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Watchdog Sniffs Out Unwanted Invites

Here at TRUSTe, we’re constantly fielding questions and complaints from customers of the sites we certify, and most recently there was an issue with Reunion.com, a site intended to help former classmates stay in touch. While the site’s premise is good, they do run into some privacy issues from time-to-time. That’s why we’re here.

Recently we were contacted by Steve Alexander of the Minneapolis Star Tribune who had received a complaint from a consumer who had unknowingly sent reunion invitations to a number of estranged classmates and colleagues via Reunion.com. The consumer told Steve that Reunion.com had not responded to her complaints so he contacted us on her behalf.  Reunion.com is a TRUSTe sealholder and a part of our Watchdog program.

We let Steve in on the consumer complaint process. Because Reunion.com is a member of our Watchdog Program, and therefore a site we monitor regularly, we responded immediately to the complaint by notifying Reunion.com of the issue and then reviewing the website ourselves to determine how the incident may have occurred. The Reunion.com website has a feature that allows you to upload all of your contacts from an email account, check who is already on the system and invite those who are not. Reunion.com states on the site that all contacts from the registered email account are “auto” emailed, using the name and address of the user. The site offers a link to view a sample.  TRUSTe rechecked the site after the complaint to make sure these were still in place. In order to do this however, someone must physically enter the email account and password so in this case either the consumer did not understand that she was giving the site permission to access her entire email address book or someone impersonating her entered the information. Either way, Reunion.com promptly deleted the consumer’s data as requested, and apologized to the consumer for the any confusion the feature may have caused.

Satisfied with our explanation of how this incident occurred Steve posted his conversation with this consumer on his Q & A column in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Reiterating what we believed to have happened, Steve also suggested that his reader change her AOL login and password to better protect herself from something like this happening again. In an era where data privacy is more important than ever, it’s something for all consumers to keep in mind.

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Add comment February 6th, 2009

Every Day Should Be Data Privacy Day

“The more of our lives that we put online, the less privacy we have,” says Erick Schonfeld in his TechCrunch blog, posted today. In an increasingly networked world, where social networking, behavioral targeting, and information sharing online have all become commonplace, consumer privacy has come under siege. With the online world changing rapidly, consumers are beginning to feel that they don’t have control over their personal information. Today is the nationally recognized Data Privacy Day, a day dedicated to spreading awareness about data privacy practices, problems, and rights. One of the primary audiences is U.S. teens who have grown up using and relying on the internet as an integral part of their lives. Yet teens are not the only ones who need to be aware of how to protect their privacy online. The government, corporations, small businesses, and consumers of all ages need to be informed and proactive in protecting their privacy, as well as the privacy of those who are putting their trust in them.

Personal information has become harder and harder to protect; at TRUSTe, we like to think of ourselves as agents of trust – liaisons between businesses and consumers that help you determine who is trustworthy in an elusive online universe.   TRUSTe helps consumers and businesses by providing a universal symbol of trust that gives us confidence in the stewardship of our data.

To learn more about Data Privacy Day and how you can become more savvy about protecting privacy online, check out the Data Privacy Day website. Happy Data Privacy Day!

Tags:Current Mortgage Refinance Rates

Add comment January 28th, 2009

SmartMoney.com Recommended Websites All Secure User Privacy with TRUSTe

In a January 8, 2009 article for readers looking to “whip their financial house into shape” SmartMoney.com recommended five top websites to help. Mint.com, Thrive.com, SmartyPig.com, Rudder, and Bill Shrink. Given the need to build trust especially when it comes to financial information, its no surprise that TRUSTe certifies all five of these websites.

Tags:Current Mortgage Refinance Rates

Add comment January 21st, 2009

An Era of Responsibility : A Note From the Inauguration

Yesterday, I was privileged to be one among millions who witnessed the Inauguration of President Barack Obama and the peaceful transition of power in our democracy. This was a pilgrimage that family and friends and I have been participating in for nearly every inauguration since coming to Washington for college at Georgetown University and making the Washington area our home. We started out early from my home in Virginia at 4:30 a.m., walking to the Metro subway in the quiet darkness. As we walked, others emerged, including neighbors bundled in parkas, carrying the American flag.

