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Welcome to the Ayn Rand Institute, the online source for information on the life and works of novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand

News & Highlights

Recent Commentary

Ayn Rand in the Culture

ARC Press Releases

Atlas Shrugged Selling in Record Numbers

Atlas Shrugged on Floor Displays at Largest Bookstores

Record Number of People Are Listening to Atlas Shrugged

Over a Million Ayn Rand Novels in Classrooms This Year

Atlas Shrugged

Atlas Shrugged Movie News Features Yaron Brook

"Charlize Revives Atlas"

Ayn Rand on Apollo 11

"The July 16, 1969 Launch: A Symbol of Man's Greatness"

Ayn Rand and Farrah Fawcett

"Farrah's Brainy Side"

Atlas Shrugged
featured in the Port Huron Times Herald

"Rand's Novel Offers Lesson for Current Economic Crisis"

Atlas Shrugged featured at Bloomberg.com

"Rand’s Atlas is Shrugging with a Growing Load"

Yaron Brook on CNN

"Atlas Shrugged Author Sees Resurgence"

Yaron Brook on The Fox Forum

The Ayn Rand Renaissance

Don Watkins on The Mike Slater Show

"The American Revolution and the Tea Party Movement"

Onkar Ghate in BusinessWeek

"The Economy Needs Ayn Rand"

Thomas A. Bowden Interviewed on Atlas Shrugged and Its Relevance Today

Browse interviews

Yaron Brook in The Wall Street Journal

"Is Rand Relevant?" (also available in video)

Onkar Ghate at Voices for Reason

"The Czars Come to America" (Part I) (Part II)

Onkar Ghate in the ARC Lecture Series

"Atlas Shrugged: America's Second Declaration of Independence"

Voices for Reason

Voices for Reason is the blog of the Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights. Voices for Reason analyzes and comments on current events from the perspective of Ayn Rand's philosophy of reason, individualism, and capitalism.

Voices for Reason 

From ARC

The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights (ARC) is a public policy and media center in Washington, DC. A division of the Ayn Rand Institute, the Center advocates for individual rights, with an emphasis on the morality of business and capitalism.

The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights

Recent Op-Eds

Why Are We Moving Toward Socialized Medicine?

What Obama Should Say To Iran

Punishing Google for Its Success

What We Owe Our Soldiers

Misrepresenting "How We Arrived at This Moment"


For all ARI articles on current events, visit our Media section.

Special Topics

ARC on Health Care

ARC on the Tea Parties

ARC's Response to the Financial Crisis 

Media Highlights

Alex Epstein in Investor’s Business Daily

"Google Deserves To Be Celebrated, Not Persecuted By Trustbusters"

Yaron Brook Interviewed in Charleston Daily Mail

"Ayn Rand Relevant Today, Speaker Says"

Yaron Brook Quoted in The New York Times

"Wobbly Wind Sector Sets Sights on Stimulus"

Yaron Brook Interviewed in Newsweek

Who Is To Blame?

ARC’s Alex Epstein in Telegraph Blog

What Capitalists Need to Understand.”

ARC’s Alex Epstein on The Fox Forum

The Bailout: Just a $700 Billion Hedge Fund?

ARC Featured at Time.com

What Would Ayn Rand Have Done?

Yaron Brook at Forbes.com

Browse articles

ARI Staff Writers in The Objective Standard

"Justice Holmes and the Empty Constitution," by Thomas A. Bowden

Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and the World Today,” an interview with Yaron Brook

The Morality of Moneylending: A Short History,” by Yaron Brook

Neoconservative Foreign Policy: An Autopsy,” by Yaron Brook and Alex Epstein

‘Just War Theory’ vs. American Self-Defense,” by Yaron Brook and Alex Epstein

The ‘Forward Strategy’ for Failure,” by Yaron Brook and Elan Journo

Exposing Anti-Muslim ‘Conspiracies,’” by Elan Journo

The Jihad on America,” by Elan Journo

Academic News

Objectivist Academic Center (OAC)

Objectivist Academic Center

For Students

For Professors


Video & Audio


ARC's new multimedia Web site, ARCTV, collects recordings of ARC media appearances, including lectures, radio and TV interviews, video op-eds and much more. Content includes recordings hosted by ARC, as well as links to recordings of ARC speakers on other sites.


From ARI

Video Introduction for New Site Visitors

In this video, ARI president Dr. Yaron Brook presents an overview of Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and the Ayn Rand Institute.
» watch

The Ayn Rand Multimedia Library

Ayn Rand and the “New Intellectual”

The Ayn Rand Multimedia Library

An Introduction to Objectivism

Leonard Peikoff View streaming video of Leonard Peikoff’s 1995 lecture “An Introduction to Objectivism."

"Making a Virtue of Selfishness? A Debate about Ayn Rand's Ethics"

MP3 download
Featuring Onkar Ghate and Michael Huemer. Hosted by the University of Colorado at Boulder's THINK series.

