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Economy of Slovenia

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Economy of Slovenia
Currency Euro (EUR)
Fiscal year Calendar year
Trade Organisations EU, WTO
GDP Ranking (2008) 84th [1]
GDP (2008) EUR37.126
$54.605 current
$59.286 PPP billion [2]
GDP growth rate (2008) 7.7% nominal
6.5% per capita nominal
3.5% real
2.4% per capita real
GDP per Capita (2008) EUR18,196
$26,762 current
$29,057 PPP
GDP by sector (2007) primary (2.4%)
industry (26.4%)
construction (8.0)
services (63.2%)
GDP structure (2007) Private consumption (51.8%)
Public consumption (17.8%)
Investments (31.7%)
Export (70.8%)
Import (72.1%)
Inflation rate 2008 6.4%, 3/2009 1.8% [3]
Pop below poverty line (2007) 11.0 %[4]
Pop below Gini coefficient (2007) 22.6 %[5]
Employed Population(2008) 1.042mio [6]
Employed Population by occupation Q4 2008) primary (3.9%)
secondary (23.1%)
tertiary (73.0%) [7]
Unemployment rate 2008 4.4%, 3/2009 4.6%[8]
Main Industries ferrous metallurgy and aluminum products, lead and zinc smelting; electronics (including military electronics), trucks, automobiles, electric power equipment, wood products, textiles, chemicals, machine tools
Total exports 2008 $34.27 billion f.o.b. (2008 est.)
Main Partners (2007 est) Germany 18.7%%, Italy 12.5%, Croatia 8.0%, Austria 7.5%, France 5.9%, Russia 4.4%
Total imports 2008 $38.12 billion f.o.b. (2008 est.)
Main Partners (2007 est) Germany 18.1%%, Italy 17.1%, Austria 11.7%, France 5.0%, Croatia 4.6%
Current account balance 2008 $-2.9 billion (-5.3% of GDP) [9]
Public Finances
Total Public Debt (2008) 22.8% of GDP [10]
Revenues (2008) 42.66% of GDP [11]
Expenses (2008) 43.61% of GDP [12]
Budget Balance (2008) -0.95% of GDP [13]
Economic Aid (ODA) (2007) EUR39.5 million (0.12% of GNI) [14]

Slovenia today is a developed country that enjoys prosperity and stability, as well as a GDP per capita substantially higher than that of the other transitioning economies of Central Europe.


[edit] History

Although it comprised only about one-thirteenth of Yugoslavia's total population, it was the most productive of the Yugoslav republics, accounting for one-fifth of its GDP and one-third of its exports. It thus gained independence in 1991 with an already relatively prosperous economy and strong market ties to the West.

Since that time, it has pursued diversification of its trade with the West and integration into Western and transatlantic institutions vigorously. Slovenia is a founding member of the World Trade Organization, joined CEFTA in 1996, and joined the European Union on 1 May 2004. In June 2004 it joined the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. The euro was introduced at the beginning of 2007 and circulated alongside the tolar until 14 January 2007. Slovenia also participates in SECI (Southeast European Cooperation Initiative), as well as in the Central European Initiative, the Royaumont Process, and the Black Sea Economic Council.

[edit] Current situation

Today, Slovenia is the most prosperous country of transition Europe and is well poised to join the mainstream of modern postindustrial economies. It has advanced to the ranks of developed countries. It benefits from a well-educated and productive work force, and its political and economic institutions are vigorous and effective. Its per capita income is now 93% of the European Union average. Although Slovenia has taken a cautious, deliberate approach to economic management and reform, with heavy emphasis on achieving consensus before proceeding, its overall record is one of success.

The current account deficit began in 1998 (-US$147.2 million), deepened in 1999 to -$782.6 million, and improved slightly in 2000 on stronger exports to -$594.2 million. In 2008, Slovenia's economic growth reached 4.5%, annual inflation stood at 6% in 2008, and the debt to GDP ratio was well within Maastricht parameters. Due to its macroeconomic stability, favourable foreign debt position, and obvious interest in EU membership, Slovenia consistently receives the highest credit rating of all transition economies.

[edit] Trade

Slovenia's trade is orientated towards other EU countries, mainly Germany, Austria, Italy, and France. This is the result of a wholesale reorientation of trade toward the West and the growing markets of central and eastern Europe in the face of the collapse of its Yugoslav markets. Slovenia's economy is highly dependent on foreign trade. Trade equals about 120 % of GDP (exports and imports combined). About two-thirds of Slovenia's trade is with EU members, a primary motivation for seeking EU membership.

This high level of openness makes it extremely sensitive to economic conditions in its main trading partners and changes in its international price competitiveness. However, despite the economic slowdown in Europe in 2001-03, Slovenia maintained 3% GDP growth. Keeping labour costs in line with productivity is thus a key challenge for Slovenia's economic well-being, and Slovenian firms have responded by specializing in mid- to high-tech manufacturing. Industry and construction comprise over one-third of GDP. As in most industrial economies, services make up an increasing share of output (57.1%), notably in financial services.

