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A life in perspective

IT'S quite difficult during these times of raging fires and so many deaths to count our blessings, but certainly the global recession pa...

This (demolished) life

THE oldest house in our street is being demolished today. For nearly 130 years this pretty bluestone home has sat quietly while families...

Our season of darkness

"IT was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair," wrote Charles Dick...

Don't blame the GFC on testosterone

GOOD news, everyone. After months of agonised fingernail reduction and hair-line liquidation, the economic commentariat has finally work...

This (dogged) life

HE waged a relentless campaign, that's for sure. It started in first grade and for five long years my boy persistently put forward his r...

Tools paradise

With three teenagers in the house, I've been feeling powerless more or less continuously since, oh, 1990. So when the lights went off re...

This (perfumed) life

MY life-long love affair with perfume began at the age of 14 when I babysat for a couple who were attending a ball.

Kitchen diets

IF one more person greets me by flinging the palm of their hand to their mouth and telling me I have faded away, he or she will get a kn...

Can't buy rationality

So I catch this interview midway through -- which normally I hate, because you have no idea who's talking to whom or about what let alon...

This (dividing) life

I TRAVELLED to our shire town to see a show organised by the local arts council.

All you need are loves

I HEARD a tired old line in a late-night movie recently. The leading character was explaining to her therapist why she was leaving her h...

Return of the organs

NORMALLY I read the real estate section religiously - which is to say, out of a grinding sense of duty, and an admixture of awe and inc...

A wrinkled, wiggling pinkie

DEAR teen hoon,
Remember me? I was the pedestrian who morphed into that howling dude from the Munch painting when you and three g...

Compassion goes down the toilet

IN the early months of pregnancy new humans look like alien crustaceans with colds. It's a developmental stage not even Anne Geddes coul...

This (waterlogged) life

"IS it still on?" The first call comes with the event still hours away.

Gaining the upper hand

INTERESTING how angry a colleague was recently at a lover he felt had taken advantage of his kindness.

This (walking) life

I WAS told I walked well from an early age.

Building foundations for friendship

WHILE having renovations done on my home recently I watched how the builders operate. Nothing is done without foundations being built fi...

In a fervour for a Fuhrer

'WE are all fascists now" is the message of Liberal Fascism, a well-written and occasionally barmy new study by Jonah Goldberg.

Generation gap changes parenthood

THE best compliment I had was from my daughter who, when pregnant with her first child, said she would bring up her children exactly how...

Fine art of simple pleasure

FOOD tourists are wrecking my weekends. It seems I rarely step into a shop to replenish the pantry without struggling through a school o...

This (decorated) life

I SAW an advertisement in a newspaper for a real pine Christmas tree to be delivered to one's door for only $100.

Christmas under another southern sky

AT a recent reunion my brothers and I said how amazed we were that we were even vaguely normal, given our bizarre childhood.

Martyred for her beliefs

NOW that the US election is over and we're all enjoying the prospect of an Obama presidency, it's worth reconsidering the cultural pheno...

Fly in the face of wonder

THE moment was perfect. I was privy to a most wonderful conversation in a most perfect location.

DIY with someone else

What is it with all these books about doing something totally whacked out -- going grey, eating local, sleeping with your spouse -- and ...

Let's cut (or push) out this claptrap

THE world is full of wacky urban myths. Richard Gere rushing to hospital for a gerbilectomy. The average human swallowing eight spiders ...

This (twitcher's) life

BORN a son of the inland, I ranged through the bush wild and free, watching birds as soon as I was big enough to handle binoculars.

Voices from the cryptic

YOU need, at a certain age, to exercise your mind. Some people play bridge, others learn a language and then there are those of us who a...

Something for a fast stocking

WHO cares whether you have been naughty or nice this year? I go for naughty every time.

Gift of the present

SEEING that no one was queuing at the takeaway counter, I took a break from Christmas shopping to get a quick coffee.

Politics kicks farce

SURVEYS of public trust put journalists between car salesmen and war criminals, but there is one group that rates even lower on the resp...

Apply anti-sceptic

CLIMATE change sceptics are getting really bloody annoying. It's not because they have the audacity to question over-the-top environment...

Affection affliction

When my daughter was young I put her into childcare a few days a week.

All those dirty little beasts doing what comes unnaturally

HUMANKIND, as the internet makes so pumpingly clear, has an unholy obsession with sex. Drawn partly by ancient biological urges and part...

Our season of darkness

"IT was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair," wrote Charles Dick...

Car park miscarriage

It was a sight that would have made many people shudder - especially in this economy. A huge, energy-guzzling luxury car, much bigger th...

Don't blame the GFC on testosterone

GOOD news, everyone. After months of agonised fingernail reduction and hair-line liquidation, the economic commentariat has finally work...

Bump and grind not root of all evil

FEMINISM'S many branches have always been deeply divided when it comes to sex.

A life in perspective

IT'S quite difficult during these times of raging fires and so many deaths to count our blessings, but certainly the global recession pa...

Parenting the parents

I WONDER if parents of my generation will ever stop feeling guilty about the manner in which we raised our children.