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Thursday 13 August 2009 | Blog Feed | All feeds


Ed West

Ed West is a journalist and social commentator who specialises in politics, religion and low culture. Embarrassingly, he once wrote a book entitled How To Pull Women.

So I'm 'hard Right' because I'm in favour of liberal democracy?


[Update: The original headline contained a hilarious unintentional double entendre which has been very reluctantly removed by the blogs editor]

Someone in the Guardian has described me as being “hard Right”, which is a first. I get called all sorts of names, usually four letters long, but never so far “hard Right”, which every dictionary I looked at describes as “the extreme Right-wing”.

This was after I suggested that Ken Livingstone had encouraged black and later Muslim grievance politics, and that white flight and immigration were turning London into a US-style racially-divided city. That latter statement is a statistical fact, not an opinion or lament – even the GLA’s report of 2006, which was hailed as proof that London was becoming less ghettoised, shows the opposite. There was greater “diversity” in those areas where white flight was an ongoing process, such as Bermondsey, while those wards which had become less “diverse” were all majority Bangladeshi or African areas in the later stages of ghettoisation.

My main “hard Right” concern about immigration is that it will make democracy and liberalism impossible, because in truly multi-ethnic states, such as Northern Ireland, Lebanon,  Africa or even parts of the US, democracy is tribal and therefore no longer democracy. Same goes for the jury system, which falls down when people no longer see each other as peers but as members of separate groups. The welfare state, and the gentle society that nostalgic socialists think was ended by Margaret Thatcher switching off the life support of British industry, is hard or impossible to achieve in such a a multi-ethnic society. If you disagree, name me one example, otherwise acknowledge that we’re in uncharted territory and history should not make us massively optimistic. Eventually the Left will realise this and will have to choose between the doctrine of “anti-racism” and the doctrine of liberal democracy – and I know which one the Guardian values more.

From my point of view the people in charge of the government and most of the media, education system and even the churches are extremists, believers in such weird and wacky Marxist and feminist theories of human behaviour that we might as well have Scientologists in charge. They control the country because they control the language, describing  their opponents as “racists”, “sexist” or “Islamophobes”, and, when they think they can’t get away with that, using weasel phrases such as “hard Right” to imply someone is some heartless Alan B’Stard-alike who would happily turn the last polar bear into a rug or force the poor to work in matchstick factories for a farthing a day.

Call me what you like. If believing in liberal democracy makes me hard Right, I’m positively priapic.


  • Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

    RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

    Bobby on Aug 10th, 2009 at 1:21 pm
  • “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it”

    Someone creative could make a spoof video of this based on the Hannah Montana “Hoedown Throwdown”…

    SoftMicro on Aug 10th, 2009 at 1:42 pm
  • Good point, well made.

    It’s difficult trying to tell someone these days that you’re further to the Right than Cameron without them making the assumption that you’re some panzer riding, iron cross wearing stormtrooper.

    The Birmingham riots on Saturday made me think about this;
    If you disagree with the pro-immigration, Marxist philosophy of Unite Against Facism or the Anti Nazi league, does that automatically make you a facist Nazi?

    To some people keen to close an argument down, it appears so…

    typhoon on Aug 10th, 2009 at 1:43 pm
  • It’s true - it is simply name-calling to label your opinions “hard right”. It’s virtually saying you are a fascist, and that’s only a short distance from Nazi. Whatever, its purpose is to silence discussion.

    To call an opponent names that place him or her beyond the pale is to obstruct free speech, and that is what true authoritarians do. It would be like you calling a Guardian writer a communist, except worse, since “communist” is still more cuddly in many people’s eyes than “fascist”.

    Andrew M Brown on Aug 10th, 2009 at 1:43 pm
  • It always reminds me of Rik Mayall in “The Yound Ones”. There’s something very student politics about those who scream “fascist” and “racist” all the time.

    oblong on Aug 10th, 2009 at 1:51 pm
  • “So being in favour of liberal democracy makes me ‘hard Right’ now?”

    Anyone who dismisses the need to teach grammar and punctuation should contemplate the above.

    If you’re being denounced, your opinion must be considered persuasive Ed. It’s a backhanded compliment.

    Sheumais on Aug 10th, 2009 at 2:04 pm
  • One of my friends refused to read yesterday’s Telegraph article on Muslim Europe: The Demographic Timebomb Transforming Our Continent as she teaches several Muslim children and finds “that sort of prejudice vaguely unsavoury”.

    If an article on demographics and their possible consequences in the Telegraph can be regarded as unsavoury right-wingery by a very well-educated professional, then I despair.

    This country is in the grip of a cultural revolution which is enforcing “rightthink” on society to the point where people won’t even read or consider alternative views and won’t face the reality of what is happening to our country.

    afcote on Aug 10th, 2009 at 2:07 pm
  • Sheumais, I am glad someone else noticed that. Even with the correct punctuation I did a double take.

    Rattigan on Aug 10th, 2009 at 2:10 pm
  • They’ve got you down to a tee.

    swatantra on Aug 10th, 2009 at 2:11 pm
  • @Sheamais HA HA! Laughed my a*** off, although took me a moment though. Am changing now.

    Ed West on Aug 10th, 2009 at 2:18 pm
  • The uneducated may follow the Government, BBC, etc. line, but the educated will ignore it as claptrap. Therefore, the educated (products of the private sector, grammar schools and a few performing comprehensives) will move ever further ahead.

    The left wing line is irrelevant to the educated because skills are universal. If it doesn’t work in Britain, the skilled can move elsewhere. Who is going to pay for the BBC, the public servants and the workshy when the productive have gone?

    Make sure your children get the best possible education and relax.

    yatean on Aug 10th, 2009 at 2:28 pm
  • Do not worry Ed.
    If you are “hard right” then so am I and many others too.
    If the “hard left’ would only pause a moment they would realise (if they can think at all!) that there is very little or NO difference in being a “fascist, nazi or communist” All are authoritarianism under different names. And that is precisely what the “hard left” or marxists like. This is what the NUlies have wanted and succeeded in instilling in much of what was, once upon a time, a pretty intelligent and well-educated populace.
    Inundating the country with poeples of different cultures and beliefs, without thought to integration has caused so many problems FOR WHICH THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE, but they cannot ACCEPT this. So, it is blamed on everyone and everything else-including racism.

    LADYMONEYPENNY on Aug 10th, 2009 at 2:48 pm
  • Ed, I agree with Sheumais: you must be ruffling some feathers with your hard Right now-ness. Keep it up! Entendre intended!

    @ afcote: That anecdote is depressing and terrifying. Did you try at all to reason with her? How old is she?

    Grace on Aug 10th, 2009 at 3:08 pm
  • Nittwitt do go away and grow up, there’s a dear.