From the vantage point of the West lawn of the Capitol, shoulder to shoulder with individuals who travelled from every corner of the United States, I listened to President Obama express not only hope, but confidence for America and for our world. He pledged that, “We will build the roads and bridges, the electric grids & digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together… and wield technology’s wonders…” He asked for our partnership and for us to shoulder responsibility together.

Good luck, Mr. President. We wish you well and will be willing partners in building a trusted and vibrant digital environment for the betterment of all.

Posted by:

Maureen Cooney
Chief Privacy Officer
Vice President for Public Policy

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Add comment January 21st, 2009

Pointers on Privacy and Trust for Small Online Retailers

The game has changed for retail. In an era of increasingly competitive online business, failing corporate giants and consumer fear over the state of the economy, it’s clear that small online retailers will face an uphill battle over the next year. The good news is, e-commerce may be the one bright light in an increasingly dismal world of retail, and there are simple steps retailers can take to improve their profits online.

Having a privacy policy is just one small step in an overall privacy program online retailers should follow, writes Fran Maier, CEO of TRUSTe. She offers other suggestions that can help e-tailers build customer relationships that keep people coming back - in this E-Commerce Times post-holiday column.

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Add comment January 5th, 2009

The 5th Annual Most Trusted Companies for Privacy Survey Results Announced!

American Express ranked as the #1 Most Trusted Company for 2008 for Privacy, retaining its place from last year despite the current financial climate. Rounding out the top five are; eBay, IBM, Amazon, and Johnson & Johnson. The technology sector also showed marked improvement as eBay, Apple, Yahoo, Microsoft, and HP all bettered previous rankings. Also of note, Facebook moved into the top 20 for the first time, signifying an increased trust in social networking as a mainstream communications tool.

Of the top 20 companies named, 13 certify their Web site privacy with TRUSTe. We are excited that our efforts to build trust for our sealholders have resonated with consumers on this level, and we see these results as a coup for the TRUSTe brand as consumers increasingly associate “trust” with “TRUSTe.” The survey notes a significant gap developing between the importance privacy holds with consumers and the sense of control they feel they have over their personal information. TRUSTe and Ponemon Institute will host a Webinar to discuss the Most Trusted Companies for Privacy award on January 21, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. PST. Larry Ponemon will present. To RSVP for the Webinar, please email webinar@truste.com with the subject “Most Trusted Company for Privacy Award.”


SFGate.com Article: Google off list of 20 most trusted companies

Ponemon/TRUSTe 12/15/08 Press Release

2007 Most Trusted Company for Privacy Summary Tags:Current Mortgage Refinance Rates

Add comment December 15th, 2008

TRUSTe Sweetens SweetIM’s Market Opportunity

SweetIM is a client application that enables users to enhance their email and IM conversations with rich media. Since its launch in August 2005, SweetIM has built a close rapport with its user community and feedback suggested that a third-party validation of the application’s behavior would enhance their experience. So earlier this year, SweetIM applied for certification by TRUSTe’s Trusted Download Program. “The program is an offer of additional proof of our commitment to our users, internet safety and good business practices,” company CEO, Gil Dudkiewicz. SweetIM was certified in October.

The process was rigorous and led to some changes in the SweetIM software. In particular, the TRUSTe review led to changes in the uninstall process to make it more complete; and any files left behind are clearly disclosed in the EULA. Additionally, users are more prominently notified during install that SweetIM is a toolbar. SweetIM has a large and fast-growing user base, spread across the globe, with 80% of their adoption via referrals. SweetIM thinks TRUSTe certification should help accelerate the process of customers referring the product in their social network by displaying the TDP seal on SweetIM’s download page. “We are convinced users will see the effect of our participation and be even more willing to pass the word,” said Dudkiewicz.

