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Notional 2005 Results:
Labour: 16620 (41.8%)
Conservative: 13182 (33.2%)
Liberal Democrat: 7112 (17.9%)
Other: 2825 (7.1%)
Majority: 3438 (8.7%)

Actual 2005 result
Conservative: 13162 (33.2%)
Labour: 16579 (41.8%)
Liberal Democrat: 7100 (17.9%)
BNP: 2627 (6.6%)
Other: 191 (0.5%)
Majority: 3417 (8.6%)

2001 Result
Conservative: 13671 (33.8%)
Labour: 19800 (49%)
Liberal Democrat: 5878 (14.6%)
UKIP: 1041 (2.6%)
Majority: 6129 (15.2%)

1997 Result
Conservative: 16253 (32.1%)
Labour: 27465 (54.3%)
Liberal Democrat: 6059 (12%)
Other: 779 (1.5%)
Majority: 11212 (22.2%)

Boundary changes:


portraitCurrent MP: Linda Riordan(Labour) (more information at They work for you)

portraitPhilip Allott (Conservative) Born 1959. Runs a marketing business. Former Harrogate councillor. Contested Brent North in 2001, Bolton West 2005.
portraitDiane Park (Independent) Calderdale councillor since 2003. Originally selected as the Lib Dem PPC, in 2009 she resigned from the party and announced her intention to run as an Independent.

2001 Census Demographics

Total 2001 Population: 94756
Male: 48.5%
Female: 51.5%
Under 18: 24.9%
Over 60: 20.2%
Born outside UK: 8%
White: 88.5%
Black: 0.3%
Asian: 10.1%
Mixed: 0.9%
Other: 0.3%
Christian: 67.6%
Muslim: 9.5%
Full time students: 2.6%
Graduates 16-74: 13.6%
No Qualifications 16-74: 35.1%
Owner-Occupied: 68.1%
Social Housing: 19.9% (Council: 10.6%, Housing Ass.: 9.3%)
Privately Rented: 8.4%
Homes without central heating and/or private bathroom: 21.3%

134 Responses to “Halifax”

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  1. Locally Alice Mahon is well respected and her comments in the Halifax Courier and Yorkshire Post will have further damaged Labour’s chances of holiding this seat.

    Interestingly, Linda Riordan has tried to distance her self from this story.

  2. Falkirkbairn

    The point is that people think of Alice Mahon as traditional Labour who whether you agreed with what she believed in or not worked hard for her constituency.

    They then compare her to the self-servers of the Labour ‘Inner Party’ who clearly despise the traditional Labour voters of places like Halifax.

    Are you pleased that the Labour party is moving from the Alice Mahons and Anne Cryers to the Jacqui Smiths and Philippa Goulds?

  3. “Are you pleased that the Labour party is moving from the Alice Mahons and Anne Cryers to the Jacqui Smiths and Philippa Goulds?”

    I agree with what you are saying, however the point I am making is how can we change our party without the traditional left? If that happens then we will be left with the aforementioned -rightly or wrongly -with the new Labour mafia, That is why I admire people like Benn and McDonnell who want to change the party from within, and it’s the only way we can reshape our partty.

  4. I think Alice Mahon has just had enough.

    Whether one agrees with all her politics or not isn’t the point. She is certainly to the left of me. But knowing the area well, she was and is well liked and respected as a doughty and hard working, honest person.

  5. Alice Mahon certainly had a good personal following, but I’m not convinced she was really the best candidate for Halifax.
    On many occasions, her own considerable personal opinion, made enemies in both the Conservative and Labour governments. There is at least circumstantial evidence that Halifax was kept back by Mrs Mahon’s obstructive behaviour.

    Roy Galley the last tory mp in Halifax, by contrast pushed Halifax more, and even though he is regarded as an ineffectual mp and a yes-man, there was more investment when he was the representative.
    Never underestimate the benefit of a friendly face on the benches.

  6. Falkirkbairn01

    Have you defected to the LibDems?

  7. I’ve tried to ask him that – Pete Whitehead has too.
    I’d like to know – I find it surprising if he has.

  8. Martin Day Your comment is awaiting moderation

  9. I wonder if the incumbent MP will have problems with her expenses.

    Linda Riordan it would seem has done something that the electorate may feel unable to forgive, for her it is worse potentially than some of the ludicrous expense claims.

    The fact that after she was elected MP for Halifax, given the financial crisis and subsequent loss of jobs in Halifax has potentially turned many of the local voters against the incumbent. To make matters worse for the Incumbent she took a mortgage out with Cheltenham and Gloucester!

    Could create a very interesting contest and the potential for backlash in not using a “local firm” where possible could well rupture her campaign for another term as MP.

  10. Diane Park obviously decided the Liberal Democrats could not win here! lol

    She stood down on the 24th June 2009 as the candidate!

  11. Martin, according to the local paper Linda Riordan has claimed over £2,000 for a red carpet and according to yesterday’s paper £400 each month for food. Not as bad as some but the letters page and edtorial in the Halifax Courier has had lots to say!

    Diane Park was not making any local inpact, the smart money is on Philip Allott winning.

  12. Kirsty, yes i agree.

    The debacle over HBOS will cause Labour to be resoundingly defeated in Halifax and other west yorkshire seats.

  13. The Halifax site of HBOS has lost 1500 jobs today, that is a real blow to the town and surely this creates a mountain for the Labour MP to climb.

    Lloyds TSB merger with HBOS was a government decision!

  14. Roll on tomorrow Martin,

    In addition to an expensive red carpet and food for 12 months despite attending Westminster for only 8 months I wonder what else Linda Riordan expense report will tell us?


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