    Grace on Aug 10th, 2009 at 3:11 pm
  • As far as the guardian is concerned, if there was only one white man left alive and found living in London, he would obviously be a vile Nazi and racist, and the only decent thing for him to do would be to give up his home so that a more deserving muslim family of 12 could move in.

    When there are no more while men left alive in London, there will of course still be a ‘threat’ from the BNP.
    Black on black murders? disproportionate numbers of black men committing rape, and even gang rape? This is just vicious racist propaganda. It’s the BNP and the hard right we’ve all got to be worried about. Oh yes.

    debunker on Aug 10th, 2009 at 3:18 pm
  • @ nittwitt—Among those in Birmingham was a middle-aged man with a Union Jack who was attacked by Asians; the photograph has gone around the world. A white man who cares for his country = racist scum. Asian thugs = freedom fighters.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Aug 10th, 2009 at 3:18 pm
  • Clearly one needs to set up “The Racist, Sexist, Bigoted Bastard Party.”

    When, in the course of argument, one is called any of the above, a simple positive admission and a polite request to answer the question with facts rather than insults would make life very hard for non-racist, sexist, bigoted bastard interlocutors.

    Paul Weston on Aug 10th, 2009 at 4:14 pm
  • Attack the person not the evidence, we do a lot of this, is it habit or a tactic, whatever, sad to say it often works.

    geoffthereff on Aug 10th, 2009 at 4:35 pm
  • @ Johnny Rotten,

    He was racist scum, out to provoke the locals and he got what he wanted. If you support “English Casuals” made up of ex-football hooligans, as sticking up for “your country” you might want to think twice about the company you keep. Then again, you are reading the hard right extremist Telegraph, so perhaps you’re just the right company. If I see any of your English Casual mates in my town they’ll also get what they deserve from a non-asian.

    nittwitt on Aug 10th, 2009 at 4:38 pm
  • As the American commentator Fred Reed said: “In the sixties I believed that a man should be judged only on his abilities and I was called a Liberal. I still believe this and now I’m called a fascist.”

    Derek on Aug 10th, 2009 at 4:38 pm
  • Rules:

    1. Don’t rise to the bait when called a racist, sexist, fascist, homophobe, or whatever other word a brainwashed simpleton imagines is an discussion stopper. As Paul Weston suggests let it pass and continue with your point or leave matters be if your point has been fully made.

    2. Unless you have made an error never ever apologise for generic remarks even though individuals (usually self-proclaimed arbiters of PC taste) claim that a group of people has been insulted. If what you said was in good faith then stick by it. The same applies to humour such as Boris Johnson’s remarks about Scousers.

    3. Don’t personalise your remarks. This is just good manners. That does not stop considered criticism of an individual’s utterances or behaviour.

    4. Don’t bother trying to get the last word; leave that to petty and insecure individuals.

    5. Wear whatever “badge of shame” you have been awarded with pride. Educated people know that such words as racist and fascist have become devalued to the point they are meaningless. One doesn’t need the good opinion of people who are ill-educated or supposedly well-educated but have had their minds neutered by PC doctrine.

    Pragmatist on Aug 10th, 2009 at 4:48 pm
  • Nittwitt

    Did you support the colonisation of parts of Africa and Asia by Britian?

    Do you support the present day colonisation of Britain by those we once colonised?

    Ed West

    Adrian Micheals article “We need policies for integrating Europe’s immigrants” was heading for 200 well argued comments, when it disappeared from the DT Comments link.

    Any idea why?

    Paul Weston on Aug 10th, 2009 at 4:48 pm
  • Marxism is alive and well in this once great country of ours.
    Anyone who is aware of the Frankfurt School and its main objectives, should know that the Guardianista’s adherents espouse exactly the Frankfurt School’s Marxist agenda.

    Any person who does not hold with the school’s orthodoxy is vilified with venom, these champagne Marxists have no equal when dirt, lies and character assassination is required (look at how Purcell was treated)-people like you Mr. West, for speaking out, are fair game.
    The literally sinister agenda of the Frankfurt School is one fully endorsed by the EUssr, the communists never went away just to the other side of the wall. In the States many right thinking Republicans are aghast at the demise of Great Britain, our slide into Marxism, and our ‘re-education’ and absorbing by the tentacled European soviet.
    ‘Hard’ you may well be Ed but I fully agree with your synopsis. Racist sums up the Grauniad, they hate the white British indigenous peoples, self loathing is piteous, pride in the country of one’s birth is noble. If that makes me a racist then so be it.

    On the Grauniad, I used to read the rag along with other better papers when it was a northern paper (Manchester), what ever became of a once half decent paper?? Writers like Cooke, Levin and Muggeridge were interesting, some were nuts but always thought provoking, even Ransome wrote for them I think. I still approach (haven’t bought it for 30 yrs!)the online Grauniad to read Pollyanna, she’s err? well, I hesitate to say……. .

    Justinxs on Aug 10th, 2009 at 4:49 pm
  • @ Paul W. It’s still here…


    @Pragmatist. Very good. Any others welcome. I will say though that radio and TV especially in the sound bite era does not lend itself to rational debate. You get more of that t’internet (along with lots of abuse, rubbish and insanity of course).

    Ed West on Aug 10th, 2009 at 4:55 pm
  • Wow Ed, a right bunch of supporters you’ve knobbled together, from English Casuals to out and out BNP! Nice…. :)

    nittwitt on Aug 10th, 2009 at 4:58 pm
  • nittwitt wants to beat up anyone he disagrees with, just like the real Nazis. Obviously too young to appreciate the irony.

    Better to get an education than look for a punch up. Your punctuation and spelling are lousy. It’s separated, not seperated.

    yatean on Aug 10th, 2009 at 5:06 pm
  • At what point does the word “racist” lose its meaning and its sting? Aren’t we there yet? Racist? So what?

    tad on Aug 10th, 2009 at 5:07 pm
  • Nittwitt, KNOBBLED?? a new collective noun, a knobble?

    -lackaday! are you not a supporter??

    Justinxs on Aug 10th, 2009 at 5:18 pm
  • Ed

    Thanks for the link. My point is that it was included in the DT Comment site, but has since been taken down, even if it continues to exist in the ether…


    Would you object to democracy in Britain being replaced with Communism?

    Do you hold a hatred for the white race, or do you just reserve your bitterness for those who simply do not agree with your world view?

    In fact, what is your world view?

    Paul Weston on Aug 10th, 2009 at 5:21 pm
  • nittwitt - should that be cobbled rather than knobbled? Cobbled as in cobblers?

    For nitwits, the collective noun is bunch.

    yatean on Aug 10th, 2009 at 5:27 pm
  • Any negative comment from the Guardian or the Beeb should be considered as an accolade by the sane.

