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Nelly Furtado Milks Latino Juice With All-Spanish Album

Latino swagger isn’t just a musical fad…

We are officially a part of grade-A comebacks. Just ask Nelly Furtado. The funk-pop “No Hay Iqual” beauty is launching an all-Spanish album set to drop on September 26th. The Portuguese singer helped put folklore tracks on the pop charts, which means she is no stranger to reinvention. The “Turn off the Light” singer has already received expert advice from Calle 13 and Juanes.

This has certified gold written all over it! What do you think her album title should be? [Billboard]

Photo via Google Images

Filed Under: Celebrity, Nelly Furtado

Dirty Chisme Alert: RBD’s Poncho Feelin’ Belinda?

Always leave it up to Belinda to spark up a dirty chisme…

Although Belinda hasn’t confirmed her role in the upcoming telenovela “Camaleones,” her soon-to-be co-star Poncho Herrera reveals that he can’t wait to work with the “Angel” star. The ex-Rebelde estrella is set to play the lead male protagonist for the upcoming dramatic series. If la Mexicana accepts the role she will have a positive welcome back into the spotlight and may have found her new real life love interest.

That’s right, Mr. Poncho is single. Read what he had to say about working with Belinda:

Nos hemos visto en festivales de radio y todo, siempre nos saludamos con cariño, pero nunca sentamos a platicar. Sé que es una chica muy talentosa, y ojalá sí, empecemos a trabajar juntos pronto.

Can we blame him for wanting to work with la Belinda? Better yet, do we spot a future couple? [Pop Chismes]

Photos via Getty Images

Filed Under: Alfonso, Belinda, Celebrity, Chisme, RBD

Selena Gomez Gets Candid For Real Look At Her Vida

Ever wonder what life as Selena Gomez would be like?

You won’t have to guess any longer! The “Wizards of Waverly Place” star has announced on her blog that she will begin filming her personal journey while recording her upcoming album for fans. La chiquita appears wise beyond her years, but she admits that she has the same life challenges as any normal teen girl. Let’s face it, not every normal girl is rumored to be dating Taylor Lautner. Regardless, Selena wants to spread her knowledge of la vida to the world.

She writes on her blog:

What I hope my fans learn from my journey is that you should not ever let anyone bring you down or stop you from trying something you want to do. You will be the one who will live with regret not them.

We know there are thousands of chicas that can use her pointers. What advice would you ask Selena?

Photos via Getty Images

Filed Under: Celebrity, Chisme, Selena Gomez

Missed The “New Moon” Trailer? Watch Ahora!

If you missed all the shenanigans at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards last night…

Then that means you also missed out on the most anticipated trailer of the year - New Moon. If you don’t like being teased than just pretend the twenty five second clip even exists, but we know there is just no resisting it. If you are like us you are wondering how the heck Jacob managed to change form on the big screen. Or does Taylor Lautner pull off the role? Most importantly, is Robert Pattinson just as hot this time  around?

Not all of your questions are answered, but you still get to watch a steamy scene between Robert and Kristen. Catch it below and stay tuned for “New Moon” when it hits theaters November 20th!

Photo via Summit Entertainment

Filed Under: Celebrity, Movies

Fashion Face-Off: 2009 MTV Movie Awards

An Evita wannabe?

Miley Cyrus was definitely radiating a ‘don’t cry for me’ attitude while accepting her award for “Best Song” for the “Hannah Montana: the Movie” single “The Climb.” The pop-rock queen abandoned her laid back look for a light blush colored grown woman dress. Yep, she looks like she is sixteen going on thirty five! Miley may have opted for a nude look, but las chicas were feeling super bright estilos at last night’s 2009 MTV Movie Awards. Let’s just say we liked some more than others…

Check our best and worst picks and let us know what you think!

Most Smokin’ Chica

“High School Musical” star Ashley Tisdale vs. Disney empress Miley Cyrus.

Worst Dressed Blanquita

Actress Rumer Willis vs. “Twilight” actress Kristen Stewart.

Best Dressed Star (Brunettes vs. Blonds)

“Bandslam” actress Vanessa Hudgens vs. reality television star Paris Hilton.

Best Lookin’ Couple

Host Mario Lopez and (latest) novia Courtney Laine Mazza vs. Cam Gigandet and Dominique Geisendorff.

Photos via Getty Images

Filed Under: Celebrity, Fashion Face-Off, Miley Cyrus

“Twilight” Stars Kiss & Fight Like Pros At MTV Movie Awards

The “Twilight” stars have enough golden popcorn to rest their blood thirsty cravings!

