


Zoning in on Perfection

For the people at Amsterdam's Guerrilla Games, the hardest part about developing Sony PlayStation 3 shooter Killzone 2 wasn't dealing with the pressure of creating a title that was meant to fully showcase the processing power of the PS3.



Playing violent video games has risks: study

Among young college students, the frequency and type of video games played appears to parallel risky drug and alcohol use, poorer personal relationships, and low levels of self-esteem, researchers report.

Gaming increases teen depression: study

Spending more hours watching television or playing video games as a teenager may lead to depression in young adults, according to a study published Monday.

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A screenshot from Lord of the Rings: Conquest (Pandemic/Electronic Arts)

Review: Lord of the Rings: Conquest

Aiming to recreate the glory of the Peter Jackson films, Lord of the Rings: Conquest falls staggeringly short.



Cecil Canavan, 84 uses the Nintendo Wii computer game console to video bowl at the Millennium Trail Manor retirement home, in Niagara Falls, Ont. Medical journals have warned doctors to be aware of 'multiple, possibly puzzling presentations of Wiiitis,' or Wii-related injuries.

Gamers, hospitals, have a Wii problem

First came Rubik’s cube tendonitis, then Nintendo thumb. Now more reports are emerging of Wiiitis, from strained muscles and joints to people being accidentally smacked in the face with the remote.

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Toy maker boosted by Halo deal

Shares of Mega Brands Inc more than doubled on Tuesday after the toymaker said it had signed a global licensing agreement with Microsoft Game Studios to make construction toys for its Halo Wars video game.



Review: Killzone 2

The main selling point of Killzone 2 is its unrelenting and breathless use of action. You are thrust into an almost never-ending chain of firefights with the Helghast. It sounds potentially boring and one-dimensional, but Guerrilla has beefed up so much of the game's core elements (AI, physics, animations, controls, and an incredibly engaging lean-and-peek cover system) that no two encounters are alike. Gamers looking to run-and-gun their way through Killzone 2 will get chopped to hamburger pretty fast as every bit of land taken from the Helghast is definitely hard won.



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Microsoft Corp announced plans Thursday to open its own chain...

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Music streaming service...

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Scalping suit filed ...

The Canadian arm of Ticketmaster Entertainment Inc has been ...

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Chris Jericho

Wrestler's altercation...

Witnesses say pro wrestler Chris Jericho hit a woman in the ...

RIM execs fined $77 ...

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Next era promises Wi...

An international initiative spearheaded by the Federal Communications...

Google software tracks...

U.S. Internet search company Google Inc released software on...

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Facebook has celebrated its fifth birthday with 150 million ...

Supercomputer to equal...

Seven months after IBM delivered the world's fastest supercomputer...

Microsoft to open own...

Microsoft Corp announced plans Thursday to open its own chain...

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Winners Wall Contest »
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Katharine Hepburn had it coming; will Meryl Streep match her Oscar nod record?

There's no doubt just about anyone would love to lace their fingers around the well-sculpted body of a certain little gold statuette.

Anthony Suau

U.S. foreclosure image is 2008 World Press Photo of the Year

A picture of an armed sheriff moving through an American home after an eviction due to a mortgage foreclosure was named World Press Photo of 2008 on Friday.

Anthony Suau

Photos of the Year

A picture of an armed sheriff moving through an American home after an eviction due to a mortgage foreclosure was named World Press Photo of 2008 on Friday.

Antarctica seals

Recession keeps tourists away

The economic downturn is curbing tourism to Antarctica in a respite to a long-term surge that environmentalists want to cap to avert damage to the world's last big wilderness.

Nonprescription cough and cold products are displayed on a shelf at a pharmacy.

Scientists crack cold code

Scientists are boldly predicting we may soon have to stop complaining that if we can put a man on the moon, why can't we cure the common cold?

Space junk minefield

A Russian and a U.S. satellite crashed into each other in an unprecedented collision unleashing a large cloud of space debris that could threaten orbiting spacecraft for decades, officials said.

10 tips for faster, healthier meals

Time is the biggest factor when it comes to cooking healthy meals -- and for most of us, time is in increasingly short supply.

A recent study showed that giving up the addictive coffee-drinking habit improves the duration and quality of sleep.

Coffee could affect sleep quality

What effect does your morning coffee have on your night's sleep? Caffeine is the most widely consumed and addictive stimulant in our society.