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Category archives for: DRC

Ali Ben Bongo calls his Opponents ‘Traitors’ and ‘Liars’

Ali Ben Bongo calls his Opponents ‘Traitors’ and ‘Liars’

Ali Ben Bongo, the eldest son of Gabon’s for­mer leader, Omar Bongo, has called his oppo­nents in the forth­com­ing Pres­i­den­tial elec­tions, ‘trai­tors’ in an elec­tion cam­paign rally. There are 20 oppo­si­tion can­di­dates lin­ing up against Bongo who is the can­di­date for the rul­ing party. A few weeks ago the Prime Min­is­ter resigned to join the […]

Bemba Gets Bail

Bemba Gets Bail

For­mer Con­golese Vice Pres­i­dent Jean-Pierre Bemba has been released by the ICC ahead of his war crimes trial in The Hague. But his release is on hold until a suit­able coun­try can be found to host him. Bemba led a rebel group dur­ing Congo’s civil war and was arrested in Bel­gium and extra­dited to The […]

Fighting Escalates In Congo As Thousands Flee

Fighting Escalates In Congo As Thousands Flee

The UNHCR reported well over one-half mil­lion civil­ians have been dis­placed in South Kivu since Jan­u­ary 2009. That is when the Con­golese gov­ern­ment began its mil­i­tary cam­paign to force­fully dis­arm Hutu rebels and their local mili­tia allies.

But, things have not worked out as the gov­ern­ment envi­sioned. In fact, the sit­u­a­tion has grown worse, as can […]

Court in Switzerland Orders Release Of Mobutu’s Money To Family

Court in Switzerland Orders Release Of Mobutu’s Money To Family

A court in Switzer­land has ruled that the assets of late Con­golese dic­ta­tor Mobutu Sese Seko must be returned to his fam­ily. The fed­eral crim­i­nal court on Tues­day rejected an appeal to extend a freeze on his assets in Switzer­land worth about $7 mil­lion, say­ing the case is now too old.
The deci­sion, which can­not be appealed, […]


Breaking News

  • MDC Boycott: GNA in Disarray
    October 17, 2009 | 10:05 am

    The Prime Min­is­ter of Zim­babwe, Mor­gan Tsvan­gi­rai has offi­cially announced that the MDC party will dis­en­gage from the Unity gov­ern­ment over the Roy Ben­nett issue. He said that out­stand­ing issues  within the power-sharing arrange­ments should be dealt with before the MDC can work again with the Mugabe led Zanu-PF. Roy Ben­nett a senior mem­ber of [...]

  • Presidential Oversight as Press Team Becomes Incompetent
    October 15, 2009 | 11:50 am

    When you assume the pres­i­dency of a coun­try, Sierra Leone in par­tic­u­lar, that is ranked at the bot­tom of the UN’s Human Devel­op­ment Index; a coun­try that has denied its media the free­dom to oper­ate freely; a coun­try that has seen its own peo­ple killed on the orders of another pres­i­dent in his quest to [...]

  • Dadis Camara Wanted For Crimes against Humanity
    October 15, 2009 | 9:56 am

    The Euro­pean Union has called for the junta leader in Guinea, Moussa Dadis Camara to face trial for crimes against human­ity. The call was made by the EU’s devel­op­ment chief Karel de Gucht. He claimed that the sup­pres­sion of an oppo­si­tion rally in the cap­i­tal Conakry last month was “an act of bru­tal­ity never seen [...]

  • China’s Deals with African Dictators
    October 14, 2009 | 11:21 am

    Africa has become the new eco­nomic play­ground of the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment. In its quest to secure an abun­dant source of energy and min­er­als to sus­tain its grow­ing indus­trial and eco­nomic demands, the Chi­nese gov­ern­ment is using the unsta­ble and cor­rupt polit­i­cal envi­ron­ment in some African coun­tries to court some of the continent’s ruth­less dic­ta­tors in [...]

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