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UK and US put Iran at heart of the agenda

In Hillary Clinton's first meeting as Secretary as State with David Miliband, she emphasises a co-operative foreign strategy

By Leonard Doyle in Washington

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

David Miliband and his US counterpart Hillary Clinton leave after addressing the press in Washington yesterday


David Miliband and his US counterpart Hillary Clinton leave after addressing the press in Washington yesterday

Iran dominated Hillary Clinton's first meeting as Secretary of State with another foreign minister, as she and David Miliband discussed ways of curbing its nuclear ambitions.

The two leaders met shortly after Iran launched a satellite, using technology that the Pentagon indicated could one day be used to develop a nuclear, warhead-carrying, ballistic missile. Asked whether the launch of the satellite posed a threat, Mr Miliband declared that "anything which adds to international tension should be of concern."

The focus of Mrs Clinton and Mr Miliband's remarks to the media was on urging the Iranian leadership to take up last week's appeal by President Barack Obama that Tehran "unclench its fist" and rejoin the international community.

Mr Miliband described the Obama administration's willingness to talk to Iran a "new dimension" in efforts to end Tehran's nuclear ambitions and said that yesterday's talks were "very positive indeed".

While running for the White House, Mr Obama made a play of dismissing the sword-waving strategy of George Bush towards Iran and he held out the prospect of direct talks with the Iranian leadership. This remains a far-off prospect, however, and yesterday's focus was less on sitting down for face-to-face talks than on renewing efforts to persuade Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions through a combination of international sanctions and cajoling.

Mrs Clinton's campaign trail approach to Iran was a lot more bellicose than Mr Obama's and she threatened that as president she would "annihilate" Iran if it ever launched a nuclear attack on Israel. Yesterday, the day after she was formally sworn in as America's top diplomat, Mrs Clinton only had honeyed words of encouragement for Iran's leadership.

She and her British counterpart also discussed the looming prospect of the US turning protectionist and the danger that "Buy American" rules in the stimulus package could trigger a retaliatory and dangerous trade war.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza was also part of their discussions and Mr Miliband also held talks with the US Middle East envoy George Mitchell at a time when the Obama administration is pressing to get Middle East peace talks between the Palestinians and Israel restarted.

Speaking to the press after more than an hour of "substantive" talks, Mrs Clinton was also keen to lay out how closely she intended to work with the UK and how important the "special relationship" between the two countries is to her.

"It's often said that the United States and Britain have long enjoyed a special relationship," Mrs Clinton said. "It's very special in my mind and has proven very productive whoever is in the White House, whichever party, this relationship really stands the test of time. I think it is fair to say that we share fundamental values and important fundamental objectives," she added, mentioning combating terrorism and curtailing the spread of weapons of mass destruction. Mr Miliband also went out of his way to stress the strength of the "special relationship" yesterday. With Mrs Clinton nodding agreement, the Foreign Secretary praised the Obama administration's commitment to "share the burdens and responsibilities" of global leadership, whether dealing with Afghanistan, the Middle East, Iran or climate change.

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[info]yambas wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 02:30 am (UTC)
I would have thought that the real problem in the Middle East was Israel and how do the west deal with this arrogant state.
Re: Iran
[info]rayh8 wrote:
Thursday, 5 February 2009 at 05:59 pm (UTC)
Yes, but the West doesn't get it yet. We have been brainwashed since WWII into thinking the Jews can do no wrong. We fully support then ...even in their attriocities. We never stop to consider why the Palestinians might be so mad.
Bankrupt banana republic poses as global power (again)
[info]cronyblatcher wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 03:12 am (UTC)
I recollect that when lightly armed Iranian militia arrested a navy boat/crew the captain of the parent 'warship' couldn't afford fuel for an escort 'copter and all the gunnery officer could do was shout "bang".
Hillary will have had a quiet giggle away from the cams.
Clinton and Milibrand
[info]plettan wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 07:33 am (UTC)
In an obscure place within the time-space continuum there is a parallel universe in which President Hilary Clinton met Prime Minister David Milibrand.....
Re: Clinton and Milibrand
[info]cronyblatcher wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 08:46 am (UTC)
Y'mean Hillary and toyboy? I guess she's getting her own back on big Bill
Your days are numbered
[info]sairous wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 10:20 am (UTC)
...''mentioning combating terrorism and curtailing the spread of weapons of mass destruction''.

