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Belgian senate approves EU's Lisbon treaty

06 March 2008, 22:58 CET

(BRUSSELS) - The Belgian senate gave its backing on Thursday to the European Union's new Lisbon treaty of reforms, opening the way for ratification by Belgium by mid-summer.

The lower house of the federal parliament and Belgium's five regional and community assemblies still have to approve the treaty before Belgium can formally ratify it.

The lower house is due to vote within two weeks and the other assemblies are due to follow suit in the coming months so that the process should be finished in time for the parliamentary recess in mid-July.

The Lisbon treaty, signed by EU leaders in December, replaces the bloc's disputed proposed constitution, which was abandoned after French and Dutch voters rejected it in referendums in 2005.

All 27 EU member states must individually ratify the wide-ranging text for it to come into effect, as planned, next year.

Last month France became the first EU heavyweight to approve the Lisbon Treaty by parliamentary vote.

Lawmakers in Hungary, Malta, Romania and Slovenia have also given their seal of approval.

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