    Toboo on Aug 10th, 2009 at 5:38 pm
  • Ed, perhaps you should create a blog which details the most common arguments against and the easy ways to overcome them.
    such as:
    You’re a racist
    You must pay for the evils of Empire
    Discrimination against Whites? Don’t make me laugh!
    Diversity gives us strength.

    Who knows, we might be able to get a few nitwitts to join us…

    typhoon on Aug 10th, 2009 at 5:51 pm
  • Ed,

    On the matter of vanishing posts, in your previous article the following post appeared briefly:-


    but was then quickly removed. Might I ask why? It was not insulting, blasphemous, sexist or racist or any of the other usual no-nos, of which many DT posts are actually guilty.

    I can only conclude the moderator believed the information contained within was unfit for public consumption and that this removal was nothing more than political censorship.

    alexei on Aug 10th, 2009 at 5:53 pm
  • …in truly multi-ethnic states…democracy is tribal and therefore no longer democracy.

    If homogeneous monocultural states can be successful democracies and heterogeneous multicultural states cannot be, I wonder where we are on that slippery slope. The nagging fear at the back of my mind is that the political establishment has set itself the goal of wrecking our democracy, the better to assimilate us into the United States of Europe. I’m afraid that includes the Tories, too, Ed.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Aug 10th, 2009 at 6:01 pm
  • Yateau: “…The uneducated may follow the Government, BBC, etc. line, but the educated will ignore it as claptrap.”
    Our Education system is the main instrument of indoctrination so the more they get the less likely to question. Like the Jesuits believe; give them the child…
    I see that anti-terrorist legislation and intelligence resources are to be used to target “Racists” it will be interesting to see how the State defines this. Anyone against unlimited immigration?

    its a free country on Aug 10th, 2009 at 6:04 pm
  • Alexei
    Probably because the link names an individual. A link criticising Common Purpose without naming individuals would have a better chance of remaining.

    its a free country on Aug 10th, 2009 at 6:14 pm
  • Your Guardian chum Dave Hill’s column has attracted 47 comments. Let’s show that grim lefty who is boss, shall we, by getting your column even more. 38 comments and counting…..

    James Delingpole on Aug 10th, 2009 at 6:31 pm
  • The fascist left has gotten away with making it unrespectable to be “right.” Maybe it’s time to be proud of being on the “right.”

    I hope all Americans who read these blogs and who don’t like the pending legislation in Congress – cap and trade in the Senate, and federalized health care in both houses have called/faxed/e-mailed/written their Senators and Congress person – and gotten all like-minded family and friends to do the same. Names and addresses/phone numbers are obtainable on the web. The Dems are trying to pile on social engineering and taxes to make America like Europe - and they are trying to do it fast before the population realizes what has happened. If we haven’t liked what we see in Britain and the fatalism of the Brits, this is the time that Americans should become active and make our voices count.

    msher1 on Aug 10th, 2009 at 6:34 pm
  • Re the DT article on immigration. Four issues with it:

    1) ”Recent polls have tended to show that the feared radicalization of Europe’s Muslims has not occurred. “ Really? What standard of “radicalization” do these polls use? While polls I have seen show most British immigrants wouldn’t actually take part in a terrorist event, the numbers also showed that a significant number “understand” why nice British lads, like the 7/7 lads, might engage in terrorism. Also British troops are reporting increasing number of nice British lads showing up among the Taliban (and whatever one’s feelings about Islam, surely Taliban-style Islam has to be one of the most evil and radical ideologies on earth).

    2) ” Muslims, who are a hugely diverse group, have so far shown little inclination to organise politically on lines of race or religion.“ That’s sophistry. Muslims may not have organized, but politicians in many countries are taking positions in order to curry Muslim votes. How exactly did the various countries end up with “hate speech” laws?

    3) The American analyst (Perkowski) who concludes that America could be faced with opposition to its mid-East policies is also afraid to be too blunt: mid-East policy is one issue; I think armed forces, weapons and nukes being in the hands of possible enemies is an even bigger issue.

    4) Geert Wilders was characterized as extreme right. Notice a similarity to the headline of your article? Wilders holds the surely common sense view that immigrants should fit into Dutch society, and if they don’t want to, should leave. Isn’t this a smear of Wilders, in exactly the manner referenced by the title of this blog article?

    msher1 on Aug 10th, 2009 at 6:36 pm
  • JohnnyRottenborough Why is it just a nagging fear that that the political establishment of Europe (and America’s left) are on a mission to destroy our respective societies? Can you possibly at this point have any question left? A couple of months of reading your papers re the various non-positions of Cameron, and reading Daniel Hannan’s rosy view of immigration, was enough to convince me about your Tories. The cap and trade legislation passed in the U.S., for the express purpose – and no other purpose - of making electricity more expensive, was enough to convince me about the Democrats in the U.S. It is helpful to recognize enemies before they actually destroy you. Actually, from your writings over the months, I think you have already made up your mind about the Tories, and are being a bit disingenuous in your post. Better, perhaps, to convince others.

    Ed, you said elsewhere you think the immigrant population would top out at 20%. Given the relative birth rates, plus the flight of ethnic Brits from Britain, why do you think the number will level off at all?

    msher1 on Aug 10th, 2009 at 6:41 pm
  • @ its a free country

    You said:

    “I see that anti-terrorist legislation and intelligence resources are to be used to target “Racists”

    I know of a few instances of this, but would always be grateful for further links if you have them.

    Paul Weston on Aug 10th, 2009 at 6:42 pm
  • She’s 31. She’s well-born and countrified - hunts and everything - not some Islington liberal.

    She just wouldn’t read it, and as I had only sent her a link the conversation ceased there.

    Many people are like that. They won’t even think about the issue in case they are seen as “racist” or “prejudiced”. “Groupthink” really has taken over, and so the issue of Islamification is ignored.

    If you have cancer and you ignore it, it will kill you. To have any chance of survival, you must have treatment.

    This patient - the UK - is stubbornly refusing to even talk about its disease, let alone treat it.

    afcote on Aug 10th, 2009 at 7:12 pm
  • @ msher1 (6:41 pm)—How I wish I were as forthright as you, and many others, on these threads. On this particular subject, the excuse I would offer is that of facing up to the terrible realization that our political establishment set itself the task, decades ago, of destroying this country. Believe me, it isn’t something you want to admit is, or even could be, true.

    Regarding the Tories, I gave them up as a bad job in the 1990’s. After a brief dalliance with UKIP, I now vote for the BNP.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Aug 10th, 2009 at 7:35 pm
  • I’m heartened to see that even in bastion of morality and worthiness that is the Comment is Free page following Eds detractor, the left is getting munched by the majority Right leaning population of this sceptred isle.

