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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Beer can as motive for murder

A simple beer can was the reason for a murder in Vienna. Now two men have to stand their trial, because they were involved in the killing of a homeless man for a can of beer.

The 24-year-old main defendant is talking about self-defence. He explained he was attacked by the 50-year-old homeless man because of his beer can, and he just wanted to protect himself and his precious drink. The 50-year-old man was killed with a knife. He received several stitches in his chest.

It’s not clear why this certain can of beer was so important for the homeless man to risk his life. The act happened directly next to the Viennese Westbahnhof railway station.

The 24-year-old brother of the stabber is also accused. He was the one who gave the knife to the main defendant. “I had no idea that my brother is going to kill someone with my knife”, he defended himself in the court. The 25-year-old committer comes from a respectable family background. He made matriculation and studied at the university. Now a punishment of 20 years in prison is possible. The trial was adjourned.

Josef Fritzl in court

Yesterday started the first day of the trial against Josef Fritzl in Lower Austrias provincial capital St. Pölten. Fritzl showed himself quite shy. He was hiding his face behind a blue filing folder.
He tried to ignore journalists and gave absolutely no comments. During the trial he has told the judge about his childhood. He was [...]

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Policeman don’t wanted to pay for brothel visits: 6 months prison

Divorce and problems with the son because of his new girlfriend. A policeman from Vienna was searching for diversion from his everyday life agonies, and found his luck with young prostitutes in brothels.
But the 44-year-old policeman was not happy about the cost for such kind of services. He decided not to pay, and told lies [...]

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4 years prison for 17-year-old for slapping a teacher

Lack of respect and violence against a Viennese teacher turned out to be a hard fate for a 17-year-old teenager. He was sentenced to an imprisonment of 4 years.
The young man was involved in a physical controversy with a teacher, and put him through the mangle. The educator suffered a scratch contused wound, several bruises, [...]

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Josef Fritzl trial in two weeks

Lower Austrias provincial capital of St. Pölten will be the venue of the Josef Fritzl trial in two weeks. The arrangements in the town and the court house are enormous.
It seems the whole world is interested in the case, and the 50.000 inhabitant town is going to be overcrowded with media representatives from far and [...]

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Vienna: Homosexual man wants to be tram driver or a lot of money

A homosexual man from Vienna went to court one more time, because he wants to be a tram driver or a lot of money. In April he already won the first trial against a tram operator, but all of his wishes were not fulfilled.
The homosexual Viennese was already working as tram driver, but lost his [...]

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Bird breeder vs veterinary in East Tirol

There was trial yesterday against a violent bird breeder from East Tirol. He has threatened the local veterinary in a letter that he is going to beat the living daylights out of him.
The violent bird breeder is the brother of the famous poacher Pius Walder, who was shot in 1982 in the Villgratental valley.

The judge [...]

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Brothel of sheep in Graz: three months arrest

A young man from Graz was sentenced to a conditional imprisonment for three months, because he demanded a brothel of sheep in the city park of Graz.
Such an idea fulfils the statement of facts for sodomy and sedition. The young man renounced an appeal. Therefore the judgement has the force of law.

The son of a [...]

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Fivefold axe murderer: “My life in prison is enjoyable”

Yesterday started the trial against the fivefold axe murder, who wiped out his whole family. The 39-year-old man from Vienna can expect to stay in prison for the next 20 years.
The murderer himself demanded a life imprisonment. He told that he did not expect to have “such a nice life in prison”. His wife, daughter, [...]

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Josef Fritzl incarcerated also his mother

New details in the incest drama of Amstetten reports the Austrian magazine “NEWS”. According to a NEWS journalist, the daughter of Josef Fritzl and their children, were not the only ones who were locked up in the Fritzl family.
Also the mother of Josef Fritzl became a victim of her own son. She was locked in [...]

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Natascha Kampusch trial with loads of violence

Yesterday the trial about the kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch found its proceeding in the Styrian town of Gleisdorf. A guy called “Martin Wabl” claims that the mother of Natascha Kampusch was involved in the kidnapping.
He wanted to present his means of evidence. The mother of Natascha Kampusch, Brigitta Sirny, is not happy about such accusations, [...]

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After 19 years: freedom for “killer nurses”

19 years instead of life imprisonment. The two so called “killer nurses” are happy about an unexpected release from prison.
In April 1989 both women were arrested and accused of killing 20 patients in the Viennese hospital “Lainz”.

It turned out that they have killed their patients by “mouth care”, infusions, and injections, if the people in [...]

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Murderer moans about too mild sentence

A lot of people are not happy about the mild justice for dangerous criminals in Austria.
But this time a dangerous criminal himself moans about a too mild sentence for his act. The man from Turkey has killed an 58-year-old man with a gun in Lower Austria and cut his penis off, because he was smiling [...]

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10 months prison for raping 4-year-old girl several times

Another strange court decision in context to child abuse is reported in todays Austrian newspaper “Kronen Zeitung”.
A 55-year-old man was sentenced to a prison term of 10 months for raping a 4-year-old girl several times. Even employees of the court house were shaking their heads after such a decision. As the man already spent 10 [...]

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Westenthaler: “There is something wrong with the law in Austria”

In todays “Pressestunde”, a TV-show with a politican and two journalists, shown every Sunday morning on Austrian TV, the BZÖ politican of the “orange party” Peter Westenthaler, was talking about the Austrian law in relation to the incest crime of Amstetten.
He said that there is something wrong with the law in Austria. There must be [...]

