Today is Wednesday February 25, 2009

* Item: Oilers hardly inspired in victory, but a win is a win is win. The Oilers 5-3 win over Tampa Bay had a feeling of inevitability to it. Even as Tampa came back to tie the score at one point, then again pulled within one goal in the third period, the Lightning never looked like a team that yearned for victory. Tampa is not the third worst team in the NHL for no reason. All Edmonton had to do was not make too many mistakes and the game would be handed to them, and that's largely what the Oilers did, bringing their record to 30 wins and 30 losses (five of the losses in shootouts or overtime). Tampa, meanwhile, has 20 wins and 40 losses (12 of the losses in shootouts or overtime).

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Denis GrebeshkovItem: Oilers defence stuck with too many plodders now that Grebs is gone.

In Oil Country, the fans are in one of those deep dips on the rollercoaster ride. Everything is dark and down. Angry comments abound. No one is happy, and my own mind turns to thoughts of what might have been this season.

If only Dustin Penner and Craig MacTavish had been on the same page.

If only Kevin Lowe had brought back Curtis Glencross.

If only Sam Gagner, Robert Nilsson and Andrew Cogliano had found a way to pick things up where they left off last year.

If only Gagner and Erik Cole had been put together on the first day of training camp.

And if only Lubomir Visnovsky and Denis Grebeshkov

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 * Hemsky misses Visnovsky and Grebeshkov more than any other Oiler

Ales Hemsky

The marks are in for the latest stretch of Oilers games and it's evident that two key Oilers forwards, Ales Hemsky and Erik Cole, are slumping, with Hemsky played well below the standard of excellence he has set for himself this year.

After every game, either myself, Bruce McCurdy of Oil Droppings or Mike Patterson of Mike's Blawg has handed out a grade to each Oilers player. In the past 10 games, Hemsky has got an average score of 5.8 out of ten, Cole an average score of 5.6 out of 10.

In our grading system, a '5' is given to a player who has had an average game, a '6' to a player

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Shawn Horcoff* ITEM: Horcoff over-aggressive on Flames big goal (and Staples makes major error himself)

In the first version of this post, I had it as Ethan Moreau making the major goal-causing error on the Flames' second goal, and I blasted him for screwing up royally.

When I awoke in the morning, I wanted to review the goal -- something told me I might not have it quite right -- though I didn't imagine I had it completely wrong.

But that was the case.

Moreau wasn't even on the ice on that goal. I had mistaken him for Shawn Horcoff, who had been my hero of the game.

Sheesh! So it was me who screwed up royally in my error assignment. And it was Horcoff who made that

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  • * ITEM: Surprise, surprise, a great idea from an NDP politico about the macho game of hockey

When it comes to many aspects of life, I'm extremely skeptical about the New Democratic Party of Canada's various policies of social re-engineering. Paul Henderson

Sorry about that NDP folks out there, but it's hard for me to forget the worst excesses of the politically-correct 1990s, may they rest in peace.

During that decade, I had much first hand experience with a certain strain of super-heated fanatic who tended to think of hockey-loving, middle-class white men such as me as the enemy, who considered anyone who disagreed with their agenda of sexual, social and economic politics

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Ryan Smyth* ITEM: Poor teams can't take on big contracts. Rich teams already have too many. This is a recipe for next to nothing to happen at the NHL trade deadline.

The Internet groans and shudders with rumours of NHL trades, much of the fevered talk kicked off by TSN reporter Darren Dreger, who wrote that the following names are coming up in trade talks: Chris Pronger, Erik Cole, Ryan Smyth, Jay Bouwmeester and Olli Jokinen.

In regards to Smyth, Dreger wrote: "Colorada needs to cut payroll and Francois Giguere is talking to teams about Smyth. The Avs won't ask Smyth to waive his no-trade unless there's

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Dwayne Roloson

(Staples' note: Here are the individual player grades for the Stars-Oilers game, as promised, courtesy of Mike Patterson of Mike's Blawg.)

By Mike Patterson

Tough game to lose. While the Oilers are down several key players who may have made a difference, so were the Stars. Marty Turco was on his game, and Dwayne Roloson less so - although Roli was still good. It was a chippy game.

There's just something about the Stars that seems to bring out the physical side of the Oilers, ever since

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Dwayne Roloson* ITEM: At long last, the Edmonton Oilers answer the bell after yet another borderline hit on an Oilers player.