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Add comment December 10th, 2008

SmartShopper Provisional Status Lifted

TRUSTe is pleased to acknowledge the efforts of the SmartShopper application team to “walk-the-walk” when it comes to the behavior and distribution of the SmartShopper application. Originally certified and listed on TRUSTe’s white list on Valentine’s Day 2007 when it was owned by SmartShopper LTD, the SmartShopper application was made subject to a second Provisional certification period (lasting an additional six months) after it was purchased by Zango.  The Provisional certification period (which heightens TRUSTe’s monitoring of consumer complaints, ongoing changes in application behavior and notices, and distribution points) was considered appropriate because of Zango’s past reputational issues as observed by the security community.

During SmartShopper’s Provisional status, the application maintained an exemplary complaint rate with few issues reported and continued good practices with respect to application behavior and consumer notice. More recently, TRUSTe observed that SmartShopper continues to maintain accountability across its distribution network.  This is an enviable track record that can elude software publishers of any stripe. And it speaks to the strength of Trusted Download standards to enable companies to change bad behavior, or continue to exhibit good behavior and maintain a positive standing in the internet community.

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Add comment December 4th, 2008

The Future of Privacy Forum – TRUST in the digital world has never been more important to our economy and government

Consumers and citizens want to trust businesses and government with the use of their information. But with rampant data breaches and sloppy or overaggressive use of data, individuals also want to know that steps are being taken to protect them and to earn their trust. The Future of Privacy Forum is an important new venue through which individuals can lead robust dialogues about what is both needed and possible in commercial and government sectors to assure consumers and citizens of the ethical use of their data.

TRUSTe supports this important work and congratulates Jules Polonetsky and Christopher Wolf on today’s launch of The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF). Maureen Cooney, Chief Privacy Officer and Vice President for Public Policy for TRUSTe will serve on the FPF Advisory Board. TRUSTe hopes to contribute to the dialogue and range of solutions, as our mission is to assist in building trust online and business accountability for consumer privacy. Trust in the digital world has never been more important to our economy and in guiding transparency and efficiency in government.

Further reading…

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Add comment November 19th, 2008

comScore’s RelevantKnowledge Moves Past “Provisional” Label

comScore’s RelevantKnowledge is once again a Trusted Download with full whitelist and program privileges, after six months as a “Provisional” member. An early adopter of TRUSTe’s voluntary notice and choice standards for software privacy, comScore has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to improving network accountability and consumer control for their software.

Provisional Status is effectively a probation period that lasts for a minimum of six months, during which a white-listed application is subject to additional monitoring by the Trusted Download Program’s Compliance Team. After six months as a Provisional member of the whitelist with no material program violations, RelevantKnowledge today once again becomes a full member of the TDP Program. Additionally, comScore will now be able to use the new Trusted Download Seal at the point of download.

During the software’s Suspension from the whitelist due to the unauthorized actions of a rogue distributor , comScore developed, implemented, tested, and validated a technical solution that sharply reduces the likelihood of a recurrence with any of its distributors. And while the minimum time period for the Suspension was originally set at three months, comScore spent nine months developing, refining, implementing, and and rolling out this solution across RelevantKnowledge’s distribution network before being reinstated on the whitelist. Once back on the whitelist, comScore spent another six months under Provisional status to assure TRUSTe that the solution is working and that further rogue downloads are unlikely.

This process of violation detection, whitelist suspension, software and network improvement and reinstatement, demonstrates the intended outcome of the Trusted Download Program. The intent of the Trusted Download Program is to certify software developers according to a set of standards, to hold them accountable for meeting those standards over time, to take action when they don’t, and then work to implement technological controls, to change business processes or other steps that may be required to prevent abuse and improve consumers’ experience with downloadable software.

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Add comment October 24th, 2008

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