You voted and the stars listened. The popular film is simply the best of the best. Besides winning the coveted title of “Best Movie,” Robert Pattinson and Cam Gigandet won the kick ass “Best Fight” award for their infamous on-set rumble. Roberto can punch like a pro, but he can also (eep!) kiss like one! The bello actor and (very lucky) co-star Kristen Stewart also snagged the award for “Best Kiss.” No doubt, it was all about “Twilight” last night. Be sure to snag all of your 2009 MTV Movie Awards chisme at MTV News.

Watch backstage moments with the cast and more right below…

Wondering what our fave moment was? Warning - it has nothing to do with “Twilight“! We are still cracking up about Eminem’s strange encounter with fashionista Bruno. Check the disturbing footage below and let us know your favorite part of the night!

Photo via Getty Images

Filed Under: Celebrity, Chisme, Movies, Robert Pattinson

WISIN Y YANDEL GUEST BLOG #5: Inside Our Celebration After “La Revolución” Hit Stands!

Hola a todos, este es un blog adicional que les enviamos a Blogamole ya que nos acostumbramos a trabajar con ellos y realmente esta semana ha estado llena de novedades y eventos que merecen mucha atención.

La semana sigio con mucho contacto con nuestros fans, un listening session en el Staples Center con fans y ganadores de emisoras de radio y un in-store en Los Angeles. Desafortunadamente solo podiamos estar dos horas y hubieron mas de 2 mil personas asi que no llegamos a atender a todos pero espero que sepan que los queremos y agradecemos su apoyo. De LA fuimos a NY donde estuvimos en un in-store en el Bronx que tambien estuvo repleto de fans y de mucho carino.

Tambien nos enteramos que desde que salio el album estamos en las posiciones #1 y #2 en itunes, la version Deluxe del disco en #1 y la regular en el #2 y ademas que tenemos 7 nominaciones a los Premios Juventud. . . SIETE, WOW!!!!! GRACIAS A TODOS LOS QUE NOS AYUDADO A LLEGAR AQUI!!!!

Eso nos hace sentir super y nos llena de energia para deguir con la semana y lo que nos espera en nuestra isla de Puerto Rico, que es muy grande!!  Este viernes, cuando salga este blog tenemos una conferencia de prensa para los medios de PR y listening party por la noche.  Va a estar demasiado brutal porque nuestro equipo ha hecho un trabajo excepcional para que todo luzca muy DE REVOLUCION!

Esten pendientes que a partir del 5 de junio estaran a la venta los boletos de nuestra gira por Estados Unidos que llegara a 19 ciudades de norteamerica. Y muy pronto se estrenara en MTV Tr3s nuestro nuevo video ABUSADORA asi que no se lo pierdan, estara en MTV Tr3s antes que en los otros canales.

Oye, snag more pictures and messages from Wisin y Yandel right below the hood!
Read more…

Filed Under: Celebrity, Chisme, Exclusive: Wisin y Yandel Guest Blog, Wisin y Yandel

Rock Dinner’s Bittersweet Season Finale With Don Omar

All good things must come to an end…

And this season of Rock Dinner is going out with a bang with I-DON getting his grub on. Don is a king and eats like one too as he orders nothing but the best from his super-fan Karelys. Check out this sneak peek clip and see what top notch meal he comes up with. Even though he thinks he is done putting his order in, Karelys has her own suggestions.

Watch as she tries to convince him to leave room for dessert…

See if Don Omar breaks down and eats a postre or two when the Rock Dinner finale airs on Monday, June 1st @ 9pm.

Filed Under: Celebrity, Don Omar

Dirty Chisme Alert: Pitbull Reveals Why He Beat Down Fan

Wondering why Pitbull flipped his lid during a performance in Colorado?

Bueno, we all know that the suspect throwing money in the rapper’s face didn’t help the situation. According to Pit, the incident didn’t reveal any bad blood because it was purely based on self-defense. He also added that the clip that has been passed around the block doesn’t show the full story. The shady fan was kicked out of the venue after the knock-out and cops were never called to the scene.

You are in the clear Mr. 305. We think the glass bottle experience scarred him for sure. [MTV TR3s Radio Noticias]

Photo via Getty Images

Filed Under: Celebrity, Pitbull

Grab the Remote! Tr3s is now on Time Warner Cable in NYC

Been feeling a lil’ in the dark lately without access to your favorite Latino entertainment spot?

Well fret no more. As of May 20th, MTV Tr3s is now available on Time Warner Cable in New York on channels 167 and 888.

If you reside in the New York area you can now hang out with Carlos, Jazmin and the rest of the Tr3s crew on channels 167 and 888 whenever you want. What better way to spend your summer than watching tus programas favoritos like Quiero Mis Quinces, Pimpeando and Rock Dinner? AND estas noticias come just in time for our new teen novela installment ISA TKM (Gossip Girl is so 2008), premiering June 22nd at 5PM.

Tune into the party ahora!

Filed Under: Celebrity, Tr3s Shows
