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Golden Handcuffs

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BNET Business Dictionary

Golden Handcuffs
a financial incentive paid to encourage employees to remain in an organization and dissuade them from leaving for a rival business or to start their...
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BNET Resources

What Are CEO ‘Clawbacks’?
Capping pay is one way to send a message to Wall Street fat cats, but requiring execs to pay back their bonuses takes the punishment one step further. How Clawbacks Work There are two basic kinds of clawbacks, says Daniel Ryterband, president...
Tags: Compensation, Financial, Executive, Benefits, Financial Accounting, Human Resources, Finance, Peter Galuszka, Clawbacks, Executive Compensation, Sarbanes-Oxley, Misconduct, Golden Handcuffs, BNET Briefing
Articles 2008-10-03

Additional Resources

Social mobility requires more than breaking down barriers
What on earth can we do about inequality? We know the UK has relatively large disparities of wealth by European standards, though not by US or Asian ones. We know that there has been a huge and expensive effort by the Labour Government, and to be fair some effort by...
Articles 2009-01-14
Helping hand
THE best teachers are to be offered pounds 10,000 "golden handcuffs" payments for working at the worst performing secondary schools. The deal will form a key plank of new proposals by Gordon Brown, alongside extending free nursery and childcare places to 15% of the most disadvantaged families with...
Articles 2009-01-13
SAA managers paid millions to stay put
A dearth of top level black management skills is forcing South African government parastatals to pay fat "retention bonus" to keep managers at their desks. Government owned South African Airways, for instance, will pay 17 executives a total of R24m ($3.4m) a year until the scheme expires in November 2010....
Articles 2008-10-01
Crackdown on illegal workers; Suspects led away in handcuffs after raids
Byline: By ADAM JUPP Chief Reporter BOGUS workers were busted at a string of Tyneside takeaways. Officers from the UK Border Agency carried out raids on premises across the North East and found three men suspected of working illegally. At A Taste of Persia,...
Articles 2008-09-01
Time to go says council chief
COUNCIL boss Mark Henderson is quitting his job six months after signing a golden handcuffs deal. He announced the decision on the eve of local government elections that will choose the 67 councillors who will run the new unitary council for Northumberland. Mr Henderson was a...
Articles 2008-04-30
Pay snub
THE government has refused to become involved in a row over 20% pay rises scooped by three bosses serving on Northumberland County Council. Blyth Valley MP Ronnie Campbell was so angry about the controversial deal - dubbed the 'golden handcuffs' pay rise - that he wrote to Prime...
Articles 2008-02-14
Council grants boss pay deal
A GOLDEN handcuffs deal has given a county council's three top bosses a 20% pay rise. The rises are designed to ensure that the officers do not leave Northumberland County Council in the run up to it being merged with six district councils to form a new unitary...
Articles 2008-01-26
Stag dos.. and don'ts
WEDDING party revellers who handcuff one another to lampposts along Blackpool's Golden Mile could be fined up to pounds 300. Firemen in the seaside resort say the practice takes resources away from real emergencies. Lancashire Fire and Rescue hopes to have its...
Articles 2007-12-16
Wark's husband loses legal battle after row over 'email snooping'
By Ciar Byrne Arts and Media Correspondent Alan Clements, the programme-maker and husband of the Newsnight presenter Kirsty Wark, has vowed to appeal after his former employer won its legal battle to prevent him working for a rival television company. RDF Media, the company...
Articles 2007-12-06
Starting salaries for City lawyers soar to Pounds 60,000
Starting salaries for City lawyers have broken the 60,000 mark for the first time as demand for new talent soars, an analysis by a leading legal recruitment firm has found. Newly qualified solicitors at London's top firms have seen salaries rise by 16 per cent in the...
Articles 2007-11-19
Habana sexy time
SOUTH Africa's golden boy Bryan Habana has been with girlfriend Janine Viljoen for four years but has never had sex with her. Janine, who wears a "purity" ring, says she wants to remain a virgin until she's married. After last night's World Cup final the handsome,...
Articles 2007-10-21
I READ with interest that Aberdeen boss Jimmy Calderwood was hailing some of Gordon Strachan's dealings in the transfer market. But I was astonished that he thought Artur Boruc was now worth three times what the Celtic boss paid for him just over two years ago....
Articles 2007-08-19
Golden handcuffs
MOTORMOUTH DJ Gerry Ryan has been given a "Golden handcuffs" deal by RTE. Ryan, who earned more than EUR520,000 in 2005, has been given a huge pay rise following the deal. The contract means he will have to stay at the Donnybrook station until 2012. ...
Articles 2007-07-29
Pension changes challenge for Lawrence Livermore
FOR DECADES, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has been a unique place to work. During the decades of the Cold War with the former Soviet Union, it offered challenging work at competitive compensation that was clearly in the national interest. During that time, work centered on nuclear...
Articles 2007-05-13
They've Ballydung it now ... brothers are wanted by C4
RTE EXECUTIVES are desperate to slap a "golden handcuffs" deal on terrible twins Podge and Rodge. The Ballydung brothers' latest TV series ended last week and has catapulted the puppets on to the A-list celebrity circuit. But life for one of the...
Articles 2007-04-15
Abbott's 'golden handcuffs' to keep rural GPs at work.
By Marge Overs A NEW Medicare item for training for rural GPs and incentives to act as "golden handcuffs" to encourage older doctors to keep working are among proposals put forward by Federal Health Minister Mr Tony Abbott. Speaking...
Articles 2007-03-16
Football: O'Dea's got talent to go all way
I OULDN'T believe my eyes at the display of Darren O'Dea in the Celtic defence against AC Milan in the San Siro. The lad, who has just turned 20, hardly put a foot wrong - and it was incredible to accept this was only his 10th...
Articles 2007-03-11
Readers React
* Retaining the new doc Great article on physician retention in the Dec. 15, 2006 issue ["How to keep the new guy"]. The advice from the experts is consistent with my advice to clients and resident physicians, with one major exception. I strongly disagree with consultant Jeffrey Dennings "golden handcufF'...
Articles 2007-02-02
Staff POACHING NO SOLUTION As a specialist in a direct marketing recruitment consultancy, we have found that over the past three years there have been fewer and fewer graduates applying to enter the industry and less and less talent ...
Articles 2007-01-26
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