I am a cancer doctor in Oregon, where physician-assisted suicide is legal. I am also vice president of the Physicians for Compassionate Care Education Foundation, which opposes assisted suicide.

When considering this issue [editorial, Oct. 11, "Docs Deserve An Answer"], The Courant and its readers should remember the names Barbara Wagner and Randy Stroup. Wagner was an Oregon resident who died last year. The Oregon Health Plan (Oregon Medicaid) had refused to pay for a cancer drug to possibly prolong her life and offered to pay for her assisted suicide instead. This position saved the plan money.

Stroup had a similar experience. The plan would not pay for a drug to prolong his life and ease his pain, but would pay for his suicide. He said: "What is six months of life worth? To me it's worth a lot. This is my life they're playing with."

In both cases, the Oregon Health Plan's position was possible only because assisted suicide is legal in Oregon.

With assisted suicide now proposed in Connecticut, will you and your families be the next Barbara Wagner or Randy Stroup?

Kenneth Stevens, M.D., Sherwood, Ore.