There are all kinds of trendy methods used by modern, cutting edge NHL teams when it comes to the exercise of "team building."

Some teams go to a swanky golf club for a day with the owner. Others holiday together in Vegas or Florida at the All-Star break. Other go out to the bar each night and listen to the veterans tell war stories and dirty jokes. Still others head out to the mountains for a retreat.

But none of these methods amount to a hill of hockey pucks compared to the old-fashioned way of team building, which is charging in with fists flying to the defence of a teammate

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Roli and The Viz* ITEM: Lubomir Visnovsky was a personal favourite and a most excellent player this year, but his goal-causing gaffes were numerous.

There's a certain kind of Oilers fan who greatly admires Lubomir Visnovsky, and not just because of Visnovsky's remarkable skating and passing ability.

This type of fan is the kind that studies Visnovsky's so-called advanced statistics and notes that when Visnovsky is on the ice, far more shots are directed at the opposition net than get directed at the Oilers net.

In fact, no other defender has a better plus/minus number, known as a

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Plenty of hockey fans think that there was next to nothing wrong with Tomas Plekanec's slew foot of Denis Grebeshkov, which has most likely wiped out Grebeshkov's season and, possibly, Edmonton's playoff hopes. Plenty of these fans think I was dreaming in technicolour when I suggested that Plekanec should get a 20 game suspension, as an OHL player got 15 games for a much less dangerous slew foot attack. Well, here's what CBC hockey commentator Don Cherry

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Dwayne Roloson* ITEM: San Jose twice as good as Edmonton.

The Edmonton Oilers were expected to lose this game. They did.

They were expected to be tired. They were.

Even though the San Jose Sharks took their foot off the gas themselves in the third period, shutting things down to preserve their 4-2 lead, they still ended up with more Grade 'A' scoring chances, by my count, than the Oilers, 17-15 (I define a Grade 'A' chance as one that comes from the slot, or just outside the slot with a heavy screen on the goalie).

This was the kind of result you expect when the Oilers are on the road, on the second night of a back-to-back, against a superior team.

It's also the kind of result

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Shawn Horcoff* ITEM: Close call in Arizona for Oilers, says Bruce McCurdy of Oil Droppings.

(Here is the Oilers report card for the Coyotes-Oilers game, courtesy of Bruce McCurdy).

Last night scared me as the sort of game the Oilers might be expected to win, and let it get away on them. That has happened far too often this season, albeit mostly at home.

In Arizona, the Oil were up to the task, turning two powerplay goals and some staunch defending into a well-deserved 3-1 victory over the hungry Coyotes.

The depleted defence, which had allowed 38+ shots in their previous three games

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* ITEM: Gilbert makes two smart, goal-assisting plays versus Phoenix without even touching the puck. Tom Gilbert, 26, is such a deft and intelligent hockey player that I suspect he could play right now for the Detroit Red Wings, which is, of course, high praise, as Detroit is the smartest team in hockey. Gilbert's acumen was on display for both of Edmonton's powerplay goals in the 3-1 win over Phoenix Monday night. Gilbert played a key part in both powerplay scoring sequences, not by making a great shot or pass, but by using his head and getting into proper position to open up the ice for his teammates. One of the things I often rant about is the need to have shooters on their off-wings on

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* ITEM: End of the road for Jiri Slegr, asks Euro-hockey expert Peter Adler.

Jiri Slegr – remember him? – might be ending his career … and not the way he’d like it to end.

In a game against Liberec in the Czech top league, Extraliga, the Litvinov stalwart fell down on the ice with about 90 seconds to go to the final buzzer. Fully conscious, but unable to move, he was carried on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance and taken promptly to a hospital in Most, to be transferred later to a bigger hospital in Usti nad Labem.

“My back and legs stopped working all

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Just found this at the New York Rangers blog , Omsk player Jaromir Jagr talking about the rumour he's ready to finalize a deal with the Edmonton Oilers (a rumour that was started at The Cult of Hockey ): “I don’t know anything about that — I have a valid contract with Omsk,” Jagr said. “No one has seriously negotiated with me. And I doubt they have even with the leadership of Avangard Omsk..." There's no link to where this quote comes from, and I couldn't find it on Google, but assuming it's accurate, it contradicts what Peter Adler's source from Jagr's inner circle told Adler. Adler's news certainly got my hopes up, and the denial of Oilers hockey boss Kevin Lowe left me wondering if something wasn't up, especially as Lowe was in Russia at the

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