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Summary of EU Regulations and Applicability to CERN

*** FP6 Rules ***
1. About the AC cost Model

For all FP6 contracts, CERN uses the AC (Additional Cost) cost model. In this model, CERN can charge 100% of eligible direct additional costs and a flat rate for indirect costs (see point 5). The flat rate is a fixed contribution (that generally equals 20% of all eligible direct additional costs, minus costs of sub-contracts).

An additional cost is a cost incurred for the project which would not have been incurred by CERN without the project.

As an exception to this rule, CERN can charge costs of permanent staff for the management of the Consortium activity only, to the extent that CERN can identify its actual costs (the use of timesheet is mandatory). However, the flat rate for indirect costs does not apply as these are not additional costs.

2. Necessary conditions for eligibility
  To be eligible for reimbursement by the EU, cost incurred by CERN must be:
  • Actual

Costs must be real and actually incurred (not estimated, budgeted or foreseen) during the contractual duration of the project. They must be recorded in the accounts in accordance with the usual existing accounting principles of CERN, be identifiable and controllable.

  • Necessary

Costs must be necessary for carrying out the project and directly linked to the subject matter and scope. They must be coherent with the description of work (Annex 1 of the Contract).

  • Economic

Costs must be reasonable and comply with the aim of minimizing the cost of resources foreseen in the objectives of the project. Costs must be in line with the normal procedures and practices at CERN (e.g. CERN allows travels with first-class train tickets, which are therefore considered as economic).
Unless duly justified, any cost that would be considered as non-economic and/or not in line with the normal practices at CERN would be considered as non-eligible.

3. Non Eligible costs
  Some costs can never be charged, for example
  • Any identifiable indirect taxes, such as VAT. See VAT and other indirect taxes information
  • Costs declared, incurred or reimbursed in respect of another Community project;
  • Excessive or reckless expenditure;
  • Expenses incurred before the contractual start of the project.
4. Application of the rules for the cost categories at CERN


  Direct additional costs of personnel can include:
  • Personnel under limited-duration contract of any kind
  • Personnel with a temporary contract to complete a doctorate;
  • Personnel whose employment contract depends wholly or in part on additional external financing (rare). In this case, costs charged to the project must exclude all costs covered by normal recurring financing.
  For CERN, it mainly concerns staff on LD contracts hired for the project, fellows, project associates and students whose contract started after the EU project (additional criteria). When personnel considered as additional on a EU project is transferred to another EU project, salary costs of these person are still additional despite employee’s contract start is anterior to the second EU project start.
As personnel costs claimed to the EU must be real and such information cannot be found in CET, it can be obtained through FI-DI-TPR Unit. Please provide CERN’s IDs of people concerned as well as the relevant period. Note that timesheets are mandatory to identify time spent on the projects.

Travel and subsistence at CERN

  As a general rule, actual travel and related subsistence costs relating to the project are direct eligible costs, providing they comply with the contractor’s usual practices and are duly justified..
However, as CERN’s practice is to reimburse some travel costs on the basis of a lump sum or per diem payment, it is this fixed amount and not the actual cost that is considered as the eligible costs.


Durable equipment

  CERN does not depreciate durable equipment; therefore, the entire cost can be declared on the period when the equipment is bought. Note that durable equipment bought must be signaled in Annex 1 or accepted by EC’s project officer. If not, such expenditure may be considered as unnecessary, excessive or abusive (and as such, non-eligible).
5. Indirect costs (overheads)
Indirect costs are those costs that are not directly related to the project, not identified as direct costs, and which do not include any costs already directly charged to the project. Within AC cost model, indirect costs do not need to be identified and are covered by a determined percentage of the direct costs.
Examples of indirect costs at CERN: energy, heating, administrative support, etc.
For further details, please refer to the EU Financial Guidelines (FP6) or contact FI-DI-TPR Unit.

Last Updated 15 February, 2008
by R Bray