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First Lady Summer Style: A Slideshow Retrospective

Huffington Post   |  Hilary Moss
First Posted: 07- 4-09 02:16 PM   |   Updated: 07- 6-09 04:16 PM

The first lady's garb is a great way to gauge what's hot for summer style. Michelle Obama often makes news with her warm-weather wear comprised of capris, madras shorts, and printed dresses -- but how did other First Ladies beat the heat?

From Eleanor Roosevelt to to Jackie O, right on up to modern-day Michelle, the presidents' wives have donned sunglasses, scarves, pearls, hats and light-weight dresses. Check out the executive ensembles that took them through the dog days of summer.

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Summer Style
The first lady's garb is a great way to gauge what's hot for summer style. Michelle Obama often makes news with her warm-weather wear comprised of capris, madras shorts, and printed dresses -- but how...
The first lady's garb is a great way to gauge what's hot for summer style. Michelle Obama often makes news with her warm-weather wear comprised of capris, madras shorts, and printed dresses -- but how...
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First Jackie. Second Michelle. No other first lady comes close.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:18 PM on 07/06/2009

They all look great, except for Eleanore Roosevelt, who had more brains then any of them. Eleanore must have suffered tremendously wearing all that gear in the dog days of summer !

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:35 PM on 07/06/2009

Is that the best you could do for Nancy Reagan? That's not a very flattering summer outfit. Everyone else looked great. But what was Bess Truman's outfit? It looked like a roaring 20's dress.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:07 AM on 07/06/2009

So many of these women were not treated well in their marriages: Eleanor, Jackie, Lady Bird, Pat, Hillary. Betty's relationship with her husband seemed fine, but, obviously, she struggled, and Laura has always seemed, to me, to carry a deep sadness.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:41 PM on 07/05/2009

Mamie stayed drunk, Betty was on pills. it must be a he//uva life.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:05 AM on 07/06/2009

Is it possible to stop judging our first ladies by their outfits?
Apparently not.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:38 PM on 07/05/2009

I agree...

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 02:31 AM on 07/06/2009

Style has a lot to do with what we remember about our first ladies. It's much more than their outfits. Jackie's outfits in these photos were nondiscript at best, but she still comes out as the most interesting, IMHO. Of course, she didn't have much competition. Talk about frumpy! Even Hillary, with those fat legs. And Nancy must be screaming bloody hell if she knows they've put up those pics of her and Ronny on the beach again.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:21 AM on 07/06/2009

huh? judging? isn't it just...looking at their clothes?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:06 AM on 07/06/2009

They aren't. And why are you reading it if you don't like it?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:08 AM on 07/06/2009

Isn't a big problem with rating their style that they each represent a period? Thus, someone might have a good style sense but have the misfortune to be born in a period with some ugly clothing.

A good story about first ladies might be one on famous fashion faux pas? When were first ladies, other than Michelle, criticized for wearing something supposedly inappropriate?

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:29 PM on 07/05/2009

First Ladies, and their daughters, always have been commented on. The difference now its that there is the World Wide Web, and everything has become magnified.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:20 PM on 07/06/2009

love Eleanor Roosevelt!!!!!!!!!
she was the best first lady!!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:29 PM on 07/05/2009

I agree! I admire her so much!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 12:00 AM on 07/06/2009

Good for your era! Go with it, however, we love our current FL!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 02:25 PM on 07/06/2009

And that picture with the Fords look like it was taken on their wedding day!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:09 PM on 07/05/2009

nobody did it better than jackie. Michelle is next I think.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:09 PM on 07/05/2009

I couldn't agree more!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:39 AM on 07/06/2009

Isn't that a picture of the Trumans on their wedding day?
Some of these pics seem misplaced and inappropriate to the topic.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:08 PM on 07/05/2009

The chosen photos do Michelle no justice.
She has worn much nicer outfits.
Jackie O is the only one pictured who looks great in her clothes.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:03 PM on 07/05/2009


What a happy person Bess Truman (I meant Mamie Eisenhower) seemed to be, always that big smile. The smiles struck me more than the fashion.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:00 PM on 07/05/2009

What a happy person Bess Truman seemed to be, always that big smile. The smiles struck me more than the fashion.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:58 PM on 07/05/2009

Eek! The Reagans should never have been filmed in bathing suits, what a horrific sight that was. Mine eye mine eyes! Jackie O was just beautiful. She stands out. Timeless.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 07:32 PM on 07/05/2009

I was thinking the same thing about Jackie, just timeless. Esp that white dress. I've loved Betty Ford at every stage, but what a good-looking young couple they were!

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 09:40 PM on 07/05/2009
- db08 I'm a Fan of db08 permalink

Bravo to all of the first ladies. It was and is surely difficult being in the spotlight all of the time and trying to put your best foot forward. Some pictures are great and some are not so great just like life.

How many of us could stand the daily scrutiny and the media slants and missteps and the attacks by the petty and bitter folks. I am sure that they all suffered those attacks but it feels like MO is getting more than her fair share.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:19 AM on 07/05/2009

I say, Bravo. they all were dressed appropriately to the times of the day and the event.. Love the photos of Eleanor, especially. Bess stayed clear of cameras. They were all lovely ladies.. thanks

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 11:46 AM on 07/05/2009
- 1088 I'm a Fan of 1088 permalink

MO is getting more scrutiny because she is black! I've never read anything bad against any other first lady before. MO as been called every species in the book, and her husband is called every name in the book.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 12:50 PM on 07/05/2009

That may be partially true. I also think she is getting more scrutiny because we have "news" 24/7 now and the Internet and everyone and everything gets more scrutiny. Laura Bush worked at staying out of the limelight. Michelle works at staying in it. Neither is better or worse for it but MO can't whine (which she hasn't from what I've heard) about all of the attention.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 04:58 PM on 07/05/2009

They have never scrutinized a first lady, until Michelle became one. They chose the photos that she was not in her best fashions. This is getting sickening what they are doing.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:11 PM on 07/05/2009

some in the press chided Jackie because she wore a size 10 shoe; and she chewed her nails; and they made fun of some of her outfits - Every other first lady has had their share of critics, too.

No one is immune to the criticism in the press or elsewhere -It's not because MO is Black! It's because some of her style choices have been rather odd.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 10:57 PM on 07/05/2009

Please, this has nothing to do with skin color. To the contrary, Michelle's tallness makes her extremely elegant. It is precisely because she seems to be trying to shorten and/or divide her figure with those unflattering belts, flowers and cardigans, that her true tallness and elegance don't come across so well. I agree, her style comes across as "confused." Her husband, however, not only is superbly well-dressed, but also handsome and charismatic, precisely because he is so natural. As you see, it has nothing to do with skin color, but with sense of style and attitude.

    Reply    Favorite    Flag as abusive Posted 03:11 PM on 07/06/2009
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