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Breaking News Center Newstime Africa delivers the latest news and information from in and around Africa

Category archives for: Headlines

Nigerian Rebels Want Clarity on Disarmament

Nigerian Rebels Want Clarity on Disarmament

Mil­i­­tant lead­­ers in Nige­ria want the gov­­ern­­ment to pro­­vide more clar­ity and gov­­ern­­ment com­mit­­ment on plans to dis­­arm fight­­ers before any amnesty could be accepted by them. The field com­­man­ders of (MEND) The Move­­ment for the Eman­­ci­­pa­­tion of the Niger Delta, held talks with gov­­ern­­ment offi­­cials about accep­t­ing the amnesty.
The talks also focused on the […]

Gunshots in Gabon as Looting and Violence Continues

Gunshots in Gabon as Looting and Violence Continues

There has been wide­spread and vio­­lence in Port Gen­til, Gabon’s sec­ond city with loot­ing and build­ings being set on fire. 2 peo­­ple were killed on Thurs­­day as the vio­­lence erupted fol­low­ing the announc­ing of the Pres­i­­den­­tial elec­­tion results. Build­ings that were set on fire included the Total Oil Com­­pany build­ing which prompted the oil com­­pany […]

Why Military Rule Should be Discouraged in African Politics

Why Military Rule Should be Discouraged in African Politics

The involve­­ment of the mil­i­­tary in African pol­i­tics has most often been com­pelled by the lack of good gov­­er­­nance, cor­rup­­tion, the sup­pres­­sion of oppo­si­­tion and to an extent the lack of a free and plu­ral­is­tic press. When one takes a look at the involve­­ment of the army in the polit­i­­cal setup of Africa right from […]

Yahya Jammeh Yields to Pressure as Journalists are Released

Yahya Jammeh Yields to Pressure as Journalists are Released

On the 15th of August this year, New­s­time Africa joined the inter­­na­­tional media cal­l­ing for the release of six jour­­nal­ists who were detained unlaw­­fully in the Gam­bia. The jour­­nal­ists were con­victed of sedi­­tion and defama­­tion and were sen­­tenced to 2 years impris­on­­ment. As a result of over­whelm­ing inter­­na­­tional pres­­sure, the Gam­bian Pres­i­­dent has decided to […]

Ali Ben Bongo Declared Winner of Gabon’s Presidential Elections

Ali Ben Bongo Declared Winner of Gabon’s Presidential Elections

On Thurs­­day the Gov­­ern­­ment of Gabon declared Ali Ben Bongo, the eldest son of the late Omar Bongo, the win­ner of the week­end pres­i­­den­­tial elec­­tions. Ben Bongo was the country’s defence min­is­ter under his late father’s regime. He cam­­paigned with a pri­­vate jet and plas­tered the cap­i­­tal with bil­l­boards. Ali Ben Bongo won with 41.7 […]

Junta in Guinea Bans Political Debates

Junta in Guinea Bans Political Debates

The Mil­i­­tary Junta in Guinea has issued an imme­di­ate ban on all TV and Radio polit­i­­cal debates, a sign of polit­i­­cal uneasi­­ness in the midst of accu­sa­­tions of phone cen­­sor­­ship by the gov­­ern­­ment in the West African coun­try. After the post­pone­­ment of the elec­­tions due in 2010, the gov­­ern­­ment has come under immense pres­­sure from […]

The Mugabe Conspiracy and its Effect on Zimbabwe

The Mugabe Conspiracy and its Effect on Zimbabwe

What is wrong with Robert Mugabe? Why doesn’t he under­­­s­tand that he is a very small man amongst big men? It is a fact that Mugabe is edu­­cated. Then why doesn’t he see the writ­ing on the wall? Zim­babwe will not get the help it des­per­ately needs if he doesn’t abide by the peace agree­­ment […]

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