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Sources: Amare not interested in Warriors


Two high-placed NBA sources said Tuesday that Amare Stoudemire has little interest in joining the Warriors, especially with a roster he apparently feels would be depleted by the terms of the trade. Stoudemire apparently believes he'll be surrounded with more talent if he stays in Phoenix alongside Steve Nash, and also is recoiling from the assumption that center is his natural position in Don Nelson's system.

San Jose Mercury News

Amare Stoudemire, Getty Images Amare Stoudemire, Getty Images
July 1, 2009  08:32 AM ET

surrounded by talent in Phoenix? I take it Amare has more faith in Kerr than most people do. He might want to reconsider. At the current rate he'll be surrounded by nobody. Kerr seems to be trying to get rid of the majority of the team.

July 1, 2009  08:38 AM ET

I don't know if Amare actually believes that there is more talent in Phoenix but sometimes the devil you know is better than the one you don't know.

However, I am inclined to believe that Golden State would be better talent wise but once again if Amare believes being a Sun is better for him then I can't really knock him.

July 1, 2009  08:45 AM ET

Reason Amare does not want to go to GSW, he look at roster after the trade deal, and went WHO is the Center? Ronny Turiaf, wait...ME NOT ME!

July 1, 2009  08:48 AM ET

Even he came up in D'Antonio's system, he may not have the same faith in Nelson.

July 1, 2009  08:52 AM ET

It does not matter where he gets traded. He has no say to where he wants to go. He is not a free agent. It's best to shut up and just play because you won't know if you are going to play for the team that you might be dissing now.

July 1, 2009  08:52 AM ET

Even he came up in D'Antonio's system, he may not have the same faith in Nelson.

lol.....good point
Amare is going to whomever offers the most

July 1, 2009  08:55 AM ET

Come to Washington--we'll give you any two players on the roster and a future draft pick in exchange. In the spirit of Billy Mays, I'll throw in Andre Blatch and a sham-wow ABSOLUTELY FREE!!

July 1, 2009  08:55 AM ET

Kerr needs to accomodate his wishnlist like he did for Shaq. Most General Managers make trades in the interest of the team butif y're Kerr and y've been sent to Generally Damage Phoenix you might as well keep the dumb moves streak going and trade Stoudemire to Knicks for Eddy Curry and Darko Millicic.

Portland would have surely given Phoenix a better package than the useless bodies they obtained from Cleveland. Point is why treat Amare differently?

July 1, 2009  08:57 AM ET

well if he feels that way he should go 2 GS, score 35 a nite (and still lose lol) and raise his vaule 4 the 2010 FAM.

July 1, 2009  09:00 AM ET

well if he feels that way he should go 2 GS, score 35 a nite (and still lose lol) and raise his vaule 4 the 2010 FAM.

I was thinking the same thing. Won't he average 30+ a game in the Warriors' system? From a selfish standpoint, its not a bad move.

July 1, 2009  09:11 AM ET

I heard Kerr is a pretty decent 3-point shooter? maybe that's the talent Amare was talking about in PHX. Can't wait for Kerr's next "moves"!! Each of them have been gems, and actually makes me wonder if you need to have ANY type of qualifications at all to become a GM in the NBA!!!
Surely, my YMCA team captain couldn't have done any worse.

(Kerr's Bushism - "If the deal works out, then I'm a genius. Otherwise , I'm a moron") (When you toss a coin, the probability of each outcome is 50-50)

July 1, 2009  09:13 AM ET

It does not matter where he gets traded. He has no say to where he wants to go. He is not a free agent. It's best to shut up and just play because you won't know if you are going to play for the team that you might be dissing now.

Regardless of where he ends up, he just wants to up his stats for a big payday!!! If he stays put in Phoenix, with the re-implementation of D'antoni's system, he will put up huge numbers as the Suns first scoring option.

July 1, 2009  09:39 AM ET

going to Golden State is ont an upgrade in teams
but man, what the H is Kerr doing in Phoenix?
Also it may be better to move this year, too many players on the block on '10

July 1, 2009  09:45 AM ET

I was thinking the same thing. Won't he average 30+ a game in the Warriors' system? From a selfish standpoint, its not a bad move.

Actually he probably wouldn't cause they have several guys that
will be competing with him for shots.....

Bottom line is he wants the $$$$ AND he want's to be on a
contending team- not bad desires....but not likely psosible

July 1, 2009  09:58 AM ET

talk about be stuck between "A ROCK AND A NO PLACE""" sorry Amare you are in one of those lose lose situations....

July 1, 2009  11:27 AM ET

I'd think Amare would love to go to the Warriors. Amare doesn't believe in defense and neither does Nellie so...

July 1, 2009  11:29 AM ET

Amare need to take that eye patch from his injured eye. He may feel confortable playing in Phoenix because he's been there for a while now, but, Golden State have much more talent than the Suns, and for what they have proposed; the Warriors will have all of there core players there if the trade should happen. Phoenix won't win anything next season, the window has closed, and no; Odom won't sign to play there next season either.

July 1, 2009  11:31 AM ET

going to Golden State is ont an upgrade in teamsbut man, what the H is Kerr doing in Phoenix?Also it may be better to move this year, too many players on the block on '10

kerr wants next years lottery pk in john wall baby.

July 1, 2009  11:49 AM ET

Kerr needs to accomodate his wishnlist like he did for Shaq. Most General Managers make trades in the interest of the team butif y're Kerr and y've been sent to Generally Damage Phoenix you might as well keep the dumb moves streak going and trade Stoudemire to Knicks for Eddy Curry and Darko Millicic. Portland would have surely given Phoenix a better package than the useless bodies they obtained from Cleveland. Point is why treat Amare differently?

Sad, but with Kerr around could be just true...

July 1, 2009  12:53 PM ET

He'll do the best in Phoenix this year, they'll give him the opportunity to score 26 a game, and if he tries on the boards, its all set for him to average a double double.


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