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Austria News

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Women minister promises more money for Austrian women

womanAustria has its own ministry for women. The new women minister is a woman, and comes from the Socialdemocrats.

A female women minister is not a matter of course in Austria. There were also men as women ministers in the past.

In a press conference the new minister for the female gender promised more money for women in Austria. 850.000 female persons in Austria should receive 420 Euro more than one year before.

The reason for such a plum is the planned decrease of the unemployment insurance for women. But this shouldn’t be the only promise of the women minister.

The Socialdemocratic politican also demands more rights for women, and a better position in the society. “I will keep on and on until I have realized all my plans and promises”, she told in her press conference.

© Photographer: Emilia Kun | Agency: Dreamstime.com

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