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Shootout At The Sugar Factory is the culmination of a three-year joyride through the indie rock subcultures of North Jersey and Williamsburg. If you're reading this today, chances are you were along for the ride, too. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have, and I hope each of you can discern the unique mark of your influence on these songs. If you like my album, send me one of yours.

I want to acknowledge and thank the musicians who've shared stages, recording studio control rooms and cramped, and overheated practice spaces with me over the past three years. My group -- alternately called the New Jack Trippers, the Borrowed Blazer, the Senate Judiciary Committee, or whatever the hell else I felt like calling us on the evenings I sent out show announcements -- has had a revolving door by design, but those who've been following closely were sure to recognize the frequently reoccurring faces of Robin van Maarth and Martin Nienstedt from Hollow Rocket, Karen Meehan from the Imaginary Beings, Regan Solmo and Rachel Fishman, Jens Carstensen from Girl Harbor, Sasha Alcott, Dan Madinabeitia, David Schreiber, and on one memorable occasion, Los Hermanos Negatonos, J and Justin Braun.

Then there are those who've been crazy enough, or inspired enough, to allow me to add my own contributions to their projects. To Jesse Fuchs, Mike Hollitcher and Jens from Denver Zest; Sasha, Mike Dos Santos and Neil Westgate from the Possibilities; Rachel Reid Warren, Christina Prostano, Sarah Brockett, and Matt Houser, from Palomar; Jim Testa and his ad-hoc assemblies of Jersey Beat All-Stars; Marc Maurizi, Tom Gerke, Lee Estes and Scott Kopitskie from the Brokedowns and Cropduster; Toshi Yano and The Pop Internationale; everyone involved in the Radon Daughters project; the Bastard Paul Crane; Sander Hicks; Elizabeth Harper and Scott Rosenthal, I've been honored by your continued confidence in me. And to the Vitamen: well, we came close, but I'll be sure to catch you next time.

Others have watched helplessly as I've, um, interpreted their songs without prior consultation. Hey, no matter the results, it was always about the love. So J, Rachel, Jesse, Zach Lipez from the Candy Darlings, Mishka "Shotgun" Shubaly, Ethan "Baby Dayliner" Marunas, Jesse Blockton, Amy Jacob and Alex Saville of Prosolar Mechanics, Dan "Sabado Domingo" Skinner, Damien Paris, Aaron Lazar, Tim Kent and Andrew Totolos of The Giraffes, I urge you guys to take it as the sincerest form of flattery.

I also want to acknowledge the writers and critics who've taken time to engage with me, my project and with indie music in general: Jim Testa, Mike Doktorski of New Brunswick Underground, J.R. Taylor, Jason Scorza, Joe S. Harrington, Alex Saville, Brian Block of Vox Poptart, Bob Makin, Jason Jaskot of Velvity, The Dead Angel, Glenn McDonald of The War Against Silence, George Starostin, Jeff Norman, Jay Lustig, Janet Bell, Sander, and everybody on the indie-nj list and rec.music.hip-hop. Hell, I am even feeling generous enough to thank the cranks who post anonymous obscenities on the NBU Board. The only bad discourse is no discourse. You guys keep writing, and I guarantee you we'll keep improving.

The groups and acts who've shared bills with me and inspired me over the past three years should be too innumerable to list, but I wouldn't be me if I didn't give it a shot: here's to the Negatones, Palomar, Cropduster, Prosolar Mechanics, Baby Dayliner, The Vitamen, Milton, The Giraffes, Hollow Rocket, Moths and Electric Engine, Mishka Shubaly, The Candy Darlings, Girl Harbor and Come On, Little T & One Track Mike and Homeschool, Fresh Kills, Elizabeth Harper, Double-Breasted, The Swimmies, Paula Carino and Regular Einstein, Dan "Sabado Domingo" Skinner, The Realistics, The Anderson Council, Wahoo Moment, The Makeout Party, Like Moving Insects, Bastards Of Melody, Beauty Supply, Siam Cats, The Tarts, The Squares, Brian Dewan, Miracle Of '86, The Brought Low, Tom Brislin and Spiraling, Hissyfits, Gene Dreamy & Gary Sincere, Ex Models, Tiger Mountain, Hold Steady, King Of France, Crème Blush, Stan Blackett, White Collar Crime, Cementhead, Speedsters and Dopers, Benjamin Cartel, Walker, MVPA, San Serac, The Somnambulants, Dimestore Scenario, Chris Pearson, Miika Grady, Tommy Strazza, Instant Death, Black Cat Revolver, Dopamine, The Tim Heidecker Masterpiece, Bright And Desperate Sparks, Chris & Stephanie, Interpol/Cuddleworthy, the Bobfields, Golem, Blue Green, The Forms, Andichrist, Dave Spalding, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Planet Janet, Eggmobile, Izititiz, The Inevitable Breakups, JJ Paradise Players Club, Bad Wizard, Hero Pattern, Val Emmich, Ben Kweller, Oneida, Crazee & Heaven, Kid Friendly, DoDo, David Wechsler and Pinataland, Lanky, Motherboard, The Blue 88s, The Method and Result, Blinder, The Beeps, Robbers On High Street, Japanic, Dyelines, Grand Mal, The Gnomes, Rene Risqué & The Art Lovers, Jetset Domino, The Rosemary Pure, Flux Information Sciences, Elemae, Pop*Star*Kids, The Blue Sparks, Les Savy Fav, Mink Lungs, Amy Speace, Debbie Schwartz, Crowns On 45, Chris Butler, The Persons, German Cars Vs. American Homes, Suran Song In Stag, Plug Spark Sanjay, The Kowalskis, Landspeedrecord!, Crimson Sweet, The Blank Stares, Pacer, Cold Memory, Gelatin Boys, Ted Leo & The Pharmacists, Violet Truth, Evelyn Forever, The Blakes, The Seltzers, Gloria Deluxe, High Speed Chase, Slushpuppy, The Ankles, Roadside Graves, Mike Ill & Mad Happy, The Natural History, Julia Greenberg, The Drennons, Awek, Brown, Birdy, Valentine Smith, Dangaru, The Vandelays, Kid With Man Head, Particle Zoo, Small A.M., Stephen Bailey, The Slow Wire, Aviso'Hara, Mary Ann Farley, Sparks Fly From A Kiss, Ricanstruction, True Love, The Quick Fix Kills, Drew Islieb, Dewey Defeated, The Highwaters, Davenports, Skyline Rodeo, Galaxy Rodeo, The New Jersey Joystick, Return Me To My Mind, Romulus & Remus, Big Boote, Dead Meadow, Tulip Sweet, Dawn Landes, Toss, Rosario Focus, The Milwaukees, Copperpot, Krakatoa, Robin Renee, Cardia, Rye Coalition. If I forgot you, I apologize; give me a smackeroo when you see me in the club.

A special thanks to Andy Gesner for his tireless efforts on behalf of regional performance, Sue Trowbridge and Joe Mallon of 125 Records, Vicki "The Bruiser" Hippel, Jared Migden, John Weingart, and all deejays at WFMU for airing music you can't hear on the radio, Kenyatta Sullivan and the Wilmington Exchange, and Doug Forbes and everybody involved in the Independent Music Festival. Thank you for showing me what a new continent of earth and fire might look like. Extra special admiration goes to Leslie, who got to the top of the mountain with the Pelydryn, let the bauble shine, and turned night into noon.

King Scott Miller had nothing to do with this record, but it's his voice in my ear every time I make a musical decision. Thanks for the indelible inspiration. Everything on this album was done on purpose, too.