Gillian Shaw's Digital Life Page



Facebook fans celebrate site's fifth birthday

In real-world terms, Facebook would be ready to start kindergarten.

Action Pants video games co-founders Nik Palmer (seated), Simon Andrews (left) and Omar Al-Khafaji are staying with the Vancouver company after its purchase by international video game giant, Ubisoft.

Paris-based video game giant buys Vancouver's Action Pants

Paris-based video game giant Ubisoft has acquired Vancouver's Action Pants in a deal announced Tuesday that formalizes a relationship dating back to Action Pants' launch in 2006.



Anti-theft software lets laptops locate themselves on Google maps

Thanks to the latest addition to Absolute Software's tracking software, now your stolen computer can pinpoint its own location on a Google map.

Online building supplies firm succeeds by design

Robert Banks and Jeff Booth launched their Internet company in the depths of the dot-com collapse. Against oppressive odds at the time, they survived and thrived and now, despite building starts hitting new lows and building suppliers laying off staff to cope with falling revenues, their company, BuildDirec

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Twitter away, someone's listening

Millions of people around the globe have signed onto the Twitter online network. The rest either have never heard of it or wonder why people would want to spend their time firing off tiny 140-character updates to everyone from their colleagues at the next desk to people they don't even know in another count


Clever design speaks for itself

Speak to me -- in a bubble. You've got to love the design team of Mihoko Ouchi and Sherwood Forlee for coming up with speakers that so elegantly reflect their function. Multimedia speakers that plug into your computer or MP3 player. Delivering six watts per speaker.

All a-Twitter over instant messaging

Millions of people around the globe have signed onto the Twitter online network. The rest either have never heard of it or wonder why people would want to spend their time firing off tiny 140-character updates to everyone and anyone. If you’re new to Twitter-speak, here’s our basic primer on getting sta


Just the facts: Twitter talk

Vancouver social media expert Rebecca Bollwitt is a pro at encapsulating a lot of information into her 140-character tweets.



RIM execs fined $77 ...

Jim Balsillie, the co-founder of Research In Motion, and two...

Next era promises Wi...

An international initiative spearheaded by the Federal Communications...

Google software tracks...

U.S. Internet search company Google Inc released software on...

Facebook turns five -- ...

Facebook has celebrated its fifth birthday with 150 million ...

Supercomputer to equal...

Seven months after IBM delivered the world's fastest supercomputer...

Google 'error' labels...

The search engine Google sparked online confusion Saturday when...

TED a stage for world...

Driven dreamers bound by belief they can change the world for...

Apple ecosystem plants...

As Macworld loses Apple, makers of accessories for iPhones, ...

Google tool searches...

Google Inc on Wednesday unveiled a plan aimed at eventually ...

Youths rule Internet...

Growing numbers of American seniors are going online, chipping...


Irish Internet firm ...

Irish Internet provider Eircom has agreed to disconnect users...

Data Privacy Day spotlights...

As Data Privacy Day dawned Wednesday, Microsoft released research...

RIM execs fined $77 ...

Jim Balsillie, the co-founder of Research In Motion, and two...

Anyone Can Be A Know-It-All Contest »
Winners Wall Contest »
West Bay elementary school

Which schools got perfect grades in Fraser Institute school ratings?

A popular West Vancouver elementary school is the only B.C. public school to get perfect grades — along with 19 independent schools — in the latest edition of the Fraser Institute report card.

Bear den

Sun reader stumbles across bear den

Talk about a rude awakening. Allan Bleakney was walking near the Harrison bluffs on January 31 when he stumbled across a bear den. He sent this photo to The Vancouver Sun

Delta father who killed two-year-old daughter to spend 11 years in prison before he can apply for parole

A Delta man who killed his two-year-old daughter last year will spend 11 years in prison before can apply for parole.

Canucks: Defensive specialist Kesler adds some offensive stimulus

Apparently, Bobby Clarke is a visionary. He saw in Ryan Kesler what so many of us didn’t. Remember the outcry when Clarke, then general manager of the Philadelphia Flyers, signed Kesler to a one-year offer sheet for $1.9 million just as the Vancouver Canuck training camp was starting in Vernon in the late summer of 2006?

iPhone case

Whiz-kid writes iPhone application

While most children his age sketch on paper with crayons, nine-year-old Lim Ding Wen from Singapore, has a very different canvas -- his iPhone.

Havre Familial

Quebec centre 'like a winter Club Med'

Havre Familial is a family getaway with activities ranging from simple walks in the woods to high-tech GPS outdoor adventures.

Fun-filled birthdays on a budget

While planning your child's birthday party should be a time of celebration and joy, it often turns into a time of stress and extreme spending for parents.

People who are "mixed-handed," those who are able to use both hands with equal dexterity, may have harder time having a child than righties or lefties, a new study suggests.

Handedness linked to fertility?

People who are "mixed-handed," those who are able to use both hands with equal dexterity, may have harder time having a child than righties or lefties, a new study suggests.

Sex becoming 'cultural wallpaper'

Sexual depictions so normal, shock value must be ramped up, says author

Passenger rights bill proposed

An airline passengers' bill of rights that would require carriers to compensate flyers inconvenienced by travel irritants like double-booked seats or long waits on the tarmac is set to be introduced by a Winnipeg member of Parliament next week.