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SLAMbassadors Competition

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Write an original piece (poem or rap) on the theme of identity and win the chance to perform at a live slam poetry event. Record your original track in less than 60 seconds and upload to our showcase now!

What is slam poetry? Slam is the competitive art of performance poetry, spoken word and rap.

Rules of Slam:


  • Do write an original piece of writing
  • Do write about identity - who you are, where you have come from, what you see around you and how it affects you and others, cultural identity, national identity, human identity
  • Do enter as a group, as well as on your own (up to five people allowed in a group)
  • Do use beatbox, rap, mc-ing, polyvocal, acapella


  • Do not exceed 60 seconds
  • Do not use music or backing tracks

We're looking for:

  • An engaging performance
  • Originality and artistic flair
  • Lyrically reflects the theme of identity

The prize

Six winners will be invited to a two day masterclass event to be held in London with leading UK poets. The winners will also get the chance to show their skills at a live slam poetry event.

How to enter

If you are 13-19 and want to enter the competition send us an audio or video recording of yourself performing your original verse as a rap, song or spoken word in 60 seconds or less.

SLAMbassadors workshops are running during Blast on Tour events in: London, Bristol, Liverpool, Salford and Leeds. For more details and to book a FREE place on the workshops, go to Blast on Tour now!

For more information on Slam and a further workshop not on the Blast tour, find out more on The Poetry Society's SLAMbassadors UK website.

You can enter by:

  1. Uploading your entry to BBC Blast website and tagging it 'slam09'.
  2. Email your entry to blast@bbc.co.uk with your name, age and email address and put 'SLAMbassadors Competition' in the subject line.
  3. Send by post with details of name, age and email address to: 'SLAMbassadors Competition', BBC Blast Online, MC3 D2, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS.

Proof of posting will not be taken as proof of entry.

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Slam Poetry Competition Rules

  1. This competition is open to UK residents only and complies with the BBC Code of Conduct on Voting and Competition.
  2. You must be between 13 and 19 years old to enter Blast competitions by the closing date. If you are under the age of 16 you must obtain permission from your parent/guardian before you enter this competition. Proof of age will be required if you are one of the selected winners in the competition.
  3. Each individual must enter one audio / video recording of them performing their original verse. Entries must be 60 seconds or less in duration. Group entries (consisting of up to five members per group) will be accepted. Entries must be uploaded to the BBC Blast website, sent by email to blast@bbc.co.uk or post with details of name, age and email address to: 'SLAMbassadors Competition' BBC Blast Online, MC3 D2, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS.
  4. Entries must be entirely your own original work and must not breach any copyright or third party rights. All entries must be suitable for publication on the BBC Blast website and public screening. The content must also be suitable for BBC Blast users aged 13-19, and the words or music used must not include any defamatory or offensive content.
  5. Entrant acknowledges and agrees that their audio / video recording may be published by the BBC and/or be made available for publication on a BBC website.
  6. If you wish to enter this competition you must provide the BBC with your name and email address (or contact phone number if applying by post - if under 16 this must be the number of your parent or guardian). The BBC will only ever use your personal details for the purposes of administering this competition, and, except as set out below, will not publish them or provide them to anyone without your permission. If you would like to know more about the BBC's privacy policy, please see the BBC's Privacy Policy.
  7. Only one entry will be accepted per person/group.
  8. Entries cannot be returned so remember to keep a copy of your audio or video recording. Those entries which are sent in to BBC Blast by email or post will only be uploaded to the BBC Blast website if they are selected as a finalist.
  9. Please note that by submitting your entry to the competition you agree to these terms and conditions and the publication of your name in connection with your work in the event that you either win or are a runner up in the competition. Contestants also agree to the BBC Terms and Conditions, in case BBC Blast decides to showcase their audio / video recording.
  10. Entries will be received from 14 June 2009. The deadline for receiving entries for the competition is 5pm on 19 October 2009. Results will be announced on this site within 4 weeks of the competition end date.
  11. A panel of judges will decide on the winners. The panel's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. The panel will not be influenced by any peer rating on the BBC Blast website.
  12. All entries will be judged on the following criteria:
    • An engaging performance
    • Originality and artistic flair
    • Lyrically reflects the theme of identity
  13. Winners will be contacted personally by email (or phone if application is made by post). If you are short-listed and we are unable to contact you via the email address you provide within 3 days we reserve the right to withdraw your entry and offer the place in the final to a runner up at our discretion.
  14. The prize(s) must be taken as stated and cannot be deferred. There will be no cash alternatives.
  15. A shortlist of up to six winners will be drawn up by the panel of judges. The selected winners, accompanied by one parent/guardian (if the preselected winner is under 18) each, will be invited to attend a two-day masterclass event and perform at a session to be held in London on 14-15 November 2009.
  16. The winners will be joined at the masterclass event by leading UK poets who will work with them on their music and performing skills. This will be followed by a live performance.
  17. The winners' reasonable travel and accommodation (if applicable) for their attendance to the poetry masterclass event will be paid for by BBC Blast. If the winners are under 18 they will need to be accompanied by a guardian/parent. One parent/guardian will have their reasonable travel and accommodation expenses also paid for by BBC Blast.
  18. The BBC does not accept any responsibility for late or lost entries due to the internet or postal service. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt.
  19. Entrants must supply full details as required above, and comply with all rules to be eligible for the prize(s). No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently.
  20. Employees, agents or contractors of the BBC and/or any affiliate or subsidiary companies, or their immediate families or any other person connected or involved with the competition are not eligible to enter.
  21. The BBC reserves the right to cancel this competition at any stage, or change any of the rules or procedures if deemed necessary in its opinion, or if circumstances arise outside its control.
  22. Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering this competition.
  23. These rules are governed by the laws of England and Wales.
  24. This competition is administered by the BBC.
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