    The conceit that Multiculturalism is the policy of choice seems long gone. What remains is that old Marxism that identity politics doesn’t exist and that we’re all round pegs that fit into round holes.

    typhoon on Aug 10th, 2009 at 7:37 pm
  • Who cares? Nobody reads the Guardian. Nobody who isn’t a bed-wetting, hand-wringing simpleton, I mean.

    myguitarwantstokillyourmama on Aug 10th, 2009 at 7:37 pm
  • From here i could know who are you, but from London to London they couldn’t know your politic and world perspective.If you were extremist, i mustn’t be on your blog.
    The Guardian is seemed itself a freedom fighter on the media but they are double faced and it makes something not clear and they are real extremist..Sorry but i should write this, all terrorism supporter like it so much..Is this real extremism?

    Metin YILMAZ on Aug 10th, 2009 at 7:45 pm
  • Sorry,(Is this real extremism?.forget this)….

    Isn’t this real extremism?..

    Metin YILMAZ on Aug 10th, 2009 at 7:48 pm
  • I guess the Guardian is more apolagist than extremist. I wouldn’t call them extremist in the same way that you would UAF or Stormfront.

    I’d call them the new Reactionarys; Desparate to maintain the status-quo in order to prevent racial tension whilst securing the most votes/readership.

    Whilst I’m sure that their patrons are all well meaning people, it’s only slowly that they’re starting to realise that the status-quo IS the cause for racial tension.

    You could call the tactics often used by this group to be oppressive and un-democratic, though…

    typhoon on Aug 10th, 2009 at 8:11 pm
  • One model to use is the colonial one. The administrative class acts as collaborators for our colonial masters and we are just beginning to see the stirring of a nationalist movement.
    Ireland, with the Guardianistas-BBC set as the Ascendancy.

    its a free country on Aug 10th, 2009 at 8:19 pm
  • JohhnyRottenborough I have no argument with you on this thread, but I think you are still being disingenuous. You are a political activist on these blogs - you write with purpose, not just for recreation (a distinction a made a while ago to someone else). That’s not a criticism, but rather a compliment. More power to you. It would be better if more Brits got active. Americans are getting active right now, and I hope we continue to, and I hope we can prevail over the left, who are now sending it their thugs to physically face off the moderates and conversatives.

    Question for you: James (1) had showed me several months ago video of the demonstrations in Luton. I said then that I thought those were very significant. (Britain is not yet dead.) I have tried to figure out the recent Birmingham riot - and see story leads ranging from a drunken riot by white soccer hooligans, to clashes between competing mobs, to Pakistanis attacking a peaceful demonstration by ethnic Brits against a fundamentalist Islamic center. I don’t want to spend the time to sort it out. (My spare time is now mostly for the problem in America.) Can you give me a correct capsule description of what happened? Thanks.

    msher1 on Aug 10th, 2009 at 8:24 pm
  • So now you know why you are never on the BBC, Ed, since THE GRAUNIAD is the house journal of the BBC which puts almost all its staff adverts into THE GRAUNIAD, despite THE TELEGRAPH and THE TIMES having far bigger circulation. But be of good cheer, Ed: suppose THE GRAUNIAD said nice things about you, as it does of Dave of Notting Hill, aka, Blair Mk II - how shaming!

    Chrysostom on Aug 10th, 2009 at 8:34 pm
  • As msher1 said and I would agree.

    There are a few facts about the Birmingham riot which would be interesting. For example :
    How many of the arrested people were ’soccer hooligans’?
    How many of the arrested people were from the ‘ fudamental islamic centre’?
    Who attacked who?
    Which party did the ’soccer hooligans support’

    And by the way Mr West. How can anyone who admits to having fathered a few kids knocking around in India and the Pacific area be considered rasist!

    horseman on Aug 10th, 2009 at 8:52 pm
  • @afcote

    If you have cancer and you ignore it, it will kill you.

    Good stuff!!! We (adults) here in the States have started to treat our cancer (Obamunism) and the tumor is a right nasty critter, causing some pain. Methinks it will be much more painful. But our silent majority will prevail. Good luck on your growth.

    Bobby on Aug 10th, 2009 at 9:19 pm
  • @ msher1 (8:24 pm)—It may be that my English reserve appears to you as disingenuousness or it could be that I’ve always tried to see both sides of an argument—something of a drawback when debating. I don’t at all see myself as an activist; for the record, I’ve long held that politics stinks. Rather, I’m watching my country falling apart and I’m doing what little I can to alert others.

    The Birmingham protest was organized by a group called the English Defence League, which grew out of the horror at seeing our soldiers abused by Muslims in Luton. The EDL are mainly football supporters who are, as we would say, sick to the back teeth of Muslims. Although mainly white, there are some blacks and Hindus among them, two groups which also suffer at the hands of Muslims. (You’ll gather that Muslims are not the flavour of the month here.)

    Another group, Unite Against Fascism (a motley collection of politically correct leftists) staged a counter-demonstration and tempers flared. I must direct you to this poignant photograph of a middle-aged man with a Union Jack being attacked by young Asians. If anything sums up Britain today, it is this picture; it’s the fifth down.

    I hope that has answered you.

    •Johnny Rottenborough•

    Johnny Rottenborough on Aug 10th, 2009 at 9:29 pm
  • Bobby What my time studying Europe and being on the British blogs has taught me is the problem in the U.S. isn’t just Obama. The left was poised with Al Gore (remember how surprised the press was that he run to the left?) to catch up on the socialism/social engineering agenda. The fury at Bush was not just at his perceived failings - but of a thwarted left. They - president, Congressional leadership. judiciary = are now in power and are now trying to catch up with Europe as fast as possible - before the population really gets it. Look at cap and trade. Michael Jackson died the day or day after that passed the House, and the population knows nothing about it. That is a tax on the poor and middle class, which by being imposed on utitilies, will be passed on to consumers who will be angry at utilies and producers of goods. Most people will never reallize it is a tax. Soros has financed election of far left secretaries of state who control voting rolls and the vote count. There is far more to be afraid of than just Obama. If you’ve spent time looking at Britain, look around the U.S. and see how much of the same agenda you recognize. We cannot be silent, and no “silent” majority will prevail. You are too complacent.

    msher1 on Aug 10th, 2009 at 9:31 pm
  • @Paul Weston, you sure it hasnt just been pushed back? Otherwise it’s probably more cock-up than conspiracy. I haven’t read all the comments there but if any were too much they’d just delete them rather than lose a popular article.

    @Alexei. I don’t know - someone must have reported it. At a brief glance it doesn’t look beyond the pale, but I’d say the tech guy errs on the side of caution.

