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The Nation

  2. The Nation

People iHate Vegemite iSnack

CONSUMERS say it's a disaster, marketing experts question whether it's a stunt, and social networks are alive with debate about US-owned...

Hospital left body rotting for days

12:19pm A DEAD body left decomposing in a hospital for four days was the result of "individual human error" rather than an absence of procedure

Geelong mayor cancels all fines

THE premiership party in Geelong has entered its fourth day, with businesses closing and free parking declared for a month - according t...

Party drug no giggling matter

IT may be called Giggle, but the herbal party drug is causing anything but mirth for authorities in Queensland.

Assault accused 'in contact with MP'

THE man accused of assaulting Tasmanian federal MP Jodie Campbell wants a restraining order against him lifted arguing he is still in co...

Taxpayers to foot bikies' legal bills

SOUTH Australian taxpayers will pay the legal bills of two members of the notorious Finks motorcycle gang, expected to be in the tens of...

State recruiting GST army to save revenue from 'axis of evil'

NSW Treasurer Eric Roozendaal is recruiting an army to protect his state's GST revenue from the "axis of evil" of Queensland and Western...

Navy picks up more boatpeople

AUSTRALIAN maritime authorities yesterday stopped two boats carrying a total of about 40 asylum-seekers on their way to the mainland, ta...


NZ succeeds at fraction of cost

WITH a fraction of the stimulus spending outlayed by the Rudd government, the battered New Zealand economy is on the verge of emerging f...

State to buy water for Murray

A LACK of Rudd government funding for a commonwealth buyback of water entitlements to help restore the health of the stressed Murray-Dar...

A case of undue influence

A RECENT decision in the NSW Land and Environment Court means developers and investors in that state (and potentially the nation) now ha...

Disability insurance a real reform

A CHILD born with an illness can receive medical and hospital treatment under Medicare, if necessary for the rest of its life.

Sisters are screwing it for themselves

TOO many women are their own worst enemies, especially the old-fashioned gender warriors.


Ross Fitzgerald

A case of undue influence

A RECENT decision in the NSW Land and Environment Court means developers and investors in that state (and potentially the nation) now have no idea where they stand. Read More

Mike Steketee

Disability insurance a real reform

A CHILD born with an illness can receive medical and hospital treatment under Medicare, if necessary for the rest of its life. Read More

Janet Albrechtsen

Sisters are screwing it for themselves

TOO many women are their own worst enemies, especially the old-fashioned gender warriors. Read More

Phillip Adams

Business as usual

A NEW "Code Red" alerting residents to CATASTROPHIC bushfire conditions will be used this summer. Read More

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