable Bowis. Couldn’t work it out.

    Hope you’ve got a plan B Ed.

    James (1) on Jul 16th, 2009 at 6:08 pm
  • @ Ed (3:56 pm)—We’re working towards the same end, trying to persuade the Conservatives to change their policies. Your way is to work from within, mine to apply pressure from without, on the principle that the establishment will only listen to the people when its monopoly on power is under threat.

    I’m surprised to find myself speaking up for the BNP, a party I wouldn’t have touched with a nine-foot bargepole until a couple of years ago. But, I see my country going to the dogs and there ain’t much time left to halt the decline. I’m no extremist, Ed; it’s just my luck to live at a time when loving your country is taken as a sign of extremism.

    @ pondy(5:09 pm)—It’d be great to have the URLs you mentioned. I’ve never taken that much of an interest in economics and finance (at least, not until the credit crunch) but—hackneyed phrase alert—money makes the world go round and I see that I’m going to have to educate myself.

    @ youarebeingliedtoo(4:17 pm)—Please, for all our sakes, stick with one moniker!

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 16th, 2009 at 6:15 pm
  • youarebeingliedto

    ‘When I look around cities in England I see the drugs, the gangs, the violence, the rapes and the overall changing of our culture by immigrants. How on earth do you propose that multiculturalism is promoted if not with other immigrants?’

    That doesn’t sound like much of a promotion.

    The British people don’t want this. Never have. The politicians have no loyalty to the people that they are paid and sworn to serve. There is no other word I can think of beside: Traitors.

    Take away these politicians and you don’t get the mass immigration. Mass immigration after all is not some sort of unavoidable mistake; it is a calculated robbery of the indigenous people. Many of their towns are now defacto foreign towns.

    The politicians are ‘the’ problem. Immigrants are merely pawns in their game. Some of them are decent people; some are not. There has been little vetting to find out, even if such a process would be possible in developing countries.

    I don’t like to hear human beings being referred to as insects, or as the Nazis preferred, as rats etc.

    To be honest I see no simple solution because the numbers are so great. I think the future is chaos and conflict, as Nu Labour has planned it. Perhaps they see this as an opportunity to bring in foreign troops to keep order in the future. Who knows.

    Whatever the case, I know our enemies are politicians and not the immigrants. We should try to find amicable, workable and fair compromises that compensate people to return home. If they don’t return home then I think the future holds a much darker fate for the UK.

    I hope I am wrong but history has demonstrated that a country can only have one leading group and one code. The opposite is the case in Britain and lawlessness is encouraged by the craziest party in British history. They are the ultimate bad parents: rewarding the criminals and punishing to lawfull.

    The reason I put my views across here is not to change anyone’s mind. It is merely to suggest what might happen in the future so decent Brits can prepare and not listen to the lies of our government and media. And when things are bad then radical solutions will suggest themselves. Most people would rather take bitter medicine only when they are in a ciritical phase of an illness. I don’t want anyone to be convinced, merely to think about consequences when things begin to unfold.

    For the record, I have a great respect for many different cultures and people. I also respect and love my own. This is why I must try to protect and preserve it against the onslaught of our traitor-government.

    Time will prove who is right and who is wrong very shortly.

    pondy on Jul 16th, 2009 at 7:07 pm
  • Simon Denis,

    You say: “Not towards the unlovely, multicultural Utopia of Labour; not to the ugly reality of increasing ethnic conflict which it would involve, but towards a new compromise or settlement which can confer stability upon something like the status quo. This is as much as can be achieved and the Conservatives are doing no less than their duty as the old party of the British state in saying so.

    What planet are you living on may I ask? Are you in a parallel universe or something?
    If you have ever happened to have read Hitchens on the conservatives you will see that they are no longer conservative so you saying “Old party of the British state” simply is now a myth. The stupidity of people who still stick with conservative is laughable, because they think like you believing them to be the “Old party of the British state.”

    Can I just let you into a little secret Simon? The conservative party will have no say whatsoever on who comes into the UK from Europe, when the EU takes full power of the UK. Here’s another little secret: There will be no political parties in the UK, for the simple reason that they will not be needed. Europe will be passing all laws and British people will have no say whatsoever in what they are and who makes them. Yes Simon, it means that democracy will cease to exist within the UK, not that we actually have one at the moment. In fact, I should imagine that the next general election will be the last general election the UK will ever have.

    However going back to you thinking that Conservative will not move towards the multicultural Utopia of Labour, they already have. Remember Boris Johnson’s amnesty for all illegal immigrants? Do you remember that he said at a conference that Britain needs to be more like Asians (Muslims)? And they’re fighting like cats and dogs in order to attract the gays and lesbians.

    Conservatism is dead in the UK along with democracy.

    What I find really laughable is that indigenous people seem to believe that when they become the minority within the UK they will receive the same rights as the minorities now as the future majority ethnics are persecuted like us. I’ll tell you what will happen, the whites will become the new blacks of America/UK pre 60’s and they will be brutalised. Enoch Powell was right (a true Conservative) when he said “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.” They have race laws to protect them, positive discrimination and this isn’t just for the black man either but all ethnics. Let’s go further down the line when they become the majority and you will see horrendous persecution. It will be Rwanda all over again, or any African nation butchering its people.

    This persecution of white people will ultimately lead to natures protection mechanism and that will be death squads within the whites to protect their people as well as an overwhelming hatred for ethnics. Yes, you will see that white suicide of liberalism will be replaced by extreme right wing white supremacism, which will lead to mass bloodshed and a victory by the whites over ethnics. When the white people eventually wrestle control back from the ethnics in the UK and Europe will the real bloodshed begin as they begin to wipe out the non white countries of this world to make sure this never, ever happens again.

    For those who think this a promotion for White supremacism it isn’t. It is merely looking ahead to see what the future will bring as the white people become a minority within their own land. All one has to do is look and see the violence already in America by Blacks whose demographic is growing far faster than the white. All one has to do is look at the knife crime here in the UK, the gun culture, promoted predominately by our immigrants to these shores, who have piled in under NuLabour.

    Ironic don’t you think that all this started because people believed that we can ‘all get along with one another’ when history has proved countless times over and over again it does not work? You don’t know it now but your future generations, because of your mistakes and your overwhelming ignorance will become white supremacists who will hate anything non white and cause massive destruction on the world’s peoples. Everything in life happens for a reason and how true is the saying that a liberal is a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet. White supremacism only arises through inter racial conflict within their own societies and this has been happening all over the world. Britain is a time bomb waiting to explode, but not for a long time yet that is, possibly not until the next century or the one after.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 7:42 pm
  • From the blog Principles of Progressive Politics, 11th July.

    White people have had 2,000 years to change their ways and, yet, THEY HAVE NOT. Whites seem unable to practice justice and fairness. Therefore the only solution is to reduce whites to a minority wherever they are presently a majority (USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc). The sooner whites are reduced to a minority, the sooner the world can be remade into a unified global society based on justice & dignity… a world free of war and conflict. In such a world, the natural instincts inherent in people-of-color (eg. sharing, justice, peace, fairness, etc) will then finally be free to flourish. Lastly, the fewer white people in the world, the less chance they’ll have to re-emerge and restart their oppressive & racist ways. Sadly, this is the only solution, and, however this solution is realized is justified (large scale non-white immigration, birth control, abortion, etc).

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 16th, 2009 at 7:43 pm
  • Ed West wrote..”a view shared by many Tory party officials in private, but they, and the Tory party hiearchy, are afraid of saying it. But if enough people like me say it openly the taboo will break down and some Tories will start to openly express these views too.”

    A politician who is afraid
    and feels he must
    ‘wait until taboos break down’
    before taking the necessary action
    to implement the will of the people
    and to preserve democratic rights
    and to prevent liberties
    from being usurped by the EU
    is a moral coward and a traitor.

    Sammie Hall

    sammiehall on Jul 16th, 2009 at 7:53 pm
  • pondy, Still don’t buy it. You’re stating the obvious regarding our crop of politicians I’m afraid to say and yes they have allowed mass immigration ergo the immigrants are now a problem as they live by their own 3rd world cultures, and attain positions of power with which to enact their own hegemony into our society.

    Put it simply, there would be no problem with immigrants if there were none here, therefore you can howl from the rooftops as much as you like that the politicians allowed the immigrants in, but then to make a comparison, I’m sure the people who have been destroyed by the damn breaking aren’t going to blame the damn for breaking but the water for killing their loved ones and smashing apart their society.

    I also like other cultures and if I want to know about those cultures, I get on a plane travel to their lands and immerse myself in their culture, helping their economy with money I’ve earned back home. After all if I go to a restaurant I don’t order a rare steak to have the chef come back and immediately start pouring all the dishes on top of my steak do I? I may not like the other dishes and I may but regardless I chose the steak and that was my choice and it should be respected.

    Immigration will always be a problem. The very fact that other cultures are coming to live here in the UK is a problem in itself because they also try to impose their own culture over time, that starts off with the little shop on the corner and eventually the large majority as their peoples grow to the school teacher who wants to teach our children Uurdu and the Imam Islam.

    All immigrants that come into the UK should automatically sing an agreement that they will not in any way try to impose their old cultural habits on the people of the land. This may be in many ways such as:

    1. Open promoting of festivals and their own culture
    2. Wanting privileges from work to take time off for those festivals or religious practices.
    3. Suing bosses because they make jokes about their cultures.
    4. Trying to input food practices from their own country over the majority.
    5. Lobbying parliament to have their own cultures being taught in schools.

    On the agreement they sign it will simply state that anyone who breaks the above and tries to openly promote their own culture will be instantly removed from the UK, their passport revoked and their Citizenship lost, never to be allowed entrance into the UK ever again.

    Politicians have always been a problem because they want to control and they get ludicrous amounts of money for doing so, passing laws the people do not want. Immigrants from outside the EU/Anglophile are a problem because their cultures are completely alien and in direct conflict to ours. Any twit who want to promote immigration needs a full frontal lobotomy and locked in a funny farm for the rest of their lives. It always has and always will lead to conflict. History has proven this over and over and over again and people still don’t listen. If people in the UK (the middle to upper classes) really enjoyed their trip to bongo bongo land and want to continue to experience it, then don’t invite the natives over but instead, pack up all your belongings, sell your property and emigrate. Once they’ve lived there for a couple of years (or less) they’ll be dying to get back home as the novelty will have worn off and they’ll be missing much of what they’ve left behind in England as they realise that there are too many conflicts. Then again, they may love it and decide to stay. Problem solved and we don’t have to put up with the Bongo bongo people playing their bongos and living by their culture, not working, living off of benefits and very probably killing the locals as they move to the UK, in order to please Mr and Mrs luvvie duvvue who want to embrace their culture here in the UK.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 8:10 pm
  • Ed West wrote..”a view shared by many Tory party officials in private, but they, and the Tory party hiearchy, are afraid of saying it. But if enough people like me say it openly the taboo will break down and some Tories will start to openly express these views too.”

    What does that tell us about politicians (conservative) that they have to wait until liberal journalists like Ed West ‘break the taboo’ before they can speak up? Who’s fooling who here? It’s the politicians that make the rules, therefore if any one of those effeminate cons had a backbone they’d have spoken up a long time ago.

    There are a few reasons and positions one can take regarding the new Social Democratic Party Conservative Party.

    Conservatives are hiding and not addressing immigration, Islamisation, elites controlling our society, overall minority oppression of the majority for the simple reason that they’re:

    1. spineless saps, who lost their balls a long time ago.

    2. no longer a Conservative party and are merely blending in with the other two parties as they much agree with all they say.

    3. merely currying favour with the electorate, predominately the minorities because the know the key to victory is to forget about the majority as the minority have managed to totally turn society around being the new controllers within.

    4. not interested in what’s going on for the reason they know it’s their time in power next as they continue the policies of NuLabour and our loss of sovereignty and total control as it’s handed over to the EUSSR.

    In other words, Mr West and other ‘NU-conservatives’ (Liberals) can write until the cows come home but it won’t change a fact that the TRUE conservatives are like the dolphins in Douglas Adams’ novels who have fled this land to sunnier climes leaving a note saying “So long and thanks for all the laughs.”

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:04 pm
  • To me it’s simple. I’ve been voting in elections for over 30 years. I take an interest in politics and read manifestos (sad I know). I don’t once ever remember voting for mass immigration. Does anyone? But there again, no-one’s voted for Peter Mandelson. Or the Regional Assemblies in England. Or the EU Treaty (or the EU come to that).
    Democracy? Don’t kid yourselves…

    jackinthegreen on Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:15 pm
  • The Tories are utterly confused and have the wrong strategy. They believe that by staying quiet on all issues they will come through on the inside. They believe that they only have to wait and prepare for victory…much like Neil Kinnock.

    Not going to happen. If they get a majority is will be tiny and they will not get their bills through unless with the help of others. But who will the others be?

    The real winners will be those with guts with a straight and simple message. Cameron could easily morph into the next Neil Kinnock if he does’t get with the programme and speak out against the evil that Nu Labour has wrought.

    pondy on Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:17 pm
  • @ jackinthegreen

    ‘I don’t once ever remember voting for mass immigration.’

    Okay then, howsabout next time there’s a referendum on the EU Treaty we add a multiple choice about the immigration quotas for next term.

    Option d) minus 2 million.

    Of course I jest…there would never be a Treaty referendum.


    PS: I saw a rat scurrying across the road and into a nearby farm as I was driving along yesterday. It reminded me very much of Gordon Brown scuttling across Europe on his way to sign away our rights and freedoms and border control…yip, like a rat up a drainpipe.

    pondy on Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:32 pm
  • It is beneath the dignity of any civilised man to waste much time on “youarebeingliedto”. The sheer length of his postings suggests hysteria, a finding confirmed as the fantasies grow ever more exaggerated and bloodthirsty.

    To introduce the notion of “death squads” in the first place is prima facie evidence that he is unhinged; and as for the idea that they are “nature’s protection mechanism”, well - I can only suggest he sees a psychiatrist.

    We are told, ex cathedra, that people of different races just can’t rub along. Well, Brazil and the States seem to manage all right.

    The point about immigration into Europe today is not, of course, that multi-ethnicity is impossible. It is that the development of this condition is being carried out at break-neck speed. It is also that much of the immigration comes from a still-chauvinist Islam and finally that it puts a strain on all manner of resources.

