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IoS appeal

 Ios Christmas Appeal

The Independent on Sunday Christmas Appeal for the work of Save the Children in Zimbabwe raised a total of £61,100, and we thank readers for their generosity. The appeal is now closed, but donations to Save the Children can still be made by clicking here

Robert Mugabe has offered minor cabinet posts to the MDC opposition party

The IoS Christmas Appeal: Mugabe tightens grip as cholera epidemic grows

With Zimbabwe ravaged by a disease it is ill-equipped to tackle, its President is ignoring last year's deal with the opposition and putting together a new government

Inside IoS appeal

Lista sets off on a four-mile walk home with a 10kg sack of sorghum kernels from Save the Children

The IoS Christmas Appeal: Life or death in Zimbabwe depends on a sack of seeds

Sunday, 28 December 2008

As devastation grips the country, families wait for food and crop handouts, desperate to survive until the next harvest is ready

Children eat at the centre supported by Save the Children in north-western Zimbabwe

IoS Christmas Appeal: In Zimbabwe, porridge once a day makes you a lucky girl

Sunday, 21 December 2008

At an early childhood centre children play, learn and, most importantly, eat. But for many, this will be their only meal

Aqua, Nobel and Nelson were turned out of their hostel room and had to sleep on the street

The IoS Christmas Appeal: The brutal reality of family life in Zimbabwe

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Thousands have been traumatised by the country's bloody politics, reports our special correspondent in Harare

Kitty, 19, on the one usable bed in the Mashonaland West clinic where she is being treated for cholera. Zimbabwe's desperate food shortage has made the outbreak even more lethal than usual

The IoS Christmas Appeal: First cholera. Now it's malaria and anthrax

Sunday, 7 December 2008

Our special correspondent reports from Mashonaland West, where Zimbabwe's hard-pressed doctors are doing all they can to stop the spread of disease

Mercy, picking mulberry leaves to eat, is one of five million Zimbabweans in desperate need of food aid now. You can help

The IoS Christmas Appeal: Starvation threatens millions in Zimbabwe

Sunday, 30 November 2008

Our special correspondent in Zimbabwe reports from Matabeleland North on the desperate plight of families facing malnutrition and disease. Here's what you can do to help.

Leading article: We can give Zimbabwe hope

Sunday, 30 November 2008

The last that most people in this country knew of Zimbabwe was that a power-sharing deal had been done between Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai, the opposition leader. Some of us might have been aware that the implementation of the deal had become a bit sticky, and we might have wondered what had become of Mr Tsvangirai in recent weeks.

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