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Notional 2005 Results:
Liberal Democrat: 18900 (45.5%)
Conservative: 13322 (32.1%)
Labour: 6127 (14.8%)
Other: 3169 (7.6%)
Majority: 5578 (13.4%)

Actual 2005 result
Conservative: 15463 (33.7%)
Labour: 6773 (14.8%)
Liberal Democrat: 20101 (43.9%)
Green: 2494 (5.4%)
UKIP: 770 (1.7%)
Other: 235 (0.5%)
Majority: 4638 (10.1%)

2001 Result
Conservative: 13478 (29.1%)
Labour: 7269 (15.7%)
Liberal Democrat: 23372 (50.5%)
UKIP: 708 (1.5%)
Green: 1469 (3.2%)
Majority: 9894 (21.4%)

1997 Result
Conservative: 16850 (31.2%)
Labour: 8828 (16.4%)
Liberal Democrat: 26169 (48.5%)
Referendum: 1192 (2.2%)
Other: 950 (1.8%)
Majority: 9319 (17.3%)

Boundary changes:


portraitCurrent MP: Don Foster(Lib Dem) (more information at They work for you)

portraitFabian Richter (Conservative) Chief of staff to David Willetts MP.
portraitHattie Ajderian (Labour) Runs a computer software business. Bath and North East Somerset councillor 2003-2007. Contested Bath 2005
portraitEric Lucas (Green) Occupational therapist. Former Oxford councillor.

2001 Census Demographics

Total 2001 Population: 83992
Male: 48.4%
Female: 51.6%
Under 18: 18.7%
Over 60: 22%
Born outside UK: 9.2%
White: 95.8%
Black: 0.8%
Asian: 0.8%
Mixed: 1.4%
Other: 1.2%
Christian: 65.9%
Muslim: 0.6%
Full time students: 12.7%
Graduates 16-74: 31.4%
No Qualifications 16-74: 19.3%
Owner-Occupied: 63.5%
Social Housing: 17.4% (Council: 5.5%, Housing Ass.: 12%)
Privately Rented: 14.9%
Homes without central heating and/or private bathroom: 6.9%

109 Responses to “Bath”

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  1. 1987 not 1992.

    A Conservative gain here is not impossible, and I feel that this is the kind of seat that David Cameron will have particular appeal.

  2. Matt, I have the information on a link butit does not show up.

    The Incumbant MP is alleged to have had his office paid for by a donor who has has connections to the Michael Brown defence. The piece i saw said that the incumbant MP may have claimed Taxpayer funds for his office as well as using the donation. Looks very interesting to me! The period is also fairly recent 2006/7 or 8!

  3. I think this seat could well be a Tory gain and it will be interesting if it is as it will indicate a 50-100 seat Tory majority IMO if this seat does fall to the Tories.

  4. I think this along with Ld v Con seats such as Newton Abbot and Richmond Park will be just too much out of the Cons reach whatever the national notional vote shares are

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