    Speaking up for some degree of ethno-cultural nationalism, immigration undoubtedly weakens the common bonds which made old England so cosy and yes, I would much regret their final loss. Had our excessively frightened friend taken the trouble to read my earlier posting, he would have seen that I propose sensible and acceptable measures aimed at heading that outcome off. Alas, it would appear that socialist chicanery has poisoned his mind and day after day he drains the resulting bile on to these threads.

    One day, however, he will have to grow up and realise that rant and paranoia are either futile or dangerous.

    Simon Denis on Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:41 pm
  • sammiehall’s ‘moral cowardice and treachery’ definition applies to every mainstream politician that I can think of, and if anyone senses a plug for Nick Griffin coming up, you’re right on target.

    ‘If you must [invade Iran] do not leave the war…to the usual brave, British cannon-fodder—18-year-old boys from the Mersey and the Thames and the Tyne. Instead, send out your own sons, to come home in boxes, or without their legs, their arms, their eyes or their sanity.’ (Maiden speech to the European Parliament.)

    On top of that, how can anyone not warm to a guy who labels Glenys Kinnock a political prostitute?

    Johnny Rottenborough

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:42 pm
  • Johnny R

    Quality stuff.

    If only David Cameron had the guts.

    I always wonder what changes in policy there would have been if one of Tony’s B’s little darlings was at the front. I can sum it up in one word: retreat!

    Oh, I just thought of one for Brown: surrender!

    PS: I’m not a monarchist but at least the Queen had a royal involved in some way. Not of course to the same degree as the working class lads from the grittier areas. But still, not as bad as the politicians.

    pondy on Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:53 pm
  • Pondy

    Have you noticed on the MSM how any mention of immigration at the same time as unemployment seems to have become totally forbidden? You’d think it would be of passing interest that something like 80% of all jobs in the last ten years have gone to foreigners, but no.. it’s of absolutely no relevance at all!

    This is what happens when you try to construct a ’society’ based on lies. Just like a giant ponzi scheme, they just have to keep getting bigger and bigger to keep it all going before it self destructs.

    James (1) on Jul 16th, 2009 at 9:55 pm
  • Johnny R

    Just watched his speech.

    He seemed nervous. Fair enough. But content was excellent. Shocking in its clarity and straightforwardness. It was akin to Daniel Hannan’s roasting of Gordon Brown, but moreso for its subject matter.

    To discuss the nature of the beast whilst in the heart of the beast is quite something.

    Full marks.

    PS: the strange thing about this speech is that it ’should’ appeal to anti-war liberals. It won’t because most so called liberals are actually just pseudo liberals who can’t bear to look directly at reality and realise that a monster central government in Europe is simplly a Fourth Reich.

    Good points about corporations making money out of the clean up, after the weapons manufacturers have made money out of blowing things up of course.

    Where the hell are the REAL liberals these days who hate intimidation?

    pondy on Jul 16th, 2009 at 10:04 pm
  • Simon Dennis states: “It is beneath the dignity of any civilised man to waste much time on “youarebeingliedto”.” and yet you then go on to try and discuss what I have thus written.

    You are penultimate proof of the sheer ignorance within our society. You immediately attack me when I mention Death Squads, even though I speak of a very possible future.

    Thus Simon Dennis, alas is also one of the liberals within society who is offended by free speech “How dare he say death squads. Oooh how offensive…” he croons. But of course he will say he is a conservative just like Dave whoe puts on his leather underpants the fake moustache and prances down the street singing along to YMCA.

    And yet ironically Simon Dennis calls me unhinged and I should see a psychiatrist, because I dare to envision the result of multiculturalism with the use of Death Squads starting up in the future and in the next breath states just look at how good multiculturalism is in South America and the USA. Hey Simon, why not do a research on Death Squads and see where in the world they’re most prominent - could it be Central and South America per chance?

    Simon if you’re going to debate less of the personal attacks. You see, your argument, if I really bothered reading the rest of it, I could easily strip apart word for word. One thing I don’t do is attack others on a personal level and bring their medical health into it because it shows that not being able to challenge them on their words I have to try and pull them down.

    I may wrote a lot because I like to explain myself fully, whereas you on the other hand could write pages upon pages upon pages and it still would be as poignant and precise as what I could write in a paragraph.

    Debate and don’t attack. You just end up making yourself look like the liberal fool you are hiding behind the guise of a conservative yet using the liberals weapons as ammunition such as racist, homophobe, islamaphobe, bigot, unhinged and of course needing to see a psychiatrist.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 10:05 pm
  • @ James

    It’s getting very near the end. All ponzi schemes end the same way.

    They explode.

    pondy on Jul 16th, 2009 at 10:06 pm
  • Simon Dennis, just for you about death squads from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_squad


    Although the term “death squad” did not rise to notoriety until the activities of such groups in Central and South America during the 1970s and 1980s became widely known, death squads have been employed under different guises throughout history. The term was first used during the Battle of Algiers by Paul Aussaresse

    Recent use

    As of 2006, death squads have continued to be active in several locations. They were on the rise through the 1960s and 1970s. However, they now appear to have been on the decline since about 1981 . Some known recent centers of activity include Chechnya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Colombia, Iraq, and Sudan, among others.

    By country


    Alianza Anticomunista Argentina, a far-right death squad mainly active during the “Dirty War”. Amnesty International reports that “the security forces in Argentina first started using “death squads” in late 1973. By the time military rule ended in 1983 some 1,500 people had been killed directly by “death squads”, and over 9,000 named people and many more undocumented victims had been “disappeared”—kidnapped and murdered secretly—according to the officially appointed National Commission on Disappeared People (CONADEP).

    Main article: Khmer Rouge

    Assassinations and mass killings of Vietnamese in the late 1970s. The Khmer Rouge began employing death squads to purge Cambodia of non-communists after taking over the country in 1975 . They rounded up their victims, questioned them and then took them out to killing fields.

    Further information: Chile under Pinochet, Operation Condor, and Caravan of Death

    The Caravan of Death was a Chilean Army death squad that, following the Chilean coup of 1973, flew by helicopter from south to north of Chile between September 30 and October 22, 1973. During this foray, members of the squad ordered or personally carried out the execution of at least 75 individuals held in Army custody in these garrisons . According to the NGO Memoria y Justicia, the squad killed 26 in the South and 71 in the North, making a total of 97 victims [9]. Augusto Pinochet was indicted in December 2002 in this case, but he died four years later without having being judged. The trial, however, is on-going as of September 2007, other militaries and a former military chaplain having been indicted in this case. On 28 November, 2006, Víctor Montiglio, charged of this case, ordered Pinochet’s house arrest

    More than 3,000 people are believed to have been killed in the operations of Pinochet’s regime. In June 1999, judge Juan Guzmán Tapia ordered the arrest of five retired generals.

    Main article: Red Guards (China)

    Mao Zedong made use of the Red Guards to assassinate, imprison, and terrorise millions of suspected political opponents during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s.


    In Colombia, the terms “death squads”, “paramilitaries” or “self-defense groups” have been used interchangeably and otherwise, referring to either a single phenomenon, also known as paramilitarism, or to different but related aspects of the same.

    In 1993, Amnesty International (AI) reported that clandestine military units began covertly operating as death squads in 1978. According to the report, throughout the 1980s political killings rose to a peak of 3,500 in 1988, averaging some 1,500 victims per year since then, and “over 1,500 civilians are also believed to have “disappeared” since 1978.”

    El Salvador

    Main articles: Ita Ford, Maura Clarke, Dorothy Kazel, Jean Donovan, Oscar Romero.

    During the Salvadoran civil war, death squads (known in Spanish by the name of Escuadrón de la Muerte, “Squadron of Death”) achieved notoriety when far-right vigilantes assassinated Archbishop Óscar Romero for his social activism in March 1980. In December 1980, three American nuns and a lay worker were raped and murdered by a military unit later found to have been acting on specific orders. Death squads were instrumental in killing thousands of peasants and activists. Funding for the squads came primarily from right-wing Salvadoran businessmen and landowners. [13]Because the death squads involved were found to have been soldiers of the Salvadoran military, which was receiving U.S. funding and training during the Carter and Reagan administrations, these events prompted some outrage in the U.S, however human rights activists criticized U.S. administrations for denying Salvadoran government links to the death squads. Veteran Human Rights Watch researcher Cynthia J. Arnson writes that “particularly during the years 1980–1983 when the killing was at its height (numbers of killings could reach as far as 35,000), assigning responsibility for the violence and human rights abuses was a product of the intense ideological polarization in the United States. The Reagan administration downplayed the scale of abuse as well as the involvement of state actors. Because of the level of denial as well as the extent of U.S. involvement with the Salvadoran military and security forces, the U.S. role in El Salvador- what was known about death squads, when it was known, and what actions the United States did or did not take to curb their abuses- becomes an important part of El Salvador’s death squad story.” . Some death squads, such as Sombra Negra, are still operating in El Salvador.


    The French military used death squads during the Algerian War (1954-1962).


    Beginning in 1919, the government of the Weimar Republic sanctioned the formation of paramilitary Freikorps units in order to prevent a takeover by Soviet-backed German Communists. Although supposedly under the control of the German Ministry of Defense, the Freikorps tended to be drunken, trigger happy, and loyal only to their own commanders. However, they were instrumental in the defeat of the 1919 Spartacist Uprising and the annexation of the Bavarian Soviet Republic. The most famous victims of the Freikorps were of Communist leaders Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, who were captured after the Spartacist Uprising and shot without trial. After the Freikorps units turned against the Republic in the monarchist Kapp Putsch, many of the leaders were forced to flee abroad and the units were largely disbanded.

    Some Freikorps veterans drifted into the ultra-nationalist Organisation Consul, which regarded the Versailles Treaty as treasonous and targeted politicians associated with it for assassination. The most famous victims of O.C. were Matthias Erzberger and Walter Rathenau, both of whom were cabinet ministers in the Weimar regime.

    During the 1930s, the leader of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler made extensive use of death squads, starting with the infamous Night of the Long Knives and reaching a peak with the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 . Following the frontline units, the Nazis brought along four travelling death squads called Einsatzgruppen (Einsatzgruppe-A through D) to hunt down and kill Jews, Communists and other so-called undesirables in the occupied areas. This was the first of the massacres that made up the Holocaust. Typically, the victims, who included many women and children, were forcibly marched from their homes to open graves or ravines before being shot. Many others suffocated in specially designed poison trucks called gas vans. Between 1941 and 1944 , the Einsatzgruppen killed about 1.2 million Soviet Jews, as well as tens of thousands of suspected political dissidents, most of Polish upper class and intelligentsia, POWs, and uncounted numbers of Romany.

    During the Cold War, death squads associated with the Libyan embassy in East Berlin plotted murders of West German and American targets. This was done with the full knowledge of the East German secret police or Stasi.


    Guatemala has had death squads active since the 1960s up through the 1990s. Historian Greg Grandin remarks that “Washington, of course, publicly denied its support for paramilitarism, but the practice of political disappearances took a great leap forward in Guatemala in 1966 with the birth of a death squad created, and directly supervised, by U.S. security advisors. Throughout the first two months of 1966, a combined black-ops unit made up of police and military officers working under the name “Operation Clean-Up” — a term US counterinsurgents would recycle elsewhere in Latin America — carried out a number of extrajudicial executions… Over the next two and a half decades, U.S.-funded and -trained Central American security forces would disappear tens of thousands of citizens and execute hundreds of thousands more.”


    Honduras had death squads active through the 1980s, the most notorious of which was Battalion 316. Hundreds of people, teachers, politicians, and union bosses were assassinated by government-backed forces. Battalion 316 received substantial support and training from the United States Central Intelligence Agency.[dubious – discuss]


    Under the reign of by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (1941-1979) the SAVAK security and intelligence service was founded. During the 1960s and 70s it used death squads .[citation needed] After the Islamic Revolution overthrew the Shah, human rights groups continued to complain of human rights abuses in Iran. Among them were “death squads” in the form of killings of civilians by government agents that were denied by the government. This was particularly the case during the 1990s when more than 80 writers, translators, poets, political activists, and ordinary citizens who had been critical of the government in some way, disappeared or were found murdered.
    Further information: Chain Murders of Iran


    Iraq was formed by the British from three provinces of the Ottoman Empire following the empire’s breakup after World War I. Its population is overwhelming Muslims but divided into Shia and Sunni Arabs and with a substantial Kurdish minority in the north. The new state leadership in the capital of Baghdad was composed mostly of the old Sunni Arab elite although this ethnic group was a minority.

    This leadership used death squads and committed massacres in Iraq throughout the 20th century, culminating in the dictatorship of Saddam Hussien.

    After Saddam was overthrown by the UK-US invasion in 2003 the secular socialist Baathist leadership were replaced with a provisional and later constitutional government that included leadership roles for the Shia and Kurdish. This paralleled the development of ethnic militias by the Shia, Sunni, and the Kurdish Peshmerga.

    During the course of the Iraq War the country has increasingly become divided into three zones: a Kurdish ethnic zone to the north, a Sunni center and the Shia ethnic zone to the south.

    While all three groups have operated death squads, in the national capital of Baghdad some members of the now Shia police department and army formed unofficial, unsanctioned, but long tolerated death squads. They possibly have links to the Interior Ministry and are popularly known as the ‘black crows’. These groups operated night or day. They usually arrested people, then either tortured or killed them.

    The victims of these attacks were predominantly young males who had probably been suspected of being members of the Sunni insurgency. Agitators such as Abdul Razaq al-Na’as, Dr. Abdullateef al-Mayah, and Dr. Wissam Al-Hashimi have also been killed. Women and children have also been arrested and or killed. Some of these killings have also been simple robberies or other criminal activities.

    A feature in a May 2005 issue of the magazine of The New York Times accused the U.S. military of modelling the “Wolf Brigade”, the Iraqi interior ministry police commandos, on the death squads used in the 1980s to crush the Marxist insurgency in El Salvador.

    Western news organizations such as Time and People disassembled this by focusing on the aspects such as probable militia membership, religious ethnicity, as well as uniforms worn by these squads rather than stating the United States backed Iraqi government had death squads active in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.


    During the Irish War of Independence, Michael Collins mounted a violent guerrilla campaign. Using a hand picked crew of gunmen who were dubbed “The Twelve Apostles,” Collins killed carefully selected officials of the Royal Irish Constabulary, the Dublin Metropolitan Police and British Intelligence. On Bloody Sunday (1920), Collins’ men killed fourteen of the British intelligence officers from the Cairo Gang. IN almost every case, the British officers were shot dead in their beds without a chance to defend themselves. That afternoon, a combined force of British security forces shot into the crowd during a Gaelic football match at Croke Park killing many innocent civilians. The hostilities ended in 1921 when the British Government negotiated the Anglo-Irish Treaty, which guaranteed the independence of the Irish Free State.

