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Rochester and Strood


Notional 2005 Results:
Conservative: 19822 (43.9%)
Labour: 18321 (40.6%)
Liberal Democrat: 5367 (11.9%)
Other: 1618 (3.6%)
Majority: 1501 (3.3%)

Actual 2005 result
Conservative: 17120 (41.7%)
Labour: 17333 (42.2%)
Liberal Democrat: 5152 (12.5%)
UKIP: 1488 (3.6%)
Majority: 213 (0.5%)

2001 Result
Conservative: 15134 (39.2%)
Labour: 18914 (49%)
Liberal Democrat: 3604 (9.3%)
UKIP: 958 (2.5%)
Majority: 3780 (9.8%)

1997 Result
Conservative: 16504 (36.9%)
Labour: 21858 (48.9%)
Liberal Democrat: 4555 (10.2%)
Referendum: 1420 (3.2%)
Other: 405 (0.9%)
Majority: 5354 (12%)

Boundary changes: gains part of Rochester South and Horsted and part of River ward while losing part of Chatham central to Chatham and Aylesford. The name of the seat was changed from Medway to avoid any confusion with the Unitary Authority of Medway.

Profile: A largely industrial seat in the conurbation of Medway in Kent. Rochester and Strood is geographically the largest of the Medway seats, taking in not just Rochester and Strood themselves but also the expanse of the Hoo peninsula between the estuaries of the Thames and Medway. The peninsula and the Isle of Grain are largely marshland and an important site for wild birds. In 2002-3 the area was considered as the possible site for a new airport, but the plans were eventually dropped. The south of the peninsula is industrial, and includes a major container port, a gas import plant and two power stations.

The urban part of the seat is the Western part of Medway, with Strood to the west of the river and Rochester to the east. Rochester is a historic city of strategic importance on the Medway (hence the presence of Rochester Castle and various Napoleonic Forts built to protect Chatham dockyard), it is also the second oldest Bishopric in England. As is the case across North Kent there is significant redevelopment in progress, with thousands of new houses being planned along the river medway waterfront, specifically Rochester Riverside, Strood Riverside and Temple Waterfront. The village of Borstal in the West of Rochester was the site of the original borstal and still hosts HMP Rochester.

The constituency also stretches south to take in Cuxton and Halling, a former chalk mining village that is now largely a commuter village.

portraitCurrent MP: Bob Marshall-Andrews(Labour) born 1944. Educated at Mill Hill School and Bristol University. Barrister. A high-profile, colourful left-winger and persistent rebel. Contested Medway in 1992, first elected as MP for Medway in 1997. On the night of the 2005 election Marshall-Andrews famously conceeded defeat and blamed Tony Blair, only to discover he has in fact held on by a wafer thin majority of 213 (more information at They work for you)

portraitMark Reckless (Conservative) Educated at Oxford University. Barrister and former banker. Medway councillor. Contested Medway 2001, 2005.
portraitTeresa Murray (Labour) born London. Teacher. Medway councillor.
portraitGeoff Juby (Liberal Democrat) born 1954. Educated at East Dereham Boys School. Caterer. Former Gillingham councillor and Medway councillor since 1997. Leader of Liberal Democrat group on Medway council. Contested Medway in 2001 and 2005.

2001 Census Demographics

Total 2001 Population: 96246
Male: 49.6%
Female: 50.4%
Under 18: 24.1%
Over 60: 18.2%
Born outside UK: 6.3%
White: 94.7%
Black: 0.7%
Asian: 2.9%
Mixed: 0.9%
Other: 0.8%
Christian: 72.8%
Hindu: 0.6%
Muslim: 0.9%
Sikh: 1.4%
Full time students: 2.7%
Graduates 16-74: 13.1%
No Qualifications 16-74: 29.8%
Owner-Occupied: 74.9%
Social Housing: 14.2% (Council: 2%, Housing Ass.: 12.2%)
Privately Rented: 7.5%
Homes without central heating and/or private bathroom: 9.8%

121 Responses to “Rochester and Strood”

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  1. I don’t think it was aimed at you Matt,
    in fact I can’t think of who does fit that description here atall.

    I think HH was just trying to defend me (kindly, although I’d very much prefer not at anyone else’s expense)
    against the remarks from another poster who dislikes me .

    But I’m sorry if anyone else was caught up in it,
    and thanks to others for their posts.

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