



Invisible monsters can be very real

Your preschooler is afraid of the one-eyed monster under the bed, chatting it up with an invisible friend...

2 hours ago


Boomer Retirement

Retire to what?

More than one-quarter of Canadian baby boomers plan to delay retirement because of the current economic...


Home Decor

Custum lampshade

Fun decor craft for kids

Lampshades come in all different shapes and sizes and some smaller ones are very inexpensive. The little...


Oddities Saturdays




No kissing, please, we're British

A British train station has erected a no kissing sign to stop lovers going full steam ahead with their over-amorous farewells.


Celebs & Gossip »

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Victoria Beckham

Rate the celebrity fashions

Can you believe what we caught stars wearing this week? Rate the styles of Victoria Beckham, Eva Longoria, Rachel Bilson and more.


Travel: Spas

Manoir Lac William

Wellness centres turn their attentions to teens and tweens

There are new kids on the spa scene and they're indulging in princess pedicures, missy manicures and mom-and-me massages.

1 hour ago


Mobile phone showcase reveals trends to watch

The mobile phone industry's biggest trade show wrapped up Thursday after four days that delivered exciting news for technophiles, average phone users and even environmentalists...

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Dog chews through limb to escape leghold trap

A beloved family dog is lucky to be alive after she had to chew her front leg off to escape what is believed to have been an illegal leghold trap in Manitoba...



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First Drive: Porsche Cayenne Hybrid

It’s no surprise mainstream manufacturers are embracing the shift to green, but who would have thought...

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Kyle Loranger, of Kyle Loranger Design Inc., provides online business solutions to meet the increasing demands of tech-savvy customers.

Good website welcome mat for your firm

There's a lot of "re" words associated with recession -- rethinking, retooling, repositioning and reshuffling...

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Nine-year low in new homes

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. says the down-turn in the economy will drive new-home construction...


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Project Runway Canada

Project Runway Canada

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Young and Restless

The Young and the Restless

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Live Red Carpet

Oscars: Live from the Red Carpet

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