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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Seeks To Sue EPA Over Global Warming

In an attempt to head off new emissions standards, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is threatening to sue the Environmental Protection Agency. The Chamber is calling it the Scopes Monkey Trial of the 21st Century, and wants to put the evidence supporting global warming on trial in a court of law.

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Warming Oceans May Cause the Earth to Tilt

Global warming and expanding oceans, beyond immediate effects on the surface of our planet, may even cause the earth's axis to shift

Human activity has widely affected our planet, reshaping surfaces, moving or extinguishing species, and warming the air and water. Now scientists say our reach has been extended even further -- warming oceans may even start to shift the Earth's axis of rotation.

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In Epic Cricket Rivalry, Global Warming Could Help Ozzies Beat the English

Cricket Match:  Prescott Pym/Flickr
Polar bears starving, corals dying, ice shelves melting--climate change is wrecking the world around us. But there’s an upside if you’re a fan of the Australian cricket team. Global warming may increase your odds of beating arch rival England.

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'Skeptical Environmentalist' Throws His Weight Behind Geoengineering

A think tank headed by a former climate change skeptic suggests a "cloud ship" scheme for carbon reduction

A flotilla of "cloud ships" spraying sea water from their funnels could avert global warming for just $9 billion, according to a new think tank study headed by a former climate change skeptic. That's in comparison to the $250 billion which leading nations would consider spending each year to cut carbon dioxide emissions.

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German Ship Attempts First Navigation of Trans-Arctic Route, Made Possible By Warming

Using an 8,000-mile shortcut, the Beluga Fraternity will travel from Russia to Denmark via the Arctic Circle for the first time

It's an auspicious first, but not necessarily a positive one: Rising ocean temperatures and melting sea ice have, over the last few years, made the fabled northern sea route between Western Europe and Russia/Asia a reality, and a German vessel is going to be the first ship to make an attempted passage this summer.

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Most Comprehensive Poll to Date Finds Americans Actually Love Scientists, Science

Unfortunately, they still don't believe in evolution or climate change

Looking at the recent, highly politicized fights over global warming, stem cell research and evolution, a foreign observer might think that the American public sees scientists as a class of people above sweat shop owners, but below pornographers. Similarly, the outrage on many science blogs over the public response to those issue could lead readers to think that scientists view the American public as angry villagers ready to burn chemists at the stake for witchcraft.

Today, the most comprehensive poll to date exploring the American people's relationship with science, conducted by the non-partisan Pew Research group, has shown that many of those perceptions are just plain wrong.

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Arctic Ice Cap Coverage Isn't Only Shrinking, It's Getting Thinner, Too

The thorough satellite analysis yet paints a grim picture of Arctic ice's overall melt rate by looking beyond reduced surface area

In the 30 plus years since scientists started using satellites to track the area of the Arctic ice cap, the size of the ice pack has gotten smaller and smaller. However, new data from NASA's IceSAT satellite shows that the ice has been melting faster than anyone predicted.

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House Passes Landmark Greenhouse Gas Bill

A bare majority of Congress passes a historic bill fraught with problems for both sides of the aisle

Now that every scientist who isn't part of the lunatic fringe agrees that human greenhouse gas emissions significantly alter the world's climate, the debate on Capitol Hill has shifted from science to policy. And that debate has proved even more complex than Congressional fights over the stimulus package, car company bailouts, and the decision to invade Iraq.

On Friday, the House of Representatives passed HR 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, by a margin of 219 to 212, with three abstentions. The bill is the first legislative attempt to regulate carbon emissions, and the first bill to directly finger humans as the cause of climate change.

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Geoengineering: Are Weather Machines Really the Answer?

An NAS workshop looks to offset the effects of global warming with intensive, large-scale engineering projects to intentionally alter the climate. Does anyone think this is a good idea?

Ever since prehistoric man first set fires to drive game towards hunters and cliffs, humans have altered their environment for their own gain. No more so than in the years since the Industrial Revolution, when carbon emissions began to drastically alter Earth's climate and atmosphere. And now that we know definitively that humans can alter Earth's climate, some scientists have begun investigating ways to deliberately change the weather to offset the negative impact of a century of inadvertent human generated climate change.

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Climate Change Is Already Affecting the United States

A new government report, released today, says climate change's measurable effects include drought and erosion

For years, scientists have been talking about the future impact of global warming. Well, according to a new government report, the future is now. The report claims that heat waves have increased in the Northeast, droughts have increased in the Southwest, coastline has eroded, and adds that "global warming is unequivocal and primarily human-induced."

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