Are they for real or are they joking ? Combating terrorism ? curtailing the spread of weapons ?

usa and england have once again proven to the world that they can go off and attack minorities and civilians in the middle east without anyone reacting. It is amazing that they can go and try their latest artillery and at the same time lie to our face. After that a cup of tea some light lunch and its a wrap for the day.
In the meantime thousands of unarmed civilians are being attacked everyday in palestine and other small corners of this world.

USA & UK together ARE in fact promoting world terrorism AND weapons of mass destruction.
The threat from Iran
[info]art1san wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 11:14 am (UTC)
Why should Mrs. Clinton threaten Iran with annihilation if they launch a nuclear attack on Israel? Is the US hooked on invasions? She must know that Israel is not only capable but inclined to do it themselves, as they well demonstrate on their neighbours. Surely a nuclear free Middle East would be a more desirable goal. Iran wouldn't feel the need for nuclear weapons then.
Unfortunately, I think this step is even behond president Obama.
[info]edwod wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 11:23 am (UTC)
Iran is set to conquer the world. Despite heavy sancations and blockade for 30 years to cruch the Revolution of 1979, who would have thought that backwards mullahs would reach space, and join the high tech advanced nations of the west. Maybe its time to engage the ayatollahs because most certainly not scared of the American threats or weapons. They are on their way to produce missiles that can carry atomic bombs as far as Paris, London, and New York. West has clearly failed to destory the will of the Iranian people. Unless we change our useless tactics, Iran will be setting walking onthe moon and saying Alaho Akbar on Mars. Its only a matter of time. ayatollah.blog.co.uk
Which planet are you on?
[info]kjackson76 wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 03:52 pm (UTC)
And how do you imagine they are going to do that?? China and India are the new superpowers of Asia, not Iran. Also how many countries have Iran invaded this last century? Nil!! Compare that with the number of countries invaded by the US, UK and Israel and you will be on your way to realising just who it is we have to worry about!!
Iran and West
[info]fairmind wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 01:58 pm (UTC)
The problem is not a nuclear threat from Iran. The real problem is Western countries and their double standard policy and certainly they lost credibility to say who should have nuclear bomb and who should not.
You can not stop nations from learning science and technology, this would be their legitimate right and pride. What Western country is trying to say Hay! you are bad guy you should not have nuclear technology, we will decide who deserve it. That is utterly amusing. If Western country wants to solve this problem they will have to address not only nuclear free iran but nuclear free region, otherwise would be too late. We really need honest broker to solve this problem, I think without addressing Israeli nuclear issue you can not solve Iranian nuclear issue. America and Israel can bomb Iranian two or three nuclear facilities but who can bomb their nuclear knowledge?
Talk Talk Talk
[info]modjippo wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 02:38 pm (UTC)
They just talk. West has had 5-6 years to sort Iran out and have done nothing but talk. They are all in it together and making a fool of us, the general public.
They are all in it together
[info]cronyblatcher wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 03:46 pm (UTC)
True, but not in sense that you mean.

While in Iran, for example, the abominable practice of hanging (by the neck until dead) from a crane on the back of a truck in a public place, of teenage females (convicted by kangaroo courts of alleged prostitution) is submerged by the threat of "the great satan" (some truth in that);

In 'Murka and the poodle banana republic, the herd's awareness of the activities of large-scale organised crime syndicates is also submerged - beneath fear of crazed "terrorists" who dress oddly, eat strange smelling food , and do other unfamiliar things.
Propaganda propaganda propaganda
[info]voodoojedizin wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 03:28 pm (UTC)
Propaganda propaganda propaganda

The number one problem in the Middle East is called Israel!
They're the only country we get to see killing women and children almost every day, breaking international law and creating a humanitarian crisis.

The second biggest problem in the Middle East is called the United States.
Where we want to bomb women and children, murder people indiscriminately and be above the law and have no accountability, install our puppet dictators in an attempt to control natural resources.