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Giving a box of chocolate is a crime in Salzburg

A woman from Salzburg gave her neighbour a box of chocolate.
Today she has to appear before a court, because the public prosecution department of Salzburg thinks giving a special type of chocolate fulfils the criminal offence of an harmful threat.

According to Austrian medias the woman has to expect one year prison.
Two months ago a mayor [...]

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Judge claims mother of Natascha Kampusch was involved in kidnapping

The Styrian judge Martin Wabl claims that the mother of Natascha Kampusch was involved in the kidnapping of her own daughter.
After his yesterday performance in court, he is allowed to expose his proof of the truth about that case in court.

The mother of Natscha Kampusch is not happy about such plans. She demands a prohibitory [...]

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Muslim terror suspect don’t wanted to kill humans

The Muslim believer created videos which he published on the internet platform YouTube, and threatened the Austrian government with terror.
Now being in court everything sounds a bit different. “It was a misunderstanding and he never wanted to kill humans”, he said.
His wife was excluded from the trial, because she don’t wanted to take off her [...]

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12-year-old pupil showed middle finger to teacher: trial!

A peculiar trial is going on in the Carinthian town of Spittal an der Drau.
A 12-year-old pupil has arraign his female teacher to court, because she has hurt his middle finger. Before the “finger attack”, the pupil has presented his outstretched middle finger to the teacher during a lesson.

The case happened during a German lesson. [...]

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Austrian actor and director called Carinthians “dumb”

The 60-year-old man from Vienna who is working as an actor and director in the Austrian movie scene, seems to have a serious problem with Austrias federal state of Carinthia.
During a TV show he called the inhabitants of Carinthia “dumb” and “cretins”.

Now he has to face an action at law from a 16-year-old Carinthian boy [...]

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Too little pocket money: son wanted to kill parents

A 16-year-old boy from a town in Styria had to appear in court, because he declared to kill his parents.
The reason of his anger was the little amount of pocket money.
He asked his parents for more financial support. The parents refused. The 16-year-old started to riot in the house, destroyed doors and the mobile phone [...]

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More than 4 years prison for attacking drug dealer

Usually drug dealers try to avoid the police, but in that case drug dealers were crying for help, because one of them was attacked by a fist fighter.
Now a 30-year-old man from Carinthia has to go to prison for 4 years and 6 months, because he has attacked a drug dealer in Graz.

There was a [...]

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Attempted murder: 720 EUR monetary penalty

A very mild judiciary met a Turkish woman in Innsbruck today, who wanted to kill her former boyfriend with two knifes.
The woman was sentenced to a monetary penalty of 720 EUR.

During this years spring time, she attacked her former boyfriend in an underground carpark with two knifes. One knife was 20 centimeter long. In total [...]

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Austrian ticket inspectors can use adequate measures of violence

According to the new decision of the Court of Chancery, ticket inspectors are allowed to hold people in public transports and check their tickets.
So far Austrian ticket inspectors were not allowed to hold fare dodgers. If a fare dodger run away and escaped, the ticket inspector was not allowed to chase him.

Now this law was [...]

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Vicious rapist wins trial against his victim in Vorarlberg

The legally convicted rapist has filed a suit against his victim because of libel writ, and came up as the shining winner of the bizarre lawsuit.
The victim made an interview with a local newspaper, and told about the maltreatments and the rape.

The rapist read the interview, and went to court. He was complaining because of [...]

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Overwhelming majority: 87,5% of Austrians want to release prisoners

The latest survey about releasing prisoners from Austrian prisons showed an overwhelming result: 87,5% of the Austrians think the prisoners should work in freedom instead of sitting in prison.

The Austrian justice minister Maria Berger (Socialdemocrats) had the idea to take the pressure off Austrian prisons. The prisoners should be released and work in freedom for [...]

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Mountain rescue service knocked down running sportsman

It happened at the beginning of this year. A 54-year-old man was running through a bird sanctuary of Innsbrucks Kranebitten wetlands.
Two men of the mountain rescue service caught him, knocked him down, and got him handcuffs. It’s not allowed to run through a bird sanctuary.

Today the sportsman was sentenced to a fine of 4.800 Euro. [...]

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26-year-old impregnate 12-year-old: verdict of not guilty

The trial about a 26-year-old man who impregnated a 12-year-old girl in Vienna, ended with a verdict of not guilty yesterday.
The man tried to explain he thought the girl is already 16 years old. The court believed him.

The young girl had an abortion. In court she said the 26-year-old knew her real age.
The man quit [...]

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Trial because commenting death of Interior Minister as “good news”

Today the chairman of an asylum seeker organisation has to stand his trial in Vienna.
He commented the death of the female Interior Minister Liese Prokop during the night to the 1st January as “good news” in one of his press releases.
“Good news for beginning of the year”, was written on the homepage and the press [...]

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Viennese woman in court because she wanted sex with priest

The 41-year-old woman from Vienna tried several years to have a hot night of love with a certain priest.
The priest was not able to escape from the woman who was hungry for his love. He tried to move to other places, but the woman always found him and followed.

The priest got depressions, attacks of sweating [...]

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Angry car driver dumped road safety camera in river

A 22-year-old car driver from Vorarlberg is accused, he has a removed and dumped a road safety camera into the Rhein river.
Road safety cameras can be annoying for hasty car drivers. A 22-year-old man from Vorarlberg removed such a problem his way.
He digged out the road safety camera from the earth with the scoop of [...]

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