    After independence, the Irish Civil War was fought between those IRA veterans who accepted the Treaty and those who considered it unacceptable. Although fought between men who had recently served together against the British, the fighting was often without quarter and brutal atrocities were committed by both sides. (see Executions during the Irish Civil War).

    Ivory Coast

    Death squads are active in this country.

    This has been condemned by the US but appears to be difficult to stop.

    South Korea

    Any news reports of the use of death squads in Korea originates around the middle of the 20th century such as the Jeju Massacre and Taejon. There were also the multiple deaths that made the news 1980 in Gwangju.


    Death squads were active during the civil war from 1975 to 1990. The number of the disappeared is put around 17,000.


    In 1968 the Mexican Army killed hundreds of people in the Tlatelolco massacre. Through the 1970s and 1980s death squads were used against students, leftists, and activists. One of these squads was the Brigada Blanca. In 1997 about forty-five people were killed by a death squad in Chenalho.

    In the state of Chihuahua more than four hundred women have been ‘disappeared’ since 1994. While a few perpetrators have been found, the majority of the members of the organization committing these ‘disappearances’ has remained underground. The disappearances continue as of 2007.


    Death squads were active in this country throughout the 1970s and ’80s.

    During the 1980s, the Anti-Communist Contra guerrillas in Nicaragua were described as death squads. The Contras were considered terrorists by the Sandinista government, which alleged that their attacks targeted civilians. The Contras, who received money, training, and arms from the Argentine junta and then the American CIA, mounted raids which targeted northern Nicaragua, destroying military bases, bridges, schools, clinics and airstrips. They also attempted to weaken and disrupt the Nicaraguan government by frequently kidnapping and assassinating civilians. A CIA training manual instructed the Contras, under the heading “Selective Use of Violence”, to “neutralise carefully selected and planned targets such as court judges, police or state security officials, etc.”


    Shining Path, the Maoist subversive organization, carried out massacres such as Lucanamarca massacre.[43]


    During the Bolshevik Revolution and the Russian Civil War, Vladimir Lenin used the Cheka to murder members of the House of Romanov, the Russian nobility, officers of the White Army, Russian Orthodox priests and laity, and officials of the Russian Provisional Government.

    During the late Great Purge, the Soviet government under Joseph Stalin used death squads in the secret police force, the NKVD, to hunt down and kill suspected political opponents. Mass graves from this era continue to be excavated by Memorial (society).

    The most infamous action of Soviet death squads in the 20th century was the Katyn massacre of 1940. Several thousand Polish Army officers were transferred by the NKVD from the GULAG and shot to death at Goat Hill and buried in mass graves inside the forests of Katyn. The transportation vehicles for this were given the nickname ‘Black Ravens’ by the local peasantry. This phrase echoes other nicknames given to other death squads.

    In addition, a large number of Anti-Communists in the West were also targeted for assassination. Two of the most notable victims were Lev Rebet and Stefan Bandera, Ukrainian nationalists who were assassinated by the KGB in Munich, West Germany. Both deaths were believed accidental until the 1961 defection of their murderer, Bohdan Stashynsky.

    After the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Army in the late 1970s and through the 1980s they continued to use death squads. The occasional massacre using rifles in a district here, the use of aerodynamic scatterable land mines (which appeared vaguely toy-like) to kill civilians in another.[citation needed] The use of this strategy to conquer Afghanistan was rendered ineffective through the influence and support of Western Intelligence services such as the Pakistani ISI the French SDECE, MI6, and the American CIA.[citation needed]

    The Russian security apparatus continued to exist after the technical dissolution of the USSR in 1991.

    The corruption of the Soviet era caused Boris Yeltsin’s privatization policies to be manipulated by corrupt Party bosses, black marketeers, and the Russian Mafia. The resulting looting of State businesses and natural resources has created an oligarchy wherein politicians, banks, and corporate officials behaved more like drug cartels than pillars of the community. These conditions allowed criminal gangs to flourish during the 1990s. The new Russian elites are known to use death squads, and many gruesome murders of mobsters and high ranking politicians took place throughout the 1990s. More recently, however, they have become more subtle.

    The FSB is as of 2006 the primary arm used by the authorities for wetwork in non-war zones. ‘Disappearances’ are still not unknown in the capital Moscow.

    The Russian military continued to use death squads in war zones however after the cessation of official hostilities there were be less reports of their activities.


    Prior to World War II, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union fought a war by proxy during the Spanish Civil War. There were death squads used by both the Falangists and Loyalists during this conflict. Prominent victims of the era’s death squad violence include the poet Federico Garcia Lorca and journalist Ramiro Ledesma Ramos.

    The Loyalist death squads were heavily staffed by members of Stalin’s OGPU and targeted members of the Catholic clergy and the Spanish nobility for assassination (see Red Terror (Spain)). The ranks of the Loyalist assassination squads included Erich Mielke, the future head of the East German Ministry of State Security. Walter Janka, a veteran of the Republican forces who remembers him described Mielke’s career as follows,

    “While I was fighting at the front, shooting at the Fascists, Mielke served in the rear, shooting Trotskyites and Anarchists.”

    In the modern era, G.A.L.(Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación) terrorist group were death squads illegally set up by officials within the Spanish government to fight ETA. They were active from 1983 until 1987, under PSOE’s cabinets.[citation needed]

    United States of America

    After the American Civil War the white supremacist group the Ku Klux Klan carried out lynchings of African-Americans. This was often with the unofficial support of some local and state level leaders in the American south. In the introduction to “Death Squads in Global Perspective: Murder With Deniability,” author Bruce B. Campbell describes the KKK as “one of the first proto-death squads,” which “conducted death-squad-like killings and other terrorist acts against recently freed black slaves, “carpetbaggers,” and those thought to collaborate too closely with the agents of the victorious federal government engaged in “reconstructing” the recently rebellious South.” Campbell notes the difference with modern death-squads was that the Ku Klux Klan was associated with elements of a defeated state rather than the ruling governmental entity. “Otherwise, in its murderous intent, links to private elite interests, and covert nature, it very closely resembles modern death squads.”

    A Salon.com post by Greg Grandin accuses United States of being responsible for training and setting up Death Squads in South and Central American countries. .[dubious – discuss] The School of the Americas, run by the US Army in Georgia has been accused by various critics of the US of having trained “500 of the worst human rights abusers in the hemisphere” The CIA was accused of making extensive use of death squads in the Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War. It is estimated that as many as 19,000 alleged Viet Cong were killed during this program.

    An “investigative journalist” Seymour Hersh, whose email was posted in minnpost.com, recently made a statement claiming that Dick Cheney ran an ‘executive assassination ring’ that reported only to him. According to Hersh[9]Template:Reliable source

    “Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us.”

    Main article: Srebrenica Massacre

    The Srebrenica Massacre, also known as the Srebrenica Genocide,[62][63][64][65] was the July 1995 killing of an estimated 8,000 Bosniak men and boys, as well as the ethnic cleansing of 25,000-30,000 refugees in the area of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by units of the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) under the command of General Ratko Mladić during the Bosnian War. In addition to the VRS, a paramilitary unit from Serbia known as the Scorpions participated in the massacre.

    In Potočari, some of the executions were carried out at night under arc lights, and industrial bulldozers then pushed the bodies into mass graves. According to evidence collected from Bosniaks by French policeman Jean-René Ruez, some were buried alive; he also heard testimony describing Serb forces killing and torturing refugees at will, streets littered with corpses, people committing suicide to avoid having their noses, lips and ears chopped off, and adults being forced to watch the soldiers kill their children.

    The Srebrenica massacre is the largest mass murder in Europe since World War II. In 2004, in a unanimous ruling on the “Prosecutor v. Krstić” case, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) located in The Hague ruled that the Srebrenica massacre was genocide,


    In its 2003 and 2002 world reports, Human Rights Watch reported the existence of death squads in several Venezuelan states, involving members of the local police, the DISIP and the National Guard. These groups were responsible for the extrajudicial killings of civilians and wanted or alleged criminals, including street criminals, looters and drug users.


    In Dak Son Massacre, over 600 communist Vietcong troops marched in to the village and caused mass chaos. They used flamethrowers to destroy the shelters and kill the men, women, and children who lived there.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 10:14 pm
  • Btw Winston, it’s only one ‘o’ on the end.

    James (1) on Jul 16th, 2009 at 10:33 pm
  • Right - beneath one’s dignity I said and beneath one’s dignity I meant. Before leaving “Youarebeingliedto” in the u-bend of his mind, let me be frank. This person is contemptible. Free with the word “civilisation” he hasn’t the first notion of what it means. His shameful anti-semitism, his obsession with violence, his inability to argue without buckets of malice, his laughable hypocrisy in urging the rest of us to address the issue and not the man, his obvious ignorance - has he read anything apart from 1984? - all point to his being some sort of far right thug. As such, he doesn’t even understand his one, sacred text. It is a plea for deceny and liberty and common humanity. Nowhere, I think, does it say “There ain’t no black in the Union Jack”.

    Sometimes I have to wonder why, Mr Editor, he is still allowed to appear on your thread. Am I mistaken, or has he denied the holocaust? He talks blithely of free speech - a noble cause - and puts it to the vilest ends. I confess, my Voltairean resolve to defend free speech quails somewhat when we get talk of “Jewish conspiracies”. Still, so long as he is not actually inciting hatred or violence, “Youare etcetera, etcetera” has the right, I suppose. But are you not ashamed, Mr West, to be rubbing shoulders with so venomous a creep? His treatment of the endlessly generous M. Sher had all the tact and grace of Hermann Goering. Therefore, you should, for the sake of your own reputation, distance yourself more explicity from his opinions. And now I shall leave your thread - I think for good. It has become a sort of Munich beer hall.

    Oh, and the Nazis were the one’s in leder-hosen. Many of them enjoyed helping each other in and out of the same. Fascists are notoriously given to buggery.

    Simon Denis on Jul 16th, 2009 at 10:48 pm
  • @ pondy—Glad you saw Griffin’s speech. Yes, I think he was nervous but, for me, that’s one of his attractions: he’s someone I can relate to—so different to the heavily-coached, professional politicians.

    I’ve just come back to the thread after watching a speech by Geert Wilders in LA. I have immense respect for him; it’s a pity he’s critical of the BNP but I dare say he has his own electorate in mind. After all, his is a purely anti-Muslim party without any of the racial overtones of the BNP. However, the BNP is the only anti-Muslim party we’ve got. We use it or we lose our country.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 16th, 2009 at 10:56 pm
  • Simon Denis writes:

    “Free with the word “civilisation” he hasn’t the first notion of what it means.”

    On the contrary your post shows it is you has no understanding of the word.

    “His shameful anti-semitism”

    Really, where was that? Oh you mean someone who criticises and questions history is therefore an anti semite? Or is an anti semite not someone who hates jews but someone jews hate?

    “his obsession with violence”

    And where is my obsession of violence? Is it because I dared to think of a very possible future that will result in chaos, bloodhsed and death all because of unwanted multiculturalism?

    “his inability to argue without buckets of malice”

    Where was that? Ah, I get it, because I dare not be politically correct and refer to the situation as it is, something you are unable to see because your mouth, eyes and ears was covered with wool a long time ago, as you continue to believe that the Conservative party are the party to save great Britain, yet you’re so blindingly naive to not see they are no longer conservative having been infiltrated by Marxism a long time ago?

    “his laughable hypocrisy in urging the rest of us to address the issue and not the man”

    Hypocrisy? Do you want to have another go? I tell you what I’ll make it easy - step 1. Think. Step 2. With that forumulated thought create a picture of what you want to say. Step 3. Write it down.

    “his obvious ignorance - has he read anything apart from 1984?”

    You have as of yet been unable to answer anything I’ve thrown at you whereas I continually rip your argument to shreds.

    “all point to his being some sort of far right thug.”

    Again, out comes the sullies and lambastes. You really are rather poor when it comes to debate aren’t you? Go for the low punch all the time, when losing badly……

    “As such, he doesn’t even understand his one, sacred text. It is a plea for deceny and liberty and common humanity. Nowhere, I think, does it say “There ain’t no black in the Union Jack”.”

    Like the good liberal out comes the racist jibes because I dare talk about the problems and ultimate scenario of culture and ethnic mixing, when never asked. You really are a Nu Conservative aren’t you?

    Sometimes I have to wonder why, Mr Editor, he is still allowed to appear on your thread. Am I mistaken, or has he denied the holocaust? He talks blithely of free speech - a noble cause - and puts it to the vilest ends.

    The coup de grace of your overwhelming stupidity not only do you prove that you despise freedom of thought, freedom of speech and of course liberty, you then go to preach in the next sentence of how noble the virtue of it is? You also fail to see as well that nowhere whatsoever can I be accused of anti semitism. I have questioned the Jewry, I have also questioned the holocaust and I have in fact given a link of Kevin Myers, the journalist in the Independent actually denying the Holocaust existed. He says:

    “Let me say from the outset; I’m with Bishop Richard Williamson on this. There was no holocaust, (or Holocaust, as my computer software insists) and six million Jews were not murdered by the Third Reich. These two statements of mine are irrefutable truths, yet their utterance could get me thrown in the slammer in half the countries of the EU………
    What? I admit that there was murder and genocide (or Genocide, as my spell-check wants me to call it) but almost in the same breath, insist that there was no holocaust? How is this possible?…….
    As it happens, the figure ’six million’ was originally a round-estimate of the total numbers of concentration camp victims of the Third Reich: this was then turned by popular perception, aided by activists such as the Simon Weisenthal Centre, into the Jewish death toll……
    However, there is not even a scientific or documentary basis for this number. Its enduring appeal — the digit six, with the six zeros which follow it — depends upon a fairly basic human predilection for numerological magic. It is, very likely, a subconsciously appealing version of the diabolical, 666.
    Moreover, there certainly was no holocaust. For if the word is to have any literal validity at all, it must be related to its actual meaning, which comes from the Greek words holos, ‘whole’, and caust, ‘fire’. Most Jewish victims of the Third Reich were not burnt in the ovens in Auschwitz. They were shot by the hundreds of thousands in the Lebensraum of the east, or were worked or starved to death in a hundred other camps, across the Reich.”