Tell me again what Iran has done?
Why shouldnt the West take Iran seriously
[info]kid27 wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 03:29 pm (UTC)
Hillary Clinton
[info]concrete_666 wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 03:52 pm (UTC)
Hillary Clintons apointment to her position, is against the constitution of the United States of America. By appointing her, Obama has shown just how much 'Change' he has brought to the government of the US. He had to take the oath twice. You'd think a president would know what they pledge to defend.
UK and US put Iran at heart of the agenda
[info]irani1971 wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 03:56 pm (UTC)
There is no doubt in my mind that the West feels they are and should remain the master of the world. They want only countries like Egypt, Persian Gulf arab emirates, Jordan and alike whose leaders submit to West's will and do as told no matter if it is in the interest of their people or not. Iran may be a backward country from the West's standpoint but one thing is clear. Iran is a nation with a proud people whose leaders have not and hopefully will not submit to bullying of the West and Israel. God save us all from a day that Iran also becomes subservant to the West and israeli's hegemony. ALL nations including IRAN have the basic right and duty to make technological advancements in all areas of scientific branches including launching a satellite into outer space or enriching uranium to feed its poer plants. Who is Little Britain or Israel to tell Iran that they can or can not have this or that technology. They are a blight in the face of world and doomed to fail.
Samson option
[info]chrisasmith wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 06:28 pm (UTC)
Israel has sworn to destroy Europe in the event it is no longer able to maintain its apartheid regime.

I'm more worried about the Samson option than the mad mullahs.
[info]babaty wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 07:23 pm (UTC)
The terrorists are the peeple doing the killing. There are no terrorists, its just fantasy to keep the cold war mentality going. Look if USA cannot keep its hired nutcases in check, why should others pay for their failure. Look its very simple many US & UK politicians are easy to get. If we believe proven liars then the terrorists would simply get these mugs and send them to hell sooner.

They are making it all up.
[info]robertsgt40 wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 07:48 pm (UTC)
This time, be a little more creative. Don't try to shove the yellow cake down our throats again. We're stupid but I don't think it will sell twice. Stage a false flag attack against Israel or something of that nature. It's worked in the past.
US-UK arrogance
[info]edwinedaniel wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 10:15 pm (UTC)
When the US and UK, along with the US client, Israel, hold numerous nuclear weapons, when the US sells weapons and provides finances for Israel to buy them so that they can be used to kill Palestinian women and children, I have no faith in the the nice phrases of Obama, about unclenched fists.

The facts are simple. By all nuclear treaties, Iran is entitled to develop it nuclear capabilities. It has allowed inspections by the international agencies, which neither the US not Israel allow. It has never attacked another nation, something that cannot be said of the US and Israel. It has been the victim of CIA coups. The US promotes transfer of nuclear materials and technology to India, a nation which sereptitiously developed a nuclear weapon.

I think that it is time to stop the hype about the danger from Iran and begin doing something about the danger form the US and Israel.
[info]copycat7 wrote:
Wednesday, 4 February 2009 at 10:33 pm (UTC)
Having unloaded my frustrations on political issues to a muslim friend of mine recently i was taken back by his stance on the Iranian threat issue. It turns out that he is in full agreement that someone should bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. When i asked him if he had no loyalty to the muslim world his answer was a very good one and i thought i should let all people hear it. Quote "I hate the idea of dropping bombs on muslims just as much as the next muslim. But what frightens me more is the thought of more nations obtaining the ability to produce nuclear weapons. Unfortunatly loyalties should come in a firm second place to the essential no tollerance policy of nuclear technology spreading on this planet." Unquote. I cant help but agree with him especialy concidering Russia has already offered to sell Iran nuclear fuel so they will have no need to develop nuclear fuel themselves. Iran has been given a way out of this stand off to save face and they have refused it with the childish argument that if one nation has nuclear power all should be allowed nuclear power. I would not ever like to see a world in which every nation has nuclear technology. The earth will not last five minutes.
Iran is a threat to the US-UK hegemony in the MidEast
[info]chadi_salim wrote:
Thursday, 5 February 2009 at 12:24 am (UTC)
The launch of the Iranian satellite doesn't constitute a threat to the US and the UK's security, but it undermines their hegemony in the Middle East. undoubtedly, this move by the Iranian will underscore their military capabilities and credentials and as such, render them significant players in the arena, where military mights are the king, which the US and the UK have dominanted for decades. Such an action by Iran will certainly alter the international order and thrust Iran to the forefront in the region-militarily and strategically. In fact, the claim that it poses a threat is a ploy by the US and the UK to persuade their allies to come on board if a military action is to be taken against it. This manoeuvre by Iran will put Iran on par with Israel, in regard to military might, and any miscalculated move by the latter will plunge the whole region into war and will have catastrophic effect on the whole world.

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