


Sunset over Lake Champlain

Ten best sunrises and sunsets

Vacation time is when you get to appreciate the beauty of sunsets and sunrises. Here are some of the best places to worship the sun's movements.

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Globe Theatre

Walking in Bard's footsteps a rewarding way to explore London

A visit to London's Globe Theatre -- built on the site of the original, where works like Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet debuted -- is one of many ways to channel Shakespeare's London and relive a piece of Elizabethan England. Though the Great Fire of 1666 and Second World War destroyed much of the city's history, there are still ways to relive the Bard's life and times.

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Head to Montana for a Vacation Adventure

Explore a land of mystic peaks, enchanted forests and crystal fields of ice. Not so far, far away in a place called Montana. For day trip options and more information, visit


Travel Top Stories



Antarctica seals

Recession keeps tourists away from Antarctica

The economic downturn is curbing tourism to Antarctica in a respite to a long-term surge that environmentalists want to cap to avert damage to the world...

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Sun Sui Wah seafood restaurant

Vancouver's vibrant restaurant scene seduces

Olympic athletes should be careful in Vancouver. The city's vibrant restaurant scene will seduce you, lure you and possibly take you off course from your...

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Jewish Morocco

See the Jewish side of Morocco

In November, Ottawa cantor Daniel Benlolo will lead a group of Canadian Jews on a 12-day tour of Morocco.

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Best of Travel - Feb. 7-13

Here are some of the best stories to appear on the Travel channel in the past week: The ...


Ports & Bows


New restaurant and you dont pay

Holland America is making a good move by extending its Canaletto restaurant to other ships in the ...


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Australia voted top holiday spot despite global slump

Australia has been voted the most coveted destination by travellers in a global survey that also showed...


Chinese migrants may flee Tibet as tourism stalls

A year after Tibetan rioters set parts of Lhasa ablaze, aiming their fury at migrants from elsewhere...