


Sam the koala recovering in Australian wildlife centre


YouTube star Sam the koala was slowly recovering Thursday from severe burns received in Australia's devastating bushfires, thanks to a little tender love and care from her new boyfriend Bob.




Small Steps

Did you know pedestrian friendly European cities devote less than 10 per cent of land to cars? Auto-centric North America devotes up to 50 per cent of land for roads and parking lots. If public transit became a greater priority, city planners wouldn't need to set aside so much land for cars and trucks. If you don't already, try riding the SkyTrain or bus once this month. In addition to having less of an impact on the environment, riding public transit is economical, healthy and less stressful.

Cutting back on meat is good for the planet.

Small Steps

Cutting back on meat is good for the planet. Nearly half the grain grown in North America is used to feed livestock. To produce one pound of steak, for example, takes 16 pounds of feed, and as much water as a typical household uses in one month. The fossil fuel cost of livestock production is also huge. On the health side of things, increasing your vegetable and fruit intake can help reduce your risk of cancer by more than 20 per cent.




Hundreds of whales rescued in Philippines

Fishermen and volunteers in the Philippines managed to rescue more than 200 beached whales on Tuesday by guiding them back into deep water, officials said.

A nearly collapsing, 20 metre-high ice cliff forms the edge of the Wilkins Ice shelf on the Antarctic Peninsula

Antarctic ice melt could shift Earth's rotation: Study

Scientists say the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet would have such profound effects it would shift the planet's rotation, sending a bulge of water into the Northern Hemisphere.


Huge China quake may have been man-made: scientists

A man-made dam may have triggered China's devastating earthquake last year, some government officials and scientists are claiming, pitting them against others who insist it was a natural disaster.


Canadian fisheries management a mess: Report

In an indictment of global fisheries management, a new study says Canada and other countries are failing to honour many of their commitments under the United Nations Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.




Microsoft to open own...

Microsoft Corp announced plans Thursday to open its own chain...


Facebook most-visited...

Compete.com has crowned Facebook the most popular social networking...


Crooks setting cyber...

PandaLabs, a computer security firm, is reporting that cyber...


Music streaming service...

A new online music service that some commentators are hailing...


Scalping suit filed ...

The Canadian arm of Ticketmaster Entertainment Inc has been ...


Amazon launches new ...

Online retailer Amazon.com Inc unveiled the latest incarnation...

Chris Jericho

Wrestler's altercation...

Witnesses say pro wrestler Chris Jericho hit a woman in the ...


RIM execs fined $77 ...

Jim Balsillie, the co-founder of Research In Motion, and two...


Next era promises Wi...

An international initiative spearheaded by the Federal Communications...


Google software tracks...

U.S. Internet search company Google Inc released software on...


Facebook turns five -- ...

Facebook has celebrated its fifth birthday with 150 million ...


Supercomputer to equal...

Seven months after IBM delivered the world's fastest supercomputer...


Microsoft to open own...

Microsoft Corp announced plans Thursday to open its own chain...

Pamela Fayerman

Ensuring negligence comes with a price

Kevin Brown was just 32 when his brain and body were shattered as he was struck by a car operated by Cipriano Constantino Gomes, a Pizza Hut delivery driver.

Jack Knox

Even death has no dominion over a love like this

This is a love story. It began in 1957 at the Hong Kong shipping company where Chan Yung Tong and Katima Amy Ismail both worked. It continues today, the 2,680th day that Chan will have visited her Saanich grave.

Daphne Bramham

Olympics putting B.C. ahead of the curve

What's the spinoff economic benefit of the 2010 Winter Olympics? Four billion dollars. That's the number Premier Gordon Campbell uses and it's in the latest briefing notes from the B.C. Olympic Secretariat.

Kim Davis

Plenty of ways to turn laundry greener

Last column I sermonized on the fine, though often forgotten, attributes of low-tech sustainability. Truth be told, though, if a nifty gadget saves energy and water and compels children (or partners) to argue over who gets to load the washing machine, it would be hard not to idolize and covet it.

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Winners Wall Contest »
Free music download

Download Free Music

Seriously Westcoast Vol. 3 is the third instalment of our enormously popular free download series, and you can get it for yourself for 48 hours over the Valentine's Day weekend. Courtesy of the folks at record label Arts & Crafts, the download features the music of Juno-Award winning and nominated acts such as the Stills, Broken Social Scene, Stars and more.


Katharine Hepburn had it coming; will Meryl Streep match her Oscar nod record?

There's no doubt just about anyone would love to lace their fingers around the well-sculpted body of a certain little gold statuette.

Anthony Suau

U.S. foreclosure image is 2008 World Press Photo of the Year

A picture of an armed sheriff moving through an American home after an eviction due to a mortgage foreclosure was named World Press Photo of 2008 on Friday.

Anthony Suau

Photos of the Year

A picture of an armed sheriff moving through an American home after an eviction due to a mortgage foreclosure was named World Press Photo of 2008 on Friday.

Antarctica seals

Recession keeps tourists away

The economic downturn is curbing tourism to Antarctica in a respite to a long-term surge that environmentalists want to cap to avert damage to the world's last big wilderness.

Nonprescription cough and cold products are displayed on a shelf at a pharmacy.

Scientists crack cold code

Scientists are boldly predicting we may soon have to stop complaining that if we can put a man on the moon, why can't we cure the common cold?


Space junk minefield

A Russian and a U.S. satellite crashed into each other in an unprecedented collision unleashing a large cloud of space debris that could threaten orbiting spacecraft for decades, officials said.


10 tips for faster, healthier meals

Time is the biggest factor when it comes to cooking healthy meals -- and for most of us, time is in increasingly short supply.

A recent study showed that giving up the addictive coffee-drinking habit improves the duration and quality of sleep.

Coffee could affect sleep quality

What effect does your morning coffee have on your night's sleep? Caffeine is the most widely consumed and addictive stimulant in our society.