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  • Don't Ask For Patience On Gay Rights

  • Barack Obama's "fierce" support for gay rights, expressed well before he was elected president, had long come as sweet music to the ears of gay rights advocates accustomed to a...

  • Lengthen The School Day

  • President Barack Obama's smart suggestion that students spend more time in school touched off a firestorm of resistance from some teachers, parents and bloggers.

  • GOP Rivals Cry Foul Over Donations To Dems

  • Rob Simmons and Sam Caligiuri seem to think Linda McMahon flunked some sort of important loyalty test in making more than $35,000 in contributions to Democratic candidates and...

  • 'America's Best Idea': Good TV, Good Timing

  • The latest of filmmaker Ken Burns' probing looks at Americana — a six-part series detailing the genesis of this country's peerless national park system — comes at...

  • Start Search Now For New DSS Chief

  • The state Department of Social Services is the biggest safety net in Connecticut. It's also got the biggest budget in state government: $4.8 billion, more than 20 percent of the...

  • Correction

  • Saturday's editorial "A Great Honor, And Burden" misidentified the Norwegian Nobel Committee as the Swedish Academy.

  • Obama's Snub Of The Dalai Lama

  • Two years ago, the Dalai Lama — the Tibetan Buddhist leader — was awarded Congress' highest civilian honor and met with President George W. Bush at the Capitol....

  • The Nobel: A Great Honor, And Burden

  • The Nobel committee's choice for this year's peace prize is baffling, though flattering to the nation that elected him president. But it feels as though the committee has...

  • Merritt On Danger List

  • Preservationists around the state were alarmed to learn the Merritt Parkway had been placed on a list of worldwide landmarks that are "significantly endangered." Is the historic,...

  • Diocese Should Stop Keeping Secrets

  • It's well past time for the Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport to stop fighting the court-ordered release of documents concerning sexual abuse by priests.

  • Finding A Few GOP Reformers

  • Congressional Republicans are shouting an almost unanimous "no" to Democratic efforts to reform the nation's tattered health care system. Maine Sen. Olympia Snow might be the...

  • Taxpayers Paid $220,000 For This?

  • Gov. M. Jodi Rell has crossed the line in committing more than $220,000 in state funds for a 30-month study by University of Connecticut professor Kenneth Dautrich, ostensibly on...



    Commentary About Where We Live

    Opinion Columnists

    Laurence Cohen & Gina Barreca

    Laurence Cohen & Gina Barreca

    So Women Can't Parallel Park? - October 4, 2009 - Larry Gina, although it's much harder to be a man than to be a woman, I can't use that distraction as an excuse for ignoring the crippling handicaps...

    Tom Condon

    Tom Condon

    Central's Big Makeover - October 11, 2009 - Much has been made — and rightly so — of the changes wrought at the University of Connecticut's main campus in Storrs by the $1 billion UConn 2000 initiative. The...

    Frank Harris III

    Frank Harris III

    Americans: The Not-So-Great Unwashed - October 1, 2009 - A group of interplanetary aliens studying Americans might easily decide that we are the cleanest bunch of folks in the galaxy.

    Kevin Rennie

    Kevin Rennie

    E-Mail Episode Shows Why Moody Must Go - October 4, 2009 - Do not fly over the state Capitol. It's a no-go zone, the center of the Moody Triangle, where documents exposing the ceaseless manipulations of Gov. M. Jodi Rell's chief of staff...

    Robert M. Thorson

    Robert M. Thorson

    Ardi Is A Big Step Closer To Evolutionary Split - October 8, 2009 - It just got easier to believe in human evolution. Lucy has moved out of the limelight. Ardi has stepped into our lives.