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Who Governs Rural Scotland?

11 Oct 2004

Conference held by People Too on 29th October

PEOPLE TOO invites you to a CONFERENCE

Friday, 29th October, 2004 @ the Dewar’s Centre, Perth

Who Governs Rural Scotland?

(Morning presentations will each allow time for questions & answers)

9.00 – 9.30am Registration & Coffee

9.30 – 9.45 Introduction by Kirsty Macleod, People Too

9.45 – 10.10 From Science to Policy and Management;
Prof. Ian Boyd;

10.15 – 10.40 Public Consultation in post-devolution Scotland, Ian Mitchell; author

10.45 – 11.00 Tea/Coffee break

11.00 – 11.25 Local Democracy and the wider public interest; TBC

11.30 – 12.00 A View beyond Parliament,
Michael Russell; writer, broadcaster, politician

12.05 – 12.30 From voodoo to windfarms - mumbo jumbo rules! John R D Stewart; farmer, journalist

12.45 – 2.00pm LUNCH

2.00 – 3.30pm Introduction to Case Studies & Political Discussion, Cllr Donald Manford

Scottish Natural Heritage : Arran Farmers’ Group
Historic Scotland : Hugh Donaldson, Moidart
Scottish Environment LINK : Kirsty Macleod, People Too
Hebridean Marine National Park Partnership : John Hermse, Mallaig & NW Fishermen’s Association

3.30 – 4.00pm Coffee & Thinking Caps ON!

4.00 – Close Political Panel Discussion : What is to be done?

Colin Fox, MSP, SSP; Murdo Fraser, MSP, Conservatives; Philip Anderson, PPC, UKIP; Scottish Greens, SNP and the Scottish LibDems all TBC.

Tickets available at £25 from Kirsty Macleod, Popel Too, PO Box 8002, Spean Bridge, Inverness PH34 4EP. Tel: (01397) 712637 Mobile: 07967 387021.