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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This entry is going to be the last in 2008. AustriaNews.co.uk is having a break between Christmas and New Year, and should be back on Monday the 5th January 2009.

Thanks to all faithful readers. 2009 should become a tough year. So let’s enjoy the last days of 2008.

The latest news from Austria: FPÖ party leader Heinz Christian Strache is trying to gain over the widow of Jörg Haider. The former wife of his worst enemy who died in a shrouded in mystery car accident. Very bizarre.

The Austrian army wants to stay in the African country of Chad. It was told that Austrias military operation was a full success.

Last but not least some facts about AustriaNews.co.uk. From which countries are most of the visitors. Number One, what a surprise, Austria. The second place takes United States, and on the third is the United Kingdom.

Then we have Japan, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Italy, Finland, Germany, Turkey, Croatia, Netherlands, Canada, Hungary, Sweden, and Russia.

Only few visitors are from Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Australia, Greece, France, Portugal, Hong Kong, Singapore, Romania, South Africa, Philippines, Iceland, Slovakia, Guatemala, Mauritius, Malta, Ireland, Thailand, Norway, and India. Unfortunately no visitors in the past weeks from Liechtenstein, Andorra, Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland, China, and the rest of the world.

Russian atomic submarines in Lake Wörthersee?

A ban on building for mosques and minarets in Carinthia was decided in the Carinthian state parliament yesterday with votes of the Future Alliance Austria (BZÖ), Freedom and Peoples Party. Socialdemocrats and Greens voted against the decision without success.
Uwe Scheuch of the Future Alliance explained: “A mosque is a building with extraordinary architecture and dimension. [...]

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Austrians spend 189 mio EUR at Christmas markets

Austrians love to visit their Christmas markets. A new survey revealed that any Austrian Christmas market visitor spends average 22 Euro for every visit.
This results in a total number of 189 mio EUR every year during Christmas time. The basis of the study were 245 domestic Christmas markets. Austrians prefer to spend most of their [...]

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Increase of charges in Vienna does not stop

The increase of charges and rents in Vienna does not stop. Viennas mayor Michael Häupl (Socialdemocrats) declared a new increase for the next year.
Already in the past years, the citizens of Vienna had to suffer under an unbelievable price rise. But it seems there is still no end in sight. Viennas mayor explained in a [...]

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Feldkirch celebrates new public toilets

The little town of Feldkirch in the federal state Vorarlberg has a good reason to celebrate. 10 pubs and restaurants open their toilets also for none-guests.
This should improve the friendly reputation of the town.
The initiators have stolen Barack Obamas successful election campaign slogan “Yes, we can!” and turned it into “Yes, you can! [...]

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Unhappy kangaroo in Austria

An unhappy kangaroo has to live in Burgenlands famous health resort of Bad Tatzmannsdorf. A citizen of the town keeps the animal as his pet.
Probably the kanagaroo wants back to Australia? Austria could be the wrong place for such an extraordinary living thing. The poor female already tried several times to escape out of her [...]

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Decrease of crime in Austria?

The latest criminal statistics in Austria from January to November 2008 show a decrease of 3,3 percent. Politicans are excited and praise the work of Austrias policemen and women.
But members of the Freedom Party are not totally happy about the decrease. Freedom Party security spokesman Harald Vilimsky claims that no decrease of crime is noticeable [...]

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500 days imprisonment for single mother because of illegal parking?

A single young mother from Graz is threatened by a 500 days imprisonment, because she is not able to pay her fine for illegal parking. Yesterday was the official start of her time in prison, but the police doctor has postponed the accession of her improsonment to the 7th January.
Now she has some more time [...]

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Shopping in Austria

There are absolutely no signs of a financial crisis during the Christmas sales in Austria. Austrians in all federal provinces come rushing into their shopping centers.
Even yesterday, an official holiday, Austrias shopping centers were characterized by masses of consumers, full parking spaces, and screaming children. The commerce is able to celebrate record sales.

A reason for [...]

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City of Bregenz in expense exhilaration

Vorarlbergs city of Bregenz wants to spend 7 Million Euro more. The whole budget for next year amounts 80 Million Euro.
The mayor of the city, who is a member of the Peoples Party, wants to create inducements for the economy. Socialdemocrats are not excited about such ambitious plans. The aggregate debt is going to increase [...]

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High official from interior ministry stole hard disk

A very bizarre story is reported by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation. A high official from interior ministry stole a computer hard disk in an electronic market, and started a rude rumble with the store detective.
The 39-year-old official screamed to the detective who saw his theft : “Don’t you know who I am?” Then he started [...]

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Viennese Socialdemocrats against Santa Claus

No sense of humour or no sympathy for Christmas characters? The chairman of the Socialdemocrats from Vienna, threw someone from the Peoples Party out of an extraordinary meeting of the municipal council, because he was dressed like Santa Claus.
He was screaming that this day is not the day of Santa Claus. The “Peoples Party Santa [...]

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Brothel of sheep in Graz: three months arrest

A young man from Graz was sentenced to a conditional imprisonment for three months, because he demanded a brothel of sheep in the city park of Graz.
Such an idea fulfils the statement of facts for sodomy and sedition. The young man renounced an appeal. Therefore the judgement has the force of law.

The son of a [...]

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Carinthias pupils are violent

The violence in Carinthias schools is increasing. 12 and 13 year old pupils beat and kick their classmates, wound teachers with weapons, and arrive dead drunk to the lessons in the morning.
Most of the time the consequences of such delicts is a prescribed “school break” of 4 weeks. After those 4 weeks, the violent pupil [...]

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