    Do read it all why don’t you? I hold the same point and DARED to question that there were in fact 600,000 Jewish deaths and not 6,000,000.
    Free Speech Simon Dennis? You wouldn’t know what it was if it bent you over a barrel and rogered you good and proper!

    “I confess, my Voltairean resolve to defend free speech quails somewhat when we get talk of “Jewish conspiracies”. Still, so long as he is not actually inciting hatred or violence, “Youare etcetera, etcetera” has the right, I suppose.”

    Again, Sammie Hall gave a good translation of what a Conspiracy theory was. It’s also always used by the Left to attack those who are getting to close to the truth. And for your information you babbling old brook, the last two centuries have all been about Jewish conspiracy - Elite Jewish people with lots and lots of money and power creating wars, destroying Nations, massacring millions (Communism), creating revolutions and practising their hatred of the Gentiles from their Talmud. However I also notice how you have conveniently missed the parts in my replies where I have said - “I OF COURSE SPEAK OF A MINISCULE ELITE PART OF JUDAISM WITHIN THE WEST THAT HOLDS MUCH POWER OVER MANY.” The average jew doesn’t really know what’s going on, pretty much the same as you Mr Dennis.

    “His treatment of the endlessly generous M. Sher had all the tact and grace of Hermann Goering.”

    I have never once treated msher1 badly, he/she did attack me calling me an anti semite to which I took offence and he/she thus apologised. It’s all there in Ed’s other post.
    And lo and behold out comes the ‘Nazi’ jibe like the good liberal bigot Simon Denis is. You’ve got them all in there haven’t you - Racist, Nazi, Anti Semite?

    “Therefore, you should, for the sake of your own reputation, distance yourself more explicity from his opinions. And now I shall leave your thread - I think for good. It has become a sort of Munich beer hall.

    Oh, and the Nazis were the one’s in leder-hosen. Many of them enjoyed helping each other in and out of the same. Fascists are notoriously given to buggery.”

    You really need to come out with better stuff that this Simon Dennis. If anyone’s the fascist on here it’s you not I. Then again I doubt you’ll see that.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 16th, 2009 at 11:28 pm
  • By the way Simon Denis, I thought you may very well be interested in what Voltaire had to say about “Jewish people” seeing as you stated you normally take his stance on freedom of speech:

    “Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable
    result of their laws; they either have to conquer everybody or be
    hated by the whole human race . . .” “The Jewish nation dares to
    display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations, and revolts
    against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-
    being enjoyed by others, always barbarous — cringing in misfortune
    and insolent in prosperity.” (Essai sur le Moeurs)

    “You seem to me to be the maddest of the lot. The Kaffirs, the
    Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and
    more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed
    all nations in impertinent fables in bad conduct and in barbarism. You
    deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.” (From a letter to a
    Jew who had written to him, complaining of his ‘anti-Semitism.’ Examen
    des Quelques Objections . . . dans L’Essai sur le Moeurs.)

    “You will only find in the Jews an ignorant and barbarous
    people, who for a long time have joined the most sordid avarice to the
    most detestable superstition and to the most invincible hatred of all
    peoples which tolerate and enrich them.” (”Juif,” Dictionnaire

    “I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies.
    These marranos go wherever there is money to be made . . . But whether
    these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the
    tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They
    are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of
    the earth.” (Letter to Jean-Baptiste Nicolas de Lisle de Sales,
    December 15, 1773. Correspondence. 86:166)

    “They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their
    hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair.
    I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not
    some day become deadly to the human race.” (Lettres de Memmius a
    Ciceron, 1771)”

    Now does this therefore make me an anti semite because I have quoted Voltaire on his views of Jewry? I could continue to quote you many famous people’s views on Jewry, all along the same lines as Voltaire, some exceptionally more vitriolic.

    It seems to be that 3,500 years of Jewish people getting booted out of lands, for their conspiratorial activities against their hosts, is still being ignored by the Western Civilisation today, even though our forefathers warned us over and over and over again not to trust them, their Torah and their Talmud.

    An anti semite is not someone who hates Jews Simon. It has an altogether different meaning, that of someone whom the Jews hate. I question history and that history happens to be Judaism and Jewish influence in the Western Civilisation and infact the world. I do not HATE anyone, but in your bigotry and liberal fascism anyone who dare question Judaism is an anti semite. Maybe you should do some revision to see that many great scholars, authors, poets, musicians, artists, generals and presidents and prime ministers have all spoken of their great concern and others despising of Jewry. Time to open your eyes and your ears don’t you think and be offended. That’s what liberty does you know - offend - especially the ignorant amongst us.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 17th, 2009 at 5:26 am
  • @Simon Dennis. I did condemn his anti-Semitism on that blog several times, and his conspiracy theory paranoia, but it gets wearying after a while.

    You seem like a sensible chap - but optimistic, and a bit easy on the Tory party. As far your statements about the USA and Brazil, I’ve said repeatedly - I don’t want England to end up like America or Brazil, with their astronomically high crime levels and massive inequalities.

    Ed West on Jul 17th, 2009 at 7:48 am
  • @Simon Dennis. Also one more point. We’ve always tried to make this blog as censorship-free as possible, but after the Caldwell thread that will have to change. As you say, leaving it up sort of suggests condoning it. And from a purely partisan point of view, wild conspiracy theories about Jews massively hurts the conservative argument against mass immigration, and keeps us all marginalised.

    Ed West on Jul 17th, 2009 at 9:19 am
  • Sunshine / being lied to / Winston? / etc.

    I have been reading these blogs for a few weeks and originally had some sympathy with your comments. I soon saw that yours are the only ones consistently to descend into long, rambling, paranoid rants. Some others have been almost as long, but more coherent.

    You quickly lose sight of the original topic then and jump onto your hobby horse. You are obsessed by the Jews! Nothing else is of any real importance to you. Not even things of real importance. This is a sickness.

    What is worse, your arguments are not your own, but stuff regurgitated from google, other, more dodgy sources. Objectivity is not one of the things you are good at. What you do well are fact distortion and wordy provocation. Your credibility, such that anyone starts with, has gone. Frequent changes conceal only your name, not your identity or your agenda.

    You challenge me to debate. Do you really think that what you do is debating?
    You are too slippery to debate. A debate is a dialogue of opposing views. You prefer to lecture in a monologue and to rubbish or simply ignore any opinion that does not chime with your own.

    Your posts have become irritating and pointless and not worth further response.
    Gordon Bennet

    gordonbennet on Jul 17th, 2009 at 10:08 am
  • @ youarebeingliedtoo—Tone things down a bit, mate, or there’ll be no one left! We’ve probably lost msher1 and Simon Denis as it is, and we’re all the poorer for it. I know you feel very strongly about certain matters but do please try to contain yourself, and try to resist the temptation to insult those who disagree with you.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 11:27 am
  • You are obsessed by the Jews! gordonbennet

    And the strange thing is he made a really big thing of “withdrawing his support” for the BNP because of what he claimed were anti semitic comments by one person. He changes his mind every five minutes.

    James (1) on Jul 17th, 2009 at 11:42 am
  • @ Ed

    ‘Also one more point. We’ve always tried to make this blog as censorship-free as possible, but after the Caldwell thread that will have to change. As you say, leaving it up sort of suggests condoning it. And from a purely partisan point of view, wild conspiracy theories about Jews massively hurts the conservative argument against mass immigration, and keeps us all marginalised.’

    Herein lies the rub: Do you erase someone’s posts because they are to the vast majority merely rants from someone they view as having an odd, or even, objectionable perspective, or do you leave their posts up?

    Although I do not share much of the opinions of certain posters I would be very wary of deleting their views because it diminishes all of us. That is until they cross the line of inciting violence of course. Then it’s game over.

    There was a time way back when a group of us were arguing with a couple of foul-mouthed Nu Labour drones. I hated it when their posts were erased. I enjoyed the idea of others being able to have a snapshot of their tawdry little, confused minds with all of their bile and stupidity exposed for all to see permanently. And of course when they were deleted the thread no longer made much sense.

    It is healthier, I believe, to put forward your own case and knock down foolish beliefs and views. In that way the roots are pulled out completely.

    In conclusion

    There are rules on the DT blogs that should be the code we all stick to. Cross the line and get deleted. It is frustrating to scroll through a mass of venom but, as I said, a while back it was Nu Labour activists who were doing this and patient smackdowns eventually won the day…along with more support from the neutral audience from what I recall.

    You must always give someone enough rope to hang themselves as they say. Pre-emptive action simply lowers us to the same level - a bit like the US and the policy of pre-emptive action, which is really just a tyrant’s charter.

    pondy on Jul 17th, 2009 at 11:43 am
  • @pondy. I agree in theory, but if people bulk post about Jews after I start a debate against immigration it just ruins the debate, like someone shouting loudly. Also it makes us all look like retards. If a newcomer came onto the Caldwell debate they’d think it was one flew over the cuckoo’s nest, with me as chief loon.

    anyway we havent started deleting yet, we’ll see

    Btw Donnie Brasco - an FBI deep cover plant in the Mafia

    Ed West on Jul 17th, 2009 at 11:53 am
  • James (1)

    The whole thing still confuses the hell out of me. I am amazed that this is the same guy, Winston, who I was speaking to last month.

    @ youarebeingliedto(o)

    Please clear something up for me. Are you, or have you ever been, Winston Smith?

    If you are not then please explain the reason for your earlier coy responses.

    Think about it, you were always going to confuse people and get their backs up with this kind of game playing. People expect a certain honesty, especially because we cannot see oneanother and must take others on trust to a degree.

    There is an etiquette on blogs, an unwritten set of rules that require us to temper our language and treat others with respect. Flaming for example is a no no. Another one is playing tricks with your ID.

    The only other people I know of who did the ID trick in order to fool others to gain an advantage were Nu Labour activists. I must confess this was the first thing that sprung to mind when I realised that something was up: is this an activist who is planted to wrongfoot everyone and expose their beliefs…or perhaps get access the BNP?

    I don’t know what the answer is here. It would be the decent thing to come clean. Otherwise, I think you’d be best having a long think about your own beliefs. It is a good thing to search for answers, even if the answers are dark and uncomfortable. However, your views seem to be changing constantly. There is nothing wrong with this but when you put forward such strong opinions it is important to be sure of your sources and sure you are right.

    pondy on Jul 17th, 2009 at 12:00 pm
  • @ Ed West

    I was just joking about my Brasco ingnorance. It’s hard to be ironic sometimes in type.


    Good points. I think you’ll find that patience works. In fact, with the Nu Labour drones it eventually turned into a war of attrition that you might remember. Good for hits. And eventually good for freedom of speech.

    I know what you mean about the long monologues. Give us another week and see what happens. These things tend to go in phases - they need to run their course like a bad virus.

    pondy on Jul 17th, 2009 at 12:04 pm
  • Sorry, didnt detect it. was surprised you hadnt heard of it. a good film.

    Ed West on Jul 17th, 2009 at 12:06 pm
  • Pondy

    Me too. Very very strange.

    or perhaps to get access the BNP?

    This crossed my mind because of his repeated attempts to contact them about changing their policies, and his apparently high profile on the BNP website forum (I think he eventually got deleted, but I might be wrong as I don’t visit that often).

    And his constant building them up and knocking them down.

    I don’t think anyone doing this for free would post as many words as ‘Winston’ has over the last 12 months either here.. his own blog.. the BNP forum.. etc.

    Remember there was a well publicised infiltration attempt a while ago. I’m sure its an ongoing thing.

    All well over my head.

    (must confess though, I stopped reading most of Winstons posts a long time ago)

    James (1) on Jul 17th, 2009 at 3:27 pm
  • He also claimed to be politically “apathetic” until less than a year ago.. lol

    Can you imagine ‘Winston’ having ever been apathetic?

    James (1) on Jul 17th, 2009 at 3:40 pm
  • James (1)

    If this is a Nu Labour ploy, or any of their associates, then I must say that they have upped their game considerably.

    To get someone on deep cover like this for so long is quite something. Not only that, but the character ‘Winston’ seemed to me to have both a fairly unified set of opinions and a relatively moderate way of communicating on a one to one basis. (Not that I shared all of his views of course.)

    This is the reason why I wasn’t convinced that Winston and the others were the same person: the personality change as well as the defeatist talk.

    Whatever the case, when the old switcheroo happened - if it was a switch - had the effect of making people switch off and scroll over the monologues.

    I am disappointed, not especially because anti-immigration campaigners need anyone else on our side (the effects of mass immigration speak for themselves) but on a more personal level for the person using the IDs. SAD.

    As for the BNP, I would be amazed if they aren’t continually wire tapped and followed and their computers ransacked. After all it does seem that the law stands by, even just outside Westminster, and allows their opponents to physically assault them and do whatever the hell they want…including groups with government ties. The police and security services in our country have been politicised and co-opted by a dark, monolythic machine that is on the cusp of a European takeover.

    I don’t know much about the BNP, but I can see from Nick Griffin’s body language that he is a worried man. He seemed to be physically shaking when he adressed the European Pariament. And no wonder: these guys have taken over much of our nation’s power and security infrastructure.

    If I were him I would be increasingly security conscious. And if I were to take up hillwalking then I wouldn’t do it alone. The only upside to hillwalking is that it is harder for the security services to evesdrop.

    I never thought there’d be a day when I trully believed that our leaders would resort to such primitive control, but we live in EUSSR times when elections don’t happen any more if it looks like we are going to vote the wrong way. When the voters are seen at best as pests and at worst enemies to be corraled and managed whether by fair means or foul.

    In conclusion, we must always be vigilant and test people’s motives to make sure they are who they say they are.

    PS: Some will think my remarks extreme. I think that a lot of Jewish men, women and children when they were asked to get onto cattle trucks would have found it hard to believe what the outcome could be. This in itself should be enough for all time for people to be extremely conscious of their leaders and never allow them the lattitude to become all-powerful tyrants.

    pondy on Jul 17th, 2009 at 4:01 pm
  • @Pondy @James1. What exactly has he gained if he is a New Labour mole? What insider knowledge exactly? It seems a lot of labour hours for very little. To prove what? He hasn’t been made BNP no.2 has he? He’s not Steaknife exactly.

    Ed West on Jul 17th, 2009 at 4:11 pm
  • Maybe he just failed Ed.