    @afcote. I have the exact same experiences with so many people sometimes I feel I’m in a sci-fi film and I’m the only non-brainwashed person (or the only nutter, havent got to the ending yet). Bare in mind the years of indoctrination, from school and television, but I despair of people who say “immigration is nothing new” when I feel like screaming “er, yes, but nothing, like absolutely nothing, like what we’ve had in recent years and decade”. And - “you must be a racist”. Would these people force this level of immigration on any other nation outside Europe? of course not - they’d expect it to lead to trouble. It doesnt mean one hates anyone else as a group or as people.

    @msher1. I said the Muslim population would reach 20 per cent or so. At the moment I think the birth rate is 23 per cent non-white and 11 per cent Muslim (dont have the link to hand, that maybe an exaggeration on both counts). I think the next government or the one after will probably cut down on immigration and so both figures will rise at an ever decreasing rate. I’m not a believer in a “Eurabia” as such, a Muslim majority Europe, but in future it will have a sizeable Muslim minority. Will it be the same with different people? No.

    Ed West on Aug 10th, 2009 at 9:38 pm
  • No mate, it’s just that the hard left are totalitarian ‘old so-and-sos’ (substitute this expression with what fits your thoughts, one and all…)

    rhysjaggar on Aug 10th, 2009 at 9:39 pm
  • @Johnny R. I’m not sure about the wisdom of anyone publicising these fights. Seems like they’re going to lead to more and someone is going to get killed. And that’s why middle-class hypocrits like myself shy away from dealing with immigration - no one wants to incite someone to smash up a curry house, as those people did in Luton.

    Ed West on Aug 10th, 2009 at 9:43 pm
  • Ed -

    Wrt real immigration figures in Europe, do you really think government statistics are reliable? Take a look at this in relation to France (and bear in mind the writer does not speculate about how many of those numbers reaching France will make their way to Britain :-


    alexei on Aug 10th, 2009 at 9:56 pm
  • @ Ed—As our ethnic, and particularly our Muslim, population grows, I’m afraid it’s inevitable that violence will become more commonplace—unless, that is, the indigenous Brits just roll over and abandon their country. That latter option would certainly be the choice of the Left. The longer we wait before we elect a government that cares for Britain, the more violence there’ll be.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Aug 10th, 2009 at 10:05 pm
  • alexei

    The Brussels Journal article is interesting, I think we can begin to admit our peculiar politicians are lying to us about true numbers, not just in France, but Britain also.

    Britain apparently consumes food and drink for 80 million people, ditto electricity and other such staples.

    Although banging my own drum I wrote about this recently for gates of Vienna.


    It is not science, admittedly, but nor do I believe this mendacious governments statistics on Muslim numbers in Britain.

    Paul Weston on Aug 10th, 2009 at 10:19 pm
  • “It’s true - it is simply name-calling to label your opinions “hard right”. It’s virtually saying you are a fascist, and that’s only a short distance from Nazi. Whatever, its purpose is to silence discussion.”

    We used to have a hard left Nu-Lav imbecile on here supporting the ludicrous DumbDumb, who went by the name of Crackapples or some such, who labelled most of the commenters above and myself as Nazis, fascisti, and all the other leftie terms which more properly apply to themselves and their murderous heroes like Uncle Joe, Mao, Fidel, Che, Ceaucescou, and various other scum. Sadly Crackapples seems to have given up his support of the insupportable, and has left it to a rather half-hearted DumbDumb to stagger on with the standard of failed socialist dogma.

    Ed - you are being complimented, rightly - enjoy it.

    45govt on Aug 10th, 2009 at 10:31 pm
  • We cannot be silent, and no “silent” majority will prevail. You are too complacent.

    Point taken. The majority is rising and no longer silent.
    The town hall push backs by we the people who now will be heard are only the beginning. The violence ordered by Obama and his minions are stoking the fires. At some point the thugs will be dealt with. But for now they are their own worst enemies. Most of them are loud mouth cowards who have never earned anything. People with no honor, respect or faith. Nothing but America haters with no sense of family or country. Greedy ingrates sprinkled with druggies and drunks. They’ll fold like an Obama promise when the going gets rough. And the going will get rough.

    Bobby on Aug 10th, 2009 at 10:42 pm
  • m.sher

    Re Birmingham

    This is the main website of ‘Casuals United’ http://casualsunited.webs.com/

    From what they say on their website, there was a demonstration in Birmingham on Saturday, which was boxed in by the police, then a larger group of asians/blacks/anti fascist/usual hard left thugs etc turned up and attacked any lone Brit (kids and old men included) that happened to be around regardless of whether they were involved in the demonstration.

    You’re right Ed, it is going to get ugly and something major will happen before long.

    Which is why we should of all sent a message to the main parties at the last election, to force them to take notice and adopt policies that will defuse this gigantic time bomb we’re now sitting on.

    We’re f***** Ed, it’s too late to avoid it now.

    James (1) on Aug 10th, 2009 at 10:59 pm
  • There is an assumption that our rulers and media people are rational and intelligent so when we find their ideas hard to understand we imagine that it is probably because we do not - quite - understand. Our rulers cannot be so mad as to promote policies that can ONLY end in disaster – can they?

    But unfortunately they often are.

    In the modern world it is normal for people who get themselves into positions of power or in the “arts” to be insane. That seems like a wild assertion; and to be dismissed out of hand, but unfortunately it is not.

    I know I have lived through this once already.

    When I was at my best, Britain was ruled by people very like those in charge today. Lunatics.

    They too believed what they wanted to believe; and though they might have been secular in regard to religion they are just as fanatical as any religious fanatic.

    In my day it was hatred for the wealth creators. Clever successful people in business and industry where the anti-Christs of the secular world. Considered evil to the core and to be vilified and undermined at every opportunity. The result was the destruction of British industry and the relegation of Britain to the nothing country that it is today.

    How was it possible that sentient creatures of any persuasion could imagine that taxing the wealth creators at rates of 98 per cent and giving virtually unlimited power to left wing extremists, including the right to use private armies to terrorise British workers all over the land would be beneficial?

    But most of our leading politicians and commentators, believed. They really believed. The BBC really believed. The Guardian (formally the Manchester Guardian) really believed. Almost the entire “artistic” world (except the very successful ones) believed.

    Mrs Thatcher slowed the process, but the real breakthrough came with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Suddenly the sheer bloody insanity of this country’s leaders and opinion formers was exposed. For a while the “insanirarty” were quieted. But not apologetic. No one beat on their breast begging for forgiveness for the incalculable damage they had done to the people of this country.

    Instead there has been a conspiracy of silence promoted by the Left and the BBC in particular. No mention is ever made of the disasters of the age. Most people are not even aware of the catastrophe that befell this country in the hands of the insane Left. People do not believe me when I tell of tax at 98 per cent or of roving private armies attacking workers all over the land, aided and encouraged by the “respectable” Left.

