Diet & Fitness



Enough salt with that slice?

A high-sodium diet increases blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and dementia. Pizza is one of the worst culprits when it comes to sodium levels.

A new survey explains why your favourite beverage is a must when you eat pizza: You need it to wash down what can be two times the recommended daily amount of sodium in just two slices.

2 hours ago
If you distract yourself while working out with a book or newspaper, expect to also lower the intensity -- and effectiveness -- of your exercise routine.

Putting heart and smarts into cardio

If the recent bout of frigid weather has chased you indoors, you may find yourself working out in unfamiliar territory. Getting your cardio workout in the gym -- as opposed to outside -- takes a bit...

2 hours ago
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A sports watch can help you keep track of time during interval training.

Get an energy burst

Once the domain of elite athletes, interval training has become a powerful tool for the average exerciser. And it's not complicated -- it just means that you alternate bursts of intense activities ...

Chard is pictured. Folic acid from leafy green vegetables such as chard lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke, generates red blood cells and helps wounds heal.

Nutrients: where to find them and why you need them

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, melons, potatoes, red peppers and broccoli. it's a powerful antioxidant and helps the body resist infection.

Done properly, the side bridge, being demonstrated here, can help target the deeper abdominal muscles that other exercises don't reach, but which are integral to daily movements like walking, standing and lifting.

Firming up that soft, gooey centre

The side bridge, one of the best exercises to support an upright posture, benefits anyone who wants to stand up straighter for longer periods.

HoopGirl Teacher Training takes place in Los Angeles, California.

Hooping -- from child's play to exercise workout

Hula Hoops, those baby boomer toys that fired a worldwide craze in the1950s, have come back as must-have fitness tools to strengthen the core and battle the love handle.

Diet pills are pictured. To lose weight, forget expensive commercial diets or diet pills; most successful dieters lose weight on their own, largely by eating right and exercising regularly, according to a survey by Consumer Reports.

Most successful dieters lose weight on their own

To shed excess pounds, forget expensive commercial diets or diet pills; most successful dieters lose weight on their own, largely by eating right and exercising regularly, according to a survey by Consumer...

Gym crowds in January tend to thin out by March as good intentions fade.

Create a new you for a new year

Have you vowed to exercise more often in the new year? Did you make that same vow last year and the year before, only to see your resolve disappear before your belly did? If it's any consolation, you...

A two-time gold medallist in ball hockey, Jessica Stachiw recommends becoming more knowledgeable of healthy fitness practices, so you can personalize your workout.

Get back on the wagon

With the holidays over, now is the season of guilt and regret about abandoning the gym and indulging in too many second helpings.