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Penrith and the Border

Notional 2005 Results:
Conservative: 20285 (50.5%)
Liberal Democrat: 10979 (27.3%)
Labour: 7344 (18.3%)
Other: 1539 (3.8%)
Majority: 9307 (23.2%)

Actual 2005 result
Conservative: 24046 (51.3%)
Labour: 8958 (19.1%)
Liberal Democrat: 12142 (25.9%)
UKIP: 1187 (2.5%)
Other: 549 (1.2%)
Majority: 11904 (25.4%)

2001 Result
Conservative: 24302 (54.9%)
Labour: 8177 (18.5%)
Liberal Democrat: 9625 (21.8%)
UKIP: 938 (2.1%)
Other: 1207 (2.7%)
Majority: 14677 (33.2%)

1997 Result
Conservative: 23300 (47.6%)
Labour: 10576 (21.6%)
Liberal Democrat: 13067 (26.7%)
Referendum: 2018 (4.1%)
Majority: 10233 (20.9%)

Boundary changes: loses Wetheral to Carlisle and Marsh, Wampool and part of Waver ward to Workington.

Profile: a geographically huge constituency at the extreme north-west of England. The seat comprises the whole of Eden District council, most of the rural parts of Carlisle Council (Carlisle constituency is almost entirely surrounded by Penrith & the Border) and part of Allerdale. The largest population centre is the town of Penrith itself, along with smaller market towns like Brampton, Longtown, Wigtown, Appleby and Kirkby Stephen.

The seat is sparsely populated and largely dependent on agriculture and the tourism industry in the Lake District. The seat was very heavily hit by the Foot and Mouth epidemic in 2001, which had spread from an animal sold at Longtown market, and the economy is still recovering. Politically, like other affected seats this resulted in a large swing the Conservative party, which fell back somewhat in 2005 – though the seat remains a Conservative stronghold.

portraitCurrent MP: David Maclean(Con) born 1953, Black Isle, Cromarty. Educated at Fortrose Academy and the University of Aberdeen. MacLean is a combatative and outspoken Thatcherite. First elected as MP for Penrith and the Border in the 1983 by-election following Willie Whitelaw`s elevation to the peerage. Government whip 1987-9, Junior minister at the department of agriculture 1989-92, minister of state for the environment 1992-3, minister of state at the home office 1993-97. Along with Eric Forth he was part of the “awkward squad” under William Hague, but served as Chief Whip under Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Howard. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1996 and now walks with a characteristic shepherd`s crook. Will stand down at the next election (more information at They work for you)

portraitBarbara Cannon (Labour) Allerdale borough councillor and Cumbria county councillor.
portraitKate Clarkson (Liberal Democrat) born 1954. Educated at Manchester High School and Manchester University. Child protection nurse. Stockport councillor from 1998-2003. Contested the North-West region in the 1999 European Elections. Contested Workington in 2005 and Ashton under Lyne in 2001.
portraitBill Robinson (UKIP)

2001 Census Demographics

Total 2001 Population: 77311
Male: 49.1%
Female: 50.9%
Under 18: 20.9%
Over 60: 24.5%
Born outside UK: 2%
White: 99.5%
Mixed: 0.2%
Christian: 82%
Full time students: 1.8%
Graduates 16-74: 18.8%
No Qualifications 16-74: 29.2%
Owner-Occupied: 74%
Social Housing: 10.9% (Council: 3.1%, Housing Ass.: 7.8%)
Privately Rented: 10%
Homes without central heating and/or private bathroom: 9.7%

24 Responses to “Penrith and the Border”

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  1. Conservative shortlist

    Rory Stewart
    Fiona Bruce (Warrington South 2005 candidate)
    Christine Emmett (originally from Liverpool, now in East Midlands)
    Robert Light (from West Yorkshire; he’s a director of the Environment Agency)
    Chris Galley (a senior manager for Shell; from Northumberland)
    Lucille Nicholson (runs an organic livestock and arable farm in Durham County)

  2. So, Andrea, the smart money’s on Rory Stewart?

    I used to live in the North of the constituency, by the way.

  3. The candidate will be selected by an open caucus/primary thingy…. scheduled for 25th October.

  4. I can’t remember how you’re supposed to shorten web addresses… but there’s a link below where a tiny bit more is said about the candidates (it concentrates more on Rory Stewart):


    Hope it works. Me and technology… we’re not natural bedfellows :)

  5. Interesting that its the same few names gettiong to recent finals;

    Fiona Bruce – was in the final of Skipton & Ripon and is in the final for Macclesfield
    Rory Stewart – in the final of Bracknell
    Lucille Nicholson – in the final of Sleaford & N Hykeham
    Christine Emmett – in the final of Sleaford & N Hykeham
    Stephen Phillips – was in the final of Woking and is in the final of Sleaford & N Hykeham
    Katy Lindsay – in the final of Bracknell and Sleford & N Hykeham

    I wonder why this is?

  6. Christine Emmett has now also got to the final six for Norfolk South West.

  7. I understand the Lib Dems have a new candidate here – anyone know who it is?

  8. David Maclean made a statement in 2001 that he wasn’t going campaigning atall in the General Election that year, as he felt it inappropriate and perhaps disrespectful to the community afflicted by foot and mouth.

    I must say, given the large increase in his majority, well above the overall trend, this must rank as a pretty rare example where someone has dramatically increased their majority at a dire time for their party, without any campaigning atall.

  9. Foot and Mouth maybe gave the Tories a few votes they wouldn’t otherwise have won since in 2005 both the LD and Lab votes were up and the Tory vote was down.

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