» More video and audio on Ayn Rand’s books and ideas

From ARC

The ARC Lecture Series

ARC Lecture Series: The Complete Video Collection

“Cultural Movements: Creating Change”

A three-lecture series from Objectivist Summer Conference 2008. Each lecture is approximately 90 minutes.

Radio Interviews with Our Writers and Speakers

Browse interviews

» More ARC video & audio recordings


Philosophical Q&As

Browse podcast updates from Leonard Peikoff's Web site

ARC Speakers on YouTube

From the AynRandInstitute channel

» More recordings on YouTube


For Registered Users

Now available: Exclusive free content for registered users!

Registered users of aynrand.org have exclusive free access to selected recordings, available on our Registered User Page. New recordings will be made available periodically, so check regularly for updates!

Our current feature:
The Leonard Peikoff Show
Interview with Mary Ann Sures: What Is Art?

The Leonard Peikoff Show

If you aren’t a registered user of this site, registration is fast, free and easy! » Register Now


Essay Contests

ARI awards $81,250 in prize money each year to the winners of its essay contests. The following contests are available:

  • Atlas Shrugged

    For college students and graduating high school seniors
    Deadline: September 17, 2009
  • Anthem

    For 8th, 9th & 10th graders
    Deadline: March 20, 2010
  • The Fountainhead

    For 11th & 12th graders
    Deadline: April 25, 2010


Student Clubs

ARI supports student-run campus clubs at high schools and colleges throughout the world.


Upcoming Events

Benefit Dinner

The Atlas Shrugged Revolution

New York, New York
September 15, 2009

[more info]

The Atlas Shrugged Revolution


Objectivist Summer Conference 2010

Las Vegas, Nevada
July 2-10, 2010

[more info]

Objectivist Summer Conference 2010

Campus Events

A Failure of Government Meddling: Capitalism is the Cure for the Financial Crisis
A panel discussion featuring John Allison and Yaron Brook

New York, New York
September 14, 2009

New York University
Eisner and Lubin auditorium, Kimmel Center [map]

Campus events calendar

ARC Lecture Series

No ARC Lecture Series events are scheduled during the summer. Events will resume in the fall, and details will be posted here as information becomes available. 


Read Impact Online

ARI's monthly Impact newsletter is now available online in a free electronic edition! The print edition remains available to ARI contributors of $35 or more.

Impact newsletter


Support ARI

Tax-Free Charitable Gifts from IRAs Possible in 2009

Were you born before July 1, 1939? Do you have a tax-deferred retirement account? If your answer to both questions is "Yes," you may may be able to save taxes by supporting ARI this year.
» Read more 



The Ayn Rand Institute allows you to target your contribution dollars to certain important ARI campaigns:

The Atlas Shrugged Initiative

Free Books to Teachers Campaign

OAC Expansion Campaign

Learn about the ARC Initiative



Employment Opportunities

ARI has no new positions available at this time. [more info]

Volunteer Opportunities

Special volunteer opportunities are available in ARI's Academic Division. [more info]


The Ayn Rand Bookstore

Product Spotlight

Atlas Shrugged

By Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged

The incomparable novel about the men of the mind on strike against the creed of self-sacrifice.

Ayn Rand's epochal novel, first published in 1957, has been a continual bestseller as well as an intellectual landmark. It is the story of a man who said that he would stop the motor of the world—and did. Was he a destroyer or the greatest of liberators? Why did he have to fight his battle, not against his enemies but against those who needed him most—and his hardest battle against the woman he loved? What is the world's motor—and the motive power of every man?

Tremendous in its scope, this novel presents an astounding panorama of human life—from the productive genius who becomes a worthless playboy, to the great steel industrialist who does not know that he is working for his own destruction, to the philosopher who becomes a pirate, to the composer who gives up his career on the night of his triumph, to the woman who runs a transcontinental railroad, to the lowest track worker in her Terminal tunnels.

Peopled by larger-than-life heroes and villains, charged with towering questions of good and evil, Atlas Shrugged is Ayn Rand's masterpiece. It is a philosophical revolution told in the form of an action thriller.

» Video: "Atlas Shrugged and the Tea Party Revolts"
» Read an excerpt
» Read more about Atlas Shrugged

Available formats:
Paperback Centennial Edition
Softcover Centennial Edition
Hardcover Centennial Edition
CD Audiobook
MP3 CD Audiobook


Web site design by Michael Chiavaroli & Associates. Please report technical issues to webmaster@aynrand.org.

Copyright © 1995–2009 Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI). All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Objectivist Conferences and the Ayn Rand Bookstore are owned by Second Renaissance, Inc., which is operated by the Ayn Rand Institute. Payments made to Objectivist Conferences or to the Ayn Rand Bookstore do not qualify as tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute.