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April 6, 2009
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Peripheral Neuropathy

Medical Author: Standiford Helm II, MD
Medical Editor: William C. Shiel, Jr., MD, FACP, FACR

What is a peripheral neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is disorder of nerve(s) apart from the brain and spinal cord. Patients with peripheral neuropathy may have tingling, numbness, unusual sensations, weakness, or burning pain.

What causes a peripheral neuropathy?

There are many possible causes of peripheral neuropathy, including:

  1. Diabetes Mellitus
  1. Shingles (post herpetic neuralgia)
  1. Vitamin deficiency, particularly B12 and folate

  1. Alcohol
  1. Autoimmune diseases, including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or Guillain-Barre syndrome
  1. AIDS, whether from the disease or its treatment, syphilis, and kidney failure
  1. Inherited disorders, such as amyloid polyneuropathy or Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
  1. Exposure to toxins, such as heavy metals, gold compounds, lead, arsenic, mercury, and organophosphate pesticides
  1. Cancer therapy drugs such as vincristine (Oncovin, Vincasar), and other medications [for example antibiotics such as metronidazole (Flagyl), and isoniazid (Nydrazid, Laniazid)]

While diabetes and post herpetic neuralgia are the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy, often times no cause is found. In these situations, it is referred to as idiopathic peripheral neuropathy.

Sometimes, peripheral nerve entrapments, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, are considered peripheral neuropathies. In these cases, pressure on the nerve rather than a disease state leads to nerve malfunction.

Next: Is there any treatment for peripheral neuropathy? »

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