


'Brain gyms' a new industry

Games, such as Fit Brains, help give the mind a workout.

From video games that claim to sharpen concentration to brain gyms offering mental circuit training, consumers are jumping on the "use it or lose it" notion of brain health in an effort to stave off the effects of aging.


A screenshot from Lord of the Rings: Conquest (Pandemic/Electronic Arts)

Review: Lord of the Rings: Conquest

Aiming to recreate the glory of the Peter Jackson films, Lord of the Rings: Conquest falls staggeringly short.

Spore "evolving" in 2009

A "Spore" computer game that lets people play God by designing life forms is evolving to offer versions tailored for children, space hunters, and fans of Nintendo Wii consoles.

Games offer cash rewards to sports fans

While professional athletes can earn millions of dollars, videogamers now have a chance to also take home tens of thousands of dollars in sports winnings without breaking a sweat.



Brendon Bartlett, 14, left, and brother Chad escape into the 3D-world of Nintendo's boxing Wii. The Wii's controller is a wand that reacts to a player's natural movements.

Dreaming of a Wii Christmas

When Nintendo's Wii debuted in late 2006, video game industry executives and observers scoffed, calling it a fad that would quickly pass.



A screenshot from Fable II: Knothole Island (Lionhead/MGS)

Review: Fable II Knothole Island DLC

While Lionhead didn’t hit it out of the park with their first Fable II DLC, they definitely got on base.





NFLers seek virtual championship

With just days until Super Bowl Sunday, a who's who of NFL players and celebrities are lined up for one of the hottest parties in Florida on Thursday -- the annual videogame competition, the Madden Bowl.



A screenshot from Fable II: Knothole Island (Lionhead/MGS)

Review: Fable II Knothole Island DLC

While Lionhead didn’t hit it out of the park with their first Fable II DLC, they definitely got on base.



Brendon Bartlett, 14, left, and brother Chad escape into the 3D-world of Nintendo's boxing Wii. The Wii's controller is a wand that reacts to a player's natural movements.

Dreaming of a Wii Christmas

When Nintendo's Wii debuted in late 2006, video game industry executives and observers scoffed, calling it a fad that would quickly pass.