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What do you want us to blog about?

The Developer Division at Microsoft consists some of the smartest people I have known.  It has been about 10 months since I joined this division and I am having a blast so far.  A lot of the leaders in this division have decades of experience building development tools and development platform technologies.


This week, we launched a page that will give you quick access to some of the thoughts that our senior leaders in Developer Division are sharing with you all through their blogs.  For example, we have blogs from Eric Rudder – Senior Vice President of Server and Tools, Sara Williams, the fearless leader of the MSDN team, Jason Zander who runs the CLR team, Rick Laplante who heads our enterprise tools team, Lori Pearce who runs the platform SDK team and several others.


We are all very committed to engaging with you – our customers, because this connection is critical in helping us build a better product.  Your feedback via these blogs is extremely useful.  It helps us get valuable feedback during our design process, get your comments on the early builds and get your involvement in every step of the product development process.


Take a look at these blogs written by our leaders and let me know what you would like to hear from us in our blogs.



Posted: Monday, October 18, 2004 2:54 PM by Somasegar


Slavo Furman said:


>>This week, we launched a page that will give you quick access to some of the thoughts that our senior leaders in Developer Division are sharing with you all through their blogs.<<

This is great news.

>>What do you want us to blog about? <<

Well, please, just write about topics that are seems to be really important to you, about things that you really, really wants to say to others, write about WHY some decisions are made as they are made.

And it definitely would be interesting reading.

And maybe one concrete topic. I was impressed by interview with Sergey Dmitriev (CEO of JetBrains) for CGN (http://www.codegeneration.net/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=60).
He talked about DSL (Domain Specific Languages), code generators, about Intentional Programming, about their new project Fabrique.

What do you thing about code generators and about Intentional Programming?

is this path to the future of programming?

Slavo Furman
Microsoft ASP.NET MVP
# October 19, 2004 1:10 AM

scooblog by josh ledgard said:

# October 19, 2004 5:02 PM

Arcadi said:

Would be great if you can set an unique RSS feed for all those posts.. I have already tens of feeds running.
# October 22, 2004 10:40 AM

Hillinj said:

Just a small question.

How is off shoring going to impact microsoft's development processes, employment and stability of MS products?

What new skills will MS developers have to learn to protect their jobs from being off shored?
# October 24, 2004 7:41 PM

S. Somasegar said:

The world is becoming a smaller place every day. In order to innovate on a global scale, it is important that we engage the most talented technology professionals from all over the world – from the US to India and China to Israel and the UK. Additionally, if Microsoft is going to continue to be successful in the future, the company needs to work with people around the world to help address the needs of our broad customer base, particularly in expanding markets such as India and China. That said, we do the majority of our development work in Redmond, and will continue to do so. By having Redmond as our center of gravity, we are able to get the best integration of our teams and do course corrections when necessary. For software engineers, as with any profession, the key to success is to continually advance your skills and areas of expertise and stay abreast of the latest trends in technology.
# October 25, 2004 4:55 PM

JavaKid said:

Personally!? Somasegar... you're the best! Thanks for asking.

Well, being a professional software engineer, that's I want to hear about. Since Microsoft is in the market of providing software developers/engineers with tools, development kits, frameworks, and architectures... I want to hear about that.

I care about software process models, practices, patterns, software theory, and team oriented development. I want an avenue that is geared towards this community, where we can all discuss what's important to us and have a sense that Microsoft is creating their products with us in mind.

Often my impression is that Microsoft is really not targeting my demographic at all. I am a computer scientist, software engineer, and developer. I need really powerful software engineering tools that allow me work more effectively and efficiently.

Sometimes I think that Microsoft is attempting to gain marketshare by appealing to a very broad audience, and that they would like to encourage non computer science people, and casual business people to take up the practice software development. Well IMHO I believe this is a rigorous field that takes a lot of discipline to be truly successful. In putting a lot of effort into putting Visual Studio .Net into the hands of everyone... I sometimes feel that my needs are ignored in an effort to make things easier for the beginner.

# October 29, 2004 12:27 PM

S. Somasegar said:

I got a bunch of request and feebdack for us to add a RSS feed to this page. Thanks to the MSDN team, we now have a RSS feed for your convenience.
# November 5, 2004 12:31 PM

kr said:

You know, guys like you are elevating the belief of people like me (core Java.. anti-MS in the pre .NET era) in Microsoft to a whole new level! :-) Long live blogage! Keep up the goodwork!

Well, personally, there will be at least one moment every day that I think of creating an integrated tool that would allow me to do my work better and at least once a week I do some work on it and about once a quarter I manage to add one new feature to my tool. :-)

And everytime we, the community, think of such need is an opportunity for MS to make my life easier! Either by creating those tools internally and making them a part of, say VS.NET etc. or by encouraging and supporting opensource projects that do that and then maybe integrate them into MS tools later. (You guys should really take a cue from IBM here. They have a whole product line around this philosophy that says "Let the community build what they need and then we will sell it to their executives!")

If I need to summarize those impulse moments, they range from efficient and more customizable workspace organization thru business oriented software development (in line with the software families/domain specific languages et. al concepts) to high performance computing!

I know that there are initiatives as part of VS.NET 2005 that are trying to make strides regarding the software families/DSLs etc.. but never seen much material on that except a book that I got my hands on which was very high level and generic!

So blog about any internal MS initiatives that appeal to people like JavaKid and myself! :-) But not at the cost of the regular "How do I.." kind of things that help a lot of people out there!

Once again thanks for asking (although I am sure that by now you are pretty much sorry about it! :-)) and I think MS is finally moving in a much needed direction to help the entire community. (Long journey but its a good start!)
# November 6, 2004 9:52 AM

JavaKid said:


I couldn't agree more. I am happy to see that I am not alone in my feelings.

A message to all the Microsoft employees reading these kind of posts:

We (if I can use kr's words: core Java... anti-MS in the pre .Net era) people currently working with .Net are tyring to help the community, in turn promoting .Net, and are not trying to make things worse. I for example miss a lot of the things I things I had in the Java World, and would like to have them in the .Net one. I am not saying I dislike .Net, I just want similar tools, and a similar environment.

People like Somasegar, who seems willing to listen to our needs and make changes, are a welcoming change. Like kr said, take a few notes from IBM... the reason their development environment has been doing so well is that they are allowing the community to decide what is and is not important. Secondly they are adopting open-source, and widely used tools/practices; then they integrate and customize these tools to work better within their environment. Re-writing tools that already exist with a slightly different syntax the Microsoft way (Unit Testing?) isn't sending a very positive message.

I personally have attempted to spread the word about my feelings, and join the community through the use of a blog:


But what other ways can we help Microsoft and the .Net community?

# November 8, 2004 12:14 PM
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