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The Avengers (1963) - #205
"Shadow of the Claw!"

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Bob Budiansky
David Michelinie

Alan Kupperberg

Daniel Green - 'Dan Green'

Ben Sean

John Costanza

Jim Salicrup

Cover Artist(s):
Dan Crespi
Daniel Green - 'Dan Green'
Alan Kupperberg
Marie Severin

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from 7 votes

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Cover Date: March 1981
Cover Price: US $0.50

Issue Tagline: ... And the Claw Shall Inherit the Earth!

Format: Color; Standard Comic Issue

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Back at Avengers Mansion, The Vision & Iron Man find that it takes three times as much solar energy to recharge the Vision. The Wasp tells the Avengers what she saw in the Yellow Claw's lair, which wasn't much. Then, one of the Yellow Claw's top men comes to the mansion, and tries to warn the Avengers of something, but an explosive devise on him detonates before he can finish. As he dies, he tells them the coordinates of one of the Claw's hideouts in Australia. The Avengers go there to investigate, but the Vision bows out, saying he is not yet recuperated. While the Avengers go to Australia, the Vision goes back to the Claw's stronghold to confront him. He tells the Claws that he knows the Claw planted a tracking device on him. The Claw traps the Vision in an energy field. In Australia, the Claw has three powerful beings, Bludgeoner, Transformer, and Compressor, there waiting to battle the Avengers. The Avengers at first are not faring well. Meanwhile, the Claw tells the Vision of his plan to detonate several missile filled with gas over the earth, which will render everyone who is not inside his fortress sterile, this allowing his fittest son to take over the earth and start a new society in his image. He asks the Vision to join him, and the Vision says he must think about it. The Claw's fortress, actually a cleverly disguised spaceship, then takes off in order to intercept the missiles launched from Australia and spray the sterilization gas over the earth. The Avengers eventually use teamwork to defeat the Claw's three beings, but they are unable to stop the launch of the missiles. The missiles rendezvous with the Claw's ship. Wonder Man & Iron Man are unable to penetrate the ship's force field. The Vision, aboard the ship, declines the Claw's offer. He then increases his density to maximum, causing the ship to fall out of orbit and plummet earthward. The Vision and Claw then battle as the ship crashes. The ship crashes into the ocean. The Claw is presumed dead, but the Vision was able to go intangible just before impact and survives.

Reprinted/Collected in:
40 Years of the Avengers (2006) DVD-ROM
Die Rächer (1979) #9

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An image for Beast (Marvel)(Henry McCoy) exists Beast (Marvel)(Henry McCoy)
An image for Captain America (Marvel)(01 - Steve Rogers) exists Captain America (Marvel)(01 - Steve Rogers)
An image for Iron Man (Marvel)(01 - Tony Stark) exists Iron Man (Marvel)(01 - Tony Stark)
An image for Edwin Jarvis (Marvel) exists Edwin Jarvis (Marvel)
An image for Jocasta (Marvel) (01 - Avengers) exists Jocasta (Marvel) (01 - Avengers)
  An image for Scarlet Witch (Marvel)(01 - Wanda Maximoff) exists Scarlet Witch (Marvel)(01 - Wanda Maximoff)
An image for Vision (02 - Android) exists Vision (02 - Android)
An image for Wasp (Marvel)(01 - Janet Van Dyne) exists Wasp (Marvel)(01 - Janet Van Dyne)
An image for Wonder Man (Marvel) exists Wonder Man (Marvel)
An image for Yellow Claw exists Yellow Claw

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Avengers (01 - Original Team)

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