    Mr West you have been accused of being “hard Right”. In my day being confronted by the “hard Left” wasn’t a matter of strong words in a newspaper; it was a hard punch in the face, followed by the acclamation of left supporters.

    The insanity continues but now it is mad anti-racism or anti-racialism as it used to be known. This insane idea that all peoples are alike and will all live happily together. The fact that this is contradicted at every level, every hour of every day (people will even fight over what football team they support, the one to the east of the town or the west) means nothing to our rulers who are insane.

    The only difference between the insanity of now with that of the past is that our present insanity is terminal. No culture can survive what has happened to the British people. This is now recognised wherever white people gather. Nobody cares any more. It is all over so why bother. The only surprise is the number of young white men risking their lives in Afghanistan.

    But they are young, they don’t understand, but they will.

    The hard Left have won. They have destroyed our peace, our culture, our sense of well being, our composure, and our civilisation just as they destroyed our industry, they have sowed the wind and we are all going to reap the whirlwind.

    Old Man on Aug 10th, 2009 at 11:10 pm
  • As a master in a public school I often adopted points of view - with which I did not always necessarily agree - in order to stimulate debate with my Sixth Formers.

    I once took the line that the individual is more important than the state and argued that I should have the right not to wear a crash helmet on a motorbike or not to click on a seat belt in a car as my own safety was my own business and not the government’s.

    I was branded a “fascist” for expressing such a point of view! Of course fascist is a word that is often bandied about without having any clear meaning but I did find it interesting that young people should think that someone supporting individual freedom over state control should be thought of in this way.

    Rastus C. Tastey on Aug 10th, 2009 at 11:21 pm
  • @Paul Weston

    Excellent article.

    “Dear God, please tell me this cannot really be happening.” An understatement!! A pity one cannot put into words a long-drawn out scream - the sheer, utter deceit and lunacy is beyond a normal person’s grasp.

    I have long been familiar with the very revealing quotes of Boumedienne and Gaddhafi, which says all that needs to be said for any ‘awake’ person to perceive the endgame of Islamic immigration. The leaders of the Arab nations to whom we’ve been in thrall for over 4 decades for our very subsistence (their oil) engineered this clever plan as a result of their 6-day war with Israel and subsequent retaliation against those Western states supporting Israel, by first embargoing oil and then, “persuading” the Western states comprising the EEC at the time, to exchange unfettered Muslim immigration into Europe for a resumption of oil supplies.

    The question I would like to find an answer to is, did the European leaders at that time have any inclination what they had signed up to and where it might lead?

    You also referred to Muslim wives as “baby machines” in a somewhat pejorative manner, whilst in an earlier blog you were exhorting Western women to become just that! Where’s the consistency?

    alexei on Aug 10th, 2009 at 11:25 pm
  • I believe that today’s definition of a Fascist is a Conservative who is winning an argument with a member of the self-styled “Liberal” Left.

    And just how it is that s aupposedly anti-Fascist organisation can make common cause with the Islamists is a total mystery to me.

    Strange times.

    Catweazle on Aug 10th, 2009 at 11:41 pm
  • There is no way that what has occurred in Birmingham can be stopped by the U.K.’s political masters. In their stupidity and determination to ignore the population they have released the genie out of the bottle. This is not a political thing even if the socialist and possibly Cameron’s lot will be , as indicated, talking about fascists and right wing thugs. I doubt very much that the people that were involved have any political objective. I also would suggest that the more the main political parties try to contain it the worse it will get. I’m sure this situation is a continuation of what happened in Paris a couple of weeks ago, which the French media were told to black out, however, with modern communication these situations cannot be hidden.

    This is not just something that is only occurring in the U.K.. Even in North America, which has been built on emigrants there is rumblings, which may not be so apparent as are sounding in Europe, are appearing in the form of more articles on the Muslim situation appearing in the national papers .

    horseman on Aug 11th, 2009 at 12:27 am
  • Ed- are you ‘hard right’ if you are then I guess I am to. How about a 37 year old father of four, yep a catholic to boot, who was always a bit conservative but has now felt that this place has changed a hell of a lot in not too small a time frame. Maybe I’m being too romantic for the ‘good old days’ but that was only 15 or so years ago. I suppose I just want my lads to grow up in a country that has some sense of identity and a few good morals thrown around.

    johnnyp on Aug 11th, 2009 at 1:33 am
  • Ed

    As someone on these blogs once corrected me, the issue isn’t the “birth rate,” but rather the “fertility rate” - i.e., how many babies will each woman bear. I believe the average fertility rate for ethnic Brits is below 2 - the replacement rate, or if I’m wrong, not much higher than that. The average fertility rate for Muslim woman is…. 3 or 4 or 5? I don’t know, but something very high. I don’t think you are taking that into account. (And in my 6:41 pm post, I also messed up and referenced “birth rate” when I should have referred to “fertility rate.”)

    JohnnyRottenborough and James (1)

    Thanks for explanation on Birmingham riot. James (1), I read the link you provided. The one thing I can still not figure out is what the original protest was directed at.


    One other thing I forgot to mention to fear – which is an Obama-ism: While Obama supposedly “discourages” investigation of past interrogation techniques, he is allowing Holder and the Justice Department to go forward with investigations. I don’t know whether what was done was legal or not – but I do know that no present CIA employee will dare interrogate anyone if he has to worry about subsequent investigations and lawyer’s fees. I also know that any past interrogators still at CIA will be too busy worrying about the cost of their lawyers to focus on doing any further useful work. Of course, if we are attacked again, the Left will say it was Bush’s fault for “alienating” the Arab Street. Another thing: Odd that the Patriot Act security apparatus – that can indeed be misused against political dissent – is being left in place, while the people who were supposed to get the information and use it against terrorists are being muzzled. Does that sound sinister?

    msher1 on Aug 11th, 2009 at 2:06 am
  • Well done Ed for saying exactly the right thing yet again. I agree with you completely.

    nzexpat on Aug 11th, 2009 at 3:03 am
  • Old Man - 11.10pm yesterday.

    Among many eloquent responses to Ed’s blog, this is the most compelling - and very disturbing.

    I’ve just returned from a long week-end in Paris. The contrast between the demographics in the Ile de France and Normandy, where I live, could not be more striking.
    I was literally stunned, by the the sheer numbers of ethnic African and Muslim peoples.
    This was not the banlieus, this was central Paris. Wherever one went, Notre Dame, Pont Neuf, Bastille, St Germain - even the tourist river boat, were suffused by very high numbers of immigrants. Obviously they don’t all end up at Sangatte.

    One had to go to the Pompidou Centre or the Louvre, to find oneself in ‘Paris’.

    It didn’t spoil the week-end, but it got close!

    Something for the Guardianistas: of all the street beggars, by far the most prominent were Muslim women. Never, never did we see a male Muslim beggar; indeed the only male beggars were white! Please discuss.
    Oh, and for further discussion, it was very noticeable that a high proportion of shiny, new, black Mercedes were driven by young black males or middle-aged Muslim males. Is there an area of wealth creation of which I am unaware?

    proximus sen Tory on Aug 11th, 2009 at 5:49 am
  • Well lets get things straight the Nazi’s were the National Socialist Workers Party notice the word socialist which is very left wing.
    Also in our own history it was the nasty Tories that kept the Irish employed and fed during the first years of the potato famine it was the wonderful enlightened Liberals that let them starve to death.
    So personally I think being to the right is a good thing, the left has such beacons as Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

    crownarmourer on Aug 11th, 2009 at 6:29 am
  • m.sher

    It all started in Luton. There were a group of muslims abusing our troops on a homecoming parade, and the Brits present at the parade spontaneously confronted them. Then, as a result, there were a couple of follow up demonstrations several weeks later (again in Luton) against islamic extremism.

    It’s now morphed into a movement, of several groups.. ‘March for England’ ‘Casuals United’ ‘English Defence League’ etc, all loosely connected, and with a high proportion of football supporters. They are staging regular demonstrations at various locations across England.

    Saturday was the first time there was an organised counter ‘demonstration’ (presumably they’re in favour of islamic extremism?).

    It shows just how abandoned and desperate people are, that it’s come to this. I hope I see the day those responsible for destroying Britain get punished.

    James (1) on Aug 11th, 2009 at 7:19 am
  • James(1) I spent time in Luton in the early 80’s and the simmering hatreds beneath the surface were apparent then we had a diverse mix of afro-carribbeans, pakastani muslims, Irish and English. I was told of an prior incident. The local Muslim population had just built a brand new mosque complete with minaret, well there was a major problem between the afro-carribbeans and the muslims not eaxactly liking each other.
    Well someone decided to put a pigs head on the new minaret, defiling it. Violence ensued. It turned out the Irish had an evil sense of humour.
    I’m not excusing anybody here just pointing out that these problems have been simmering for a long while.

    crownarmourer on Aug 11th, 2009 at 7:51 am
  • James (1), great movements sometimes start from very little. Since the 1960’s some of the most significant American history has been brought about by massive sustained demonstrations, most notably the Civil Rights Movement which ended segregation, and the anti-Viet Nam War movement (probably in part financed and instigated by foreign sources)which brought about an end to the Viet Nam War. However, I don’t think demonstrating against any particular immigrant group directly is good strategy as that can always be called racist and intimidation and does provoke violence from those at whom the demonstration is aimed, sometimes quite understandably. The argument is with government policies and the goal is a change in those policies, so I would think that showing the government the population’s opposition is better than aiming demonstrations directly at immigrants. (In mentioning demonstrations, I do mean illegal or violent actions.)

    America has suddenly come to its own crossroads and whereas most mass demonstrations have been by individuals of the left, at least in most part, the current unrest is from those of the right and middle who are waking up to the massive left agenda that is suddenly being imposed. The left is now starting to mobilize its people (most reliably from the public employees union) to physically face off against the newly mobilized right and centrists. This is a new configuration and I don’t know the outcome. But my time on the British blogs has shown me what America will be like if the right and centrists back down. I don’t think the rest of the American population, who haven’t spent time on British blogs, understand how big the stakes really are.

    msher1 on Aug 11th, 2009 at 8:17 am
  • Ed .my mother is Irish’ West: “Someone in the Guardian has described me as being “hard Right”"

    Well I must say that I am very, very surprised by that !

    No, not that they may think you ‘hard right’ but that someone should think that you were worthy of comment in the first place.

    Friend of the family, perhaps !!!

    David Dee on Aug 11th, 2009 at 10:35 am
  • @ alexei

    Coptic Egyptian, Bat Ye’or, has written a very large and very convincing book accusing EEC and later EU rulers of the betrayal of Europe apropos Islam.

    As you say, oil revenues and embargoes play a large part.


    Alternatively you can read a much abridged version online by Fjordman:


    As regards consistency, Muslim women in Britain are having 5 children each on average, no one knows how many wives the average Muslim male has, but they can have four, so no doubt some do.

    One Muslim male can therefore have 20 children.

    As I feel threatened by Islam, I refer sometimes to Muslim women as baby machines. In so doing, I am not too far removed from Mohammeds opinion.

    I exhort Western women to have more children because they average 1.5 each, and considerably lower than that amongst middle class professionals.

    1.5 childrem means tomorrows generation is 25% smaller than todays, which in a welfare state is a disaster, and coupled with the expanding and radicalsed Muslim demographic even more so.

    The Black Death took 1/3 of the population of all ages, lifestyle choice today takes 1/4 of the potential young.

    It as an ongoing tragedy never mentioned by the liberal/left, who control our lives utterly, because to draw attention to it would impact negatively on their ideologies of feminism, multiculturalism and mass immigration.

    As the above ideologies are the religious replacement for Christianity, the liberal/left will never recant, never admit their mistakes, and will bring about savagery and bloodshed not seen on the European continent for many years.

    Paul Weston on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:03 am
  • If you’re surprised that anyone should think Ed worthy enough to comment about, why comment on the Ed West blog when he’s not worthy?

    Just asking….

    typhoon on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:07 am
  • Watch a video of the media’s good guys “Unite Against Fascism” (UAF) beating senseless a white kid in Birmingham who just happened to be passing, then robbing him as he lays unconscious..

    David Cameron is aligned to this tax payer funded group, as are the rest of the mainstream politicians.


    James (1) on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:25 am
  • @ Ed (Aug 10th at 9:43 pm)—Your concern about publicizing the demonstrations is shared by the organizers. On their website, they say that the next demo will be kept secret from both police and ‘scum’. It has to be said, though, that the violence at the Birmingham demo yielded some powerful images that cannot but help the organizers’ cause.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:30 am
  • @James1. To be fair those people werent from UAF, who by all accounts pissed off once the day turned into racist attacks against random whites. I guess racist violence against white men is strictly outside their jurisdiction.

    Ed West on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:34 am
  • James (1)—There’s a clear picture of the kid’s attackers on this page.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:37 am
  • Typhoon: “why comment on the Ed West blog when he’s not worthy?”

    You seem to think that my comment about a person not being worthy of comment is a worthy comment of that person wheras I feel that making a comment stating that a person is not worthy of comment should not be taken as a worthy comment of that person !

    David Dee on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:44 am
  • The hard leftists of the UAF are taxpayer funded? Really?

    If so, this is scandalous.

    afcote on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:47 am
  • This is from Gérard Pince at The Brussels Journal:

    To defuse the bomb of ethnic invasion, we cannot count on our compatriots. However, hope comes from our adversaries. The French people who are conscious of the peril haven’t the slightest chance of convincing the majority, conditioned by propaganda from childhood. We can expect nothing from public opinion or from elections that direct the life of a democracy. On the other side, the Islamic powers have the same demographic projections as we do. Ever since Boumedienne and Qadhafi, not a day goes by that some mullah doesn’t announce the Islamization of Europe before the end of the century. For the ripened fruit to fall on its own, it is nonetheless imperative to avoid excessively visible demonstrations that run the risk of waking up our countrymen. Now, it happens that a part of the youth of the Third World is exhibiting more and more impatience. At the opposite pole of our bleeding heart liberalism, this youth dreams of fighting it out as quickly as possible, and the smallest spark could, therefore, ignite a general conflagration. In this way the adversary becomes an ally.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:54 am
  • @James1 - are you sure they’re taxpayer-funded?
    They certainly didnt do great in BIrmingham. They are responsible as these Casual Uniteds for whipping up what could have turned into a race riot. Anyway, enough about Brum.

    Ed West on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:57 am
  • @James1 - are you sure they’re taxpayer-funded?
    They certainly didnt do great in BIrmingham. They are responsible as these Casual Uniteds for whipping up what could have turned into a race riot.

    Ed West on Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:58 am
  • Ed - the funniest things is that all of the “hard right” parties are actually socialists!!!!! how funny is that. its a rum old world. i gues all the loony bishops, councillors, local govt employees and harriet harmonites are just too embarrassed to recognise it. hard right, hard left, its just one continuum of socialism. after all, Hitler was a socialist.

    Charlie Zulu on Aug 11th, 2009 at 12:09 pm
  • Q: What are the EDL ?

    A : The EDL are mainly football supporters who are, as we would say, sick to the back teeth of Muslims. Although mainly white, there are some blacks and Hindus among them, two groups which also suffer at the hands of Muslims. (This group, presumably, are the goodies !!)

    Q: What are the UAF ?

    Unite Against Fascism (a motley collection of politically correct leftists) (And this group, presumably, are the baddies !!)

    I could be very far off the mark but do I detect a slight degree of favouritism ??

    David Dee on Aug 11th, 2009 at 12:19 pm
  • You seem to think that my comment about a person not being worthy of comment is a worthy comment of that person wheras I feel that making a comment stating that a person is not worthy of comment should not be taken as a worthy comment of that person !

    David, do you work in Local Government by any chance?

    typhoon on Aug 11th, 2009 at 12:22 pm
  • The hard statistic of a majority Islamic UK in 40 years is from a reputable research company. It is happening. The BBC/Guardian is now intensively putting on programmes about the merits of Islam, its diversity, its compatibility with western democracy. We are not being given the statistics, no discussion as to how to try to westernise Islam by ensuring critical thought is applied to the Koran as to the Bible. Islam is considered in the UK, not in France, on hard line Muslim terms.
    Oxford has just appointed Tariq Ramadan as a professor, whose activities are written up in ‘Brother Tariq’ by Catherine Fourest and Dennis MacShane MP, also see his interview by Kenan Malik on the stoning of homosexuals on Arab turf.
    Preventing real critical debate: that is the name of the BBC game now, and indeed in UK universities, even those considered to be academically rigorous.
    ‘Get used to it’ is what all our political caste can say - rather than ‘we will transform and shape it’ and not allow the hard line Islamification of your nation to proceed apace.
    And the C of E seems to be acting as major domo to the rising tide of mullocracy - ready to hand over its cathedrals and go quietly: no Wesleyan vision of preaching the message of Jesus to Muslims, might cause offence….

    Peel on Aug 11th, 2009 at 12:27 pm
  • Have the BBC always been on the Left, or did they swing over to the left sometime after Nu-Lab won their first election and have failed to keep pace with the public mood.

    Their funding model suggests that they’d either be apolitical, or at least representitive of the political leanings of their patrons.

    typhoon on Aug 11th, 2009 at 12:41 pm
  • @ David Dee (12:19 pm)—I’ve been Dee’d! I can now retire in triumph.

    Johnny Rottenborough on Aug 11th, 2009 at 1:27 pm
  • typhoon

    Of course the BBC has always been left wing. Since I was a child anyway.

    For years when the Tories were in power a standard news item would be in the form of a lengthy criticism of government policy (not an announcement of the policy) followed by a few seconds of rebuttal by the government spokesman but then sandwiched by another lengthy criticism.

    When Labour came to power the process reversed completely and totally.

    In addition, it is quite common for Labour government spokes people to be allowed to speak at length without any countervailing views being heard at all. This NEVER occurred during Tory governments.

    But it is not just news and comment programmes. General entertainment is worse. Just notice for yourself.

    Old Man on Aug 11th, 2009 at 4:19 pm
  • Typhoon: “David, do you work in Local Government by any chance?”

    No, I am a muppetmaster. I work the muppets Waldorf and Statler (both here present !)

    David Dee on Aug 11th, 2009 at 4:50 pm
  • Thanks Old Man. That kinda raises a question on who they’re representing. I used to love the BBC, now I feel that it’s reactionary and out of touch with UK politics. Anyway.. That’s for another blog…

    David Dee, It’s been a while since I watched the Muppets so your reference is lost on me, are you saying that you’re shilling Rightwing forums with Sockpuppets? ;-)

    typhoon on Aug 11th, 2009 at 5:29 pm
  • Ed

    Take a look at their list of supporters.. http://www.uaf.org.uk/aboutUAF.asp?choice=4

    Not to mention all the unions: http://www.uaf.org.uk/aboutUAF.asp?choice=6

    You don’t really think they’re not being financed do you?

    They’re violent thugs doing Nu Lav’s dirty street work. It’s a disgrace that Cameron or any other politician is associated with them.

    James (1) on Aug 11th, 2009 at 7:17 pm
  • It is indeed a disgrace. Do these delusional MPs know what leftist idiocy they have put their name to? These people demonstrate outside university unions if someone they don’t agree with is to speak or to take part in a debate. They certainly don’t believe in free speech, which is a trait typical of authoritarian leftist nutcases.

    afcote on Aug 11th, 2009 at 8:01 pm
  • Just one more about Birmingham Ed

    It couldn’t be that the UAF (the white middle class members of it) left the area, as they realised being white was suddenly a distinct liability. ROFLMAO! Unintended consequences anyone

    James (1) on Aug 11th, 2009 at 10:39 pm
  • Don’t give that bull s–t Dumb Dee Dumb. We know you work for Gorgon Brown amd Menbum.

    horseman on Aug 11th, 2009 at 10:45 pm
  • horseman

    Be fair, surely there might just possibly be someone dumb enough to beleive NuLabour lies without being paid to do so?

    alhamilton18 on Aug 12th, 2009 at 8:08 pm


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