    Maybe ‘they’ thought his superior knowledge on Islam and blogging reputation would eventually lead to him being invited in, at which point he could work to dilute the policies or just cause general mayhem.

    James (1) on Jul 17th, 2009 at 4:21 pm
  • Well I always found him pleasant and polite, if a bit eccentric and over the top on Islam, until he started coming out with the anti-Semitic stuff.

    Dilute their policies? That would probably do them good. If I wanted to destroy your party I’d up the rhetoric and start talking about the Jews.

    Ed West on Jul 17th, 2009 at 4:23 pm
  • They’re only ‘my’ party as I can’t see any alternative. Feels strange you saying that. I had no interest in politics until I noticed the country was being destroyed.

    James (1) on Jul 17th, 2009 at 5:27 pm
  • @ Ed

    ‘It seems a lot of labour hours for very little. To prove what? He hasn’t been made BNP no.2 has he? He’s not Steaknife exactly.’

    Have you ever witnessed such a bunch of idiots in charge of a country? Have you ever seen such waste and inefficiency? Do you remember what we had as Home Secretary?

    I think we’re looking for logic and reason. We’re talking about Nu Labour here!

    There are only two real scenarios:

    1) Winston went off the deep end and had a meltdown.

    2) Winston was a plant who was intended to eventually get priveleged info out of groups such as the BNP. Not all that impossible when one rememebers that the British Government had Provo infiltrators who took years to develop their story.

    Pay people a good deal of money and they might consider such a banal and futile task…after all, it is us chumps who pay for it.

    Still if it is option 2) they must be pretty demoralised that all that work blew up in about two days.

    PS: Winston, if you’re reading this, have a long rest and think about things.

    pondy on Jul 17th, 2009 at 5:32 pm
  • ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

    “He’s a NuLabour mole”

    Now this did really crack me up. I really love this warped sense of logic - he’s criticising the BNP so he must be a NuLabour mole….He’s criticising Judaism so he’s an anti semite. And yet what I hear you complain about is “I speak of immigration and they call me a racist…I speak of the Islamic threat and they call me an Islamaphobe….I speak of a disagreement in gay families and they call me a homophobe.” Can you not see the sheer hypocrisy of it all? LMAO!!!!

    You really need to take a look at yourselves, it’s truly hilarious. You’re all a contradiction in its terms. You are all simply unable to make the connection as to why our society is the way it is and getting progressively worse because of it.

    I’m ok, as I’m emigrating with my family in a year or two so it really doesn’t bother me what happens to ‘Old Blighty’. You can all vote for the BNP to your hearts content. The UK is a dead duck in the water and there is nothing whatsoever can be done to set it straight!

    What’s so ironic is that you’re all too busy trying to put out the fires (Islam, immigration, multiculturalism, feminism, political correctness, totalitarian laws and legislation etc) while the people who are starting those fires you completely ignore while they start yet more and more further down the road. I wonder who they are?

    Oh and as for Winston, I should imagine he’s probably around Dorset by now. I notice he’s pulled down his website as well. I wonder why? Very possibly because he realises that it’s a waste of time trying to defend Britain. It was overrun by the enemy a long time ago….

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 17th, 2009 at 5:40 pm
  • youarebeingliedto(o)

    ‘Oh and as for Winston, I should imagine he’s probably around Dorset by now. I notice he’s pulled down his website as well. I wonder why? Very possibly because he realises that it’s a waste of time trying to defend Britain. It was overrun by the enemy a long time ago….’

    Sorry, youarebeingliedto(o), this stuff is WAY over my head. Talking about yourself in the third person is unusual. And if you aren’t Winston then why won’t Winston speak for himself…as you seem to know a great deal about Winston?

    pondy on Jul 17th, 2009 at 5:53 pm
  • @ youarebeingliedtoo—Is this the last time you’ll be posting?

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 6:00 pm
  • Whoah.. Pondy, if you think the Winston situation is weird.. remember David Shayler the MI5 whistleblower..? take a look at this..


    James (1) on Jul 17th, 2009 at 6:20 pm
  • Unless..!

    No, couldn’t be

    James (1) on Jul 17th, 2009 at 6:21 pm
  • @ James (1)—When Winston and I spoke last Friday, he said the one thing he really hated was deceit. Ironic.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 6:35 pm
  • Wonder what Sammie Hall makes of it? She (think that’s right) had quite a lot of very in depth interaction with Winston regarding Islam, and I’ve never doubted her credibility. And where’s Old Man got to?

    James (1) on Jul 17th, 2009 at 6:48 pm
  • James (1)

    Oh dear, just read the David Shayler piece:

    Today the 43-year-old has become a squatter - and yesterday showed off his ‘alter ego’ as he dressed as a transvestite complete with false breasts, mini-skirt and ginger wig.

    In recent weeks friends and family of the former spy believe he has suffered a ’severe breakdown’ after first calling himself ‘The Messiah’ and moving into an empty farmhouse in the Surrey countryside…

    …Last night his former partner and fellow spy Annie Machon spoke of her sadness at Mr Shayler’s plight as she maintained he had suffered a breakdown.

    Miss Machon, 40, who now lives in Dusseldorf, Germany, with her new partner blamed the Government and the intelligence services for causing Mr Shayler’s current condition…

    ‘I do blame the Government and the intelligence agencies for what he has become and they have ruined his life.’

    Meanwhile, Mr Shayler spoke of his new life with eight other squatters with whom he moved into Hackhurst Farm in Abinger Hammer, near Dorking, Surrey at the end of June.

    ‘I know in my heart that I am Christ and I am here to save humanity,’ he began.


    pondy on Jul 17th, 2009 at 6:58 pm
  • @ James (1)—You’re right about sammiehall; Winston asked her permission to use some of her posts on his blog. Old Man is posting on Ed’s first blog about the Philip Caldwell book; he’s been posting there today.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 7:04 pm
  • That should be Christopher Caldwell.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 7:06 pm
  • @Johnny : Is this the last time you’ll be posting?

    To you and others yes, but I may add my own contribution amongst the many lunatics in here every so often, just to try and throw some common sense into their mad mutterings.

    Trying to have a rational debate with irrational people is pointless. Also, most of the people on here are not only well below me on the intelligence stakes but also on reality and being unable to think outside of their own little minds and what the MSM feeds them.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 17th, 2009 at 7:46 pm
  • Breakdowns appear to happen suddenly but are preceded by a long build-up of mental/emotional turmoil, which is characterized by increasing expressions of irrationality, self-delusion and flights of fancy.

    If you have ever had the disturbing experience of witnessing such a transformation, you would be astonished by how someone you thought you knew well one day, could morph into a complete stranger the next.

    Wrt Winston, I seem to remember some time ago in one of his comments he referred to his considering leaving Britain at some future time in order to assure some sort of future for his children. More recently, he has accused such people as worse than traitors who should never be allowed back into the country. It now appears to be back on the agenda and seems to indicate a desperate thrashing resulting from an inability to achieve any headway in his efforts to “enlighten” the proles.

    Moreover, a well-known characteristic in psychiatry is that of accusing others of personal traits you are reluctant to confront in yourself.

    alexei on Jul 17th, 2009 at 8:00 pm
  • “It now appears to be back on the agenda and seems to indicate a desperate thrashing resulting from an inability to achieve any headway in his efforts to “enlighten” the proles”

    - meant to say “thrashing around”

    alexei on Jul 17th, 2009 at 8:08 pm
  • And now Dr Alexei the Atheist (Orthodox Jew) gives his prognosis. Do carry on. However, I don’t know if Winston will be read this when he decides to post again in the internet.

    It’s something people who are losing debate always do, they always try to attack the people personally by lowering the debate into an attack on mental fitness and ability. Exceptionally depressing that people should do that, but still, this is just the way some people are.

    Do however continue, this is all rather amusing.. ;)

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 17th, 2009 at 8:13 pm
  • @ youarebeingliedtoo—Thanks for answering. Would you mail me, please?

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 8:16 pm
  • @Johnny,

    I think you will see from the earlier reply I have no intention of debating with you. Firstly you seem to believe that I am Winston, regardless how many times I have stated I am not. Should you care to look back on this post (or maybe the other) you will see that I have already stated my connection to Winston and that’s all I will divulge. Secondly I do not have your email to contact you and I don’t want your email to contact you.

    I think that should clear things up don’t you?

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 17th, 2009 at 8:28 pm
  • @ youarebeingliedtoo—It’s perfectly clear. Thank you.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 8:45 pm
  • @ youarebeingliedto(o)

    From your reply to Johnny R I can only surmise that you are saying that you are a close relative of Winston - this would account for the intimate knowledge of his thoughts and whereabouts.

    If that is the case then please get him to post using his ID. An ID requires a password and it is there for good reason: to avoid this kind of mix up.

    The fact that Winston stopped posting at the moment you begun has resulted in this confusion.

    No one is trying to bug you or get at you in any way. In fact it is quite the opposite. I think most of us are quite concerned about Winston. Life today, in a land of moving and sliding tectonic plates, is often perilous, dangerous and confusing. It is often hard to know friend from foe.

    No one to my knowledge has been trying to offend or get at you in any way. Yes, many disagree with you but that is part of the cut and thrust of debate. And if anything, the fact that people have tried to persuade you that your views are inaccurate is, I believe, more of an indication that they do not dismiss you as a person. If everyone was such a self-interested, deluded fool then they’d most likely be watching TV with a bottle of beer.

    Whatever is the case, youarebeingliedto(o), I wish you well in the future. And if you are in contact with Winston, tell him to get in touch…using his ID.

    pondy on Jul 17th, 2009 at 9:27 pm
  • @ alexei (8:00 pm)—Thanks for the explanation. For me, this week has been deeply disturbing.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 9:30 pm
  • @ pondy—And now for something completely different. My nomination for male vocalist with the most beautiful voice is Colin Blunstone. Give yourself a treat (don’t blame me if it isn’t) and go to my magnificent blog to hear him sing How Could We Dare to Be Wrong.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 9:36 pm
  • @pondy, It was you in fact whom I first said that I was related to Winston, but you casually ignored what I had to say and decided to join in with the rest of the pack, completely ignoring what I was saying instead choosing to attack for the sake of attack. Nothing like ganging together in order to flagellate a victim eh? I have to say, I’ve known many many in my time and to see the way you’ve behaved towards me certainly would sour the taste in my friend’s tongues, as they’d never behave as you. I found regardless what the situation in life, the Scots always had integrity and a dog edgedness of protecting the underdog, being mavericks and not following the rest of the pack as you have done.

    Had you ever followed his website you would have seen that he posted his farewell message last week. And yes I do have an idea of his whereabouts, not only through common sense logic of realising how far it takes to get from A - B, but also because we spoke earlier this week together.

    You say “I think most of us are quite concerned about Winston.” Why? Do you know him? Have any of you met him? Do you feel that sharing words over the internet about the Britain’s demise, Islamisation or NuLabour makes you think you know him? I think you all flatter yourself too much. Winston is more than capable of sorting out a situation as he has done many times. Life’s trials and tribulations are there for a reason, to make one stronger. Those who fall are those who aren’t fit for the job.

    Ironically you go on to say “No one to my knowledge has been trying to offend or get at you in any way. Yes, many disagree with you but that is part of the cut and thrust of debate” when you your self(as described above) chose to blindly follow the rest of the insulters. Because I dared to mention Judaism, you chose to attack me, which proves my point I’ve made on here that we do not live in a democracy, but a police state, where the minority rule, the Jewish Elite have complete control and anyone who dares disagree is attacked, sullied and lambasted. This in itself speaks volumes and proves my point overwhelmingly that “there’s no business like SHOAH business”.

    While I respect the courtesy of your reply, I certainly cannot dismiss your attacks upon my person in debate. I read a few of your responses to other posts and thought that of all people on here you seemed to have a rather knowledgeable understanding of what the status quo was or at least is supposed to be. I was sadly mistaken. I will valiantly defend anyone’s use of free speech. I would vehemently support Anjem Choudary and his ability to speak freely and of course anyone who wanted to shout fire in a theatre. The moment freedom of speech disappears is the day we all become slaves and you in your blindness continue to miss that. Regardless of all the information I’ve supplied on the destruction of Western Civilisation under Jewish hands, you and all the rest continued to attack me, when none of you were able to refute any of my points made. My nom de plume was chosen for the precise reason of what is going on. You are all being lied to and yet there are people here in their heart of hearts who truly believe that the good old British spirit still prevails of honour, justice, liberty, integrity, impartiality, stoicism, reticence, honesty and freedom. It’s gone, well that is in the Establishment and upper echelons of society. This is what you all fail to see. Britain is dead. It’s coming to the end of its Swan Song, a swan song forced upon us by the good old U, S of A, when they decided to destroy our naval power after the Suez crisis and of course our Empire.

    Will I tell Winston to contact you? Why? Is his life not his own? Am I his master? If he posts he posts, but no doubt those on this blog may certainly be mentioned in forthcoming conversation. However, I really shouldn’t wager a return soon. He’s moving to start a new life and he spoken specifically of staying away from main stream society, the internet, politics and current affairs. The SW is a beautiful place, predominately white, untouched and still deep in the traditions of English and Celtic culture. I think he’ll have a lovely time and I really doubt he’ll be posting on here, well, not for a long time.

    Now with that I’ll thank you for your reply and all that’s needed to be said regarding the situation. I think this blog is full of some of the most despicable gaolers of freedom, as they continue to harp on about freedom, when they haven’t an understanding of the word. Freedom is the freedom to offend, to challenge TO SPEAK ABOUT WHATEVER YOU WANT TO INCLUDING JUDAISM and to generally be. Many on here do not understand that as it has been plain to many on here, especially those who have decided to bring my medical (psychiatric) well being into the conversation. That’s always a clear cut sign of losing any debate.

    And last but not least - David Shayler (James the idiot mentions him), ( http://www.bbc5.tv/eyeplayer/articles/911-british-broadcasting-conspiracy ) look at the video to see his work. He’s a clever man, very knowledgeable and yet you all continue to pontificate about attacks on the BNP and that I must be a NuLabour mole, what is happening to me by you is exactly what the establishment have done to him - they’re trying to destroy him. He attacked the establishment and they didn’t like it. You’re all hypocrites and this country deserved to sink into the depths of depravity and servitude of whomever. It has become like Sodom, a despicable country full of materialistic, selfish, unthoughtful, uncaring individuals. It wallows in ignorance and stupidity. Britain, the real Britain has been dead for a long, long time.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 17th, 2009 at 10:26 pm
  • Johnny R

    Enjoyed the music.