[edit] Economic performance

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing is a comparatively low 2.5% of GDP and engages only 6% of the population. The average farm is only 5.5 hectares. Part of Slovenia lies in the Alpe-Adria bioregion, which is currently involved in a major initiative in organic farming. Between 1998 and 2003, the organic sector grew from less than 0.1% of Slovenian agriculture to roughly the European Union average of 3.3%. [15]

Public Finances have shown a deficit in recent years. This averaged around $650 million per annum between 1999 and 2007.[16] There was a slight surplus in 2008 with revenues totalling $23.16 billion and expenditures $22.93 billion. [17] Government expenditure equalled 38% of GDP [18]. The national debt stood at 56% of Gross Domestic Product [19].

Slovenia's traditional anti-inflation policy relied heavily on capital inflow restrictions. Its privatization process favoured insider purchasers and prescribed long lag time on share trading, complicated by a cultural wariness of being "bought up" by foreigners. As such, Slovenia has had a number of impediments to foreign participation in its economy. Slovenia has garnered some notable foreign investments, including United States investments of $125 million by Goodyear in 1997. At the end of 2008 there was around $11.5 billion of foreign capital in Slovenia. Slovenians had invested $7.5 billion abroad. On the 31.12.07 the value of shares listed on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange was $29 billion.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ "CIA GDP ranking". https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2001rank.html. Retrieved on 2009-04-13. 
  2. ^ "Gross domestic product, annual data". Statistical Office - Slovenia. 2009-03-03. http://www.stat.si/eng/indikatorji.asp?id=20. Retrieved on 2009-04-13. 
  3. ^ "Inflation". Statistical Office - Slovenia. April 209. http://www.stat.si/eng/indikatorji.asp?ID=1. Retrieved on 2009-04-12. 
  4. ^ "Income and poverty indicators, Slovenia, 2007 – provisional data". Statistical Office - Slovenia. http://www.stat.si/eng/novica_prikazi.aspx?ID=2032. Retrieved on 2009-04-13. 
  5. ^ "Income and poverty indicators, Slovenia, 2007 – provisional data". Statistical Office - Slovenia. http://www.stat.si/eng/novica_prikazi.aspx?ID=2032. Retrieved on 2009-04-13. 
  6. ^ "Labour Force Survey Results, Slovenia, 2008 – PROVISIONAL DATA". Statistical Office - Slovenia. 2009-04-07. http://www.stat.si/eng/novica_prikazi.aspx?id=2262. Retrieved on 2009-04-13. 
  7. ^ "Swiss Employment and Income Key figures". Swiss Bureau of Federal Statistics. July 2008. http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/en/index/themen/03/01/key.html. Retrieved on 2008-12-04. 
  8. ^ "Labour Force Survey Results, Slovenia, 2008 – PROVISIONAL DATA". Statistical Office - Slovenia. 2009-04-07. http://www.stat.si/eng/novica_prikazi.aspx?id=2262. Retrieved on 2009-04-13. 
  9. ^ "Balance of payments". Bank of Slovenia. April 2008. http://www.bsi.si/iskalniki/pregled-financnih-podatkov-en-vsebina.asp?VsebinaId=4098&MapaId=325. Retrieved on 2009-04-14. 
  10. ^ "Government deficit and debt". Statistical Office - Slovenia. April 2009. http://www.stat.si/eng/indikatorji.asp?ID=28. Retrieved on 2009-04-14. 
  11. ^ "General government accounts and EDP". Statistical Office - Slovenia. April 2009. http://www.stat.si/doc/vsebina/03/TemeljniAgregatiDrzaveANG.xls. Retrieved on 2009-04-14. 
  12. ^ "General government accounts and EDP". Statistical Office - Slovenia. April 2009. http://www.stat.si/doc/vsebina/03/TemeljniAgregatiDrzaveANG.xls. Retrieved on 2009-04-14. 
  13. ^ "Government deficit and debt". Statistical Office - Slovenia. April 2009. http://www.stat.si/eng/indikatorji.asp?ID=28. Retrieved on 2009-04-14. 
  14. ^ "International development cooperation and humanitarian assistance". Government of the Republic of Slovenia - Minbistry of Foreign Affairs. April 2009. http://www.mzz.gov.si/en/foreign_policy/international_development_cooperation_and_humanitarian_assistance/. Retrieved on 2009-04-14. 
  15. ^ Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy | For Land, Liberty, Jobs and Justice
  16. ^ The Economist
  17. ^ https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/si.html#Govt
  18. ^ Fact date=March 2009
  19. ^ The Economist Pocket World in Figures 2009

[edit] External links

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