    Hated the mob surrounding the police.

    I know that we are going headlong into civil war. Thanks for the link:


    PS: Loved the music. But my blood is still boiling after seeing the police pinned against the wall by our enemies. I can see I will be reconsiderring my voting in future as well as getting prepared for the future onslaught in other ways.

    Thanks for the heads up on this. Great site.

    PS: I love Supergrass.

    pondy on Jul 17th, 2009 at 10:27 pm
  • Bless you, pondy. I just add whatever video I feel like adding; it’s easier than real blogging. I suppose I could call it the next generation of blogging but it isn’t—it’s me being lazy!

    I, too, am prepared for the future onslaught. At Southport’s Rottenborough Castle, the boiling oil is simmering nicely, ready and waiting against the day that the Mohammedan hordes advance from their strongholds in east Lancashire. They shall not pass.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 17th, 2009 at 10:52 pm
  • Here is a theory.

    Winston Smith is lyinginthesun and youarebeingliedto. Prior to the election the person wrote on the DT blogs in a way to attract people. Post the election, this person is writing to destroy the DT blogs.

    In either case, you are all being used as dupes. This person does not care what you answer, or even what he says. His purpose is to drive people away. Answering and using up space with an answer only helps him.

    msher1 on Jul 18th, 2009 at 1:36 am
  • More on theory of Winston writing pre-election to attract people to BNP and post election to destroy DT blog.

    Winston Smith talked about being married to a black woman and having a bi-racial child or children. That is the perfect thing to say to help the BNP. Is there anyone who can verify that whoever Winston Smith is actually does have a black wife and one or more bi-racial children?

    msher1 on Jul 18th, 2009 at 2:20 am
  • Is that the best answer you can give msher1?

    “Post the election, this person is writing to destroy the DT blogs.”

    How on earth is one supposed to destroy the DT blogs? Do my words have multiple viruses attacked with which to cripple the DT servers?

    “His purpose is to drive people away”

    How on earth do I drive people away? Oh I know, because I speak openly challenging the status quo and daring to speak of that which must not be spoken in case a lightning bolt lands on my head - JEWRY, I drive people away? You need to grow a thicker shell and if you don’t like being offended by free speech then you should shut yourself off from the outside world. You need to get out more. You sound like a complete and utter flower, a fragile one at that - “Oh he’s talking about Jews, I must, I simply must get away, I can’t take it anymore, boo hoo hoo, I’ll simply die at this, oh I can’t look away, I should then I wouldn’t be so upset, but I can’t, oh it’s dreadful, despicable, utterly unbearable……” You need to grow a back bone msher1.

    And yes, Winston does have two children with a black partner. I have one also from a black partner. You really shouldn’t bother trying to speculate as you’re falling badly short of any form of coherence. You’re just making yourself look like a bigger twit than you already are.

    Oh what’s that noise? I think it’s the bell msher1. Better go out and let someone water those petals of yours, don’t want them to dry up now do we? That would just be dreadful…..LOL

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 18th, 2009 at 4:15 am
  • Ed West

    A mere couple of hours ago I said to you on your readers’ e-mail address that I was against censoring even though I believe lyinginwait/youarebeingliedto is here to compromise, discredit and destroy your blog. Writing about this in that e-mail has triggered for me a whole different outlook on what is happening. You were right to be concerned about this kind of comment discrediting you and the conservative cause.

    I have always known Winston Smith had to be a paid political operative, as is lyinginwait/youarebeingliedto. No one has incentive or ability to put in the kind of time he/they do if they are not a paid political operative. Originally I didn’t think they were the same person because I couldn’t understand Winston Smith bothering to build up the BNP for months and then as lyinginwait/youarebeingliedto turning around to tear it down. But similarities in the writing have been showing up despite the different persona adapted and more important, I suddenly realize the strategy. I think the key is the election. Winston Smith was pre-election. That Winston Smith was a con. Now that the election is over, he transitioned into lyinginwait/youarebeingliedto. He did it gradually because to do it immediately would have given away the game.

    If you look at the posts of lyinginwait/youarebeingliedto they come at all hours of the day and night. At least as far as lyinginwait/youarebeingliedto goes, I have noticed that someone is monitoring posts on this blog around the clock, and a reply is posted very soon, even if in the middle of the night. I’m starting to guess that Winston Smith and lyinginwait/youarebeingliedto are inventions which are written by more than one individual. If you check other DT blogs, there may be lots of others who are getting posts like this. The object seems to be to put as many vitriolic anti-Semitic posts up as possible. This may be a concerted, paid effort of several individuals to discredit all the conservative blogs.

    My theory of what has happened is this: Winston Smith is a BNP operative(s) who before the election - the election is the key - was assigned to be a sympathetic figure, and even invented a black wife and child. It was talked about on Daniel Hannan’s blog, where Winston Smith spent huge amounts of time. The posters on that blog were saying that if Winston could be married to a black woman and have a bi-racial child, then the BNP couldn’t be that racist. Smith’s assignment was to siphon off anti-EU people from Daniel’s blog - the natural place for anti-EU Tories to be. Once the election was over, his (their) assignment changed. Now it is to discredit and destroy conservative blogs. He (they) changed the Winston Smith persona gradually because it would have been too obvious to change drastically right after the election. When he went on his trip, he/they was through being old sorrowful, almost reasonable, concerned-for-his country Winston Smith on conservative blogs. I haven’t checked, but I bet the Winston Smith blog will stay whatever it always has been. In other words, on that blog, his/their assignment is to bring in converts. On the conservative blog(s) his/their assignment is to discredit the Tories. Post election, his/their thinking or his/their boss’s thinking is it is worth alienating a few potential BNP people to try to discredit DT blog(s) and its/their conservative following.

    The reason I don’t think this is Labour doing this is that I now believe, like everyone else seems to also, that Winston Smith and lyinginwait/youarebeingliedto are the same person. That means this person(s) worked very hard before the election to make the BNP look respectable. Labour would not have worked before the election to gain adherents for the BNP. Labour would have gone immediately to the extremist BNP persona to lose adherents for the BNP. It would make more sense that it was Labour doing this, but that wouldn’t explain the pre-election effort to build up the BNP and make it look respectable.

    I now think you were correct that these posts discredit the conservative cause and he/they is/are here to discredit or destroy you and conservatives. I think you have the right to act in self-defense to stop your blog from deliberately and artificially discredited. I think you should delete him/them, under whatever User ID he/they comes in as. I was wrong in my first reactions that any of this debate was good and that there shouldn’t be any censoring. I think you should protect yourself and delete what is put up for the sole purpose of discrediting your blog and its followers.

    msher1 on Jul 18th, 2009 at 6:45 am
  • m.sher

    Whatever Winston is, I really don’t think he’s a friend of the British National Party (or British people for that matter).

    There are plenty of sane, balanced people who have come to the conclusion the BNP is pretty much the only option we have left (at present).

    Not sure why you seem to have recently developed such a dislike for them, or don’t acknowledge the very valid reasons why we feel this way.

    Forgive me for saying this (because I have a lot of respect for you), but you have been duped quite easily in the past by trolls posing as ‘hateful BNP supporters’.

    James (1) on Jul 18th, 2009 at 10:03 am
  • m.sher

    The only individuals with time and money to burn on such projects are within the Nu Labour organisation and their spin-offs. The BNP seem to be on the receiving end of a lot of attention from the security services. If you see a dirty tricks campaign it will be from them.

    Your theory about the election campaign before and after is very logical and would perhaps make more sense in the US, after all Nixon’s boys systematically detroyed their opponents. But, sadly, our government want nothing less than the outright destruction of their political opponents. They are pinning their hopes on banning organisations like the BNP through the courts and destroying them financially through legal action.

    Nu Labour would rather have info than a few more votes from the BNP. After all, the BNP are not at that threatening stage…yet.

    To be frank, I really didn’t follow the whole thread properly when Winston said goodbye - I’ve had the flu and am more punchy than usual. So I tend to think that the more banal options are usually the right ones.

    The only thing that really confuses me is that one of the characters - if memory serves me well - said that he had no children whereas Winston had two. Now both seem to have a surprisingly similar backstory. So you can see how it is confusing. Perhaps Winston can clear things up.

    Until further clarification I just haven’t got a clue what’s going on, but I really think the BNP idea hasn’t got legs. After all, why are the BNP going to go round telling everyone that people get along in multicultural families? This won’t win them votes it would merely make people believe that the individual is a hypocrite or that they are slightly confused. The BNP seem a little more sophisticated than that.

    Nu Labour and their masters at EU HQ no doubt want to shut down all parties who are against the NWO. They can funnel funds and manpower to this project without too much fuss. After all, if they annihilate the opposition then the reward is a whole continent which they own.

    As I’ve said before, I disagree completely with the conclusions of Winston’s alter ego. I believe that there is a conspiracy by a relatively small group of individuals to promote a Eurosuperstate but its membership and goals are still hidden. We know that there is a conspiracy and a driving force since every time anyone stands against it they are swept aside. The EU, like the North American Union project are NOT natural evolutions in trade and political union. They are transfers of power and wealth from free citizens to a small elite.

    I think you will find that this sort of thing has happened before on DT blogs. When the person is either rumbled or the ID is called into question then the whole episode dies of natural causes.

    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 11:14 am
  • @ msher1—I’m glad you’re still posting here, in spite of the name-calling you’ve had to endure. It may be best to follow pondy’s advice from yesterday (12:04 pm):

    I think you’ll find that patience works. Give [it] another week and see what happens. These things tend to go in phases - they need to run their course like a bad virus.

    @ pondy—You mentioned that your PC was playing up. Have you been getting the links I’ve been adding to my posts? I’ve taken to incorporating them in the body of the text; for example, my post of 9:36 pm yesterday had the link ‘my magnificent blog’.

    Here are some links from this thread you might have missed:

    ever so slightly tongue-in-cheek piece

    this picture

    Principles of Progressive Politics

    One final link: Johnny Rottenborough

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 18th, 2009 at 11:21 am
  • James (1)

    I think there are elements in every political party that play dirty tricks. That doesn’t necessarily reflect on the rest of the people.

    I said that what I posted was a theory – meaning I’m not certain. Let’s approach this as a logic problem. Here are the things I am certain of:

    1) lyinginthesun and youarebeingliedto do not give a damn about what he/they post. Their purpose is simply to get stuff posted and get reaction. I have said that a number of times about lyinginthesun on the Caldwell thread. I see the same thing in the youarebeingliedto posts.

    2) Posting as much as Winston Smith and the other two User ID’s is a Herculean task. If we assume Winston Smith is the same as the other two User ID’s, then there is also the Winston Smith blog to maintain. This is a full time job. People do this for short periods perhaps out of passion for the subject or cause. They do it for long periods only as paid political operatives.

    3) This is very methodical and it’s 24/7. He/they very often respond to things virtually immediately and at all hours of day and night. That is not a one-person operation.

    4) If you draw the conclusion that all the User ID’s are the same person or persons – you have to come up with some strategy that explains why Winston Smith spent 4 months trying to prove the BNP is not racist. You dismissed that as black ops – but black ops when you get to the bottom of them have a goal, a strategy. You haven’t yet come up with a reason for building up the BNP, rather than going straight to making it look bad.

    5) Winston Smith talked about his black wife and child. That was used many times on Hannan’s blog as proof the BNP is not racist. How convenient that the guy posting on some days full time for the BNP happens to have a black wife and kid. I asked whether anyone has anything to verify that that claim is true. Do you have anything?

    6) What event has happened recently? An election. There is a pre-election Winston Smith and then the Winston Smith who started changing after that election.

    I said in my previous post that what is happening now would make more sense if it were Labour. But Labour would not have done what the pre-election Winston Smith did. He was very convincing, very effective in convincing people that the BNP was good. Labour would not have done that. So you need to give me a theory that fits these facts and events. What I have said is the only one I can think of. It’s not a great theory, but it works. Maybe someone can come up with something better – BUT you have to account for all of these facts and the perpetrator(s) you come up with have to have some logic to their actions. I agree Labour doing this post election would make more sense, but that doesn’t explain Winston Smith doing a damn good job helping the BNP prior to the election. This sounds like I’m trying to get into an argument about it with you. No. Honestly. I have no stake in this, and anybody is welcome to have any theory they want.

    The important point of my previous post isn’t whether it’s BNP as opposed to someone else. It is that lyinginthesun and youarebeingliedto always struck me as not for real. I first I thought it was just for the thrill of spewing the vitriol but I have come to see that it is a much more organized and mechanical operation than that. Lyinginthesun and youarebeingliedto may not even believe what he/they are writing. His/their point is just to write as much of it as he/they can and hope they provoke reaction. In the Caldwell thread Ed West was concerned that these posts discredit the conservative cause. As this has continued I have come to realize he was not only right, but he underestimated the posts – this is a deliberate attempt to discredit not only the conservative cause but also to destroy his blog. I don’t think he should be passive and let someone do that.

    Re being duped by trolls posing as “hateful BNP supporters” - are you sure? What makes you think that? Who duped me? When I was new to the British blogs and knew nothing about the BNP, I asked questions, and when various people referred to a Nazi or racist past, I asked further questions. I don’t think there was any duping - I knew I knew nothing about it and there was controversy and I just kept asking different people about various remarks to sort it out. I’m pretty sure no one duped me because until the Caldwell thread I hadn’t even come to any conclusion about the party. If you have something specific in mind that I have forgotten, let me know.

    I have written that the Tories by their inattention to the legitimate concerns of their constituents are driving people to the BNP. One of the many people who have given me that idea is you. You are one of many who have said exactly that. Up until the Caldwell thread, that is as much conclusion as I had reached about the BNP - that there was a certain “respectability” issue and people who would rather have been able to look to the Tories have been forced by the Tories to look to the BNP. This view comes directly from things you and others like you repeatedly said on the Hannan blog.

    It’s really, really late here, so I’m off to sleep. Last week I said I will never again read or respond to lyinginthesun (and now youarebeingliedto). I hope neither you or anybody else gets sucked into responding to anything he/they post. I’m done with this issue, as I’ve come up with the best theory I can, given the limited knowledge I have. There is nothing I can add and I have no stake in being right or wrong. You the Brits are in a far better position to figure out what’s going on than I.

    msher1 on Jul 18th, 2009 at 11:32 am
  • m.sher

    I should of said ‘may have been duped’.. sorry, can’t offer a specific example, but I think it was a comment you made a couple of weeks ago that gave me that impression. I’m possibly wrong.

    Anyway, I’m glad you’re still posting here.

    James (1) on Jul 18th, 2009 at 12:04 pm
  • Johnny R

    Thanks for the links.

    Really loved the Jerusalem video. This hymn was sung at a young friend’s funeral recently. It was really beautiful.

    It was also used in the service in the fim Chariots of Fire. Great to see people who love their country and still preserve the qualities of faith, patriotism, loyalty and courage.

    PS: I’m using my Mac just now but I think I may be getting some life out of the PC. I use my macs for graphics and the PC for writing and the internet.

    PPS: One of the reasons I’m making so many typos is that the mac keyboard is not great for writing - I feel like I’m wearing boxing gloves.


    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 12:09 pm
  • James (1)

    Let me make a fool of myself by completely contradicting my last post. I said I was going to sleep – I haven’t. The painful back that was keeping me up is still keeping me up. I said I was finished with the issue because I had no stake in it – well, I don’t have any stake in it, but I hate having a theory that I know isn’t really all that good. So let me take another try at a theory, and let’s see if this works:

    Let’s take as a given that these anti-Semitic posts are an orchestrated effort.

    I agree with you that it is Labour not the BNP who stands to gain by discrediting the conservatives. I already said it would be more logical if what is being done on this post now were being done by Labour.

    The problem was somehow reconciling the pre-election pro-BNP Winston Smith with what is happening now.

    What if Winston Smith was never BNP, but a Labour operative? How’s that for black ops? Here would be the logic. Pre-election, Labour wouldn’t care if voters went to BNP because polls would have shown them that the BNP wasn’t going to do significantly well anyway and wasn’t a threat to Labour. The object would have been to make the Tories do less well. There would have been no chance to get Hannan’s following over to Labour, but there was a chance to get them to the BNP. So Winston Smith did everything possible to peel away voters from the Tories to the BNP. The black wife and kid was an inspired touch.

    Post election, the strategy is to do all the anti-Semitic posts and hope many other posters will take the bait, as some have, so Labour can discredit BOTH conservatives and BNP as anti-Semitic. That helps Labour.

    I haven’t seen the Winston Smith blog, but in this scenario it would be a really wonderful advertisement for the BNP - again to peel voters away from the Tories to the BNP which doesn’t at this point pose a threat to Labour.

    So the key is that Winston Smith has always been a Labour operative, not a BNP operative. How’s that for a surprise?

    This theory seems to work, doesn’t it? This would be a very typical Cold War espionage kind of scenario.

    Johnny Rottenborough

    Thanks. The name calling doesn’t bother me - I stopped reading it after the first few posts. I have my own issues with what liberal Jews are doing, and vehemently oppose their agenda. But, with the exception of Zionism - which merely relates to a tiny strip of land in the Middle East, I need to make you all understand that the issue with Jews who are liberal and have destructive agendas doesn’t relate to the fact that there is any particular Jewish ideology. (Oddly, many of the leftist liberal Jews are NOT Zionists and excoriate Israel and favor the Palestinians.) The liberal Jews are destructive but it isn’t any Jewish ideology that makes them destructive - as opposed to Islam which in its core ideology is indeed destructive. I am now finally getting sleepy and I have to stop for now. I will write about this later and take a shot at sorting it out for you, because it is important. Old Man has also expressed some legitimate concerns. I will address his points also.

    msher1 on Jul 18th, 2009 at 1:38 pm
  • James (1)

    Let me make a fool of myself by completely contradicting my last post. I said I was going to sleep – I haven’t. The painful back that was keeping me up is still keeping me up. I said I was finished with the issue because I had no stake in it – well, I don’t have any stake in it, but I hate having a theory that I know isn’t really all that good. So let me take another try at a theory, and let’s see if this works:

    Let’s take as a given that these anti-Semitic posts are an orchestrated effort.

    I agree with you that it is Labour not the BNP who stands to gain by discrediting the conservatives. I already said it would be more logical if what is being done on this blog now were being done by Labour.

    The problem was somehow reconciling the pre-election pro-BNP Winston Smith with what is happening now.

    What if Winston Smith was never BNP, but a Labour operative? How’s that for black ops? Here would be the logic. Pre-election, Labour wouldn’t care if voters went to BNP because polls would have shown them that the BNP wasn’t going to do significantly well anyway and wasn’t a threat to Labour. The object would have been to make the Tories do less well. There would have been no chance to get Hannan’s following over to Labour, but there was a chance to get them to the BNP. So Winston Smith did everything possible to peel away voters from the Tories to the BNP. The black wife and kid was an inspired touch.

    Post election, the strategy is to do all the anti-Semitic posts and hope many other posters will take the bait, as some have, so Labour can discredit BOTH conservatives and BNP as anti-Semitic. That helps Labour.

    I haven’t seen the Winston Smith blog, but in this scenario it would be a really wonderful advertisement for the BNP - again to peel voters away from the Tories to the BNP which doesn’t at this point pose a threat to Labour.

    So the key is that Winston Smith has always been a Labour operative, not a BNP operative. How’s that for a surprise?

    This theory seems to work, doesn’t it? This would be a very typical Cold War espionage kind of scenario.

    Johnny Rottenborough

    Thanks. The name calling doesn’t bother me - I stopped reading it after the first few posts. I have my own issues with what liberal Jews are doing, and vehemently oppose their agenda. But, with the exception of Zionism - which merely relates to a tiny strip of land in the Middle East, I need to make you all understand that the issue with Jews who are liberal and have destructive agendas doesn’t relate to the fact that there is any particular Jewish ideology. (Oddly, many of the leftist liberal Jews are NOT Zionists and excoriate Israel and favor the Palestinians.) The liberal Jews are destructive but it isn’t any Jewish ideology that makes them destructive - as opposed to Islam which in its core ideology is indeed destructive. I am now finally getting sleepy and I have to stop for now. I will write about this later and take a shot at sorting it out for you, because it is important. Old Man has also expressed some legitimate concerns. I will address his points also.

    msher1 on Jul 18th, 2009 at 1:41 pm
  • @ pondy (12:09 pm)—I’m relieved the links are working, and especially pleased that you have seen, and were properly incensed by, the video of the police being cornered by Muslims and clearly under orders not to retaliate. If the video has had the effect of making you reconsider how you vote, that’s a wonderful bonus.

    I’m a Mac user, too. I don’t mind the keyboard but, then, it’s the only one I’ve known and I type so slowly that its feel doesn’t bother me.

    Let me know if you have a favourite Supergrass song and I’ll add it to my blog in your honour; I added Sit Down in James (1)’s honour.

    Johnny Rottenborough

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 18th, 2009 at 2:07 pm
  • Pondy, Winston and youarebeingetc are one and the same person and those of us with longer histories on these blogs will also recall that he is (was) also the obnoxious No.6 !!

    David Dee on Jul 18th, 2009 at 2:57 pm
  • David Dee

    Thanks for the input. Not that the whole thing is of great consequence but I would hate to think someone was having a meltdown Shayler style and I was adding to their misery.

    I haven’t come across No. 6, mabye before my time as you suggest.

    What is your take on this individual then? If indeed it has been one individual.

    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 3:41 pm
  • Johnny R

    I must say, if there is one musician I admire today it has to be Morrissey. Unlike most aging musos he has not receded into a land of makebelieve. Yes, he is nostalgic for a lost time and the Britain of his youth, but there is an honesty and integrity in both his work and his words.

    I almost certainly don’t agree with all of his views but I admire people who nail their colours to the flag pole and tell all hypocrites to go to hell. His interviews are worth catching simply because he doesn’t sugar coat or varnish things but gives a gut response - very unique and refreshing.

    He seems to be an old fashioned artist, a craftsman who takes pride in his work and is not merely playing a corrupt system that lies to kids and fills their heads with nonsense. He is more like a writer, a playright, poet or novelist who describes an inner landscape. He is real.

    That’s why I would suggest listening to Irish blood English Heart. It is like his manifesto. And it happens to be a damned good tune with a pretty menacing guitar riff. And also, he is off his head…in the nicest possible way…a natural performer.

    Although I’m a Scot I love his patriotism. The lyrics to the song are simple and heartfelt but curiously timely: I will die with both of my hands untied.



    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 3:58 pm
  • Johnny R

    Yes, I am a mac lover. I like the keyboard on my mac laptop but not on the desktop.

    It’s the older blockier chunky keys and not the recent flat one.

    I’d never thought about it but I suppose I could pick up on of the flatter ones.


    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 4:06 pm
  • Pondy

    Re Morrissey, he’s a legend.. it’s just a real shame he was forced to backtrack a couple of years ago over his immigration comments. Massively missed opportunity.

    I was surprised to be honest, I wouldn’t of thought his integrity would of allowed him to deny the truth.

    James (1) on Jul 18th, 2009 at 4:50 pm
  • m.sher

    Or how about this one.. Winston was a creature dreamt up by Blairites out to topple Brownnose by boosting the BNP’s election results?

    Who knows, I wouldn’t put anything past any of them.

    James (1) on Jul 18th, 2009 at 4:54 pm
  • James (1)

    I wasn’t aware that he’d backtracked on his views. If so then it is rather disappointing.

    One of the things that really came across about the guy was that he wasn’t presenting a persona dreamed up to make sales. His whole fight with the music press was of course a stitch up. He isn’t a racist. And he then had the whole boring and ultimately futile job of trying to explain to dimwits that loving your culture and trying to defend it is not the same as hating others and trying to attack them. And of course that mass immigration is cultural suicide.

    I haven’t come across anything that I thought was a sell-out but I can imagine the pressure on the guy was pretty intense. Sadly the music industry is full of spotty tubes who have absolutely no sense of the manipulative industry that they’re in; nor do they realise that it is a machine generally run by businessmen much older than them; and neither do many have any value system or loyalty higher than idolotry of any kind of fame and the worship of a quick buck. Mavericks are rather thin on the ground, like talent these days.

    There seems to me to be waves in a culture. In the sixties music was central to revolutionary changes. Today it is peripheral and in the main unimportant. When Morrissey’s music first came out it was often in stark contrast to ritual dance music that meant nothing to kids of our culture. Sadly, much of the ‘youth culture’ today is actually manufactured and predigested baby goo designed to make a buck, keep people thick and cattle like and to promote changing lucrative trends.

    At least Morrissey had a stab at something quintessentially English - great nostalgic writing.

    ‘Punctured bycicle on a hillside desolate…’ the opening line of This Charming Man. Only from a man steeped in English culture and humour.

    If he has bottled it then I am sad. But at least he gave us some great words, a few laughs and a deal more appreciation for the things that our traitor-government is hell-bent on throwing away and that to a great degree we have already lost.

    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 6:15 pm
  • Ed West (Jul 16th at 4:10 pm) mentioned a poster called Number6, and linked him to youarebeingliedtoo, etc. David Dee, today, is of the same opinion.

    pondy—I think I saw Mac keyboards on Amazon for about £28. I’ve just listened to the Morrissey track; a great anthem for when the garrison at Rottenborough Castle is treating the Mohammedan horde to a little boiling oil.

    James (1)—Yours was the first comment I ever read on the Telegraph blogs, in March. It was in answer to Jonathan Wynne-Jones:

    It’s mugs like me who are going to be stuck in this multicultural cess pit of a has-been country when we do finally get turned into an Islamic state, and toff dhimmi journos like you are long gone.

    Keep the faith.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 18th, 2009 at 6:22 pm
  • I do have to say what a bunch of twits you all really are. The very fact that you’ve all broken off the main discussion to find out who I am, if I’m connected to this person or that, if I’m a NuLabour mole, was I in the BNP..blah…blah…blah..

    And of course out comes the anti semitism from the Jew msher1, the American who believes it knows about British politics when it clearly doesn’t.

    Now here you go folks, something that maybe a few of you might be able to grasp, however I highly doubt it.

    1. I support no political party but I do support independents
    2. I am not Winston Smith but then I suppose it doesn’t matter because you’ll always believe I am so there you go.
    3. Come January 1st, the EU will have complete control of the UK and the 120,000 laws its created especially for the UK will come flooding in to make people’s life even more dreadful than they are.
    4. By May 2010, we will see that possibly this General Election becomes Britain’s last one, because there will be no need for anymore as Brussels politicians will control what’s going on here and all over Europe.
    5. NuLabour, Conservative, Limp Dims, BNP, Greens, UKIP… you can vote for them but they’ll be powerless to overrule Brussels law and the immigrants will continue to flood in.
    6. All regiments of the British Army will be morphed into one unit and of course sent to Afghanistan in order to keep the war going to make more and more money for the Banking Elite.

    I could go on but it’s wasted on numbskulls like you. You no longer have control of your country you twits. It’s owned by Brussels. Heath sold you out along with every government after him. And you’ll all just sit and moan on a blog truly thinking that your opinions are worth anything at all whatsoever.

    Political parties will have no power over the UK come January, not that they currently do at the moment anyway. Europe own the UK and has taken control of it without a fight because your media has successfully been keeping the truth from you for nearly 40 years.

    Twits you are. Really thinking I’m a professional journalist and a Nulabour/Tory/Liberal/BNP mole here to try and cause dissent or disruption. Now that is a pathetic conspiracy theory with no truth whatsoever. It’s merely an attack by people who hate the fact I’ve criticised Jews for their attack on Western Civilisation. I don’t hate Jews. I never have. However I do utterly despise what they’ve done to completely obliterate the West. Maybe when some of you get a bit more clued up, you’ll understand too. Then again, I reckon most of you will have popped your clogs.

    youarebeingliedtoo on Jul 18th, 2009 at 6:32 pm
  • Johnny R

    Cheers for the mac keboard info. New keyboard here I come…especially when I’m typing bycicle instead of bicycle…or perhaps it’s a new brain I need.

    I am sure youarebeingliedto(o) would agree that it’s a brain.


    @ youarebeingliedto(o)

    I’ll take you at your word.

    You say that the Jews are conspiring against Western society. I disagree. Perhaps one of us will change their mind one day by investagtion and real world experience.

    Just to shake things up a little and get us off this rather tiresome argument, what do you think the role of Freemasons is in all of this, if anything? And if so, does it intersect with the group of individuals who you hold responsible?

    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 8:17 pm
  • @ youarebeingliedto(o)

    What I meant to say was:

    I’ll take you at your word that your not Winston.

    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 8:18 pm
  • Justocheereverybodyupandstopallofthisdescendingintosomekindofhell…

    Here’s a Morrissey interview with Jonathan Ross. This is part 1, but it’s worth watching part two because it’s hilarious. Harry Hill does an impersonation of him singing the immortal…yes, you guessed it, This Charming Man.

    Puntured bicycle on a hillside desolate…

    Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvkhPtqfAtQ

    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 8:43 pm
  • From Peter Hitchens in the Mail on Sunday:

    On Tuesday I stood by a road in Oxford and watched as eight coffins were driven past.

    The heart lurches, unexpectedly hard, at the sight of so much loss, and at the curious contrast between the heat and noise of Afghanistan and the cool summer evening in a green suburb. How they must often have longed to come home to our grey quiet skies, but not like this.

    Next time, they should lay the coffins on the despatch box in the Commons, right in the faces of the Cabinet and the Shadow Cabinet, and make all the MPs look at what they have done, while they debate their stupid war.

    @ pondy—Watched the Morrissey interview; great. The man himself is singing his heart out on the Johnny Rottenborough blog.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 18th, 2009 at 10:08 pm
  • @ Johnny R

    Wonderfull to see Morrissey on your good site.

    re: Peter Hitchens

    It fills me with such anger that I cannot express in words the contempt I feel for this vomit that considers itself our parliament.

    That these brave men, along with so many other brave, good young men and women, should be under the ground now while our enemies parade around the streets in full view, telling us that we all must die, well you can imagine the righteous anger and rage that is building up amongst decent people in our country.

    There were no weapons of mass destruction that could reach us in Iraq. And yet the perpetrator of this lie is now the going to be our leader again through the tyrannical and illegal EU. Another character whose deeds need to be investigated…and by an open and transparent inquiry. The grinning fool thinks that being ‘King for a day’ will save him.

    My only question is why?

    Why does our nation want to wallow in filth?

    Why do they want to be ruled by hideous traitors?

    Why do they send the best of our nation off to a futile war while those they fight are allowed to come to our country unhindered after killing those good citizens?

    Why are bankers not held to account, but rather rewarded for their theft and dishonesty?

    Why are Nu Labour so ugly?

    We need our troops at home and not in some far off land fighting Pakistanis with British accents. This is where the war is. This is where the troops need to be. If you cannot secure your own borders then there is no point in securing anywhere else.

    Our government is at war with its own people. Its weapon of choice mass, uncontrolled immigration and open borders, along with a benefits system to encourage and pay for the education and expenses of this foreign threat…combined with a legal system that now favours the stranger at expense of the rightful owners.

    If only Germany pulls the plug on their government and says no to EU wide bailouts then there will be a collapse of this madness. The EU will be no more and all of the hated legislation will fall into the abyss. Then perhaps employers will employ who they really want for jobs and the treacherous, parasitical scumbags who hate our country will be forced to return home. There will be no more money for international benefit scroungers and the system will find some kind of normality again.

    A beautiful dream perhaps. But this would be reality if not for a few traitors like the Kinnocks and Blairs and all those who serve the god of money and kickbacks.

    pondy on Jul 18th, 2009 at 11:09 pm
  • pondy—Even Hitchens couldn’t do better than that great cry from the heart. Another one for my ‘pondy’ folder.

    I believe the answer to some of your questions is connected to the appalling decision to take us into Europe, something that our politicians decided amongst themselves around 50 years ago. Before that decision was taken, our political élite put the interests of Britain and her people first—in other words, they were nationalists. Since that decision, the élite has put the interests of a united Europe first, and how they have lied to us to advance the cause of their precious United States of Europe.

    I believe our political establishment has deliberately set out to destroy the Britain that has evolved over a thousand years and to destroy our sense of national pride, in order to break us and make us think of ourselves not as British but as European. And, what better way to wreck a First World country than to flood it with Third World immigrants? As a bonus (and I’m certain this never occurred to the establishment), it turns out that many of the Third Worlders practise a religion that is inimical to the British way of life.

    It’s extraordinary to think it but, when I was a boy and even when I was a teenager, I assumed that all governments wanted to do their best for us and our country. Naïve, eh?

    The answer? Well, it’s pretty clear to me. Nationalism. We desperately need to be governed by people who love Britain, people who will put our interests first, second and third. Whether that government is formed from the BNP or from any other party makes not the slightest difference to me.

    As you know, I’m always the optimist so let me leave you with this link to the Green Arrow blog, which gathers together some of the headlines from the Daily Mail. If the MSM are now talking about these issues, there has to be hope.

    On my blog, you’ll have seen how a war veteran is treated by the police. By the way, if you go to Ed’s blog on the Caldwell book, you’ll find a most polite discussion between Old Man and youarelyinginthesunshinetoo.

    Johnny Rottenborough

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 19th, 2009 at 12:24 am
  • @ Johnny R

    Cheers, Johnny. You have reduced the problem that all people of the world, and expecially Europe now wrestle with:

    Nationalism v Federalism

    Federalism is of course the means by which a secretive cabal takes wealth, land and rights and freedoms from one group and gives it to another.

    In much the same way as corporations work - for indeed the corporation is a large part of the ongoing scam - the people who control this federal theft are like the NAMES behind a corporation: they appear to own nothing and yet control everything. (A corporation being merely a legal entity and not a great building or physical structure.)

    It is worth investigating the history of the corporation in order to have an idea how a wealthy elite manages to take over, hidden, safe and without risk, leveraged and powerful against the individual.

    The synergy of hidden, secretive groups and organisations, whatever their name or intentions, makes them THE most significant threat to our national security and future. Our government is riddled with cancer, the cancer of secretive transglobal corporate interests.

    Whether the corporatists weild their power for some ultimate prize is up for debate. I think their goal is continued consolidation of power and control until finally they control all production, land, money and even the very legal right to DNA that God has created.

    Their opposition is actually an opposition to the natural order and laws that God has given us. No wonder Nu Labour hate Christianity so much. It is a direct challenge and reminder that their whole code is wrong and antithetical to everything that is good and pure and right and true.

    As Norman Mailer says in the great novel The Naked And The Dead: ‘All war is the consolidation of power.’

    This gives us a clue as to the true intention of the Federalists and the next phase of the NWO. They will use war against people in order to weaken, confuse and terrorise them. Nu Labour so far has given us war abroad and may have sown the seeds for civil war at home.

    PS: Good stuff, Johnny. Keep the faith.

    pondy on Jul 19th, 2009 at 11:00 am
  • Johnny R

    Forgot to mention that you might like to look at Ambrose Evans Prichard’s recent offering in the DT.

    Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/ambroseevans_pritchard/5857074/Fiscal-ruin-of-the-Western-world-beckons.html

    He is worth looking at because he is a fan of Austrian Economics also. His take on what is happening in Europe just now, and particularly Ireland, tells us a lot about the deepening of the ‘debt’ crisis.

    If he and Hugh Hendry and Niall Ferguson are right in their belief of a protracted ‘debt deflation’ then the depression we face may destroy the euro/European Union.

    After all, any benefit Ireland ever had from its European love affair is now being paid for in blood and with the very destruction of its way of life.

    All debts must be paid eventually, even in Britain. At the end of this year we may see a bond collapse or currency run that will concentrate minds as to the stupidity and dangers of the globalists’ experiment.

    pondy on Jul 19th, 2009 at 11:21 am
  • pondy—Thanks for the link. I had no idea that Ireland was in such a state. Is it possible that the Irish government has engineered this calamity to get a ‘Yes’ vote on the Lisbon Treaty? In my worst nightmares, I can imagine something similar happening here: the establishment reducing Britain to such a wreck that any alternative—even Britain disappearing from the map and becoming a province of the United States of Europe—would be welcomed by the people.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 19th, 2009 at 2:20 pm
  • Johnny R

    Like the apple icon.

    re: Ireland

    Yeh, Ireland is in a real bind and, according to many econmists, are going to have to make a real tough choice.

    Their continued participation in the euro project may be under threat simply because the strength of the euro is now suffocating them. They did not have the luxury of devaluation that the Brits had. If we had been in the euro then the house price crash might have been similar to Irelands and would have meant a total collapse of the banking sector and of the general economy.

    We were very close to a bank holiday last year. I don’t know if you were aware of this but it is worth checking out. This means that all transactions are effectively closed for a prescribed period…and yes, that includes getting cash at a cashline machine.

    Ireland are at that precipice. They know that they have to do the very difficult political thing: instead of raising all boats (people) out of deflation by inflating the money supply and devaluing the currency, in this case the Irish, whilst part of a strong euro currency, must instead cut the wages of public sector workers, as well as jobs and eventually benefits etc.

    Herein lies the danger for the Irish and the euor project: The need to be bailed out by those nations that are in credit, for example the Germans.

    So you see, there will be social consequences in both Germany and Ireland before and during the referendum. Both nations furious that their own particular needs and aspirations are being ignored or flouted. This is the very nature and weakness of a Federalist Europe - when serious problems arise then each member state no longer has the freedom and tools to make policy design specifically for its needs.

    If Ireland says no then they will be severely punished by the Feds as a lesson to others who misbehave. If Germany decides to leave other countries to their own devices then the social and political cost will be the Union. This, I think, is the best chance of a destruction of Federalist plans, a demonstration of the inherent weakness and danger of globalisation.

    PS: If Ireland do exit the common currency, which I hope they do, they will have a very painful landing. There may be a bond (national debt paper) collapse, higher interest rates as a result and an economy that buckles for a few years.

    The upside is that many undesirables and parastites will leave; the Irish will be masters of their country and can make their own laws; they can begin to produce their way out of this rather than spend (agriculture being incredibly valuable going forward); and, having purged the debt from the system will avoid the horrible 10-20 year deflationary debacle Japan is still enduring.

    If I were an Irishman I would jump at the chance to get out of this ahead of the pack. Take the pain. Even while taking the medicine there will be great and unexpected bonuses, including the disappearance of a great many foreigners who would otherwise by a future catastrophe.

    This would equally apply to Britain two to three years down the line. We will have incredible problems no matter what newspapers and the media pundits generally say.

    The earthquake is on its way and nothing they can say will stop it. It is rather what they do that will determine whether it is a catastrophe or indeed and opportunity. The Chinese symbol for crisis contains two symbols: crisis/opportunity.


    pondy on Jul 19th, 2009 at 3:52 pm
  • pondy—I’m very grateful for your time and patience. Matters financial make a lot more sense now, thanks to your explanations. When the euro was launched, I remember critics saying that it would survive only if the richer nations were prepared to transfer vast amounts of money to the weaker. If the truth be known, Brussels ought to have unified Europe first and then introduced a single currency. Of course, though, they couldn’t do that because the game they’ve embarked upon is unification by stealth.

    I must give you this link on the Prime Minister’s attitude to immigration.

    Glad you like the Apple icon. I’m brand new to computing; I got my Mac towards the end of last year. A few months ago, I was playing around with the keyboard and—lo and behold!—discovered two other keyboards, one of which has the Apple.

    pondy, I’ve already taken too much of your time so don’t bother replying to this (or, if you must, keep it brief!).

    Johnny Rottenborough

    Johnny Rottenborough on Jul 19th, 2009 at 6:09 pm
  • @ Jonny R

    Always a pleasure.

    I thought I’d just give a fairly broad strokes picture of where I think we’re at. No trouble at all. And you never know who might stumble over what you write. In much the same way our Nu Labour government provides a public dis-service I think it is important to do otherwise. I hope people begin to realise that not only are their immigration stats a bunch of lies.

    PS: I’v got the flu anyway (not piggy variety) and am happy to practice typing with my iffy keyboard. Got to get another. (Nearly over flu, thankfully.)

    Thanks for the link. I am going to have a late meal so I think I’ll leave it till well after that. I forgot we had a leader (Mandy seems to have taken over) but still the guy puts me off my food.

    The clock’s ticking down for that chump at least.


    pondy on Jul 19th, 2009 at 6:49 pm
  • Pondy, could I remind you before you get too carried away that, currently, there is no conscription (this may become Tory policy if they see any votes in it) so almost everybody in the Army are there because it was their choice. They entered it knowing full well what was entailed !

    David Dee on Jul 20th, 2009 at 4:51 pm
  • @ Dave Dee

    ‘…almost everybody in the Army are there because it was their choice. They entered it knowing full well what was entailed !’

    Most 18 and 19 year old kids have no idea how cynical their leaders are. And for another thing, many people join the army to protect and serve their country. This protecting and serving one’s country may be baffling or anathema to some but it is natural and instinctive with others. But it does not mean that they trade their lives cheaply.

    While I understand your own particular dislike of your country - as you outlined previously with regard to personal experience - I think you’ll find that most individuals are either driven to join the army out of either a profound sense of loyalty and duty or through economic necessity…or in some case both.

    I hope your attitude towards your nation modifies before it is destroyed completely. You may live to regret the reckless abandon with which your party are abandoning your fellow countryman and servicemen and women. You may also regret the haste with which you welcome its enemies to live here.

    Any plan of esaping to Ireland for a better life may not pan out, in part due the EU imposed circumstances, and their own botched government. The whole of Europe may be in turmoil soon as a result of the failed Euro experiment.

    As I said before, there is much to dislike about the history of the British Empire, its plantation of Ireland, its use of corporations to spread misery across the globe and of course the personal hardships of many who have suffered. But this is not the fault of the poor soldiers who want only to find a job and serve their country.

    Loads of people in Glasgow had the same prejudice against them as you have. But this is no excuse for a juvenile hatred of the British forces. Yes, the EU will no doubt mean the end of Britain and the Empire but it will just be replaced by a new tyranny worst than the last.

    Time we all moved on. It was Nu Labour who sent those brave people to these places. Some, including I, would argue that they did so unlawfully and without good reason, and that the service men/women are entitled to a duty of care that they had a right to expect but have not experienced.

    I will give you one prediction: in twenty years time - if we are all still alive - you will see the folly of your present allegiance to a fundamentally treacherous regime. They betray not a flag but all of the citizens of the land they have sworn to defend.

    You are merely one of a number of ‘useful fools’ who they will jettison as soon as you have served your purpose. Have a good look at Mandy: this is what you follow.

    Just because the Tories are wrong doesn’t make Nu Labour right.

    pondy on Jul 20th, 2009 at 7:58 pm


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